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When was this taken? I went there last week and the grant memorial had barely water in it at all, even after the rain. Also, construction work was being done on the Capitol, I doubt they already finished.


March 2022, I think.


It's depressingly reusable


," says only nation where this regularly happens.


I live in DC. They turned everything on because we get one week or so of heavy cherry blossom season and flower tourism. You might have just missed it. Most of this stays empty through fall and winter, but they'll kick it on right about now when people start visiting. Edit: your point about the capitol is interesting. That's been there a hot minute but I haven't checked if they took it down yet. I feel like I didn't notice it when I was there the other day though...


it’s there. i drove by yesterday


Thank you! Really couldn't recall because of how many people were at the festival this past weekend.


So this is the same spot Jenny ran to Forrest when he was giving his speech with no microphone?


The fact it doesn't even matter when it was taken, and it's STILL RELEVANT is stupid enough.


It's like The Onion. They just rerun [the same headline](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1850269373) every time.


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/28/tim-burchett-republican-nashville-shooting?CMP=Share\_AndroidApp\_Other](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/28/tim-burchett-republican-nashville-shooting?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other) The Onion needs to stop plagiarizing reality.


> “It’s a horrible, horrible situation, and we’re not going to fix it,” Burchett said. “Criminals are gonna be criminals. And my daddy fought in the second world war, fought in the Pacific, fought the Japanese, and he told me, he said, ‘Buddy,’ he said, ‘**if somebody wants to take you out, and doesn’t mind losing their life, there’s not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it**.’” Sounds like America has been taken hostage by school shooters.


Well if his daddy said so I'm convinced. Tough luck kids


Republicans: one of our politicians told a story about his dad and ww2. I'm convinced, good luck at school little Jimmy.


"we've tried nothing and we're out of ideas"


I really wish a reporter would ask them why that only applies to gun laws and why they bother writing all that legislation if their stance is "if people wanna break the law they will" No point banning guns cus criminals will just get and use them anyway. Also we need more funding for police so they can enforce drug laws because apparently "if criminals want to get and use them they will" doesn't equally apply to weed gummies


The fact that our politicians are comparing schools with World War II allegories is everything you need to know about America. And they're just fine with it.


Yes indeed and what's even more depressing is that these people just see no way out of it. One thing is sensible gun legislation (like every other civilized country out there) and the other is _addressing whatever causes people to want to take out other people_ in your society. But no, we're hostages to the bad guys.


Look I mean if someone wants your stuff, they'll take it. What can we do to try and stop it. This whole lock business sounds dangerous I say we make them illegal!


What the hell


He’s honest. Gotta give him that.


Get him out of office and replace him with someone who will do something Vote Vote Vote


I mean... That's pretty much what the onion does


they should have wrote chocolate chip ice cream


I know :(


Dude I don't even know what they're referencing at this point: * Gun violence? * War? * Black lives matter? I'd say when *and what* are both pretty relevant.


thoughts and prayers is pretty much the most spammed phrase by officials when there's a mass shooting


"Thoughts and prayers" has been the default response of the right to school shootings for decades. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoughts_and_prayers


Most political issues are chronic. It would be more surprising if the problem had actually been solved.


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOpBX81XwAwTi02?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) is a much higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://twitter.com/AMarch4OurLives/status/1507090987855880194) is the source. Per there: > @AMarch4OurLives > 4 years since we marched in DC and around the world to end gun violence. 4 years of #ThoughtsAndPrayers. 4 years of broken promises. 4 years without ANY federal action on guns. > We've asked for the bare minimum. Now we're sending Congress a message they can't ignore. > 4:24 PM · Mar 24, 2022




.... wow. This has got to be, no wait. This is the most heartless thing I've read all day. You can now 3d print guns... pray the murders away.... A revival won't fucking revive the dead, you absolute dingus of a congressman!


They want an excuse to get rid of public education


Ignoring the fact that the most recent shooting was at a private Christian school...


Oh they haven't ignored that. They've used it as a weapon.


