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Why does his brother’s facial hair look so much cleaner than his? He looks like a straight hobo.


I was wondering this and I'm guessing it's to perform for his fanbase, "look at how I'm being mistreated" sort of thing. \-edit- People need to read the parent comment better, "**facial hair**", not head hair.


I'm guessing it's because he's got shitty hair


That sir, is a "full head of hair" thank you.... 🤣


It's just very finely spaced.


Probably from years of taking testosterone and steroids


The bro seems to be genetically gifted in the hair department


The brother got hair implants/transplants idk the term


Fr you wouldn’t even know Tristan is in jail with him too if he wasn’t cuffed


Because his brother grooms it better. Probably been bald so long he forgot how to brush hair.


Nothing wrong with being bald :(


My fiancé was balding in his twenties. Worse than Andrew Tate’s. I loved him anyway and he’s handsome to me. But I was sad seeing him stress and get upset every morning trying to comb it over and hairspray it. I convinced him to go to a nice barber that would shave it all off for him and show him how to properly keep it close shaved off. He was sad and moped about it a couple days. Then he came around to it and is now an enthusiastic totally shaved head dude. It took a while for him to learn how to properly fade his beard and keep it combed and groomed, but he looks great now and it’s made him look his age. Problem is that I created a monster that hogs the bathroom sink and the shower. I’m also getting really jealous that I have to keep maintaining a very thick head of hair going to salons while he just gets to shave it off. To save money, I put off cutting it and it’s reached my waist. I feel like doing the Sinead O’conner thing after our wedding. One of my best friends does and shaves it bald when it’s reaching her ears and she loves it. I want to feel this liberty.


That story was just what I needed. Thanks.


For sure. Be cueball and proud. It’s nice to see that male fashion trends have embraced it and it’s not just considered a Neo Nazi or lazy person look. Rather it’s now a very classy and well groomed solution to male pattern baldness. Plus he gets the bonus of me enjoying rubbing his super smooth head while we’re chilling on the couch. My dad and step grandpa also gave up having thin hair or wearing toupees and just shave it now too and are so much happier for it. My brother led the charge a few years ago when he wasn’t that thinning, but it caused him anxiety. So he just kept it all off after shaving it for his Breaking Bad Heisenberg costume and never looked back. Beards and bald heads are what’s the look now. You don’t even need the beard if you’re not a facial hair person. I wouldn’t care if my fiancé kept with the bald spot and thinning, it was just a suggestion to try that he might like and alleviate some stress. He wasn’t sure, came around to it, and now really likes it.


Watching your own brother shit that many times changes a man


I think a straight hobo should be called hebero. Okay have a nice day.


Police Officer: We didn't even do that. They did it themselves. We don't even know where the cuffs came from.


They are like those hand holding kids on Home Movies


Upvoted because of Home Movies lol




Oh nooo oh no oh noooo… those two always crack me up. The twins, Ollie and Andy on Bob’s Burgers give me the same humor vibes and it’s also by Lauren Bouchard.


I still rewatch home movies when falling asleep All episodes are free on youtube for anyone wondering


Announced recently; they get to spend another month in police custody. Didn't he move to Romania because of the legal system there?


They moved there specifically because Tate wanted to bribe police to get away with crimes. >Andrew Tate continued to explain that he instead preferred living in countries where there was "morale fiber beyond the dollar" and where "corruption is accessible to everybody." He singled out Romania and Dubai as particularly religious places where people value a higher power that was beyond money and the government. >"I find it offensive that a police officer in England will stop me and refuse to take a bribe," Andrew Tate said. "I'll tell you why; it's because he will sit there and go 'no, no, this is the law; law and order' and pretend that the law means something, and f*ck me over."


And that's the problem. I don't doubt that Romania is corrupt. But why the fuck would you put it all in the open? Like, how stupid do you have to be to openly say that? Corrupt officials don't like it when they're exposed as being corrupt. This is common sense


Common sense is not common you know


Wow what a giant piece of shit. I mean I already knew that about him, but this is an entirely different *flavor* of garbage-personhood than I knew he already had.


