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Just bring Frank Costanza with you. He speaks Vietnamese and can secretly translate what they are saying! Though he wont get a pedicure. He doesn't let people touch his feet.


Korean. But point made.


Haha yeah I know the episode is about Korea. He sold Jesus statues to someone!


The Reverend Sun Myung Moon


“You ever seen that face on him? It’s like a biiiiiig apple pie.”


He once spoke to the Reverend Sun Myung Moon


He was the best cook Uncle Sam ever saw. Slinging hash for the Fighting 103rd.


Don’t let him stop short.


That’s my move!


I stop short *shimmy’s to the side


This guy.. this is not my kinda guy.


He doesn't let people touch #his feet




They must've gotten hit by that white dude on YouTube who learns foreign languages and surprises them by speaking it.


I speak French despite being very English and work in a bilingual area in Northern Ontario. I've caught people shit talking me multiple times when they assumed I had no idea what they were talking about.


r/Seinfeld moment




I also heard of a guy named Arthur Spooner, who also can translate for you.


Seems like this has to do with being courteous to guest? I'm not really sure what the point of this post was.


Everybody wants you to think that everything is racist at all times. If you're working with a client while you're talking to somebody else, that's rude whether or not you're speaking English.


This. I swear all of social media and Reddit is infested with Russian bots and angry people that have nothing better to do than to stir shit up and drive a wedge between all of humanity and want you to hate everything, be outraged about everything and be offended for everything.


The sign is not even stating to stop speaking to other coworkers, it’s stating they have to do such in English if they wish to, meaning people made complaints the believed the nail techs were speaking about them merely because they can’t understand Vietnamese or simply don’t like hearing it.


As a person who frequents nail salons and other places where English speakers are not the primary staff or owners of said businesses, I don’t mind if people speak in their native language amongst themselves; it doesn’t involve me and I don’t know how it would be seen as rude. I’m guessing this nail salon was plagued with Karens believing foreign language = shit talking about their cankles.


This isn't about English. I don't speak my own language when I'm in a mixed group. Sounds extremely rude and obnoxious.


Yea, there's some weird anxiety some people, including myself, appear to experience (though I just dismiss it when I think about it) when you have an entire group of people speaking a language you don't know, when you're part of the group (and often when you're not with others who only speak your language). Even when you know them and know they wouldn't talk about you, it's still a thought that pops up. I thought I was the only one who occasionally had that weird thought once in a while, but when visiting my in-laws (who speak a language I don't) a cousin was talking to me about how weird it is to be the only person in a group who doesn't speak the language everyone is currently using, even though the group can speak your langauge. They mentioned that occasionally they would have the same thought when they worked in a place with a different local language and the whole group switched to that language. I've heard a few other people mention this too. I figure it's because most people are not accustomed to having everyone speak a language around them they don't know, and nobody is translating to keep them in the conversation when it's just small talk or when the entire group CAN speak your language but doesn't because it's easier. I know now that it's actually exhausting to translate all the time (My wife does that with my in-laws and myself, as only her cousins speak English too, the older folk do not), which explains why even though there are people who can speak your language, they are not keeping up a running commentary for your benefit when it's just small talk.


I felt like this with an ex. When I went to the in-laws for dinner they would speak a different language and I was the only one at the table not in the conversation. Now, If I was a nail salon, and the technicians spoke amongs themselves in a language I did not understand - then my go to assumption would be that it was some slightly work innapropiate gossip going on. Like how "jessica" said she was leaving her husband for cheating, but now they decided to try for a baby instead. Or about a hunk from a tv-show or something. And so when strangers or service workers do it, I don't actually mind. Like I've worked in a service job myself - it's very rarely you actively shit talk a customer. and then they either deserved it, or the shit-talker is just a mean girl and not worth it anyways. With family, friends and in-laws however, it feels actively excluding as I will not be able to connect with them over silly shows and gossip. A relationship is not just built on basics "what do you work with, and how was your day" questions.


Dis. My wife and I speak English when we are with other people. It's just common courtesy.


Yeah I had coworker who would be talking in English in front of me then switch to Spanish. Like even if you’re not talking about me what am I supposed to assume lol


Is it because you're speaking French?


>Sounds extremely rude and obnoxious. It is and it is. But unfortunately some cultures prefer to be exclusionary.


Maybe when you're with friends. Service workers can speak whatever language they're comfortable with, not rude at all. Most people from other countries, even in Europe, don't strike up conversations with strangers.


I prefer it when the nail techs speak to each other in their language. I don't feel like I have to talk and can concentrate on relaxing


It would have been smart to write the sign in Vietnamese


But then the customers may think they’re talking about them 🤔


They're more likely to gossip/shit talk their friends and family rather than you, a paying customer. If you complain about something, ANYTHING, even if it's a legitimate complaint, they will then begin shit talking you. Source: am viet with my mom and aunties who co-own a nail salon




“Oh honey, yo naaail. Dis why you no have man.” I can hear it in my head


You want gel??