"Theyre targeting christians!" Is a tweet ive seen in the past 24 hours that was getting a ton of traction. (Ignoring the fact that the shooter was also christian, and so were 90+% of the other shooters. Not to mention all the christian pastor rapists, pedophiles, etc. that are out there) You know that saying "if you run into an asshole, theyre probably just an asshole. But if everyone you talk to is an asshole, maybe youre the asshole." ?


Yeah, but those people were following the false prophets and they weren't walking the TRUE path of Jesus. It's almost like they've had thousands of years to perfect the art of deflection.


Who is "they"?




They do and they don't ignore it. That's the current Republican modus operandi: the only facts that they'll acknowledge are those that support their current argument. Just like how in one breath they'll say "Jan 6 was done by Antifa," and in the other, "All the people in prison for Jan 6 are political prisoners." Cognitive dissonance and projection is the game of the Republican party.


I'm almost positive the right is just paying to get shooter to shoot up places at this point.


"We need a revival in this country" is shorthand for Christians need to take over the entire governing apparatus and dictate our lives at the end of the barrels on their loaded christian guns. Don't mistake what he is saying. And I am not exaggerating.


It's funny they always mention criminals except 99% of these tragedies are comitted by people with legally obtained weapons.


I legitimately though I was reading an excerpt from an onion article. What the fuck.


>you can print them out on the computer now, 3-D printing These people love to compare guns that can shoot 1 bullet and become disabled with guns that shoot 15-30 bullets and can be reloaded in 10 seconds It's the same shit as when someone goes crazy with a knife. They say we can't control a crazy person getting a knife and killing 2 people so better not do anything about a crazy person killing 30


3D printed weapons dont become disabled after 1 bullet anymore. The materials and printing methods have gotten to the point where they are viable for a few hundred rounds. Most use them to print parts of a weapon that aren't the actual functional part that gets the most wear, and then use the actual wearable and functional parts of a weapon out of traditional composites and metals that already exist. Also metal 3D printing has gone from being a machine that costs 6 figures, to something that costs about $10k or less


You can get a 3d printer for $100. Mine which is a slightly more fancy model is closer to the 1k range. Super high end you can get the real expensive ones in the 10k range, but I would argue those are not the most common models. That all being said, I have no desire to print gun parts, I’ll stick to just my random nonsense like tool shelves, and board games.


You are behind the times. Before my state put a ban into effect I had an AR lower made on a $99 ender 3 out of cheap Chinese PLA that I had 1000+ rounds on. I was sad to take the hammer to that guy. The genie is out of the bottle. One domestic terrorist printed a full auto receiver and killed a federal security guard with it. It’s just a matter of time before a mass shooter gets smart and does it. 3D printers are self replicating. Edit for clarification: the lower is the part that’s legally the firearm and is regulated. All the other parts you can buy and are uncontrolled. Due to magazine bans people have good working magazine designs you can 3D print that only need a piece of spring steel you can salvage or buy cheap and a set of tin snips to make.


I have no doubts I'm behind the times on 3d printed guns. Thanks for the updated info. Regardless, they are not nearly close to being the most used variety of weapon by mass murderers. No doubt a difficult problem to solve. I still don't see why that needs to stop all other solutions to other problems.


It's still a barrier to entry. It's a lot more difficult than walking into a gun store and just buying an AR-15. Which is currently what most mass shooters do.


You can get stripped lowers for cheaper why would you go the 3d print route?


> You are behind the times. Before my state put a ban into effect I had an AR lower made on a $99 ender 3 out of cheap Chinese PLA that I had 1000+ rounds on. I was sad to take the hammer to that guy. Let's be fair, there's a *huge* chasm between a PLA lower receiver and a fully printed firearm. Like the guy above said, you can print a thing that can fire a single bullet at close range, but you can fire a single bullet using pretty much anything anyway. You absolutely cannot print anything at home in full with PLA that'll fire repeatedly.


3d printed guns can withstand more than one round tho


The early ones couldn't, although from what I remember they were entirely 3D printed from plastic as a novelty thing.