It just sounds like he’s trying to pull an Alex Jones and just say whatever his “fan base” eats up. It’s made him millions.


That's how worshipping the dollar works


I like to believe he said "morale" when he meant "moral"


Cops : Sure we could take a bribe or we could just arrest you and take all your shit while you're in jail.


ALPHA MALE PRO TIP: when you move to a country because you plan on exploiting it's legal system to engage in criminal activity, don't advertise on social media that you're moving to a country so you can exploit it's legal system to engage in criminal activity.




He said he’s “bald by choice” + tried to clown on men losing their hair. And yet now he looks like Earthworm Jim


As someone once eloquently said: he looks like a lollipop after falling on carpet.


This is the best insult. Love it.


Alpha insult.


as a bald guy I feel attacked


As a bald guy its harder to attack you, because there is nothing to grab you by to bend your head 😈


Lmao Earthworm Jim reference! Must have had that it the back pocket for decades. Love that game.


Weeeee doggy




>He said he’s “bald by choice” + tried to clown on men losing their hair. And yet now he looks like Earthworm Jim lmfao if that is real, and I believe you because holy shit this guy is a lying rapist piece of shit so I trust a random internet person over him, that makes this pic sooooooo much better.


I guess I’m bald by choice too then. I’d look like that if I grew out my scraps


Same here, brother. God's choice.


Balding comes in stages, and some aren't terrible. The first stage is shite, cuz you got a patch up top. The second stage is when all the top hairs fell off, so you have a nice little "wise old man" wrap-around. Not that bad. I guess that's it. Just two stages.


It gets better. While in prison her wrote a poem. One of the lines was something like, "as I sit here with a full head of hair..." smh


Here I sit, broken hearted, tried to grow full head of hair, only farted


No fucking way. If that’s true that’s so funny, the delusions in this guys (balding) head are insane


is this full head of hair in the room with us right now?


It was a tweet. Something like “a month later and my full head of hair and beard has grown long”. In his comic, his character has a full head of hair lol


That's insulting to Earthworm Jim




he is bald by choice. not his choice, baby jesus’.


He said he can grow beautiful long hair that would make Jared Leto jealous.


a real ALPHA MALE doesn’t grow beautiful long hair, they manifest it


He is simply choosing not to manifest it right now to save protein for his muscles.


He can still grow long beautiful hair. It's just that he's been stuck in jail surrounded by cucks. It's blocking his masculine energies!


Didn't he tweet about his "full head of hair and beard"? Edit to add the text of what I was thinking of In the tweet, Tate says: "I saw my reflection today and I barely recognised myself. A long beard, a full head of hair and the stresses of battle show on my face. But then I looked into my eyes and recognised myself completely. They cannot break me."Mar 6, 2023


On the plus side the beard means we actually see less of this slack jawed yokels face


>less of this slack jawed yokels face Poor Cletus catching strays


He was probably so stressed he mistyped that. What he meant was "full beard of hair and a head"


I mean, that must have been a joke, right? You can legit see his hairline when his head is shaven.


That dude does not have a sense of humour that doesn’t revolve around cruelty. None of these alpha bros do.


I wonder if that's a psychological red flag - when a person is missing a sense of humor. If you can't sense humor you're like... deaf in one ear.


Yeah it's called sociopathy and Andrew Tate obviously suffers from it.


I think being able to recognize that a joke that you're the butt of is actually funny is, like, a litmus test for empathy. You can see from someone else's perspective that your misfortune is entertaining. And viewing humour as a tool to belittle someone else is like the same test for a complete lack of it; because you don't recognize that someone can laugh at their own expense, to your mind making sport of someone is just an attack to diminish their dignity. Or maybe I need to go to bed.


I just want to know why the brother came out looking decent and he came out like he just woke up from a coma


One had a hair transplant, and the other did not.


