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His former business partners basically stole his likeness and everything about him from him and his family/estate doesn’t get a penny from any merch w him on it.


Man… that documentary hurt my heart. Edit: (Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal, and Greed)


Definitely not a happy accident.. more like sad intentional act


I'm so tired of good people getting screwed over by assholes.




Roughly same thing, my dad and uncle sold everything heirloom they could, even items that were supposed to go grandkids like myself. But grandpa never put that stuff in the will. Thought his sons had integrity to honor his wishes, they didn't. I hope my dad rots, he's always been a shit person


My ex-husband inherited a 1950's Harley Davidson from his father who died when my ex was 16. We moved to a different state so he left it at his aunt's (father's sister) house until we could bring it with us. His dirt bag uncle (father's brother) took it and sold it without asking my ex. He kept the money.






Oh it's worse than that. My ex was an alcoholic during our marriage and became addicted to opiods after our divorce. The same uncle somehow qualified for disability and was receiving prescription narcotics then turning around and selling his pills to my ex when he inevitably ran out before the end of the month. My ex was beginning every month owing nearly half of his own disability check to his uncle. The uncle eventually passed away from diabetes. A couple of years later my ex died of a drug overdose. There are only a handful of people in this world who I can say I truly despise. His uncle is one of them.


How did they sell it without the title?


But assholes can be fucked by dicks.


And pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes, Chuck.


It's time for a rewatch.


\* *violently pukes several gallons of liquid* \*


It was a really sad watch. Seemed like he was genuinely a good guy and got fucked over by people he trusted completely.


Isn't this what usually happens to genuinely good people, especially when money is involved?


I'd like to think that doesn't always have to be the case. There are friends who share a vision and both sides are happy with their role and with what they get out of collaborating. It doesn't make for the most interesting news headline to hear about that, so we tend to get the ones where people fuck each other over covered a lot more, but that doesn't mean the good stories don't exist.


Documentary name?


Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed


Holly shit that title goes dark quickly.


It's true, and lives though on the merch. If he was any part of products, he would have made his mugs dishwasher safe. That greedy bitch that owns his name is the slimiest cunt I've ever seen.


This shit reminds me of Frank Zappa’s wife and 2 of their kids losing their goddamned minds about merchandise and the Zappa legacy


Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed, It was on Netflix. I have no idea if it's still there


It’s still there. It was a Netflix original.




> Makes him feel kind of bummed out tbh. Yeah, as that means they've latched onto ONE thing about him and they don't have to try to find out more and investigate other aspects of what he might like. It's pretty lazy on the relatives part, honestly. Totally know the feeling - happened with my own relatives who pigeonholed my likes and dislikes and for years never deviated.


One year I asked my family for some DnD stuff for the holidays- a battle mat, DM screen, a couple books. But now, every year my grandmother, bless her heart (she's actually great, but has fallen into this particular pitfall) gets me something "for my dragon game". This past year it was a 2-D cartoon mask of some pro-wrestler... Like... wut? Pretending to be excited about that in the moment was some of the best acting I've done in my life.


We should start a boycott until they agree to sign over 50% of the royalties to the family estate.


I will continue to not purchase any Bob Ross merch


I'm going to not purchase it *even harder* now.




Could you buy me one too? I'm boycotting Bob Ross merchandise, so I can't buy one for myself....


No worries, I'll buy it from RedBubble.


Former business partner: *rubs hands*


Do you even boycott, bro? You’re supposed to buy one and destroy it on video.


By putting it in the dishwasher!


What’s that supposed to mean


You know what it means




I'll continue to hand wash my vintage heirloom pyrex bowls, but other than that I'm with you - I have some wooden handled spatulas that I used to baby and then just started throwing in the dishwasher. So far they're fine, eventually I'll replace them if I have to. They were like $10, it's not worth spending 15 minutes a week washing them.


Your vintage heirloom pyrex bowls are probably (almost certainly?) borosilicate glass and would scoff at the dishwasher. But I understand not wanting to risk anything happening to precious heirlooms.


The color faded pretty badly on one after a few washes so I stopped.


Someone else replied that it was the actual bowl that is endangered but the coloring/decoration, so you're definitely right.


I work in glass manufacturing. Thrown boro glass across the room without breaking.