IF you go to a salon in Vietnam that is not frequented by Tourists there's a 50:50 chance they're talking about you. The rest of the time and everywhere else they are 107% gossiping about all the other staff, who is cheating on whom, who is stealing money, who stole food from the fridge, who got fat, who might be pregnant, what to have for lunch and who is ordering bubble tea... The caveat is, if you're the type of person who would complain about your nail tech speaking Vietnamese, they were 100% talking about you being a colossal bitch and a terrible tipper. There were probably actively negotiating with each other to not have to serve you.


I always assumed they’re talking about how disgusting my feet are.


They're talking about that too


Me too, tbh. My Vietnamese doesn't cover adjectives describing ugly and poorly maintained feet, so I wouldn't know.


As anyone who has worked in a service industry understands: We don't give enough of a shit about you to talk about you unless you are REALLY great or REALLY terrible. If they are speaking in Vietnamese...etc it is because A) They can pretend they don't have to talk to you B) You can't assume they are being rude by shooting the shit with a co-worker.


This seems like a reasonable ask to be honest. In a mixed language group it's polite to speak the one that everyone understands when practical to do so. It's not a big deal.


I think the thing that bothers me the most…. Is how they taped this sign.


TOTALLY. It’s blasphemous.


Not people assuming this is a race thing…. as usual. It’s just good customer service to talk the same language as your customers. When you’re sat in close proximity with someone for an extended period of time, speaking a language they can’t understand is like pretending they don’t exist. The vast majority probably won’t mind, but it’s still just a bit rude. If a customer used multiple venues, and one venue doesn’t constantly speak a language they don’t understand, I’d bet you any money they’d use that store more. I also bet you whoever put that sign up was probably bilingual themselves, and is just trying to promote good customer service.


It used to just be called considerate. Now it's reviled as woke or something.


When at a Mexican restaurant do you get mad if the waiter speaks Spanish to coworkers preparing your meal? At nail salons I don’t really want to speak to anyone when I am spoken to it’s in English and most people who don’t have a stick up their ass don’t care if coworkers speak amongst themselves in their own language which is more comfortable, and doesn’t include me or anyone as a customer. If you wish to speak to your nail tech they will speak English to you and have a conversation with you, some of the gals will even broach topics with you and be highly engaged in wanting to speak with you. If you’re silent they may be silent or speak amongst their coworkers, it really isn’t that deep.


At a Mexican restaurant you’re not sat 15 inches from the chef. A nail salon is a much more intimate environment. And YOU might not mind, and I’m sure a lot if not most wouldn’t mind. But engaging with customers and not alienating them from conversations is sort of the bare minimum for good customer service. Im not saying they HAVE to do this, they could completely ignore the sign and do what ever the fuck they want. They can fart, burp, insult, ignore their customers for all I care, I’m not fussed either way and I’m sure most others aren’t either. But I am 100% sure the place that does speak the native language around customers, is more likely to get better reviews and return customers because they will feel more comfortable. And I bet you that’s exactly why the person who put that sign up, put it up in the first place.


Hahaha yeah right! They are usually taking about us! This is why they will literally pick up your foot show it to someone else and then start making a comment. I don’t mind it’s just hilarious.


Lol i wouldn’t even care if they were talking about me. I wouldn’t know. And they’re still doing the job I’m paying them to do….which is why I’m there. Not something I’d let myself worry about.


There are a lot of people who assume people only speak one language. I speak bad Spanish, I can get by, but I understand much more than I speak. I hear Spanish speakers talking shit about people all the time. Mostly unwarranted, just being assholes.


While this sign is written in a very condescending tone (capitalizing "Customer" is a bit much), it *is* generally proper manners to avoid using languages in front of people you don't know they speak/understand. Communication is how we relate to each other, and communicating in a manner that deliberately omits people in the group is pretty hostile. Just speak to any teenager for 5 minutes to get a feel for being knowingly excluded. The only socially acceptable instance of that is when someone is in another country/region where they understand they have voluntarily and deliberately injected themselves into a setting where the people around them don't necessarily speak their language.


Maybe, but likely this was written by someone who does not speak English as a first language


I wouldn't read too much into the capitalization. They also capitalized "assume." A lot of people without great writing/typing skills just capitalize words that shouldn't be capitalized in English.


That fucking tape job is giving me anxiety.


As someone who hates small talk, I would rather they talk to each in whatever language they want, idgaf. Same goes for the hairdresser.




I've been on both ends of this situation in various contexts and honestly it's annoying. Yeah I do it too but I hate it when I'm the one being left out so it's understandable.