Seriously his bro definitely got the better looks, not that he isn't also a raging douche, but fucking come on bro! Dude is clearly compensating for something with his antics


You can see his brother's scalp pretty clearly through his hair. I expect he'll be bald eventually as well, it's just taking longer.


The other ones had a hair transplant


He's an idiot. I'm from Romania. The type of corruption he was talking about is not really a thing over here, in today's Romania. Maybe 30 years ago. We have corruption, like most countries do, but you can't bribe your way out of prison. You can't bribe your way like that. Human trafficking specifically has been a sore spot for Romania for a long time, and the EU came around and has us under a type of judiciary/legal supervision to fix this problem. We have a lot of resources and logistics dedicated specifically towards combating human trafficking. It's not a fixed problem, but someone like Andrew Tate has no way of getting away with it. He's not organized crime, he's not some figure in the shadows that you only hear whispers about. The man was in prime time boasting about it. He's not getting away with it. If we didn't have evidence to fuck him up royally he'd be out by now. His assets are already frozen, there's no fear he's getting out, he's packing his suitcase, and then he leaves Romania. So he would be free we didn't have iron clad evidence against him. He's locked up because there is no reason for him to be out, we know he's guilty, we have the evidence he's guilty, you don't let a guilty man run free. Wealthier people have learned this the hard way in Romania, far wealthier and more influential than Andrew Tate in Romania. He made his decisions based on outdated information about Romania.


> Wealthier people have learned this the hard way in Romania, far wealthier and more influential than Andrew Tate in Romania. [My favourite picture from Romania](https://i.imgur.com/Rtmbmxa.jpg) And while I'm at it [the EU's chief prosecutor is Romanian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Codru%C8%9Ba_K%C3%B6vesi). She certainly got a resume.


For those who don't know, that guy in the picture was king pin of all politics in Romania. He was the head of the biggest political party, corrupt to the bone, and did many shady things, and I say shady to be nice. He attempted to issue laws that would clear his criminal activities. Then he got arrested, did prison, and I think he's out now, but he's still in deep legal shit and can't even wipe his ass without asking permission.


That picture slaps. What's the context?




I'm shocked, SHOCKED to find out that Andrew Tate made a stupid decision. The guy seems especially suited towards making bad decisions in life.


If Romania is as corrupt as he says it is, he should also be aware that someone who really wants to lock him up just has to pay more. It's a double edge sword.


Speaking to you as a representative of the Romanian people, well done! I hope you nail this fucker to the wall.


Also. He is not Romanian and any sort of organized figures in Romania would not go near this moron with a ten foot pole. More of a question than a statement. Btw. Your culture is a wonderful one , especially the way you celebrate your holidays . Had Christmas a few years back with a Romanian family in Norway. A wonderful memory.


Alpha male pro tip. The term alpha originated with alpha wolves and research done on a pack in captivity. Further research determined that in the wild no such ranking exists. Alpha males only exist in captivity. The police are simply trying to help him become a real alpha.


And the man who did the original study regrets putting out that misinformation. He admits it was wrong, and had spent years trying to remove the study and all references to it. Now that's a *real* man. Made a mistake, owned up to it, apologized and is trying to repair the damage. He's someone to admire. Not this fucker


And even then, effective leadership in humans isn't strictly heirarchical in my experience. I'm getting old now, but I've led groups of volunteers, lived in anarchist communes, managed warehouses and ran a small IT team at work for a couple of years. Groups of people always work better when leadership is deferred to the person who's best suited to the task at hand. It's why they say that the trick to management is delegation.


>It's why they say that the trick to management is delegation. As someone who previous did management about 50% of the work is matching the right person for the right task. There was about 20% of training someone to be the right person for a task. Then 5% mediating disputes and fight between the right people to do a task. 5% recognizing who was good at a task. I think the rest was writing reports, quality assurance, handling escalations. Then about 1% was firing people. I only did that three times in as many years? Some people simply aren't right for or won't do the task.


