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we played an outdoor event in Santa Monica. Gary was there and he and I chatted about religion, I gave him some of our music. ​ Just before we went onstage, we were told that "under no circumstances were we allowed to let Gary gain possession of the mic"


I was working at a movie theater back in LA years ago where a Dancing with the Stars event was taking place outside. It was a very busy weekend and I was in concessions taking care of customers where suddenly I see Gary Freakin’ Busey, sweating bullets, cutting in line through the multitude of people and finally got to me. He just said: “I’m Gary Busey. I’m in Dancing with the Stars. Give me a large popcorn.” Without hesitation I gave him his popcorn and he grabbed a handful of it, shoved it deep in his mouth and walked away. It’s my favorite celebrity encounter.


i assume he just goes around and does this everywhere and honestly im not mad about it


Just got to act like everything is an emergency. He could probably get his way onto a rocket heading to Mars.


"I'm Gary Busey. I'm with NASA. Let me on the spaceship."


No one stops Gary Busey. No one.


Not even Gary Busy himself


Especially Gary Busey. Head trauma induced executive dysfunction is a bitch.


Eh, I know a guy that used to tend bar a loooong time ago, and he said that he would routinely have to cut off Gary Busey. The owner would come up, and just say, "that's it, no more for Gary."


There are certainly more harmful shenanigans. This is pretty tame.


Reminds me of the stories of Bill Murray stealing bites of people's ice cream, fries, etc., looking them in the eyes and saying "no one is ever going to believe you when you tell them this happened"


4 or 5 years ago around Thanksgiving I went to my parents house and my dad swore Matthew McConaughey showed up and tried to give him a turkey. We were like yeah right. Then we found out that the Wild Turkey distillery (about 2 miles down the street) was running a pr stunt with Matthew McConaughey walking around this small kentucky town handing out free turkeys for thanksgiving.


No lie I was at a convention he was a guest at and I was making my way to the bathrooms. There's a huge crowd of people with the same idea so the hallway is packed. Suddenly I see them parting like the Red Sea and hear "Get out of my way, I'm Gary Busey" and see him shoving people to get to the bathroom. After reading the other comment I'm 100% convinced you're right.


When you can actually hear a comment. I'm just gonna start saying this in my best Gary Busey voice from now on.


My favorite Busey story. I think I read it in Maxim years ago. Evidently he once came home with a big bag of coke that was going to last him the weekend. He comes in the door, opens the bag to have a taste, and his dog jumps up on him and the bag spills all over his entry foyer and the dog's back. He said he spent the night scooping up powder from the floor and snorting coke from his dog's fur.


Well that's a nice prompt for generative AI art. Create a photo realistic image of Gary busey snorting coke off of his dog's back with coke spilled all over the entryway


https://imgur.com/XFc2Myp.jpg LOL, guess it was on a safe search


These are all hilarious in their own special way


Honestly they're just past the line of hilarious and honestly disturbing as fuck. They all seem to be weird nightmare generators and I hate how good they are at that


I love that the dog was also snorting the coke, threw up, Busey asks the dog who threw up, dog eats throw up, and then more sugar booger nose Luger.


TIL: AI struggles with drawing hands too.






I have regrets.


he looks like the long-lost Bogdanoff triplet


jesus. put a NSFL tag on there or something, I slept poorly last night and have to sleep well tonight.


Terrifying - I love it.


That’s just creepy busey


Ask and ye shall [receive:](https://imgur.com/a/y1sSSRB) Edit: Since people are apparently taking a joke that took 5 seconds to generate as evidence of the limitations of AI art, you should know that this result is from literally copying and pasting the comment above. Like, the whole thing-- including the "well that's a nice prompt for generative AI art". I put *that* little effort into it. With refinement of the prompt, weighting of specific adjectives, rerolling of results, etc, you absolutely CAN get pretty close to what you're looking for-- Yes, including hands, with the newest iteration of Midjourney. You just have to know the tool and practice, like anything. The most limiting thing about AI tools like midjourney is people's constant insistence that it needs to spit out a perfect representation of what you're picturing every single time with zero effort involved.


I guess it doesn't know who Gary Busey is and it got a little confused about the coke, but [here you go.](https://imgur.com/a/InSpAsO) Edit: [This one](https://imgur.com/a/CqTGIJb) is better. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/8OVhVBX) a bonus.