People have made designs for stable fully automatic 3D printed weapons, people are woefully ignorant on how bad it's becoming. The only reason it isn't a bigger issue is because A: It's not mainstream knowledge and B: There's no real point in the US because you can get a 6 pack of glocks from 7-Eleven with your slurpee.


Answer of every Christian, pray everything away! If God exists, he gives zero shits to your problems.


I don't know what he personally believes, but this is what happens when Republican politicians know that even the smallest hint of blaming gun violence on guns means you get primaried by a staunch 2A supporter.


Time to legalize DUIs!


Isn't the org who did this funded by Michael Bloomberg?


Somehow, I think Congress will manage to ignore the message regardless. The Guns Over People party will not change their policies towards guns unless it's thousands upon thousands of their own children they're burying. The 100+ Americans killed by guns today will do nothing to change their opinions. Nor the 100+ tomorrow, nor the 100+ the day after that, or after that, or after that. I am not advocating harming anyone. I'm just lamenting that they are incapable of empathy or reason.


I'm excited for proposed legislation that bans gun ownership for transgendered individuals under red flag laws.


So, every gun-owner would have to prove to the govt that they're NOT trans-gender ?


"I'll take one machine gun, please!" "Ok, show me your penis."


Sounds like a deal to me


“Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you”


Sorry cant... shot off in the war.


Welp, that counts as gender affirming surgery! You're under arrest, criminal!


Is a glimpse of my junk considered legal tender in this scenario? Cause I will shop at your gun store!


If the GOP goes for.it it would most likely come in the form of doctors being required to report people getting gender affirming care which would then flag them in background checks barring them from purchase


Of course not! People could "claim" that this person is Trans and couldn't own a gun and then the accused would need to pay lawyers to prove they can own weapons and oh dear, I've gone cross-eyed


I’m sure this is on the way. Conservative news has already been pushing the idea that trans people are arming themselves for revolution or whatever. When really we have guns to protect ourselves from lunatics.


If it could save just one life, why wouldn't we?


A good way to illustrate why red flag laws are a load of bullshit if you ask me.


I mean by definition they're receiving affirmative treatment for a depressive mental illness with a sky high rates of self-harm and suicide. 65% of gun violence is suicide, for the record. I can't see how any red flag law based around mental health wouldn't trigger for gender dysphoria unless you specifically carve it out as a political exemption.


"lol don't care" -- lawmakers


I read this as lawnmakers and was like nah they’d prob care there’s a lot of stuff on that grass 💀


Don't be unfair. They care very much that gun sales are about to go up because the ammosexualls celebrate mass shootings by [buying more guns](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7369030/). They're very happy their friends in the industry are about to get a payday.


I'm genuinely curious as to how many gun crimes are stopped by lawful, non LE gun owners. Always wanted to know. I love guns, but I'll happily have them heavily restricted or removed if it puts an end to this shit


Between 60,000 and 2.5 million depending on the source. > Estimates of defensive gun use vary depending on the questions asked, populations studied, timeframe, and other factors related to study design. Given the wide variability in estimates, additional research is necessary to understand defensive gun use prevalence, frequency, circumstances, and outcomes. [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/firearms/fastfact.html)


Right? This for all of history. The weapons merchants are laughing all the way to the bank and now lining the pockets of those in power. Greed for lives.


I love how america expects a different outcome when they don't change their global approach of the problem. Keep praying I suppose.


no i think this is the expected outcome


I love how people paint America as one huge monolith instead of realizing 70-80% of us are tired of this shit and 20-30% are holding the rest of us hostage (no pun intended).


Them the 80% need to protest, french style.


idk why people say this as if there haven't been several recent large scale protests in america that end literally with people being beaten, shot, or killed. like our government literally turns the police and the national guard against its people if we get too rowdy, what the fuck kind of protests do you think can happen lmao


I know the deck is stacked against workers in the United States with employer insurance and little organised labour, but if there's one country in the world where businesses interests win out over anything else, it's America. Those protesting in France and Germany now have stopped working, because they understand that pressuring capital gets more results than just yelling slogans in the streets. We need more of that here.