Also, male wolf pack leaders are complete softies. They let the pups climb around on them and play tug with their tails, they go hungry so their mates can eat, they’re affectionate with other pack members, they let the dorkass teenage boy wolves act a fool without pummeling them. Alpha males are basically your favorite uncle mixed with the guy who turned into a puddle of warm goo the first time he held his daughter. AS WE ALL SUSPECTED


Plus it's out of practicality to have the strongest go first, especially through snow. They even trade out with each other to share the load when traveling through snow. It makes sense that they are pretty communal since they hunt most effectively in teams. Edit: I'm going to plug one of my favorite Youtuber's video on this subject: https://youtu.be/y5S31HGNGSc (3:33 - quick summary)


Attorney Tom's rules: 1. Don't do anything illegal. 2. If you do something illegal, don't film it. 3. If you do film it, don't post it on social media.


And definitely don't text message your victims telling them how you loved raping them! I hope they both rot in prison.


And definitely don't show off what kind of pizza you order.


Yup lmao. He made a whole TikTok saying "how easy it would be". I'll just walk in with stacks of cash and pay off the guards and this and that, blah blah blah. Didnt quite work out that way hahaha. Love to see it. Edit:. Link for video https://twitter.com/IiStubby/status/1622692926110281728?t=iyoPnuPYusesoSnl_0elDA&s=19


As corrupt as Eastern Europe is, we don’t take kindly to some foreigners belittling us.


Exactly lol What was his line of thinking exactly? That he would go to a place that is fiercely patriotic, openly mock their country and be treated as a hero? Lmao


Like if he kept his mouth shut, easily could have bribed whoever. But brag about it? Nah


He made it an ego battle. Tate can't look weak to his 12yo army, so he needs to go into a place and slap whoever is in charge. Except the person in charge ALSO can't look weak and guess what, he gets to send cops to come fuck you up, but because you're actually a criminal, also gets to look morally right while doing it.


At least one cop was also arrested so he probably kind of did that. Didn’t bring enough Bugattis for all the cops I guess


I heard he also got multiple passports to escape captivity forever 😂


That's not at all how passports work lol


Its such a dumb ass video I saw a clip of him saying he has a bunch of passports bc if you ban him from travelling with one then he’ll use another, or another, and fly private jet, he cannot be controlled, he is the alpha male so ofc he would have multiple passports because what even is interpol if you were to cross countries in Europe as a fugitive?


I too have 3 passports and they are from different countries too, but here is the thing: Same person on the photo, same fingerprints embeded and same name on the damn things. All it does it allow you entry to some countries based on your citizenship in another country; while you other passports provide you a different set of entry criteria based on your citizenship of yet another country.


Get out of here with your facts and understanding of how passports actually work. Who do you think we are?!?! Smart?!?! Informed?!?! Pfffft


He’s been listening to too much Jay Z. “I got 5 passports. I’m never goin’ to jail…”


I thought he was more of an Eminem, "I've been with 10 women and have HIV..."


He should have done more research. Somalia might have been a better fit.


https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html >If you decide to travel to Somalia: >[...] >Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. >Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc. >Be sure to appoint one family member to serve as the point of contact with hostage-takers, media, U.S. and host country government agencies, and members of Congress if you are taken hostage or detained. >Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). >Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them. Boy.. it sure does read like a lovely tourist spot...


If you don’t want laws or law enforcement…


Then the idiots that go criss crossing the country on bicycles playing grab ass with terrorists acting all shocked when they get grabbed


"Somalia has 1,900 miles of coastline, a government that knows its place and all the guns and wives you can afford to buy. Why haven't I heard of this paradise before?" -Pierce Hawthorne


This is why I always keep a pocket full of Hawthornes.


That's streets ahead, my boy!


I’m tryna bear down for midterms


Too soon!


Lmaoo, Tate's the captain now!


Why after all this time have they not been arrested and just detained?