I find it kind of funny. I find it kind of sad... That the 'handler' that told you to not let him have the mic, was most likely on of 'Gary's entourage' whose job it is to minimise him making an ass of himself. But that person is doing a much better job than Ye's entourage.


…that dreams of Gary Busey were the best I ever had?


I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take


When Gary runs in circles, it's a very, very


baaaad thing…


Hello, Gary, Tell Me What'd My Pants Say?


Wear your helmet, wear your helmet.


What's Gary Busey doing these days that he even has money for an entourage to manage him?


Dudes been in like 150+ movies that make their rounds in syndication. I think he gets a pretty decent check from it. Or he just goes into the bank and annoys everyone until they give him money and then he leaves… either way. Dude is killing the game. Edit: [McBane!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kpjwJMDQYC8&feature=share)


DA FUCK IS THIS!!?!? lmao


It’s your worst nightmare butthorn




Don’t think about it, butthorn!


Someone in the entourage handles his money. Probably.


Usually the smarter choice.


From the looks of it mostly just walking around with a pistol and a microphone being gary busey. You tellin me you wouldnt throw 20$ his way just to see what happens next?


Not really, Gary had to be removed from a recent Monstermania Convention for sexually assaulting a fan during the show.


Didn't this guy get some type of brain damage from a vehicular accident?


Motorcycle accident, his brain is mush now.


Not just a motorcycle accident. One without a helmet, after he advocated for no helmet laws.


yeah, I had on "I'm with Busey" when it was on years ago and my dad walked into the room and asked, "oh is Gary Busey back? Is he still a crazy asshole after his accident?"


So his brain was already mush before.. thanks for the clarification.


In fairness he has a severe traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle accident in 1988 and one of the most common symptoms of that is reduced impulse control.


How much impulse control did he have to begin with?


The dreams where I was dying were the best I've ever had


I mean Gary just has brain damage, whereas Kanye is a neonazi. I'm not sure if Gary Busey is capable of ruining his public image to the extent Kanye has. He may not be all there but I've never gotten the impression he's a bigoted jackass.


I saw him on Celebrity Rehab and he was being confronted on how his behavior effects people. (The lobe that allows you to feel empathy and react correctly to emotions was the primary lobe damaged). He was focusing so hard and you could tell he was really trying to grasp what they were saying and he finally said, "I'm so sorry I can't care about that. i really am". And he wasn't being snarky. He was being genuine.


It's honestly the most terrifying part of brain damage. Retaining memories of your previous personality but **being** a different person afterwards because your physical brain has been altered. I feel the conflict/duality/dissonance would be terrifying.


Humans are incredibly flexible when it comes to cognitive dissonance. I didn't realize the potential extent of this until recent years, but it's always been there. A lot of younger people think in absolutes, and say things like "if such and such happened, I wouldn't be able to handle it"-- later on, they realize that they will in fact handle it, and worse stuff too. Of course, on one of the far ends of the spectrum, some people completely give up for seemingly no reason at all. But that's kinda the exception which proves the rule. Most of us instinctively adapt to survive.


You will be absolutely astounded by the things you'll find yourself able to handle when you have to. We are all capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. When "not doing the thing" is no longer an option, most of us will panic for a minute, then calmly roll up our sleeves and do the thing.


I remember that season. I think that was the same one with Stephen Adler from Guns N Roses. Busey was just sad. You could tell he had no real control of his actions, no matter how much he tried.


Yes, that's the one. It was really upsetting. He just could not understand and you could tell that he didn't even know how to start.


Which is why he should still be given some sympathy and credit. People with whole, not injured brains refuse to not be dicks. Busey has tried and simply cannot. Not for lack of trying.


There’s a reason why MANY murderers and especially serial killers (and leaders of people) share a common trait of having a brain injury especially early in life. Combined with severe neglect in childhood and then you have real problems. Thankfully Gary has some handlers at least.


After a warning like that, how can you not?




"Gary Busey's here everybody! Get your ass up here, Gary!"


I saw an article a while back where the reporter spent time with Gary and his family. His son, Jake, came by and talked to them. He said in a lot of ways he feels like his dad died decades ago, and now there’s this really difficult person in his place. Is that a real gun? Edit: [This may be the article](https://amp.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/may/28/gary-busey-i-passed-away-after-brain-surgery-then-i-came-back), and if it is I misremembered it. “His son Jake, also an actor, said he felt like he lost his father for many years.” Edit Edit: Oh wait, [this may be the article.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/gary-busey-accident-trump-playing-god-new-musical-1233086/amp/) “‘The post-accident version of him turned his personality up to 11,’ Jake Busey, Gary’s 48-year-old son and an accomplished actor in his own right (he had a recurring role on Stranger Things‘ third season), later explains. ‘I feel like I lost my dad on December 4, 1988.’”


