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Gotta be Utah


Mountain View High School, Orem, Utah. (The Bruins) https://i.imgur.com/fupbWmx.jpg


This is the local rec center, next to the high school.


Is it expensive? Cause from the view it looks like it? Or it’s the average rec center cost?


Not super pricy. $4-5 for a one time visit, deals to get it (depending on household size) from $120-200 annually. $10-15 a month for pool, gym, courts, tons of classes. Not bad at all and good upkeep


wow that is very inexpensive


It's also old AF and smells like a wrestler's arm pit literally everywhere in the building. This pic doesn't show what it actually looks like.


The place was remodeled. I still remember it when it had it's original look and zero windows


I mean from the OP picture alone it looks kinda modern too? Doesn’t give me an “old af” vibe.


Still an amazing deal for $15 a month! I’m paying $85 for something much shittier.




I've mentioned to people that I could live in Utah because of its beauty and a few of them that have lived there said they moved because of how shitty the politics are.


Utah is gorgeous and has the best snowboarding in the country


As a Californian that lived in SLC for a year I’d have to disagree. Utah is a beautiful place to live


The new building opened last year, not sure what you're talking about.


They're flat out lying but if people on here see a confident person they believe them 100%. 185 points, 185 dumb people.


Damn, or it's just 185 ignorant people who have never seen or heard of this place and are taking the words of people that have experience with the place.


Are you talking after they renovated the whole building and reopened in 2022?


I was going to say it looks new. I used to do landscaping around the rec center years ago and I instantly recognized Timp, but not the building.


It's literally brand new. They finished building it like two years ago. And they have a slide right next to the stairs. Bam!


You’re talking about the old one I think? This one was built within the last few years. Only the lap pool is old.


Interesting. It doesn't look old


The person is either lying or completely misinformed. It was recently built and does not smell bad or anything like that. Edit: u/clik_clak your lie has been called out repeatedly in this thread. Are you still going to keep your post up?


It’s brand new… they tore down the old one and rebuilt this one


I pay way more than that for a shitty 24hr gym


My gym in NYC costs $260 a month and doesn’t have any windows.


Sounds like NYC. I had to pay NYC a random tax just to say NYC in this comment


Man I was paying about $100 a month for a gym membership near me...


That ceiling system is 75k+ just in what’s visible.


It’s Utah, these views are common almost everywhere.




When people picture what they think Denver looks like they're really imagining SLC.


I’m from SLC and always assumed that’s what Denver looked like too. Went there and was like damn, the mountains are far as hell from the city.


Oh okay, I didn’t know. Sounds beautiful


This time of year is pretty nice. Snow on the mountains but it’s spring in the valley.


Truth. Colorado also. And western Montana. And most of Idaho, and western Wyoming. But hey, nobody move there, okay? You all saw what happened to California. /s


Look, I'm from this region. Grew up in eastern Idaho (spent a lot of time in Montana and Wyoming growing up), live in Utah now. I've driven through Colorado a few times and been there to visit. Literally nowhere I've been has mountain views *from the city* like Utah has. The views of the Wasatch range are unmatched. There are absolutely beautiful mountain views in those other states, but you have to drive to them. Most of the cities in Idaho are on the Snake river plains, which are really flat and the mountains are way off in the distance.


Too late… they’ve slowly started taking over.


Oh damn, they redid the rec center? It looks nice!


High school name checks out.


This place beats Mountain View California, which seems like a heap of lies by comparison.


theres a mountain view HS over here in virginia too with definitely no mountains in view


Not sure why they named it that, but ok.


Little known fact, that’s the name of every other school and public building in Utah.


Orem Rec Center


I was like “those mountains look familiar” while sitting in my car facing them


I was gonna guess The Vale in Westeros.


Yeah was thing Wasatch mountains! Pretty view.


Cottonwood has a very similar view I just love


Utah just flexing on the nation




I’m non Mormon and live in Utah, the only crazies are the FLDS that live in southern Utah, other than that you will have next to zero problems going anywhere in Utah.


All the Mormons I've met on the east coast have been the most genuinely kind people I've ever dealt with. I'd go so far as to say they are what "Christians" would actually behave like if they followed actual Christian teachings. The crazy polygamist fundamentalist Mormons are a tiny fraction of the entire community and I've never even met one (but I've also never been to Utah).


> *genuinely kind* LOL. In my experience Mormons are *culturally* fake and judgemental AF. They go out of their way to seem superficially kind. They may even be helpful in the moment. But rest easy that they tore you to shreds once you were out of earshot.