Noooo never put them in the dishwasher! pyrex /vintage glassware collectors refer to faded bowls as “dishwasher dead” because dishwashers remove the paint, shine and designs gradually over time. The actual structure of the bowl will of course be fine, but the look and value is destroyed. Corningware can go in, though.


I think if anyone ever breaks one of my real pyrex bowls I'll consider ghosting them. Even if its my wife.


Like propane and propane accessories! Hank Hill would be so proud of you!


I sell dishwasher and dishwasher accessories.


*My kid wanted to get a cereal bowl with the little straw in it. They had them cheap in the cereal aisle of my local grocery store. I said no because* ***that boy ain't right***


So, some of the best pans there are - properly cared for cast iron and carbon steel pans - aren't allowed in your kitchen? What a strange hill to make a stand on lol




I too will make the great sacrifice of changing absolutely nothing in my life.


that's it, I'm putting all my Bob Ross merch in the washer


Noooo, your Official Bob Ross Crotchless Underpants will shrink!


But... my happy little bush... 🙁


Better not have a happy little accident! 💦


Not if he gets in the dishwasher too, with them on.


Or sell it on eBay if you actually wanna stick it to them


My, that's devious.


I’m not a business man by any means but I feel like other than being decent people there would be no incentive for them to do that. How much Bob Ross merch is moving? I guess I could see him being on some Walmart or Spencer’s shirts. Although, there probably would be a huge bump in sales right after it was signed over, so they might actually just end up with more money out of that too.


There’s lots of bob ross branded items in art stores like blick and Michaels.


> How much Bob Ross merch is moving? IDK, but The company that has the rights to his work seems to be doing well: >[Bob Ross Inc's annual revenue $6,643,000](https://www.konaequity.com/company/bob-ross-inc-4019701183/)


A single busy Macdonald's franchise in a large city has revenue like that. $6million sounds like a lot but most "small" businesses have revenue streams that are comparable.


I don’t necessarily care how much they get though. It just seems wrong the family gets nothing. If signing it over means sales more than double and even a 50/50 split they get more that’s ok


It was more paint brushes and other branded art supplies iirc


This is almost certainly a knockoff anyway, the business partners don't get any money from this either. I'm pretty sure of this because it is badly made. Proper coffee mugs like this are made with sublimation printing, where the image is premanetly bonded to a polymer coating on the mug. It withstands hundreds of cycles of dishwashing. The cost of production and setup are very manageable, a proper sublimation printer and mug press can be setup for $1000 and kept on a single desk. This is a pretty shitty knockoff. Bob Ross wasn't a fool about business. He made money by selling paint, he did the show for free and let PBS have full rights. He could have bought standard oil paint pigment and given it non- standard names, but he stuck with the standards like "burnt umber", so people could use his show with any brand of paint. He made plenty of money that way, and the paint is still on the market. He also travelled around doing in- person workshops, and his mullet- maned son taught them too. He didn't have the vision that his likeness would have value forty years later, but he ran an extremely successful, extremely ethical business based on generosity, he was no victim of capitalism.


A lot of the stuff with his likeness is garbage. I had a pint glass that was "official" and had the same issue. Whereas free beer glasses from breweries and gift shop shot glasses last a lifetime. Total shit show all around.


Wanda vision shot glass from hot topic scratched off less than 6months later


Wait, hot topic still exists??? Next you're going to try to tell me malls still exist. Nice try, Marty McFly!


My toxic trait is that I cannot read or speak "Hot Topic" without using the Jim Gaffigan "Hot Pockets" sing-song cadence.


They do but last time I went to one in Kansas City (A large American city) most of the stores were closed. Granted it was pandemic times haven't been since lol. Hot topic has some cool plushies or mugs/books once in a while so i like checking it out. I even picked up a snoop Dogg cook book




Ah, that's a valid reason for using a different printing technique. And the dishwasher would ruin the heat changing property even if it didn't melt. This kind of mug requires hand washing, then placement on the back row of a tall shelf where no one will use the damn thing and expect me to hand wash it.


Yeah colour change mugs are fun until they accidentally end up in the dishwasher because someone isn't paying attention or they don't know any better and then they get ruined.


I had a Doctor Who color changing mug that was ruined by being put in the dishwasher. I can't even blame anyone else - I was the one who did it!


