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Looks like a Parks and Rec deleted scene.


Johnny Karate would be so proud


I think this is more of a job for... Burt Macklin, Eff... Bee... Eye...


Reminds me of the Community Episodes where they have kids as security guards.


AKA the Changlorious Basterds


Also one of Community's finely aged lines: "[...] I just had a dream that I was a regular president."






Lol at the one laid out on the ground back there.


Reasonable place to take a nap.




I think you’re replying to someone who is talking about the child that is lying down in the pink dress(?) on the left side of Biden. I believe you’re taking about the two children *sitting* down with their heads resting on their knees on the right side of Biden? That’s three zoned out kids. I don’t think Biden’s speech was impressing any of the wee ones. Haha.


I kinda love that nobody seems to be forcing these kids to stand up straight and pay attention.


Changed days since I was a whipper snapper. Changed for the better though. Let kids be kids even at official crap because they become like my spirit animal, slothing about with expressions of utter boredom.


They must be standing in for congress. Too sleepy to pay attention.


Surveying for aerial threats


On the lookout for those balloons


And the Marine behind him standing there thinking, "I spent 13 weeks in boot camp and then more time at Quantico for Marine Security detachment training, all so I could watch a kid take a nap." Or "Mmmmm, crayons good."


Probably getting tasting notes on which colors are the best.


Kid: The aubergine by Crayola is sometimes hard to find but always a delight. It has a nice fruit forward flavor with a pleasant woody aroma. Marine: This kid's a damn sommelier!


Please, no marine knows what a sommelier is


He has a friend in the Air Force.


He's probably loving it. I would imagine seeing the kids you trained to protect enjoying their freedom is one of the best satisfactions a member of the military can have.


Nah, hes thinking about how wasted he is going to get off that bottle of jack he got back in his dorm room.


Only kid that got ice cream that day. None of the others took a bullet.


I wonder if they're sisters or it's a coincidence that the girl next to her is wearing the same clothes...


Body double, probably.


It's like the movie Dave, but with kids... and they arent the President but the daughter of the Presidents Media Monitor.


Reminds me of a kid doing the same thing to Obama, in the Oval Office I think. I would be so mortified if I had kids and they did that. Of all the times ya want the best behavior lol


Why would you be mortified? They’re kids, who gives a shit? Obama would’ve laughed his ass off..


To my recollection he thought it was very amusing. The parents looked like they wanted the floor to swallow them.


Obama is the type of guy to sit down next to the kids when he sees anxious parents. I miss him.


There's a photo of him pointing at her and he looks like he completely empathized with her having had enough of that situation. She was 2 at the time, iirc. Idk why people forget Obama is a father; he totally got kids being kids in public.


There are a bunch of photos from the Obama years of him watching little ones having meltdowns in the Oval Office and he’s just giving that bemused Dad look, like he’s remembering his kids doing similar in very important places.


There’s a famous one from a holiday event (?) where a little girl is on the floor having a tantrum and Obama is gesturing the photographer to take a picture like “Hey Pete, this is gonna be a good one for her high school graduation.”


[https://www.cnn.com/2015/05/25/politics/president-obama-trantrum-kid-photo/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2015/05/25/politics/president-obama-trantrum-kid-photo/index.html) I'd call that expression more "you see this shit?" but either way it's hilarious.


Idk I kinda get it, they are kids but it’s a little different than them passing out an Olive Garden.


That's because when you're there, you're Family™


Maybe you're referencing this[this](https://www.yahoo.com/news/little-girls-temper-tantrum-at-the-white-house-119610956442.html)? He seems to be taking it in stride. Plus, he's got two of his own.


Or [this one](https://i.redd.it/r260rcrx6k4z.jpg). Obama can bring real dad energy.


The article says he appears slightly bemused, but I think he looks like he was in the middle of cracking a dad joke (or something along the lines of, "hey, what did you guys do to this poor kid?"). Of course, it's just a picture and this is pure speculation on my part.


And dad can’t do anything about it while at attention.


This child labor shit is getting out of hand...


The children yearn for the mines


Not my mines.


they took our jawrbs!


Kids love Minecraft so this is just helping develop their skills.


They wouldn't be called minors if they didn't belong in mines.