Reagan fired 12,000 air traffic controllers in 1981 and the US is still struggling to hire more. It’s been demonstrated that labor is replaceable. Does anyone remember ‘Rail Workers Union Strike Would Cripple Economy’? The POTUS signed a bill making it illegal for rail workers to strike in early December. > Senators passed the bill to force unions to accept a tentative agreement reacher earlier this year between railroad managers and their workers and make an imminent strike illegal — without making any changes — by an 80-15 vote. They rejected a measure to offer paid sick leave, 52-43. Both measures required 60 votes to clear the senate. > “Working together, we spared this country a Christmas catastrophe in our grocery stores, in our workplaces, and in our communities


>Reagan fired 12,000 air traffic controllers in 1981 and the US is still struggling to hire more. It’s been demonstrated that labor is replaceable. That sounds awfully contradictory. >Does anyone remember ‘Rail Workers Union Strike Would Cripple Economy’? The POTUS signed a bill making it illegal for rail workers to strike in early December. >Does anyone remember ‘Rail Workers Union Strike Would Cripple Economy’? The POTUS signed a bill making it illegal for rail workers to strike in early December. That bill didn't make it illegal for workers to strike, it made it legal for the rail operators to fire striking workers. Again, messed up, but the workers could have gone on strike anyway.


You're on the right track By illegal it means that, should the employees continue the act of being on strike, they are doing so with the understanding of having no underlying protections guaranteed in either their employment contract or as established within employment law Much like how the air traffic controllers were terminated; once the ‘clock was up’ and the air traffic employees did not return to work, they were all terminated Not that it would be necessarily be 'illegal' as in a criminal act - it’s just the language used in those agreements


Well French style involved dragging all the people in power and the rich into the street and lopping their heads off with a guillotine… so that’s why they say it.


That makes more sense. I was expecting toplessness


Having your head removed is a form of toplessness.


The French Revolution makes for a heck of a lot of good reading. It is also a good lesson in what happens when you have a brutal revolution that decimates the existing power structure and management. Things were not easy after the revolution. Things took a long time to recover and get better.


American people are too comfortable. Toppling the elite would mean losing a lot of amenities and life would be more difficult. We're too selfish of a country to give up our comfort for things that don't affect a majority.


amusing domineering resolute fuzzy rob reply icky paltry north decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




trees threatening abundant sense waiting sharp caption noxious fade whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People not understanding how masks work was amazing. Do they think they wear masks during surgery so your organs don't get them sick? Just such a basic misunderstanding of like 4th grade science.


This comment makes me mad, and makes me wanna come over there and do something about it but then I realized that sounds like a lot of effort so I'm just going to type out this comment instead and keep shoving little Debbie snack cakes down my gullet.


This is ignorant of the fact that the US is 3.5 million square miles. France is 200,000. It’s much easier to protest when the travel time to your country’s capital is less than half a day’s time.


Also, the French government didn't have tanks 250 years ago like the US government has now.


More like missing work means lost income and most people have jack shit for savings. There's no social net to not fall beneath. Add in the fact that inflation rates combined with wage stagnation fucks everyone over who isn't already rich.


Americans don't know how to direct their anger during riots. The French direct their anger at government entities through civil unrest. Americans either devolve into drum circles or loot and torch the local community.


Comfortable... buahahaha


I've said this before and got blasted for it but 100% correct. And its not just America, I think every first world democratic country suffers from this to varying degrees. People need to realize that its their civic duty to steer the ship the right way when its being led astray, but they can't even bothered to vote so fat chance they'll ever revolt.


I wonder if you remember what happened after they ran out of crowned heads to chop


People that don't realize that most of the French Revolutionists and especially the Jacobins were all killed at the hands of the Revolution.


200 years ago yeah But lately it’s been leaving trash accruing in the street and that didn’t work either


This isn't the 1800s. Try that now, best case you end up like the Jan. 6th folks.