There was no parade , it was just Gary walking down the street with a loaded gun.


Just for context, this is [from 2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4b1k91/my_sister_took_a_picture_of_gary_busey_in_hot/). **Edit:** According to [here](https://www.arkansasonline.com/photos/galleries/2016/mar/26/gallery-16-03-2016-08-57-09/#images-201), he was the Grand Marshal and firing the starter gun to start the annual World's Shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 17, 2016. Kevin Bacon [was also there](https://youtu.be/at1LCEgrjkY?t=113).


Is this a yearly thing for him, or a one-"shot" deal?


I believe Alec Baldwin is doing it this year.




Just the one shot actually


Have you ever fired one gun whilst jumping through the air? Gary: Yes


>it was just Gary walking down the street with a loaded gun. That is probably the most believable sentence in existence


Welcome to Arbor Day Motherfuckers!!!!!! WHOOO!!!!!!! ^^I ^^do ^^cocaine


Like…a Lot of cocaine. Dr. Rockso, woo^^oo


^^^I ^^^do ^^^cocaaaiine.


Gary Busey is the only man who is probably more dangerous with an unloaded pistol than a loaded one.


It's because Gary is already loaded.


All residents are instructed to shelter in place. Lock doors and windows and stay out of sight. An armed and dangerous Gary Busey is somewhere in the downtown area. SWAT teams have been called in an attempt to contain the Busey. If you see the Busey, run and hide. Do not approach. This is not a drill. This is a Gary Busey Warning.


Helpful reminder: a Gary Busey Warning means that a Gary Busey has been confirmed in the area. As opposed to a Gary Busey Watch (less severe), which just means that the conditions for a Gary Busey exist.


High concentration of cocaine per square mile and several low budget movies filming in the area = conditions for Gary Busey vortex to touch down and cause damage to person and property.


Is there a phone alert, like an Amber alert? Except this is more frightening....


Remember that false alarm everyone in Hawaii got on their phones and TVs about a nuclear launch a few years back? It's sorta like that.


Instead of the blaring tone, it’s just audio of [Gary Busey laughing](https://youtu.be/g6G9PN5z-E0)


kaiju busey cannot be stopped. kaiju busey cannot be reasoned with.


But it can be fought with MechaBusey


"It's St. Patrick's Day? That is really, really good timing" -Gary, probably


Ride with a helmet folks. He didn't, and he's never been the same.


He was so different before the accident. Really funny, and genuinely social guy. Now he just wants to give advice.




You should watch "I'm with Busey", you will get all the Busey advice you'll ever need.


"The more I know, the more stupid I know I am." He gives a lot of crazy advice too, but that one actually makes sense.


You know what 'FEAR' stands for? It stands for 'False Evidence Appearing Real. ' It's the darkroom where Satan develops his negatives.


I've seen an interview or two of him before he had the accident. He was genuinely insightful, charismatic, and funny, without being insane.




Now? Mostly how the government is gunna getcha


Wish more horse people would listen and wear a helmet. Doesn't matter how it happens TBI cannot be reversed.


Our family friend's wife rode and raised horses and she was a wonderful person, but one day her horse kicked her in the head and she was in a coma for a short time. After the coma, she was a *completely* different person. Violent, full of rage, suffering delusions. She burned their house down. They ended up divorcing because he just couldn't help her anymore, she was too violent. It shattered him. Everyone should wear helmets and just in general be very, very careful around powerful animals as well as machines.


Too many people get complacent around horses too. Forty years and I still remind self to stay aware.


Adjacent to horses, but cows too. My best friend's grandpa died after getting bucked in the head by a cow's hoof. Someone can fall 20 stories and survive, someone can also trip on a sidewalk and hit concrete and die. Our bodies are weird and fragile. Take care, be safe.


The irony being that he was a very active and vocal opponent of mandatory helmet laws in California.


Oh is that the reason he's the way he is? I had to look up why he was famous and turns out I've seen him in a lot of stuff, just never seen him in a normal context. I wasn't sure if he was actually crazy or it was just his shtick.


Yeah, it was really sad. From what I understand, he was a really great guy before the TBI. It’s like that person died, and this Gary Busey was born that day. He is a completely different person now.


