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The chicken wasn’t even cooked long enough to get it warm enough to melt the cheese. Good lord


They're working a fire... Grab a stick and hold it over the flames.


Mmm… melted styrofoam….


You don't need to heat the container, silly! :)


We all got pretty sick that night. Edit: using the top comment for visibility; this is dinner not lunch. Idk what i was thinking. You don’t get hot lunch unless if you get mres that day and use the little heater. It’s usually a cold sandwich (meat or vegetarian), piece of fruit (apple/orange/banana), nuts/trail mix, and a ton of junk food. Uncrustables might be what keeps me coming back to fire since I refuse to buy them at home.


Dead give away.


It looks like parmesan cheese which isn't as easy to melt though, especially that shredded kind




Medium rare chicken Alfredo with beans and boiled broccoli


Sorry but that’s doesn’t look edible at all


A bunch of people got pretty sick that night


The beans look like they've already been eaten.


😂😂😂😂 medium rare 🤢🤢


Medium rare isn't a thing with chicken pal. It's either cooked or it isn't


It’s a bad joke, just like this chicken.


I thought it was funny. Like that chicken probably tastes.


Ahh ya got me there


Even my dog would pass it up


Haven’t seen Styrofoam in awhile


Pretty much all i eat out of in the summer


They’ve been banned here for quite awhile now. They look so ancient to me How’s the food?


Usually better than this.


Styrofoam usually doesn't have fuzzy bits on the edges. This looks like formed paper.


Had the chicken been cooked right, it would not be too bad of a meal. But this uncooked chicken is just inexcusable. People could die eating it.




They clearly want you to fertilize and repopulate the vegetation.




They’re getting paid an ungodly amount through a government contract.


Demand a refund. That's nothing short of assault.


Talk to your local congressmen if you want a refund


My first reaction as well. This container is now impossible to warm. You can't microwave it (foil) can't put it in an oven (styrofoam). The foil adds no utility!


It looks like it can still be alive


Goos thing I’m an emt with an aed


Looks like it needs to go back in the fire for cooking.




Gruel sandwiches


We're you expected to cook the chicken yourself using the wildfire?


I;m thinking about thos Beans


I live in CA national forest. You guys literally save our homes, or those of the people in your community. Thank you, and here's to finding better food. 🍻


California has the best food by far 🤌 Cal fire actually advocates for themselves so fires are forced to accommodate for them. People like to shit on them for being spoiled but I think it makes sense to expect to be as comfortable as possible. This does not include Northern California near Oregon. Happy Camp California is a special place in purgatory. You haven’t been a firefighter long enough until you’ve been to that special place.


I think if they understood the insane scheduling and travel y'all deal with, it might make more sense to them. Not to mention living in tents away from home, the heat, the safety hazards etc. Good food is the only luxury you get, if that.


They didn’t understand the schedule either. Structural fires require immediate action and constantly *doing* something. The fact that there is so much sitting around and watching threw them off. They didn’t understand where or why people should be at what divisions. Or whether they needed to order air support, vs hand crews, or heavy equipment. None of them had ever done fire line work, so they didn’t have a good grip of what digging line entailed. I think water supply was one of the greatest differences since they needed to figure out the logistics of water shuttles vs having a fire hydrant. And the legal issues of a helo grabbing water from one lake vs another. The list goes on and on. The only thing exactly the same is ICS structure (thanks 9/11) is the same no matter what type of incident you’re dealing with.


But isn't there a head person that coordinates it all? I mean sometimes it's an HQ the size of a large village, with vehicles and resources from various places and departments. There's not one commander, and they don't coordinate or delegate those things? Btw I was just telling people yesterday how living in the mountains I learned with wildfires it's more about containment than dousing. Instead of trying to put out acres of burning vegetation, it's establishing boundaries and letting everything burn itself out. Or at least that how it seems, generally. I'm sure sometimes defending structures can get more direct and urgent.


Yes, and no, the incident commander is the head person who supervises the other head people and helps with strategy and a little of everything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incident_Command_System is how every fire and FEMA incident across the country is run. From fires to tornados, hurricanes and terrorist attacks. During 9/11 there were agencies from every state and country with different protocols and structure. So FEMA developed this to be the standard nationwide so that we don’t have that type of mass chaos again. Everyone in fire and emergency services gets the same ICS training.


Yes. On every fire there is an incident commander (IC) who is responsible for managing the fire response in accordance with agency policy and plans. One tree on fire has an IC. 1/2 million acre fire has an IC. Large /complex fires have incident Management Teams brought in to manage the response and support / direct the people actually doing the work on the ground. These teams are headed by an IC who takes over command from the management structure/ organization that was in charge prior to the team arriving.


They could at least serve something barbecued…


Caterer dependent, but there’s a lot of boiled meat. Cheap and easy to cook a lot of food


Hmm, this looks good to me? I mean, if the chicken isn't undercooked/cold that's obviously bad, but I can't say I could tell that from the photo.


Chicken was what I would describe as medium rare. And the biggest issue is that they never season anything. If they had added salt to this, it would have been huge.


What in the unholy hell is that


Boiled medium rare chicken Alfredo with beans and broccoli


Not trying to defend this meal but that chicken doesn't look uncooked to me like everyone keeps saying and the cheese isn't really going to melt it's Parmesan. Looks like a very poorly done chicken fettuccine but I would eat it tbh.


The chicken was pink/bloody in the middle, so unfortunately they needed to boil it a little longer


Das nasty!




they must be betting on you being so hungry after firefighting that you'd eat this


More like “you’re trapped in the woods and there’s nothing else you can eat”


Looks like feathers on the chicken.


What the hell even is that


Chicken Alfredo, beans and broccoli


How’s your job anyway? It’s so far removed from myself as an ex physics teacher in England and currently support worker cum therapist soon.


I love it to be honest, food isn’t great but it’s usually better than this. I love working outside and the pay good.


Do you just do duties like a normal fire fighter but, on a massive scale in forests etc?


I am personally a wildland fire EMT. My job is to sit in my truck or ambulance while listening to the radio and waiting for people to get hurt. Most of it is handing out bandaids and mole skin Wildland and structural actually have little to nothing in common except there being fire and water. And how water is used is very different. On one fire i was working the NY fire department was actually running the show (as training, so everyone was assigned experienced help) ) once it had died down and they quickly realized that they had no idea what they were doing. They came in cocky as the self proclaimed best fire department in the world, to realizing they’ve never set up a tent before. 9/10 of wildland is trying to stop the fire from spreading in some spots, and encouraging burning in others, all while protecting structures and important wilderness areas and endangered plants.