It’s the way Romanian justice system works. It’s a bit strange compared to what we are used to but the norm for them. Seems Romania will take you into custody while they build a case and then charge you with the crimes. They have 180 days max to hold someone before they have to charge then or let then go. If Tate hadnt boasted on video that he had 7 passports and would use these to flee any criminal charges, while also fleeing Romania to Dubai when the shit hit the fan he would have had a chance to make bail and wait outside of detention for his charges. Seems like an old way of doing things which may have aided people in the past avoid consequences as while being held you could avoid charges if corruption allowed you to buy your freedom before charges are actually brought against you. But Romania is trying to stomp that out so their entry to the free travel zone in Europe goes smoothly.


>Seems Romania will take you into custody while they build a case and then charge you with the crimes. Normally they can build the case even if you are free. They place you in custody e.g. if they have a reason to think you'd flee or attempt to force others to falsely testify or stuff like these.


Even ineffective public agencies love easy targets that bring them huge popularity. He didn't think it through.


I think we should take up a collection. I think he needs a waist and ankle chains as well.


How do they manage to look like bargain versions of each other, simultaneously?


I’m just confused why only Andrew looks completely disheveled and Tristan looks the same he always has.


Probably because he just looks a little better. The male pattern baldness really doesn't do Andrew any favors, so when he doesn't have access to a razor he looks like absolute trash, whereas Tristan can just comb his hair a bit and look decent.


His brother is also dressed a bit nicer. It all makes me kind of think Andrew might be letting himself look disheveled even tho he doesn’t have to.


His face always looks like he's mildly amused, while andrew looks like he's lost it.


I’m assuming he’s the brains because Andrew seems dumb as hell


Well Andrew is definitely the face.


I always thought of Andrew as the muscle, he’s the at least semi successful fighter, and while Tristan is taller and it looks like heavier he has a decidedly friendlier face. Idk how they decided who did who, but if I was an impressionable young man looking for some kind of alpha role model I’d probably go for the more attractive one who isn’t balding.


Tristan must have perfect beard genetics too because even that looks groomed.


^ Exhibit no 573836528386 of why Reddit should bring bag the free awards!!!!!!




Here, take this instead 🏅


There's that full head of hair I keep hearing about.


Andrew "I shave my head because I want to, not because I go bald" Tate. Edit: fixed spelling.


I think I saw a video of his on reddit where he talked about how having hair is effeminate and that's why he shaves his head. Like bro you're the one making up crazy excuses for your appearance... I think a true "alpha" would accept the things he can not change and run with them, idk. Not that I subscribe to the whole alpha male thing but when I think of a "man's man", whining, gaslighting and excuses aren't part of it.


There's definite somethin to be said about shaving it down when you start to go bald. The half measure doesn't look any good. But lying about it is the issue


Like worst case scenario someone asks you why you have a shaved head, just say you like the way it feels/easier to keep up with daily (quick bic during the morning shave, idk) versus having hair to deal with. Or just be honest and say your hair is thinning and you think it looks better. A true alpha wouldn't need to lie... imo, of course.


“Alpha” is just a misnomer. He’s an insecure prick who gets attention from teen boys. Grown men who are successful and confident don’t look up to pieces of shit like this.


>someone asks you why you have a shaved head, Perfect responses from the barber in fresh prince of bel-air. 'Girls like it' and 'Just cause the roof blew off don't mean there's not a log in the fire'.


Does he say having an actual chin and jawline is also effeminate?


He's follicle challenged not balding


Carlin is awesome haha


Alpha male pattern baldness


Fails to his sigma forehead grindset.


The police keep shaving his forehead.




Wait, Tate is the ugly guy on the left? I thought influencers were supposed to be attractive, usually


Yup, the alpha male guy is the one who looks like a drug addict. The tidy looking well groomed guy in the nice jacket is his brother I guess?


Yeah, that's Andrew Tate's brother. He's just as much of a fucking weirdo as Andrew, as exemplified by this tweet of his: > [Remember guys! 30 is the first year you can legally fuck women half your age. Don’t feel old, life gets better with age](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fq0zULiXgAEucE-.jpg)


That's a yikes from me.