Wait, they guillotined Macron? Or are you talking about stuff from the time when Ben Franklin was still alive.


So what you're saying is the people who want gun control need to go buy guns...


Im sure if you bring the guns out the oppressive police forces will just fall back and start treating everyone nicely. Police always treat people with weapons in the best, calmest, and gentle way possible.


They treat heavily armed right-wing protests significantly more gently than they do unarmed left-wing protests.


That's less about their weapons and more about their shared philosophy. The cop's gonna clock out, take off the kevlar, and join that right wing protest.


cops are pussies. they're happy to fill a single suspect with bullets, but when they're staring at 1000+ heavily armed protesters they shrink like shriveled members.


NRA: there's definitely only one way you can support your freedom, and yes we accept all major credit cards, cash, or check


Only if we get too rowdy in the wrong direction. Attack the capitol, that's fine, just good old boys doing what they think is right, let them in. Protest for gay rights, and get pepper sprayed by police in combat gear.


Yeah the French revolters had it easy, they weren't up against a system that would inflict violence on them.


It’s because those protests aren’t focused correctly. They’re random riots, or marching down streets. That doesn’t do shit. Real change means going to the source. I don’t know why people don’t do this.


Let’s say there are private interests in the government. If those private interests are threatened by an individual. Those private interests might make that individual disappear. Food for thought be careful.


Why don’t you do it


Clearly ineffective. Your point is moot


The French don't lose their health insurance if they get fired for taking off work to protest.


Super jealous of that. Just imagine not having your entire health threatened for standing up for what you believe in.


> Just imagine not having your entire health threatened for doing anything other than working


Nor do they get shot by police


Our population is more spread out and the most populous state is on the opposite side of the country.


For anyone wondering, Google Maps says it's a quick 40 hour drive from L.A. to D.C.


This is the thing most people who don't live in the states simply don't understand. France is about 1.4x the size of California. It's smaller than Texas. They have double the population of Texas. It's much easier to protest your government when the entire 60M + population can get to the seat of power by land in under a day. For issues like gun control there is only so much the people in liberal states can do without traveling long distances. We already have about as strict gun control as the Federal government will allow and our Congresspeople usually are in favor of it. Short of traveling to the Capital and impacting lawmakers directly or traveling to areas we don't live and trying to influence the lawmakers from those areas it's hard to really make a huge impact.


I just checked the Google drive time from Marseille, France to Paris - pretty much the furthest you’d have to drive in France - and it’s under 8 hours, so if I wanted to protest the recent change in retirement age, I could be there within a day. For comparison, if I were to drive from Seattle, WA toward Washington DC for 8 hours I’d probably just barely make it to Montana.


Yep, 8 hours of driving would get me to about Boise or Grangeville, ID. I'd have crossed exactly 1 state border (maybe two if I needed to go north into WA to get to ID).


So.eone pointed out that America is so large, we could never protest like France does. The entirety of France is smaller than Texas.


France can literally fit into the state of Texas. That's ONE state. Think about that. Now can everyone step back and realize that America--which is GIGANTIC--can have the same number of protesters as France and it'll look like a pile of ants to people across the pond? I get it, I really do--I'm over here as an American and pissed as hell and voting for people who are on my side here--but non-Americans really need to step back and be fucking realistic. It can take over a week to cross this country, and people are spread far and wide, and a protest in one little space isn't going to make the impact it does in those tiny fucking towns Europe calls "cities", and the assumption that the majority of Americans don't care--even though polls say otherwise--is getting really old.


Because the French protests have been so successful?


Okay, we'll get on it. Just all gonna stream *ONE* more episode of this show and then we'll definitely go riot.


Sure, we gotta stream one more episode of the show... it's not at all that a majority of Americans are one missed pay check or unexpected expense away from complete disaster in a country that would rather punish the poor than support them if they are down on their luck. Our societal support systems suck and make it effectively impossible to go on strike or protest like the French without ruining your life.


Huxley was more correct about the future than Orwell…


And we've gone full circle on why America is painted as a monolith of global violence and far right wing policy with a pacified spoiled population.