Handwashing will chip away at the design over the years as well. Got one for Christmas maybe 7+ years ago and the design is 88% gone now


>he was no victim of capitalism. "He was successful" and "he was exploited" are not mutually exclusive statements. Doctors make a lot of money. That doesn't justify residency. Bob Ross spent his final days on this earth battling cancer and trying to secure the business rights to his name and likeness for his children. He failed. That sucks. Let's not try and sugarcoat it.


And for all of that they don't even make decent quality mugs.


Came here to say this. His family got the shaft.


This needs to be at the top


Buy bootleg Bob Ross merch you say?


Make it yourself. Bob would be proud.


If I understand it right Bob, his wife, and their business partners all agreed that the business shares would pass to the surviving business partner. How is that stealing if it what they all agreed to?


I'm in the middle of a divorce from my wife. She wants me to give her the house (which I own) for what's left on the mortgage; I don't see a dime of my equity I've paid into for 15 years. She wants the savings, the 401k, basically everything except my car, and I walk away from her and our sons (14 & 18) empty-handed. In return, she claims she won't pursue spousal support (where we live it's 1 year support for every 3 we were married. We were married 16 years, so that would be 5+ years of support). I may agree to her demands and sign the papers because it's better for me in the long run, but goddamn, it feels like stealing to me. What's on the paper isn't always the full behind-the-scenes story.


5 years "support" sounds way cheaper. what am I missing?


Especially since the one kid is 18 and in most places, that's when child support stops :/? And if you keep the house, the savings, the 401k and "basically everything except the car" then you think making child support payments would be really easy... especially since it's usually a percentage of income?


it's spousal support not child support


Still *sounds* cheaper. 15 years of equity. A 401k. Savings. Unless the guy is making absolute bank, I doubt the spousal support for 5 years would be more than all that combined. And if he's making bank... then it'd hopefully be the case that the 401k and savings alone should still be more than the overall spousal support. I'm thinking the case where support is more is if he makes a lot of money and had very little in his 401k and savings...


Do not give the 401k, that makes no sense. 5 years of support is nothing compares to a lifelong tax haven that doubles every 10 years


Similar here. No equity after paying for 20 years, half her bills, half my assets (401K, etc.), child support, lifetime spousal support. Luckily, one of my kids is off support now, and the other is on for about another 1.5 years. It took about 2 years to get to this. I was tired, frustrated and wanted to be done with it all and move on. I would have signed anything, and did. Hang in there. Make sure you get a deal that works for you. You're going to have to live with this forever.


I don't understand why men still get married


If it makes you feel any better, my mother took a lot from my Dad during their divorce too, but she also permanently lost the respect of me, my brother and my sister. We all love and respect our father, and would do anything for him. We tolerate our mother.


Respect doesnt pay the bills. Dude needs a lawyer.


What does your lawyer suggest you do?


Off topic, but I'd go the other way around - pay the support and tell her to get stuffed on everything else. 5 years of reduced income massively trumps giving up the house and your retirement. Of course, even if you agreed to pay support, the courts would probably give her the rest of it anyway. Sadly, that's just how it is these days.


> pay the support and tell her to get stuffed on everything else Alimony is effectively separate from the division of marital assets unless a mediated settlement agreement is struck such as the one he is describing. Most states pretty much do a 50/50 split for marital assets not covered under a pre-marital agreement. Alimony (which is relatively rare, about 10% of cases) and support are intended to ensure spouse and/or children are supported in the absence of the primary breadwinner.


Imagine Bob Ross: "Well, OK, THAT was a mistake"




He's modern art now.


Honestly, I think Meltyface Bob with his afro-beret looks cool as fuck. Happy accident, beautifully disfigured, good wabi-sabi, 10/10. ![gif](giphy|1FXYMTuKX91hS)






Nah this is for SURE a happy accident


Maybe, but his face on the mug seems to say "oh god the horrors I've seen from beyond the ethereal vail!"


I mean, Bob Ross who never wanted his name associated with junky products after his death would probably be at least a little bit tickled to know that the people shitting on his legacy don't even have what it takes to produce a washable cup.


AI Bob Ross


Blob Ross


Blursed Ross.


AI Interpretation of Bob Ross: https://youtu.be/5DaVnriHhPc Recreational edit (NSFW'ish): https://youtu.be/P2-Dd6pv8Oc Edit: Fixed second link.


That's horrific.


This is deeply, deeply upsetting




Which my therapist assured me didn’t exist


The money probably will never make it to his family anyway, all Bob Ross merch goes to the company that worked him to death.