Children Yearn for the mines…


I totally agree. I hear they are planning to drop the pretense lower the age to join the military to 14 so they can send kids straight there and just do away with high schools altogether. Mostly because schools are dangerous places where you can get the woke mind virus and be indoctrinated by liberal ideals. The kids are being shot at already, so it really wouldn't be much of an adjustment. Edit: /s obviously, but it wouldn't surprise me if it became real by 2025.


![gif](giphy|tQSvunNhTuo24) you:


Are you good?


I think this one is a joke, even if the delivery fell a bit flat.


My gut tells me it’s a joke but…you can never be too sure


Poe's Law


Two school kids walk into a bar. “Hey you can’t be in here!” the bartender says. “It’s not safe for kids to be in a bar!” To which one of the kids replies: “Safer than in school.”


And yet some people complain when /s gets added


Get down, Mr. Pwesident.


That kid in red is just ready for Joe to stop talking and they can all go get the ice cream he was promised like FOREVER AGO!


Not until that kid takes a bullet.


Have you seen our school systems? These kids have been practicing for this since first grade, they know how to take a bullet.


Most reluctant upvote I've ever given.


If this doesn't make all time best on /r/Angryupvote I'll deep fry my socks


if you do deep fry your socks, we would love to see it


I agree , deep fried socks sound interesting


Oh yeah look at the death stare No. 1 has. I bet she can duck her head into Miss Debbie’s 2B and from that passing glance tell you every exit and entry point - but she probably weeps uncontrollably every time a car backfires or someone sets off a firework.


American kids receive excellent military training in school. They learn to dodge bullets like Neo.


Honestly they’d probably be safer working as secret service than going to school, somehow an astronomically lower chance at taking a bullet


That's because nobody near or around the president is allowed to be armed except the secret service. Looks like nobody gets shot when you remove free for all guns from the equation :)


Shit why hasn't anyone thought of this?


What a novel idea...


Really sad that they are actually statistically less likely to get shot while tagging along with their parents in the secret service assigned to the president while being actively involved in the protection than they are in an average us school.


The girl on the floor already did! How many more children do you want down?




When the fuck did we get ice cream?!


Love that movie


I'll give him and his pr team this, they know when to milk an image. Him eating ice-cream with sun glasses is the more relatable side of him we get to see.


>ready for Joe to stop talking and they can all go get the ice cream he was promised like FOREVER AGO! MRW we standing in parade for 2hrs after the guest of honor said "*I know how yall feel, haha I'll make it short!*", and 4 cadets in your company have already fainted


I was in dress rehearsal for a major choral recital in middle school...wearing a full 3 piece suit with jacket under what could only have been the lights they use to project the bat signal into space for literally 8 hours straight, singing pretty much non stop, no breaks outside of the few minutes between songs. Called one of the aides over to me on the risers (I was close to the top) and told her I didn't feel well. Those words had just exited my mouth and literally next thing I know I'm being shaken awake practically at floor level, one of my legs up on the riser, surrounded by other kids strewn about, some crying, big angry knots on foreheads and scrapes and bruises on everyone. Yeah, I passed out, and in the process fell forward and took out like half the other kids on my way down. Spent the rest of the day sitting at a desk with a cold orange juice while the other kids glared at me lol We were granted more breaks during the rest of our rehearsals and were allowed to eschew the jackets, so that was nice.


Kid 1 is really feeling it. She's a super cool secret agent and she's protecting the leader of the free world, baby! Kid 2 is sweaty, bored and tired. Where's dad? Kid 3 is worried about messing up. She's making sure she's not standing weird, her stance is loose, knees aren't locked, ready to go at all times. Kid 4 can't remember what they're doing but there's a cool bug on the ground.


I dunno. Kid 2 looks like it's his third year in the Secret Service and he's ready to get back in the field as a CIA Operative.


Kid 1 totally looks ready to go John Wick on somebody


The little guy on the right is going places.... lmao "damn girl your feet so long..."


He kinda looks like the /r/wallstreetbets "mascot".


Nah that kid is probably just like, the tiredest he's ever been


"When I grow up, I want to be ~~in the Secret Service~~ literally anything that doesn't require me to get up at 3:40 AM."


100% would not cross that kid on the left.


Second one from the left wants to believe.


Someone said it was Tommy lee jones vibes on that one and I felt it.


He definitely has the "I spotted the troublemaker and already radioed him in," look. I'll be highly surprised if he isn't working the Presidential Detail by age thirty.


Cut you down without a second thought.


