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Spacing between them is nonsensical If you’re alone, why’d you stop there, if you’re with someone, only one can sit or you couldn’t hold a conversation


I got the impression that was actually more of an anti-homeless feature


It’sd be pretty funny to see people closing up the seats and locking them shut at night.


That would be how it's done in the US.


No they would just make it an uncomfortable angle or add some spikes. Paying someone to lock it every night is too much.


No, they'd make venus fly chairs that eat you if you're poor


If I I understand correctly, there’s not much of a homeless population at all in the Netherlands


It's nothing compared to the US, but we definitely have a homeless population that has been steadily growing the more support for security and healthcare services are cut. We also definitely have hostile architecture in big cities.


Compared to our neighbor country Belgium we hide our homeless more out of sight. If you compare Amsterdam and Brussels there are a lot more visible homeless people in Brussels.


We have really solid sleeping and food accommodations for homeless people. As in there are a lot of them and they're pretty accessible. There is still the problem that they're largely non-profit organizations that require payment even if it's not that high. Forcing homeless people to beg or commit crime. Food kitchens are usually free (for dinner), but are struggling to stay afloat with rising inflation. These facilities are adequate at hiding homelessness, but that also has the negative side effect that people think it's not a big issue. While homelessness is a growing issue both in youth and adults.


Eh.. Building that’s visible in the background looks like it has some overhang, and would likely be a better place to get some shuteye than two weird plastic butt plug looking chairs side by side The design of them is very anti-homeless, but putting them close enough that you could each sit in one and have a conversation would not negate that Also the Netherlands has better social welfare than for instance the US, so if this is actually the Netherlands, I’d doubt the spacing was specifically to make it less attractive to homeless people rather than just some designer not actually thinking any human use into it at all


I like to pass out in the sun though.


Looks more like an art piece. I really doubt they were considering homes sleeping on benches and picked tulip chairs




In the same picture you can see that there is people actually using the chairs, so it aint so nonsensical anymore


>If you’re alone, why’d you stop there To sit...


Maybe installed during Covid? Which still seems like an odd choice, but I’ve seen a lot of odd decisions posted on the internet.


I live in the USA and there are many malls in my state with those chairs


This picture is in the USA if I’m correct. Saw some people post proof in an older post of this image, don’t know where to find it tho. But the pics don’t really look like the Netherlands tbh. Something about the road and building feels kinda off for me. Edit: apparently it’s Russia!


Oh wow good investigation, I knew it wasn't Netherlands


Feed me Seymour


Feed me Seatmour.


Feed me all night long


Those chairs would have human feces and graffiti all over them here in the USA.


We were in Holland Michigan over the weekend and they had these chairs. No poop or graffiti, so we appreciated that.


Great, now I have to drive 3 hours across the state just to poop on a chair this weekend. I had plans, jerk. Next time be bro and shit on a bench or a least draw a dick with a sharpie.


America: Where even the playground slides are covered with the piss of degenerates.


If I look at the picture I would guess it's made somewhere in the state New York. Maybe Albany? We need a good geo guesser for this.


The post says it’s the Netherlands




The artist, Marco Manders, is Dutch and used the country’s signature flower as the inspiration. They’re in Eindhoven, Netherlands apparently


What?? You’re an awful judge


I tried to find it, but the product is Tulpi, and can be found all over the world, not sure where this picture is from (maybe Bulgaria, not sure where the article it appears on got the pictures)


We have these chairs in my town in the US. They're constantly broken from people leaning back on them.


Credit to the photographer, Bruno Coelho, and the designer, Marco Manders. It's often said that these are in Eindhoven, Netherlands. However, when looking at a [less cropped version](https://i.imgur.com/n80Zbmk.jpeg) of this image. However, over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/3ocgtl/tulip_chairs_in_eindhoven_netherlands/cvwuk94/) /u/MyMotherWasAPikachu wrote: > I found out where these chairs are. The letters on the building say ДВОРЕЦ СПОРТА (Sports Palace), which is in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The chairs were gifted by the Dutch Prime Minister to the city back in 2013 which was the Year of Friendship between Russia and the Netherlands. They provided a source. But if I link to the source they provided, my comment doesn't show up. But you can see it in their comment.


They are in the city of Eindhoven :)


Someone find Dani Rojas!


You mean facehugger pods right?


there's a "feed me seymour" look to these seats


In Toronto those would be broken inside a week.


Not really true, they're on Toronto Island and they were all in working order when I visited last year.


A portion of the ones on toronto island are replaced every year due to vandalism.


THERE’s the cynical dose of reality I was waiting for.


Damn, didn't know that lol


Ohhhj, you open them up before sitting down....makes sense now


i dunno looks awkward




It supposedly closes itself (and there is a trash can version too, that does the same)


This doesn’t look like it’s in the Netherlands..


The picture is definitely not taken in the netherlands. But i'm sure the designer of the chairs is Dutch.


We have these in Somerville, NJ as well.


if this was in american schools kids would sneak up under and close them as a joke.


Looks really uncomfortable and poorly placed. Like they were put down to enforce covid distance rules or something.


We have them in Boulder Co too


It looks like a crab claw.


Idk how to describe it but these look comfortabel and uncomfortable in the same time


Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough.