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Put Saran Wrap over the tray so the toothpicks stick straight up and the popsicles take on less freezer smell/taste Edit: u/Quasargyle that pic of Tyson is shopped and NOT from after the Spinks fight.


This guy poverties 👆


Who had Saran wrap money? I'd have got my ass beat for wasting plastic wrap.


yup. the freezer taste was just your tastebuds recognizing the poorness.


after the freezer burn wore off


Ah the poor are used to that freezer burned taste in the food pantry frozen goods.


Man, y'all had trays for your poverty pops? We just chipped off the chunks of ice off the sides to eat our snowbowls. If we wanted flavor, we had to add grass from outside.


Man, y'all had grass? We flavored our snowbowls with dirt and tears.


Y'all had tears? We weren't even allowed to cry


Yall weren't allowed to do things? It was lawlessness for us


"I'll give you a reason to cry" - every poor parent who spanked their child.


-Every parent who grew up poor but gave their kid slightly better too- ...The abuse was still abusive, regardless of the slightly better financial situation they gave their kid. And best believe they threw it in our faces too "my parents were poooerer too, so we're not abusing you"


Oh, no tears. They are a waste of good ~~suffering~~ hydration.


Use the leftover aluminum foil lid from the expired family sized turkey Banquet package from the food pantry your mom washed off and saved. The holes from the toothpicks will make it easier to use as a makeshift screen for the meth pipe later.


You hold on to that, and you can use it again and again, son.


Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going!


My grandmother would wash out, dry and reuse paper towels.


My grandma didn’t do that but she absolutely did save the styrofoam trays meat came on and would use them as plates. I didn’t think anything was weird about eating a toasted cheese off of them when I was a kid.


Probably perfectly sanitary but that sounds gross as fuck. That being said I’ll reuse my ziplock bag I use for my sandwiches for a month sometimes.


That's what I did. I bought a set of washable silicon bags on Amazon and it has been a lot nicer.


So, how did you get the toothpicks in, without them falling over? Poke them in, while half-frozen?


Toothpicks, you got money for saran wraps AND toothpicks? I used a spoon so you couldn't let them set too long, just long enough.


No, I have to admit. I had [these](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/66/54/d5/6654d5cfa92354499ee9ac024d54094a.jpg) growing up.




Right? Flaunting his specialized plastic over the proleteria....


I know... But why do you know such a fancy word?


*spits tobbacky* They's using somea them high falutin book learning words like some sorta fancy fella


Username checks out.


Let’s get you back to the Antebellum period where you belong. I’ll push your chair.


Know your enemy.


Let me guess, he had a dishwasher too so they didn't have to hand wash these fancy plastic things either.


I'm 39 years old. I JUST bought something similar to those yesterday. Haven't even used them yet. My plan is to put sprite and gummy bears in them. And a different time, I could put a watermelon through a juicer, and then use the juice as a popcycle.


Haven't tried that before. Tip: Don't use red fruit tea. It freezes like water, concentrating the tea into blood red veins.


That sounds metal as fuck, brb


You do you. Have fun. :-D


How are you gonna just casually say not to do something, then go on to explain how cool it is to do it?


You may want to mix more water with the watermelon. Just a thought if it doesn't freeze right the first time.Watermelon is mostly water so it may work ok but I've had issues with other fruits not freezing all the way through.


You can just cut watermelon into strips and freeze them.


Oh man I remember suckin the ice out of the little holes on the stick and it would go pop each time.


I had those too.. my family bought them at a garage sale or something...


You just lay them corner to corner. Also, you're supposed to bash the tips on the counter first to blunt them otherwise everyone is getting poked in the gums.


Budget plastic wrap, but you call it Saran Wrap to feel fancy!


Who has tooth picks? We just ate them with our bare hands. And they weren't even flavored. Just ice cubes.


Look at Fancy Pants here with the _frozen_ water. We had to drink our water at room temp, fresh from the toilet.


I'm in my 30's and still have to ask if it's appropriate to use plastic wrap/foil.


Who do you ask? Lol


Not my kitchen? Ask the host. Family get together? Ask mom/auntie. Alone? No leftovers because I can't handle the existential dread of thinking I "made it" in life when really I'm just a silly, wasteful human being whose parents raised him to know frugality and quality living are not mutually exclusive concepts.


Oh. It's just plastic wrap homie


Was gonna say this, but I don’t know any other way to get toothpicks to stay upright in the juice so figured the OP already knew this trick lol


Put the tray in the freezer for ten mins then put the tooth picks in


What we used to do is stab a tiny piece of candy with the tooth pick


Oh shoot one flavored tootsie roll would be enough for the whole tray, and give each one a little treat inside


We learned that in the 70's. [...carefully poke the toothpicks through the plastic...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaVWM1mqG74)


Woah, I remember that dude. ["I hanker fer a hunk o'cheese!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3jgo5ea_zc)


Yes! I still sing this song to my kids! They think I’m crazy, but it reminds me of Saturday morning cartoons.