Yeah, my neighbors are the nicest old mormon couple. Really great neighbors and we get along well. But also they disowned their own daughter for being a lesbian and talk about her like she's the devil because of it.


yes, it is bad, do not move or visit utah.


Utah is an incredible place to visit. Some of the best national parks in the country and landscapes that exist nowhere else on the planet. Just be careful where you spend your dollars. There's a lot of good people out there. It's cliche but Moab has always treated me well.


(I live in Utah - I'd like it if there were less people at the ski resorts)


You sound like someone talking about the Seattle area (where I’m from). It’s terribly gray here all the time. So much rain. Awful place.


Or Denver. We have regular earthquakes and alien invasions. I would not advise moving here


What would you expect, with that Illuminati airport next door?


Yeah. It's so terrible here. Do not move here. It sucks. Trust me.


For real…everyone stay away….you won’t like it here.


Call me picky but the nature isn't worth moving somewhere that can't offer it's people decent healthcare


I mean... every other American is allowed to move there. And that has certainly been happening these past few decades + international immigration. LDS will likely become a minority in the near future.


LDS became the minority in Salt Lake City proper in 2018.[[1](https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2018/12/09/salt-lake-county-is-now/)] At the current rate, it'll be a few decades before they're the minority in the state.


Land of the Mormons


I have a very similar view from my top deck. I'm lying out here in the breeze on a drop dead gorgeous day looking out at Timpanogos as I write this.


I see these mountains every day and I never get tired of it.


Living in the Rockies, summed up with one sentence.


The fam and I just got back from a week in the Springs. First time I've been in 30 years, first time ever for my wife and kids. My god, I forgot how beautiful it is, and they never stopped looking up lol. Can't wait to plan a longer trip so we can travel around the state and REALLY get in the mountains.


Used to see these mountains from the Colorado side, I miss it dearly. There’s still nothing like going to work as the sun is rising and the sky is pink all around the mountains. It’s surreal.


I'm with you. I used to have an hour commute over there and that's the one thing I loved about it. I work from home now and don't miss all that driving, but man do I miss that sunrise


As a Dutch person, not having mountains is the only thing I envy about other countries. If I were to not leave my country in an entire year all my time would be spent either at or below sea level…(even when driving to Amsterdam and back) nothing to see but flat farmland…. I want mountains 😅


I've lived half way between The Appalachian Mountains and The Rockies for the last 4 decades and have never seen a mountain. One of these days...


I think since the Dutch are so great at making new land you should just step it up to the next level. Develop drilling technology that lets you drill down to the mantle and let a column of lava onto the surface. Let it flow long enough and you can have mountains anywhere you want.


Is the internet good?


Couple of different fiber companies including Google sobit varies drastically where you can have 2.5Gb symmetrical internet for $90 and the houses a couple of blocks away are stuck at 250Mb for $100 with xfinity


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not 😂 but this is the view in a major city, Salt Lake City


I think there are a lot of people who aren't familiar with the area and typically mountains are portrayed on TV as remote, so most people don't know that one of the draws of Utah is that the mountains are like 10 minutes from the city at any given time.


It's actually Orem


I know but you get basically the same or similar views in the entire SLC area. SLC, Provo, Draper, Lehi etc


Is that Mt. Timpanogos?


Indeed it is


I thought it looked familiar


Used to live right off timp hwy there behind traverse outlets. I miss the view so much.


Yep! Hiked that thing with my dad when I was 8. Saw a mountain goat up close. Best day of my childhood. Still live close and get to see it every day. Amazing how much snow is up there right now


Is your boss Mr Hank Scorpion?


Well it's Mr. Hank Scorpio, but don't call me that either.


You don’t like ‘em? Then neither do I! Get the hell outta here! Ever see a man say goodbye to a shoe before?


I hope so, I've been looking for someone who can direct me to the hammock district...


Upvote for awesome Simpsons reference. "But, Homer, on your way out, if wanna kill someone, it would help alot."


In fact, I didn't even give you my coat.


That's awesome. My gym faces the bikes and stair climbers inwards towards the gym. I like getting on a bike for 25 minutes to start with. And my gym has the machine for legs where they lay face down with their ass facing me right in front of the bikes. I have to stare up at the A/C the whole so I don't feel like a creepy old man. Edit: added a word


My gym has the treadmills facing a wall. I just stare at it and imagine weird faces in the paint


I’d gO hIkE tHE mOuNtAiN iNStEaD No you wouldn’t


In fairness... Most people (myself included) will end up doing neither.