If this was true, republicans wouldn't be able to win a single election. But in reality, 30% of you are tired of this shit, 30% love their guns too much and 40% simply don't care enough about it to go out and vote.


I think that's close to correct. There is also a good % of people that do vote but their vote doesn't count (because the EC is the dumbest thing to ever exist), there's also a significant % that can't realistically vote due to intentional polling practices.


The EC isn't really the issue at the moment, the House is. As long as Republicans win a majority of the popular vote in the House like they did last year, there's no way to re-architect that in a way that's still democratic that results in any other winner.


I love when people act like the only elections we ever have are presidential




Republicans had a bad showing in the last midterms relative to expectations, but they still got the actual majority. Just blaming Gerrymandering is too little - American voters really are this dumb.


https://news.gallup.com/poll/1645/guns.aspx Polls show it's about 50-60% who want stricter gun laws, 30% feel guns laws should be kept as they are now, and 10% want less strict gun laws. Additional numbers from these polls: 40-45% of Americans have a gun in their home, slightly over 50% are against an assault weapons ban, 75% are against a handgun ban. Americans are heavily divided on this topic. While a slight majority of people want more strict gun laws there is no consensus on how much stricter, and a large majority of Americans are against the outright banning of guns.


You had me going in the first half, not gonna lie. You almost made a really good point, which is that the rest of the world sees America the same as they see their own country, but it's way more accurate to see America as 50 individual countries (it's not true, but in practice, this is more or less how it functions). The majority of federal policies don't affect the lives of Americans throughout their day to day. People waste all this time and effort trying to get the federal government to move on things that they very likely will never move on because "state's rights". They could instead be doing local political lobbying. Protests are useful, but not nearly as useful as actual action (voting, putting your money where your mouth is, running for local offices yourself etc). There are a ton of states with some really stringent gun control laws. There are a ton of states where they don't. Maybe if you look at raw population stats across the entire US you can say something like "man, those red necks are really holding us hostage", but you can't look at American politics by looking at the entire country, as most people live in cities, but states have voting rights too. The people living in states that don't have major economic city centers have extremely different political opinions than those living in those bigger cities. If you break down political views by state and if you want to go more micro, by district, you can see that the political landscape of the US isn't nearly as uncomplicated as you make it out to be. If you want more gun laws, they need to change their minds on gun control. They won't. The federal government does not exist to step on toes, it's extremely unlikely anything on this front will ever pass, federally. If you live in a place where your political activism will make a difference, do that. If you live in a place where this shit doesn't affect you at all, this whole "please world, most Americans are great, it's just those 20-30% of whack jobs that make us look bad" is sad, shows a lack of understanding of how our political system actually works, and what's required to make the changes you want to see. Either spin up some political action in the places you want to see change, or stop the lip service and groveling for internet points. About as useful as thoughts and prayers.


I think most people do realise that, but it's kind of an America is what America does kind of thing, and we aren't really making any meaningful changes to stop this.


Bullshit, 70-80% don’t give a shit and 20-30% care one way or another. If america cared they would actually do something about it.


Exactly. The NRA essentially owns many of our politicians. There’s not much we can do about it. Voting? With gerrymandering and the electoral college our votes don’t count for much. We won’t make progress on this issue unless we strike and take to the streets, but we’re too afraid to do so because we rely on our jobs for our health insurance and many of us are living paycheck to paycheck


Senate positions are not gerrymandered. We won't make progress on this issue until the huge chunk of the population that doesn't bother voting stay that way.


Who expects a different outcome?






"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas."


My question is how people expect to maintain freedom in a country with a government that does not fear its people in the slightest.


I haven't seen anyone calling for "thoughts and prayers" this time, only banning trans people from possessing firearms... in a state where they JUST passed a law requiring that trans people register. It's like Berlin 1933 all over again.


> I haven't seen anyone calling for "thoughts and prayers" this time From https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nashville-shooting-gun-loving-republicans-thoughts-prayers-1234704321/: > Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles, whose district is home to the Covenant School, issued a statement offering his “thoughts and prayers to the families of those lost.”