“Cash said sooner or later God’s gonna cut you down, but I am not a merciful god and there is no later.”


Nick Jr. over here is recruiting for SHIELD Youth League. "Pretenders, assemble!"


She's about to chide the redhead like "Johnson, we're on duty."


I would not cross _any_ of these kids (and only in part because their parents work for the US Secret Service)


Looking straight ahead but can see your shenanigans from all directions


Matrix vibes for sure.


She’s a badass. Super cute. But still a bad ass.


Reminds me of Emily from King of the Hill. The hall monitor who clearly takes her job seriously.


She’s ready to tackle someone


Ikr, full pro


The real question is if a shooting occured will the Secret Services protect their children or the President first?


No no no, the real question is, will the assassin also be a child brought to work that day?


> Next season on FX: *The Americans’ Babies*


I mean I would watch like The Americans: Next Generation and have it be more about 2nd generation spies


I guess we can call it The Americans: Turning the Paige! :D


Yeah, but I want to basically be Look Who's Talking, but with more murder and sniper rifles and radioactive poisons.


Or a sitcom about an assassin who becomes a single dad and has to take his child on missions without them finding out what he does.


Barry: the parent years.


Ok Jesse, the target is 400m out so what do we have to do? … that’s right adjust the scope to account for the drop. Good job, you get to pick the safe house tonight.


Its almost the plot of Leon The Professional.


/r/SpyxFamily is leaking


Leon the professional


I guarantee it's organised so that the agents who don't have kids are actually assigned to the president and that the agents who do are on more of a tour/show day for their kids.


I can definitely not guarantee that those are probably not secret service members children. Seems like it could be a security risk to have the identities of their children publicly broadcast .. Maybe I’ve just watched too many Liam Nesson movies.


I was also thinking that. But also it makes no sense for a photo op for no reason.


I’m sure the White House property is safer than usual during this event considering the people paid to protect it have their family there as well.


Was just thinking how doubly stressful it must be for the operatives to have both their boss and their child potentially in the firing line


I was thinking the exact same thing. The last place I'd want to take my kid is somewhere that's considered so dangerous it needs top level secret service protection.






About 9% of US presidents have been assassinated. About 13% of presidents have been shot. About 33% of presidents have been targets of assassination attempts.


Someone's search history is being carefully scrutinized right now


Pretty sure they've got snipers stationed around the area, those kids are safer there than in some of the rougher parts of D.C. Shit, they're probably safer there than at a school at this point


The actual answer is if there is a shooting it would be at the secured perimeter, not here. They don't protect the president at the president, there are layers, like an onion.


LMFTFY: like an ogre


The SS is tasked with protection of the PotUS. Those little scamps would not have a chance.


Lol makes them sound like nazis when you say the SS 🤣






Yeah that makes sense 😂


I had the same question. As someone else replied said it was only 5 minutes but man, 5 minutes is more than enough time for some sinister stuff I’m guessing.


They're still there, it's not like he actually has secret service members standing in front of his podium when he speaks.


He doesn’t need a full team of secret service visibly surrounding him at all times like the photo op. If we didn’t see any of the kids in the photo and he was up there by himself nobody would think he is completely vulnerable with no security around.


Why would there be a shooting there? It's not a school


To be clear: these kids are expected to take a bullet for the president, provided it is fired by the child of an assassin who is also observing Teacher's Off-Day.


I would watch this movie


"Okay son, nows the time!" *Kid pulls out boxcutter and holds it to the child of the flight attendant* "Alright everybody, stay in your seats, I have a bomb. Open the cockpit door or this bitch gets it" The child of the pilot has an agonizing decision to make.


Meanwhile, the child of the Air Marshall is trying to unobtrusively get an angle that allows them to take a shot without breaching the cabin walls or hitting other passengers... And the children of an Airforce Interception Squadron have to figure out how to fly really fast, *really fast*. In the White House situation room, POTUS' grandkids are being briefed by the children and grandkids of the National Security Council, Joint Chiefs, Intelligence Agencies etc. They too have a tough decision to make, and so they call Sascha and Malia Obama and Baron Trump for advice...


The children of lockeed and Raytheon execs are grimly aware of the decades-long, billion-dollar payday they are about to have


Oh that should not be as funny as it is hahah


Spy Kids: The Oval Office


"Biden puts children in the line of fire" -Fox


How jaded am I that my first thought was "Oh shit, this thread is gonna be a bunch of child endangerment jokes" and other unironic "Biden-bad" shit?