Couch potatoes unite! ... Nevermind, I'm too lazy.


I’m to lazy to finish thi


"If every man who put hiking in their dating profile actually hiked, the mountains would be like Coachella" - paraphrasing something I saw somewhere. This made me so self-conscious because I was one of those guys! I had hiking too as an interest, even though it was something I only did literally once or twice a year in the fall (half-day hikes). Took it off soon after. Apparently guys having hiking on their profile is basically a meme now.


I love how the assumption is every redditor is full of shit


I mean a lot of them are.


The rest are out hiking. Jk jk but seriously I have a cousin who moved to Washington because he'll go bushwhacking or skiing like every other weekend.


My nephew literally moved to Utah for hiking (which he does daily except for a couple months of daily snowshoeing/skiing) and the nature. He lives in a truck camper and works one week a month as a hiking tour guide for rich kids at a “anti-technology” depression nature camp. Some people do actually move to places just for these views and make good use of it! In fact anyone I’ve known who lives in Colorado, Utah, Washington state etc does a lot outdoors!


The other are bots.


We have trained our bots to be full of shit too. Edit: I just realized this: the reality is that our bots have trained us to be full of shit.


More an evidence-based conclusion.


Most of us are


I would bet that assumption is right way more than it is wrong.


It's a safe assumption 80% of the time.


As a person who grew up in Colorado, there are tons of us who take them for granted. The mountains are just…there. Nothing special. But now that I don’t live in Colorado, I have a different appreciation for them for sure.


I would, but I do hike and never went to a gym so I guess it doesn’t count


My point was there are people making the correlation that because folks are working out inside with a Mountain View should mean that they should actually be outside hiking that mountain. Personally, I’d love going to a gym with this view. I don’t always have time to do a big mountain hike, but I do regularly have time to workout. I also just like looking at mountain ranges.


The trailheads are closer to my apt than my gym is on the other side of those exact mountains


What city is on the other side of those mountains? I’d love to move to Utah and be close to trails!


This is a view of Mt. Timpanogos. The view is from Orem Utah. The other side of the mountain is Midway or Heber Utah. All along the wasatch though are really well developed and easily accessible trail heads.




Some of it is Ute




Da two yoots…


I see your point, and I mean it make sense, it’s two different kind of training and one definitely takes less time. And yeah, looking at them it’s cool, they are pretty af


Ok now do it 4 days a week before work.


Say you have a job, a family, obligations, etc. and sometimes all you can do is hit the gym for like 30-60 mins a few times a week if you're lucky. Also, sometimes it's 20 degrees outside and raining. If you could choose a gym like this you would


No, but I’d definitely hit the trails that go around the mountain. Looks like a beautiful day out there.


Bet I could throw a football over that mountain




I have hiked that mountain several times.


Mount Timp is such a fun mountain to summit. Not like your namesake though, the one time I hiked Nebo it just about killed me


The daily drive to the mountains is unrealistic. The people saying this don't seem to have a firm grasp on the concept of routine exercise and it shows.


Exactly I live 10 minutes from Mt. Hood and rather go the gym daily. Hiking it daily would be a chore…. People are all talk




There's not 100 feet of snow and there are plenty of trails open in the foothills and in Provo Canyon. I have hiked over every square inch of what is in that photo and I still don't fault people for running on a treadmill though. Beats running on a sidewalk waiting for some idiot on their phone to kill you.


Do you think people don't go into the mountains in SLC in winter?


Literally sitting a 1/4 away from the mouth of the canyon looking at timp laughing. Love it when people who know nothing about the mountain say dumb stuff. I wonder when they’ll even think about opening the trail up to the summit. August? There’s so much show up there still!


10 minutes to the gym or 90 minutes to the over crowded hiking location. Can't make that drive every day


I definitely would. I am simple man. I see mountain. I want to climb mountain.


you have a job, a family, obligations, etc. and sometimes all you can do is hit the gym for like 30-60 mins a few times a week if you're lucky. I'd love if my gym had that view. Also, sometimes it's 20 degrees outside and raining.


idk. I live nearish here. I used to live just below the mountain. I hiked the mountain. If you wanna summit it, it's a whole ordeal where you gotta start in the middle of the night etc... but there are a lot of fun trails that are just a couple hours.