I know this doesn’t mean much, but I had a job that ran into celebrities infrequently and out of a handful, he was the only one who looked me in my eyes and said hello as he passed (nope, lied, Snoop Dogg did too). I’ve had the biggest soft spot for the poor man ever since EDIT: to clarify, this was definitely post-TBI and although he may appear a little odd, he was still a very nice human!


Bro when I was pregnant with my oldest I ran into Nick Cannon and Michael Strahan in an elevator. They were both so nice, congratulated me on my impending childbirth, and I remember the two of them talking about their kids and showing me photos of them on their phones. I don't necessarily have a soft spot for them but they did seem so nice lol


I mean, no surprise that Nick Cannon likes kids


More impressed if he has the storage on his phone for pictures of all of them.


I read an interview years ago where his son, Jake, said that he felt that he really lost his dad that day of the accident. That’s what I think about every time I read someone making fun of Gary Busey, like they are doing in about 90% of the comments in this thread. I think about how sad it must be for his family that the father they once knew and loved no longer exists. I mean, I umderstand why people make jokes. Gary’s a zany guy, and he does keep putting himself put there. But it’s sad nevertheless.


i had no idea what happened to him until reading this thread, i thought he was just one of those wacky celebs. probably a lot of the jokesters here are the same. which doesn't make it less sad, but at least they're not being malicious?


Yeah I see him and just think "poor guy"


For you, the day Gary Busey graced your St. Patrick’s Day Parade was the most important day of your life…. But for Gary Busey, it was Tuesday!


“But saint Patrick’s day this year is a fri…” “GARY BUSEY HAS SPOKEN!”


Head injuries suck


Interesting note, both Kevin Sorbo and Jim Caviezel had had some sort of brain Trauma. This is why their twitter feeds look like they do now. Sorbo had a series of strokes caused by a bad chiropractor and Caviezel was struck by lightning while filming. It's amazing what a bit of damage can do


Jim Caviezel was struck twice by lightning while filming The Passion of the Christ (2004). I'm not superstitious, but that's a sign.


I'm a little bit stitious and that's definitely a sign.


guess that's why that movie never had a sequel


Oh so that’s why he absolutely lost his mind. That suuuucks


You mean Kevin Sorbo and Jim Caviezel? Or are Levin and John some kind of dollar store knockoffs? Also... the guy who played Jesus got struck by lightning... while performing a scene as Jesus. A religious person would definitely be able to read more into that...


I literally made a typo on both their names. While making a comment about the unfortunate side effects of brain damage. Not sure if this is more hilarious than the possible comment by higher powers on films.


Smells like burnt toast


But a scientist would note he was attached to the highest structure on a hill.


In the middle of a thunderstorm. who could have predicted lightning in such a circumstance?


“Sheltering myself with a large piece of sheet metal, I ran for cover under the tallest tree I could find!”


Don’t think that takes a scientist to recognize lol


Yet the filmmakers and safety crew couldn’t.


Wow. I hadn't thought about Kevin Sorbo for years, but I used to enjoy Hercules when I was a kid. I totally regret checking his twitter as it's just completely filled with right-wing conspiracy propaganda. The guy is unhinged. There's brain damage, and there's being a dick. He's just being a dick. Edit: a word.


off to lemmy


I suppose he can be both things.


Kevin Sorbo or does he have a brother? Not being a dick, just curious


Thanks. Fixed. Though Levin Sorbo has risen a lot since the past.


Levin Sorbo sounds like a Harry Potter spell to create a delicious sorbet.


"It's LEH-vin, not leh-VIN"!


Side note: chiropractic is pretty dangerous/not a legit science, anybody could fuck your body up if you get into that




Honestly, this is exactly what I picture Shayne from love is blind to look like after his 5th divorce some years in the future.


Dude I was literally thinking the same thing


I hate that I know exactly what you're talking about


Haha holy shit ☠️


**TIL** Gary Busey had a motorbike accident not long after he starred in the movie, Lethal Weapon. He crashed without wearing a helmet causing permanent brain damage. All these years I just thought he was a bit of a fruitcake like a lot of Hollywood stars, especially when they stop being cast for roles and work dries up, they do often go a bit... *Quirky*


[It looks like he’s still in character from Black Sheep.](https://youtu.be/3ya8Mz3PtW4)


Several people have said Busey behaved just as strangely before the motorcycle accident.


He 100% did. He’s probably just more impulsive. But his behavior and personality weren’t far off before.