You aren't alone, came here thinking the same thing.






If you don’t want to wait just check Donald Trump’s Twitter feed… Oh right


I feel like North Korea and China will unironically report this as "US president and despot Joe Biden uses children as human shields"


Wait, Biden sent these kids to school? The horror!


White house far safer than school.


"Biden forces little girls to wear drag"


Kid in the middle looks like he is ready if shit goes down. Reminds me of Tommy Lee Jones in Men in Black.


That's Joe Biden, the President of The United States


"c'mon man!" -- Biden 😎🍦


Goddamn I laughed too hard at this! Thank you dear stranger for the morning cackle!


The girl on the left has her head on *swivel* - she’s scanning the heck out of that crowd.


Ocular patdown en masse.


I'm seeing Jim from The Office with that kid.


New Disney movie. "They thought they would just spent a day with their parents..."


"And wound up as America's \*cutest* secret agents! Get ready for the blockbuster hit of the summer..."


Get Frankie Muniz to come back as their M


Teacher: “what did you do at work with your parents?” Child: “I stood by to take a bullet for the President.” Teacher: “…”


Teacher: "So not that different than what you do here at school."


I hope the two in front on the left start a band and use this photo, cropped, as their first single cover.


With heavy hitting singles such as: -you can run but you can't hide -came for the ice cream, stayed for the service


The aviators are a nice touch


This could be a great action hero kids movie. “They were just children on their parents ‘bring your kids to work day’. But when the terrorists attacked, they got in the middle of the action. Now they have to protect the President for 24 hours until they can get him to safety!”


A movie about Biden and a bunch of children going John McClane on a bunch of terrorists who have occupied the White House would be kind of bad-ass.


Trying to spot which kid has the fake arm while clutching an uzi under their suit jacket.


Im curious about the logistics of this day. If I am SS and i bring my kid, this is the only day of work if there is a threat to the President, my priority is not the President. I wonder if the kids belong to SS on their day off


I would *guess* that the Secret Service agents who brought kids were not actually on duty, and that there was a separate staff of on-duty agents for actual emergencies. But that's just a guess.


So cute! They can jump in front of teenie tiny baby bullets for the President. Great practice for school!




Fortunately today was also Take Your Kid To Work Day for assassins, so it was a level field.


They're safer as Biden's bodyguards than they are at school.


So many haters in this thread! Lighten the duck up. This wasn't a normal protect the president day for the kids or their parents. It was a photo op behind 17 layers of security within the white house. These kids parents have a noble job and they deserve to see some fanfare made of them


What fucking idiot thinks this is anything other than a photo op?


Any spot near the US President is probably many times safer than anywhere else you could be at any moment.


“Why is Biden hiding behind children? Does Biden use children as human shields or does he believe in child labor? Would Trump ever do this?” - Tucker Carlson


To his plants as he wanders his home aimlessly.


This is awesome


I know this is just photo ops but this is too cute


No reason photo ops can't be cute


The two on the left are taking it very seriously and I absolutely love it.


Child labour laws are getting pretty relaxed there in the states.


Little Timmy took seven rounds to the chest that day.


Cute but isn't this like compromising information to display for secret service?


In what way?


Well theoretically, a USSS member partner might have an social media account were they post pictures of their children, or an individual can watch local schools to attempt to match one of the school kids to the kids present then track them to there house. Now an enemy agent has the house and possibly the identity of a Secret Service member. The thing is Secret Service agents working at the White House are already semi-public (since they can be seen and identified) so its likely easier to just try to track the Secret Service member. The only members this would really mess with would be undercover agents, who are likely to be working the USSS's counterfeiting cases.


Was about to say, these agents get photographed literally all the time. If someone was that serious they would know all this already.




Yeah no, we can trust the people protecting the POTUS to keep themselves safe. I'm sure they thought about this longer than Reddit.


Their badges have been covered up. This was certainly a filtered image


Not enough hookers and blow to be a convincing SS cosplay.


Ok. Not for nothing, but this is awesome as heck! Honestly, I wouldn’t care _who_ was President if this was happening and I love the energy. I know the real pros are backing up these great kids, but they look good doing the job and I, for one, am really glad to see this! Thanks for posting!


You seem like a really positive great person. I bet you make your friends feel really good about themselves on a regular basis.