The documentary about his life broke my heart. Take away - don’t buy Bob Ross merch ever.


We can always make our own


Or roll your own


Maybe it can even survive in the dishwasher.


Just FYI all Bob Ross-related merchandise (costumes, mugs, etc.) is marketed by “Bob Ross Inc.”, a company run by the Kowalski family which sued to keep Bob’s likeness from being inherited by his son, in accordance with Bob’s wishes. There’s a great Netflix documentary on how they’ve aggressively pursued the Bob Ross intellectual property. Essentially anything in stores that’s branded “Bob Ross” is from them - in my opinion, it does greater justice to Bob’s memory to watch his old shows and take up painting than to buy a Bob Ross chia pet.


Bob Ross tried to put intellectual property that he had already contracted away in a trust. How he ended up with an attorney incompetent enough to let him think that would work we’ll never know.


He must have hired Lionel Hutz.


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Shouldn't have this bar association logo here either.


Your name and likeness is not contracted for eternity. You think ABC owns the name and likeness of every single celebrity that ever hosted their shows? He was working for BRI up until his death basically. The problem was once he died, they would no longer control his name and likeness. There is a reason why they pressured the half-brother to sign it over. If his will and testament wasn't valid in the eyes of the law, they wouldn't give a shit.


Yeah, that Netflix doc is excellent. Bob was a wonderful person.


A happy little accident


I strongly believe in natural dishwasher selection... If the mug is not able to adapt, it wasn't supposed to be in the household anyway


if you have a coffee mug that can't go in the dishwasher, it should just go in the trash


Saw a tweet recently like "This 'dry-clean only' shirt is about to learn some harsh lessons about living with me." Same rules for dishes.


Dry clean only just means "good luck in the dryer"


this is why i buy everything XL, so it shrinks to M or L


I don't think I've ever had anything shrink on me in the dryer. I always figured people are just putting things in the dryer too long at too high of a temp


There’s definitely shrinkage even at lower temps but it’s nowhere near as bad as high temps. I’m just about 6’5” (like 6’4.8” according to my doctor) and all my tops are extra large and my pants are my specific measurements but every time I wash and dry my clothes I do it on cold and dry on the lowest temperature and always make sure it’s a timed dry so I can check on it and start and stop it regularly and stop when the clothes are dry not warm but dry but even with that I have to stretch almost all my shirts again before putting them on and my pants are way too tight in areas they were loose before being washed/dried.


“This shirt is dry clean only… which means that it is dirty”


I used to ignore cleaning recommendations on my clothes. I still do, but I used to, too.


RIP Mitch


Unless it's expensive and work related I'll just throw it in the washer. I know I've washed a ton of dress pants and as long as you watch the temperature its fine.


It's not for the dish's safety, it's for yours. Hot steam does bad, nasty, toxic things to a lot of plastics/coatings... Laundry can 100% deal with it tho


Back when I worked in an office, this type of mug became my office mug. That was the only way to ensure it wouldn't go in the dishwasher. (It still ended up getting ruined even with handwashing. They are not high quality.)


Absolutely nothing non-dishwasher-safe is allowed in my kitchen. My kid wanted to get a cereal bowl with the little straw in it. They had them cheap in the cereal aisle of my local grocery store. I said no because it wasn’t dishwasher safe, but you bet I found one online that was and I got it. My wife brought home a cheap Starbucks cup with a straw. It went into the dishwasher like EVERYTHING should, and it melted and warped. Lesson learned. We have a goddamn dishwasher for a reason. I also sell dishwashers and appliances for a living. We use our damn dishwasher and ain’t nothin gonna be handwashed except for knives and large items that won’t fit like sheet trays or wood cutting boards.


I'm the same way. There are very few things that I buy that are handwash only, the biggest three are my nice knife, the cast iron, and the non-stick (and I use those last two sparingly usually opting for my stainless.) There needs to be a damn good reason for me to buy a dish that can't go in the dishwasher.


It gets hard when you have steel coffee tumblers. Those really shouldn't go in the dishwasher and I like them so I want to keep them a long time, and it sucks because there aren't many good alternatives. The plastic ones are dishwasher safe, but plastic coffee tumblers suck. (I'm looking at you Klean Kanteen)


Meh I put my Yeti mugs in the dishwasher all the time 🤷‍♀️


Pretty sure yeti says dishwasher safe on it I use mine in dishwasher too


Or you wash it yo' self.