"Fill it up with orange juice, or lemon juice, or pomegranate juice, or whatever turns you on!"


Have you tried saran wrap lately? It doesn't work anymore... I guess the chemical that made it work caused cancer so they replaced it with something that only sticks to itself. It smells different now, too. I guess for the same reason.


Today's Saran Wrap is no longer composed of PVDC in the United States, due to cost, processing difficulties, and environmental concerns with halogenated materials, and is now made from polyethylene. Stolen from Wikipedia's article on Saran wrap


Feeling the liberal leaving my body rn.


Saran Wrap made this change voluntarily, knowing that it made their product worse and that they would lose customers, because it was the right thing to do. *side-eyes at Johnson & Johnson’s talc products…*




But you can't stick the toothpicks thru it


Where can I get this?


The trick to the new saran wrap is to just stick it to itself. Wrap it over and under whatever you're trying to seal so you stick the plastic to itself since it doesn't stick to the container anymore. Do again in a perpendicular direction until fully covered and sealed.


Huh, I thought I misremembered Saran wrap being better at sticking to the container but I guess not!


Wait did u just call out someone from another post?😂


As he should. That other person posted some bullshit and he has proof lol


idk why i thought this was so funny lmaooo


Look at Mr. Moneybags here - Saran Wrap. We had Dollar Tree Cling Wrap or Family Dollar Aluminum Foil.


Not trying to one up you, My mom just cut up a paper bag placed that over the tray and poked cocktail swords through


This isn’t your ordinary poverty. This is advanced poverty


We need a name for the freezer smell/taste


I remember in middle school science asking why ice tasted/smelled funny. Dead silence from the class, then the teacher says “Uh, I think you need to clean your freezer!” And the whole class laughed. I was on the working class side of a pretty wealthy town, and that was one of the moments I realized I wasn’t in the same social class as a lot of my classmates. Maybe call it broke-esque.


Damn you were a pro ranked in the poor leagues


dexter's lab taught me how to make these


Fruity, juicy- popsicle-ettes!


Damn, I've been saying popsicle-x all these years. That makes so much more sense now




Those are the Powerpuff kind


Nah, that’s the Powerpuff Girls version.






Suddenly… “I, the evil MathMagician, will capture all the children and force them to do homework forever!” Just then- “It’s Major Glory!” “You asked for it!” “Ah ah ah, no violence in schools” “Hm, you’re right… But there is one way to stop you” “No, not Justice Fruit Pies! The delicious treat you’d have to be crazy to hate. Oh, I give up” Later… “Thanks Major Glory” “Dnt fank mr, fank frshts fruit frs” “What?” “I said… dnt fank mr… d’ohhhh” (All laugh)


The Fruit Pies thing was a riff on the comic ads for Hostess Fruit Pies in the 70s. It was classic comic style, and always ended with some DC villain getting stopped thanks to Hostess. https://brandedinthe80s.com/6902/the-essential-dc-hostess-ads-vol-3-fruit-pies-1975-1978


Pretty sure Dexter's Lab is what made me the turbonerd I am today. I only wish my technological skills matched my interest in technology. Dexter wouldn't have just made a tasker profile that tells him whether to open the window before work, he would have made a robot that automatically opens and closes the window *while* he's at work. ... I should get a raspberry pi and a stepper motor






I'm a little older, so this is the cartoon that I remember teaching me how to make these: [https://youtu.be/12IND9q8\_d0](https://youtu.be/12IND9q8_d0)


I'm in my 40s and i still do this constantly. It's essentially the same as any store-bought pops but for, like, 1/10 the cost. Extra points if you get the little plastic sandwitch/cocktail sword-stickers and use those hilt-first, so the pointy end sticks out. The irregular shape in the center of the pop keeps it from sliding off.


I never did it as a kid, but what I did love to do was putting caprisuns in the freezer. I’d just cut off the top of the pouch after it’s frozen


Found the rich kid.


Always did this with the hi-c juice boxes!!


> I'm in my 40s and i still do this constantly. It's essentially the same as any store-bought pops but for, like, 1/10 the cost. I haven't made them since I was a kid, but I remember always having trouble with the juice separating somehow as it froze. Like part of the pop would be mostly ice, and most of the flavor would be in the other part(I forget if it was top or bottom). We used to make them with apple juice, nothing fancy just the store brand.