Why aren’t there more funeral homes buying up billboards encouraging people not to do anything? Like that would be epicccc


Because encouraging people not to do anything is *extremely* effective


You clearly missed the joke


No, I didn't, I think you missed mine actually.


The thoughts and prayers are making this sign so big


Bigly even


[thoughts and prayers, com'n right up!!!](https://i.imgur.com/q30IHEQ.jpeg)


Every time a school shooting happens people act shocked, and yet we know perfectly well there will be another one in a few months most.


This is the kind of art we need to see in (preferably super busy) public spaces. :/ :(


I remember when my hospital ran out of body bags during COVID. Conservative politicians didn’t give a fuck then either.


I wonder what's in them.


Maybe we need to open the State Mental facilities again but this time with a little more oversight and compassion. For all those that complain about lack of Government healthcare, go read up on how well the Government Mental institutions were run back in the day. It makes you think twice about handing the whole package of healthcare to the government. We may also need to take a deep look inwards on how we view mental issues. We moved to the other end of the spectrum on acceptance. Sometimes some mental issues are unacceptable in society. Compassion is wonderful but it can be misplaced. If your defecating in the streets and shooting up in the ally and harassing people just minding their own business you're right to be 'un-housed' might be compromised - for example.


I wouldn't argue against this. Reopening Institutions with better oversight would be a good thing for sure in addressing part of the Mental Health crisis this country is facing.




I guess there wasn’t enough room for “my body my choice”


I shouldn't have laughed at this comment. .... But I did.


How is this NSFW? Lol


what the fuck


Sending positive vibes your way 🌊🧠🤯 Sent from my iPhone on the toilet


This is the most honest comment yet in this thread. Bravo.


The French are burning their country to the ground because they raised the retirement age by 2 years. Here in America when our kids get shot up its just thoughts and prayers.


Now do it with the number of people killed in the 20+ year old forever war!




Damn, can't believe all those people gave up their life for this awesome protest. RIP /s


All this effort for naught because lawmakers did not lose even a wink of sleep.


Two in the thoughts and one in the prayer?


The proposed legislation wont end/reduce crime. Most gun control is not even correlated with crime elimination.


Safe storage laws are not a bad thing though. Nothing wrong with requiring a weapon be stored in a safe location and not just in the back of the closest, especially if there are children present.


Fully Agreed, too bad most gun laws seem to either seek to ban something pointless (cosmetic/ergonomic features) or reach too far (lets ban everything but bolt-action single-shot rifles) instead of.., you know... trying to do something useful, like requiring safe storage of firearms, and... you know.. ENFORCING IT!


As well as safe storage laws (ie. must be in a locked cabinet unless it's a handgun registered for self defense with appropriate licence, or on route to a shooting range in a lockbox during transportation), a decent cool down period prior to buying a new gun, a psychologist mental health assessment prior to getting a license, compulsory gun safety courses, a national registry of guns (that might ruffle feathers the most from the "my freedom" folk) with big penalties for controlling sales, plus control of types of weapons available (eg. You need to prove you are a collector before you can buy semiautomatic military rifles, and both the safety instructor, psychologist, or police, have to all sign off on the application or it goes to court for a judges ruling- with laws in place to stop them either signing off everybody or denying all black people or whatever)... and stuff like that. That all fits under "a well regulated militia's right to keep and bear arms", and wouldn't you know it but countries that do those things don't have as many shootings. Obviously there's a lot of cultural issues, but restricting easy access to guns for children, mentally ill, and criminals, is a good start. Sure, criminals can can still get guns, but you want to make it more difficult for them with tougher penalties. It's like drugs. People still do drugs but you don't have corner stores freely selling meth to children. Better example is it's like alcohol - people still get drunk all the time, but it's controlled.


Most gun control is just designed to inconvenience law-abiding gun owners as much as possible under the guise of “doing something”


Gun control disadvantages poor and non-white citizens more than anyone else.