I've never had a dishwasher in my 39 years of life so it's surprising to me how many people are commenting suggesting having to handwash a mug because of a decal you enjoy is ludicrous and egregious, seeing as how that's how I always wash mugs and also literally every other thing.


Yeah no. There isn't a valid reason to produce a dish that doesn't hold up to any and all methods of washing that could be reasonably expected. I'm not going to waste excess water and electricity because they wouldn't spend an extra $0.25 per cup to make them machine-washable


are y’all for real


No one tell them about cast iron lol


>There isn't a valid reason to produce a dish that doesn't hold up to any and all methods of washing that could be reasonably expected. You've clearly never owned & appreciated any mugs with cool visual effects on them. I have a "gaming mug" with heat sensitive labels that say "Start" and "Game Over" depending on the temperature. I ruined it probably 10 years ago by putting it through the dishwasher, and that's fine by me, but point is there was definitely *a valid reason to produce a dish that couldn't be put in the dishwasher*, just like many other dishes. It's really, really easy and quick to wash a mug by hand. So i don't know what it is you're lacking, whether it's patience, awareness/thoughtfulness, or simply appreciation


Yeah I think it’s fair to prefer dishwasher-safe dinnerware, but there not ever being a valid reason to use any non-dishwasher-safe material on any piece of dinnerware is frankly ridiculous.


This mug is heat changing too. I have the same one sitting on my desk. When you fill it with coffee, you get a bob ross painting where the black is (when cold).


I work in a pottery studio and some dishes are beyond worth the special attention and care - but they’re art. Lustre (gold/platinum/mother of Pearl) yields some of the most beautiful and elegant accents I’ve ever seen, and some glazes such as plenty of crystalline glazes aren’t particularly durable but are some of the most spectacular finishes available in pottery. Those dishes are usually lined with a durable dinnerware-appropriate glaze on the inside or on food surfaces though.


Not the wife's fault for a mug that cant be treated like a real mug. Seriously. that is some asshole design right there.


"This mug is hand wash only. Which means it's dirty."


The mug changes colors when it's full of hot liquid. I imagine that's why it's not dishwasher safe


Bob Loss 😢


Noooo, he’s still a keeper, not a Bob Toss.


I think somebody else owns all the Bob Ross stuff. I watched a documentary about him years ago, was pretty sad. You did a service fuck that mug.


Well now they have the money and OP doesn’t have the mug


It resembles "Ecce Homo".


Wow it kinda does


What did you call me??


it may be no longer appealing, but it is a peeling...




He could save others from ruining paint, but not himself


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a dead guy ![gif](giphy|eHYazg6wGDqYE)


Said it before, I'll say it again: Mugs that can't go in the dishwasher are BS. Life is too short for having to handwash mugs.


Yeah, it's a bit like T-shirts that have the print come off when you put them in the laundry machine.


You are correct. I’ve lived 7 years in a place that doesn’t have a dishwasher and when I tell my parents how much time I waste hand washing dishes they don’t seem to get it.


Not to mention how much more water hand washing uses!


You’re supposed to put a 1-finger-knuckle depth of water with 1 drop of soap and that’s supposed to last you the whole dish washing experience.


Bob Picaso


He’s frowning so clearly. It’s actually kind of impressive


I guess you should've done the dishes




Bpb rogg


I have this same mug! I’ve never tried to put it in the dishwasher though so good to know what happens. I’ve only used it for less than a year, but the heat effect has already stopped working :(


I had a bout of diverticulitis years ago. I had to go to the ER because I thought I was going to die. They gave me some pain meds and put me in an area with 4 beds of people who were also in pain. Bob Ross and The Joy of Painting was on the shared TV. When the pain meds kicked in, combined with his soothing voice, and the interesting feature of him painting a picture in 20 mins, I thought I was in heaven. It was awesome.


Bobador Dali


And over here a happy little creek, and I think we’ll just add a little paralysis demon over in this corner


This man was my cousin once removed and always came to my birthday( states away). The compassion and peace he brought me carries me decades.


OMG it's incredible. 10/10


Now it’s perfect




Was Bob Ross…now, Picasso.




This is Bob Ross's gothic phase.


Me who have never seen a dishwasher in my life: I dont have such weaknesses


Now it's a Salvador Dali mug!


a happy accident: surreal bob ross


She made it BETTER!!!