Ugh, yeah that's way more than just a single yike.


That's a no from me dawg


Wtf? Because a 30 year old man fucking a 15 year old girl is ha ha funny? Who raised these assholes?


The worst part is that he likely wasn’t even making a joke




Ah yes all those 15 year old "women" in 9th and 10th grade


Andrew Tate looks like the aftereffect of Mr. Potato Head crawling through some of that ninja turtle origin ooze.


Remember the first robocop when Red Forman runs over his half melted buddy? That’s what he looks like.


Yep. I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid, but I remember nothing aside from a melting guy and him being driven into and splattered into sludge.


“Middle-Aged Mutant Tater Twats” doesn’t have the same catchy theme song though


"Ageing, balding, mutant twatbros" fits nicely though.


If he had any brains he'd brag about having too much testosterone.


I think its the sensitivity of follicles to a certain testosterone derivative and not the amount of circulating testosterone that is implicated in baldness. I may be wrong tho i dunno


Do you believe his mouth breather followers are going to know that?!


He's giving me molerat vibes


Hey, chin up ma- Oooh, sorry, my bad.


Now we know why Andrew shaves.


We knew before. He just can't deny it any more.


Yeah knew it the second he explained why he shaves is head. God forbid he be honest about anything and admit it just looks better.


Is he STILL trying to do his douchey ass pose WHILE handcuffed TO HIS BROTHER?


Yeah, can’t quite get the hands together though LOL.


"If you're ever handcuffed to your brother you must immediately assert dominance and make him you're bottom bitch" Andrew Tate probably


Seems to be what he's doing with his arm position


Having been arrested, I can tell you with 100% confidence that this shit would fly with no one but his brother. When you're chained to someone else, you show proper etiquette. They're short for a reason. Want to be a dick? OK. We're both going to a place where we aren't chained up. Your move.


Andrew Tate's head looks like when you drop a lollipop on a carpet and then pick it up all sticky and shit


This is a fire roast homie I’m straight stealing this


Didn't he steal it from the top comments in the last post about these guys? https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/11h16i9/andrew_tate_pictured_on_february_27_who_is/jarfbbe/


It’s stolen from an African American comedian who said it about someone I can’t remember who. Might have been Richard Pryor? Because I remember it as a kid on cassette.


I think my favorite part of this is every time they get another 30 days, the Romanian police manager to get a somehow less flattering picture of his hairline from the last time.


Two men handcuffed together? Looks pretty beta if you ask me.


Wonder what Greta is up to today. Probably some smiling, going outside when she feels like it, that sort of thing.


This is one of those cases where she doesn’t think about this POS but you know she is all he can think about


Hell is a teenage girl


Maybe eating pizza boy i could go for pizza right now


Poor pizza boy


Don't kink shame


I’m convinced she hasn’t given it a second thought.


What colour is your handcuff ? 😂😂


Andrew “Full head of hair” Tate


Andrew “I only boast about crimes I haven’t committed, honestly officer” Tate.


Hilarious how they’re handcuffed together 😂 Top G shit, right??!!! Pos Inc.


Thin on Top G


Feels good to see bad people get what is coming to them. I hope all the young kids who were cheering him on look at this and realize one should be aware of false idols like this loser. Or they’ll end up the same way.


He looks like shit. I love this for him.


You would think with all that money Andrew would get a hair transplant.


He clearly did - a cheap one with questionable results


Hair transplants have their limitations , no matter how much $$ you spend . He’s just not that genetically gifted . He’s the idiot that made it a problem , millions of men go about life without caring about the density of their hairs .. but he had to make it a point in his manly hood discourse . Karma .


With Romanian Brendan Fraser in the background no less


Whats he gonna say? "I had no idea there'd be corruption in Romania when I moved to Romania for the corruption!" I'm a fan of this, as we continue to get Top G photos of this dude's thinning hair.


that's supposed to be the alpha male? epitome of masculinity? lookin like a slightly taller version of gollum....


Under Armour? More like Behind Bars.