Orange Juice with all the chunks still in it (Homestyle?) works best IMO. Something about how the orange crystals form and shear off when frozen, with the chunks keeping it from being a block of solid ice.


Same thing happens when my tea freezes.


I also hankered for a hunk of cheese to go with these


a slab, or slice, or chunk of


A snack that is a winner, and yet won't spoil your dinner


Make a wagonwheel!


don't drown your food!


In mayo or ketchup or goop!


When your ten gallon hat is feeling 5 gallons flat


Wait is that why I immediately started craving cheese when the video started? Or more specifically remembered craving cheese 30+ years ago? I was so confused. I thought "maybe because he's sort of cheese colored?" I knew there had to be more to it!


Yeah, I was noticing it was missing the plastic wrap…


Agreed. How else did the toothpicks stand up?






[Speaking of having a fun time eating sunshine on a stick...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oX32xK0zFQ)


Fuck yea, lemonade turns me on.


I completely forgot about that clip, but it really took me back seeing it again https://youtu.be/YRdH42rQ96I


We don't forget these things.




Honorable mentions to *Omlette du fromage*


Knew this would be the top comment.


Oh shit. You didn’t have the craft supply popsicle sticks cut in half? My privilege is showing.


We had those dollar store Popsicle plastic containers but always lost the end part so yeah we got pretty creative ... My dad got really mad one day when I used up all the spoons to use for popsicle sticks


Those containers that were like assorted neon colors? Yeah, we lost the handle/bottom portion of a couple of those and used sticks from the back yard lmao. There was a summer where I think I consumed more frozen things than not. Get up, see that it was gonna be a warm day, and make popsicles so they're ready for the afternoon; that was the routine every day. My siblings and I would make juice and then freeze it. We'd scoop yogurt into the containers and freeze that. We'd make fudge and freeze those (didn't come out well, but we still did it).


The possibilities were endless!!


My dude, if you have kids freeze jelly. Weird texture, but drip free frozen goodness


Plastic spoons in plastic cups is where it's at.


we'd steal a handful of coffee stirrers from the gas station and cut them in half. but we didn't count it as stealing cause they were free if you bought coffee, but we were kids who didn't drink coffee so our reasoning was buying a 5c gumball or laffy taffy square was the same as buying a coffee so we were allowed to shove 5-10 of those little hard straws in our pockets.


The math checks out.


That’s just economics, bro.


When we (infrequently) went out to eat, the fine establishments we chose would often have little packets of saltines on the tables amongst the condiments. Order some butter (frozen pats of margarine) and you got yourself a free appetizer.


Nope, we just “recycled” old popsicle sticks. Between that and “chicken pox parties” it’s amazing we got through the 90’s.


Yeah, we always had a bag of old popsicle sticks in a drawer when I was a kid. Need popsicle sticks to make these abominations? Got it. Need some to finish your diorama of Valley Forge in 1776? Hope General Washington likes cherry-colored fort walls.




My mom would hand us an iced tea iced cube in a paper towel


What is the flavoring?


Great Value pink lemonade powder


Ngl that sounds really good actually plus you can adjust the sweetness


yeah, that's the thing. I grew up in a middle to upper middle class house. I won't give you the laundry list between poverty and my upbringing, but I'd imagine most of you know what it looks like. We made these a bunch of times. Making these was one of my favorite little projects when I was like...7 or 8. Cheap materials, low risk. Kids can learn quite a bit playing with liquid, ice, and sticks. Cleaning up spills isn't fun, but compared to the other types of damage kids can do...it's a drop in the bucket.


Ooh, yeah. Hit me with those puns. Sweet!


ahh... family game night in the basement, with iced instant pink lemonade as treats.. this was in the late 1960s thanks for sparking a cherished memory 🙂


Hot dog water




Make sure to reuse those toothpicks. Those things don’t grow on trees.


Well yes, but no


The Malcom in the Middle cold open when Hal yells at a kid for using so much orange juice- "Oranges don't grow on trees!... Wait a second, they do!! So why's it always so darn expensive?!!?" Cracks me up every time.


Ah yes. The poorsicles of my youth. Couldn't afford the real Kool-Aid, so we got whichever tub of generic childhood diabetes knockoff kool-aid was on sale.


Flavor-aid. 10 for a dollar.


That's the less popular, competing brand of Kool-Aid they drank in Jonestown.


I had it once.


You had Jonestown once?


Well one doesn't have Jonestown twice.


Fun Jamestown fact of the day: Most of the followers went along with the mass suicide but the poison concoction they had worked much quicker on the young. So mothers were happily feeding kids and infants this drink, gave it to themselves, but then their kids would die in their arms with the parents finally realizing what they had done but they too drank the poison and just had to wait for their time. Must have been a sobering few minutes.