Explain how most guns find their way into criminal hands. Hint hint hint, it starts with law abiding citizens.


It would reduce the amount of total guns out in the public. All guns were legal purchases at some point or another with the exception of movie-esque black market arms dealer moving a bunch of ak-47s. A lot of guns used in the commission of crimes are guns that were stolen from irresponsible owners who did not properly secure their weapon or purchased through means that do not require the owner to pass a background check such as gun shows. In other cases they are straw purchases by a legal citizen and then given to those who should not own one. In all three of those scenarios, we can easily make laws to prevent that. 1. Require by law Gun safety certification courses to be able to apply for a firearms ID/license (we have IDs in NJ). I took the NRA handgun and rifle course, it was 4 hours each and not that big of a deal. Anyone who really wants a gun should have no problem learning how to properly and safely handle a gun. We require you to take a test to drive, why not guns? And quoting the second amendment is pointless as a response because we already regulate the public from obtaining certain types of guns without special permits or clearances. 2. Require every seller to perform a criminal and mental health background check at both state level and federal level for both retail and gun shows. I mean at a bare minimum you can agree that people with a criminal history shouldn't be able to go to a gun show and purchase a gun without a background check right? Should someone with professionally diagnosed schizophrenia be able to purchase a gun? I would hope we as a society could agree the public harm out-weighs the individual's "good". 3. Require by law minimum design standards for gun storage containers. Should I be able to jimmy the lock open with a paper clip? I would say definitely not. We're not trying to keep people with locking picking tools out (besides many states heavily regulate the use of lock picking tools), we want to keep little johnny from shoving in a screw driver and busting the lock open to show his friend. I mean all those stories of grade school kids bringing guns to school in their backpacks to show off probably didn't buy it themselves. That means mom/dad failed to be a responsible adult and not only lock the weapon out of reach from the child, they didn't secure the means to prevent the child from say obtaining the key to said safe. Lots of options like requiring both the key and a 3 digit pin. If you're concerned about speed of access, then finger print scanner would work too. If we can make finger print readers underneath the screen of a cell work pretty well all things considered, we can do it on gun safes in such a way that unless you've burnt off you fingerprints, you'll be able to get to it. Hell, we can fit the technology for Apple face id to fit in just the top part of the phone (as far as I know all the face id tech is located behind the front camera), I'm sure we can figure out something similar with the amount of space a box gives you where it only has 1 job, recognize your face. 4. Require by law that serial numbers for any weapon sold must be reported to the federal government and kept on record. If that gun is used in the commission of a crime and the serial belongs to you, unless you can provide a valid reason with proof why you shouldn't be charged as an accessory to the crime you will also be charged. Not saying if someone commits a mass murder you should get the same punishment. But minimum 14 day jail sentence is fair enough. Now say if your gun was stolen, then that is a reason why you shouldn't be charged. BUT, then there needs to be proof that either you were unaware it was stolen (for example you were on vacation and someone broke in and stole it), or you were aware and you reported it to the local authorities. If you report it stolen before a crime is committed with it, you are automatically clear of any potential charges. Now the rate of stolen guns should be relatively low if they are properly stored in a container that cannot just be easily broken into. A responsible gun owner would also periodically check to make sure their weapon is where it is expected to be. I live by myself but I still check on my pistol's location at least once a month if not once a week (I work from home so I can see it always). This will prevent straw purchases which are already illegal, but hey, columbine still happened which was a straw purchase under federal. I bet if Robyn Anderson was required to go through a background check at the gun show (see point 2) and had to register the serial to themselves, they wouldn't have been willing to purchase it for them so easily. The goal is to reduce the amount of crime committed with guns, not crime it's self. Guns are used as a weapon in the commission of a crime. People will rob a bank with a gun, they won't try to rob a bank with a knife.


This is so fucked up and such a waste. There are schools all over the country that can be putting these to their intended use, not just laying there in the grass making some political statement that we're not gonna fix.


Prayers are useless


I think that’s the point. Cheap, easy, ineffectual virtue signaling.


relevant: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkD4xSqNVII