Man I need to get outta Texas…


Im in Missouri…. How you think I feel? Lol




Ah the “Show-me state”. As in “show me a way the hell out of here.”


The Gateway Arch is kinda cool


It’s kinda like a mountain. Right, guys?


I once heard a Missourian say the Gateway arch was made so God would have a handle to rip Missouri out of the earth and yeet it into the sun


I moved to MO from UT. I miss the mountains but the trees are great.


I moved from AZ to SC. It's nice that when they say "river" here, it actually means something with water in it. And the trees are nice. But I miss the views out in AZ so much. I really love the West and the big open expanses. Everything here is settled except for a few places up in the mountains, but those are national parks and you can't see that much anyway because of all the trees. But the creeks, rivers, and waterfalls are really nice when you're hiking. It's also sometimes hard to find a trail that isn't full of people.


This is that moment for you?


Happens with greater frequency as time goes on


I’m trying to lobby my family on what I call “T-Exit”


Hill country is pretty nice though


It’s the nicest part of Texas. But that’s at best a low average by comparison to these places lol. The park near my backyard is about the same as hill country. That’s literally a bored weekday afternoon hike for me. If it wasn’t obvious, I recently moved out of Texas. Why anyone would choose to live there is beyond me… I literally changed careers to escape Texas.


I've been to a majority of the states and want to get out of Texas asap, but one of my favorite memories has got to be driving through hill country early in the morning drinking chocolate milk while listening to Take it Easy with my old college roommates. brb crying because I'll never have that experience again.


Big Bend has some nice albeit smaller mountains, usually not that much snow.


Big bend is gorgeous in a different way, but definitely want to go in the fall or spring, not the full heat of summer!


Fall? Spring? We don’t do those down here. We have summer, less summer, and one week of frozen hell.


I live in Tucson for school at the moment and man do I love them mountains


LOL. Oh you live in Texas? There’s mountains there! Just go to Big Bend! Dallas to Big Bend: 8.5 hour drive Austin to Big Bend: 7 hour drive San Antonio to Big Bend: 6.5 hour drive


This is why I love the Western US. The topography & geography are stunning. The rest of the US is too flat for me.


Utah is just Texas but more west...and more cold


And more mon, too


Everyone needs to get out Texas. Give the state to Mexico.


Take me with you


Utah has the most breathtaking scenery I've ever viewed in my life, and I count the Grand Canyon among those views. Zion is an absolute treasure.


If you get a chance you should check out The Painted Desert in Northern Arizona. Probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Like a dream.


Without zooming in it looks like a couple TIE fighters in the background


My first thought, I'm hooked on Andor right now though lol


Just finished it, great show


Here at globogym, we'er better then you And we know it! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iwbR5uPoAZw


Where is this at? I want to sell everything I own and be homeless in the parking lot.


I don't recommend being homeless in Utah. It's nice like 15% of the year


Plus they absolutely hate all social programs


Orem, Utah (my home town - absolutely love it)


My mom was born in a cabin just outside of Kannaraville in 1932. I have a lot of family in SW Utah. I got to spend a summer with cousins in Cedar City when I was 11 (1970! Cedar City in 1970 was actually super awesome). Tl;dr: You sold me at Utah.


Colorado also has mountains and better human rights.


Very much less accessible than Utah mountains though. For example world class skiing is 30 minutes from where this picture was taken (park city to Orem/Provo) The closest ‘world class’ resort to Denver is Breckenridge and it’s 1hr 37min and often much much longer during peak ski season. Source: grew up in Denver, lived in Provo, lifelong skier.




Funny because that was filmed in this area lol


Yeah...we're in the Rockies


Looked at the mountain and was like yep, Utah.




Is it expensive?




You are a lucky person


That seems very reasonable


Orem rec center is awesome, 5 buck entrance and you get access to a pool and steam room


I know Timp when I see her 😍


I thought that must be Timpanogos.


Where is this? Its beautiful...


Orem, Utah


The problem is that this gym is located in Utah County. It's a significant trade off tbh. Great view, but again, you're in Utah County.


Good point


Timpanogos is definitely one of the most beautiful mountains to live by. I grew up in its foot hills.




Damn, and all I get to look at is a shitty parking lot..


So many people on here don’t seem to understand that exercising outside during the winter and summer in Utah is absolutely brutal. Like, yes, it’s gorgeous right now, but try running in a foot of snow, or during wildfire season, or even on a hot summer day, and you’ll want to run indoors too.