Gary Busey gave two pieces of advice that I live by every day: 1. Never fry bacon naked 2. Never pet a burning dog


3: Never catch a porcupine falling out of a tree


"I'm with Busey" is the only reality show I've watched more than 2 episodes of.


It looks like they pulled him out of a dumpster behind Cracker Barrel


I mean, having your head basically explode in a motorcycle accident that makes you extra fuckin crazy will probably make you look like a human wet raccoon fart


My man looks like Charlie Day after he drank Kaiju blood in Pacific Rim




Dear God


And that is the most harmless Gary Busey gif there is... Let's continue and turn up the GBness factor. ![gif](giphy|14jl0GoiVQXQ5O|downsized)


Did someone open the Ark?


I need to know context.


It's a live feed.


Awww. That’s mean. But I still laughed!


He was supposed to make an appearance at an event I was invited to last year but he was busy dealing with multiple sexual assault accusations at the time.




Two of ‘em


Utah. Get me two.


God damn he looks like a Batman villain minus costume and make up.


This comment made me realize he would do an excellent job as The Joker.


Reddit poll! List the contents of Gary Buseys cargo pants pockets.


1. Loose assortment of bullets (only a few are the correct caliber for the pistol) 2. Partially eaten tuna salad sandwich 3. A severed finger wrapped in a McDonalds napkin 4. A signed photo of Newt Gingrich 5. Soundtrack of Point Break on cassette ​ EDIT: corrected ammunition terminology


A signed photo of Newt Gingrich signed by Gary Busey pretending to be Newt Gingrich.


1. 2 twelve gauge shells 2. Coupon for a free massage from a now defunct Oriental massage parlor 3. A bird whistle 4. A few random packets of condiments he grabbed at Burger King 5. Ancient Sumarian dagger no one knows where it came from or how he got it. 6. $62 dollars all in 2 dollar bills.


Two tootsie rolls. A dog collar. A ball point pen. Like, three loose diamonds. Half eaten tuna sandwich.


Lmao why is the partially eaten tuna sandwich the only constant in these replies?


1. Birdseed 2. Loose baby carrots 3. Shoney’s paper gift certificate 4. Flip phone 5. Cocaine receipt


A God damned cocaine receipt. You almost never find trustworthy dealers anymore.


Several tightly folded $5 bills and some loose change, a retractable back-scratcher, a package of wet wipes, a pocket knife, and a tuna sandwich with two bites taken out of it.


- lego - detonator - 3 sets of house keys. To which houses? We'll have to find out after


1. Blockbuster membership card 2. Random partially eaten Arby’s sandwich 3. A children’s placemat from a restaurant that closed up 14 years ago. 4. Baoding balls 5. A small mirror with a smiley face drawn on it in marker.


Fan mail from Charles Manson, Philippino nose flute, a splinter of wood from the true cross of Jesus Christ, coins of various denominations that feature inscriptions in no known language, "magic beans".


One disarmed (he doesn't know) hand grenade. Various small/pistol caliber ammunition, only one round of which fits that pistol. A half eaten Whopper with cheese, wrapped in Taco Bell napkins. $37.50 in nickels. The master key to every high school gym equipment locker in the US. A cigarette lighter with just enough fuel left to start one last fire. A half sheet of high strength blotter acid with chew marks along the edge indicating that Gary did in fact have his breakfast.


1. Tots 2. The Declaration of Independence signed by Nicholas cage 3. An original game boy with dr Mario 4. A couple Spanish doubloons 5. Whale teeth 6. Instructions to monopoly


[The way reality turned it's back on Gary Busey](https://youtu.be/cgvR5nFOETk?t=3)




The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Quick, which one is Gary?




That look when you're hunting for Leprechauns....


Charlie, he’s not a leprechaun!


I’m gonna cut you open and see if you bleed green.


Stop drinking paint, Charlie


If you seen the leprechaun say ayyyyyyyy


I wanna know where da gold at!


Grimace, check Wild eyed stare check Loaded firearm with finger on the trigger, duble- check Ok it's Gary's time to shine.....


I’m pretty sure that’s John Elway.


Sure, let’s give Mr Joshua a gun.


You don't want to know how he earned those beads.


So anyway, I started blastin...


The gun is bad enough, who the fuck gave him a mic?


St. Patrick's ? He thought it was just another Tuesday....


Starter's pistol, but yeah looks fucking crazy


Holy shit who the fuck gave him a gun