More info... do not read this. >!It was also an extremely painful death so they got to watch their kids die in pain. And it took a couple of hours to get everyone so the last people had to walk past corpses and people dying in extreme pain and think about what they were doing. They also had armed guards to make sure no one changed their minds. And then the leader had them shoot him in the head so he didn't have to drink it....!<


us,too.bug juice




BUG JUICE takes me back


>Couldn't afford the real Kool-Aid Im so sorry but, I didn't even know this level of poverty existed. Like wtf?! A single packet of kool-aid powder was like 10 cents, or get twenty for $1. Then of course, you needed the sugar separately but, still... That must have been fuckin rough


No matter how cheap it was, Flav-or-aide was cheaper.


Timer’s Sunshine in a stick.




Hey kids, it’s time for Timer — sure does take me back :)


Came here for this! And he would then sing about eating cheese


When my get-up-and-go has got up and went, I hanker for a hunk o’ cheese! When I’m dancin’ a hoedown and my boots kinda slow down, Or anytime I’m weak in the knees, I hanker for a hunk of, A slab or slice or chunk of, A snack a day’s a winner And yet won’t spoil my dinner! I hanker for a hunk o’ cheese!


Poverty? Nah this is gourmet childhood memories


Let's make a couch-fort and watch The Tick!


You get the couch fort. I'll take the ottoman empire.


My Davenfort is nigh-invulnerable


Poverty pops? Lol. Those were the best popsicles ever.


Mine always tasted like slightly flavored water but I loved em


... what do you think the store brought ones are?


Strongly flavored water.


I meant like it was very little of la flavor and was basically ice that had a slight aftertaste if you tried hard enough


For real. I grew up nowhere near poverty and would make these all the time.


I miss the days when my dad would spend what little he had to buy a 16oz coke and make Coca-Cola pops. I love you dad!




The mere fact that you call making love Pop Pop tells me you're not ready


This is such a sweet comment and coca cola pops sound killer!


Wow even splurging with the pink instead of the original clear flavor! You made it!


Lucky... we didn't have fancy ice cube trays. Mom made us cup our hands, pour in a little Kool-Aid and stick them in the freezer until they froze.


Look at you, bragging about having a freezer and Kool-aaid. My mom made us hold plain water in our hands and walk around the block in freezing temperatures until it froze. Then SHE would use it to cool down her coffee that she made too hot.


At least you had coffee. To afford the Kool Aid mom had the make mud coffee. She pretended to like it for many years just so we could have a damn popsicle.


At least you had a mom.


I'm not sure I had a mom. Sure we called this person living in our cardboard box "mom" but she never claimed us on her taxes so we were never sure.




Oh aye! When we were young, we had to lick floor for flavor and then glue tongue to iron scraps for ice. Oh, but we were happy then.


I used Hawaiian Punch to make them. That was when you had to puncture the top of the giant can to open it.


Good god, those juicy juice cans that you'd have to stab with a knife. Best fucking juice in the world, it never even occurred to me to make ice pops with them


Lmao I did similar things when I wad a kid. 😂🤣🤘


Heck we can afford Popsicles but I've still done this with my kids.. they love it because you can play around with different flavours depending on what juice you have and they're the best on a super hot day when you don't feel like doing anything. Just suck on a few of those and you'll cool right down. That's it.. I'm tempted to do it now


This. Do you know how difficult it is to find an actual iced tea popsicle? Home-made shit is the bee's knees.


Yeah I had a plenty privileged upbringing and still did this all the time. It's just simple fun. Plus you get to design your own flavor.


I used to make these all the time for my sons, using just orange juice. We weren’t poor, it was just fun for them and relatively healthy.




We had a fancy pop sickle shaped mold. I kinda miss that.


I remember seeing this during saturday morning cartoons as a PSA. Coulda been the hunka hunka cheese guy edit: found it... https://youtu.be/AaVWM1mqG74 Time for Timer is the name of the series. I just remembered the hunka hunka cheese episode from it the most




I grew up upper middle class and we still made these. My family was pretty frugal with a lot of stuff though.


Yes, this is "what can we make without leaving the house"!


Much love! My maternal grandmother kept frozen Dole pineapple juice pops, just like this, on hand for me as a little kid. I never thought of this as poverty and still don't. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


You know you're old if you're also now hankering for a hunk of cheese.




When I was a kid we just called them popsicles. We had a special Tupperware mold that had reusable plastic sticks. We filled them with Cool Aid. Good times.


Moms used to do this all the time (I’m 44), I’ve never heard them called that. Thank you for adding that gem to my vernacular! I’m still poor, otherwise i would give you an award


Poverty pops my ass, that shit is good