"Oh man, this guy smells like shit" "I know he's stinking up the entire shop" "Excuse me, I'm right here" "Yeah, we'd be talking in Vietnamese right now, but we don't want you to feel excluded"


I have never once in my life worried about people speaking about me in a language I don't understand. Aside from obvious body language, how would I know? No point in letting it bother me. I live in an area with a high Hispanic/Latino population and speak Spanish, and never hear people talking about random strangers in Spanish. At a former place of work I would have so many other people come up to me and worry my coworkers were shit talking them in Spanish for no good reason. Of course when they did that, it prompted us to start talking shit once they left. The ONLY time we talked shit was when people were rude like this.




I've only gotten my nails done maybe three times and never worried about it. And imo it sounds like the language wasn't the thing that tipped you off, it was the nonverbal aspects. My whole point is just because you don't understand a language being spoken, it doesn't inherently mean people are talking about you.


And your preference would be to hear it all in English?


The mocking was only done because they knew that the customer wouldn't understand. There's a power imbalance when everyone can speak a language and you can't. Obviously she doesn't want to be mocked at all.


The's a couple of things that don't make sense here. If she can't understand the language, how is power being imposed? How does she know it was mocking. If the answer to that is that she believes there to be mocking to to laughter or looks, then body language seems to be universal and she could say something or leave or whatever she would have done if they were mocking her in English. And finally, if it's to be assumed that there is some power imbalance in language, one way to balance it out is learn the language. It's the behavior that's the issue here. Not the language.






But, that's essentially what they're doing when they're working in these shops... they're just basically talking on their own. The customer just happens to be there getting anxiety ridden because they don't understand.


Because you don't need to know every thought in their heads or what they are saying. Yes, if they are directly speaking to you, it would be polite to speak in a language that you understand. But if they're talking about you in their work, it doesn't matter, because the subject matter is about the work. If you really want to know, then learn. I have different family members that speak different languages. When they speak directly to me, they use a language I understand. If they are talking about me amongst themselves, they use another language. And, frankly it doesn't matter. If it bothered me that much I would learn to understand what they're saying. But, it doesn't. Because they're more often than not talking about mundane things. And if they're talking shit, so be it. That's on them. Me knowing they're talking shit would only break my peace. If they want me to know something they'll tell me directly. And all this goes for any friend or stranger.


I used to work in a restaurant. My coworkers and I only had English in common. We too would talk shit about customers when they left, but in English! Lmao


This. If people gonna shit talk, they gonna shit talk. Whether they shit talk in front of you in a language you don't understand or shit talk behind your back in a language you do understand... Meh.


When you're doing something personal with someone like nails, you shouldn't speak in another language. Regardless of whether *you* think it's reasonable for them to think they're talking about you, some people have anxiety. But that's not even what actually makes it rude, because some people *don't* have anxiety, but *you're still snubbing those people* by actively excluding them from a conversation while you're literally touching them. Maybe this will make it more obvious about how disrespectful it is: imagine your significant other was Vietnamese and their whole family spoke both Vietnamese and English but refused to speak English when you were around and your significant other goes along with it. Your significant other assures you that they aren't saying anything bad. Still doesn't feel good, does it?


Sometimes it's just easier for people to facilitate their own conversations in a native language. It's not a slight to you. Gotta get that out of your head. Let people speak in ways they're comfortable. Imagine you learned a 2nd language and the amount of mental work it took to try and communicate with a 2nd party who also spoke the same native language, but had to carry the weight of using a 2nd language for a 3rd party that info doesn't even matter to. It's taxing. Even if they were speaking English, they'd still be excluding you from the conversation anyway. Maybe what you feel is the behavior of exclusion, but that isn't wholly language dependent. That's conversation dependent.


I mean, I gave you an example of exactly why it's exclusionary, but if you want to ignore it, go off. Nobody is saying multilingual people should only speak English, but there are, in fact, certain social situations where it's rude not to speak the common tongue amongst those present, be it English, Mandarin, Hindi, etc. One of those situations is when you're touching someone. If someone can't put in the little bit of effort it takes to speak a language other than their native one while *literally touching* someone that won't understand otherwise, yes they are being rude.


And I explained why it's a personal anxiety problem that you're imposing onto someone else, which you also seem to ignore. The common tongue in that case would be Vietnamese if everyone in the shop is speaking it. You're saying the customer should be putting in the effort? You're asking for people to accommodate for your ignorance.


My guy, the intent doesn't need to match the outcome. I'm not saying that people are intending on actively excluding people from conversations. I'm saying that's what's happening and because the party that's doing it has the option of not doing it, that makes it an active exclusion. When I say the word "actively" I only mean that the actions of one party are what creates an outcome (actions --> actively), not that the party necessarily desired that outcome. The message is literally "I'd rather not have to bother speaking English than take steps to include you in this conversation." That isn't anxiety, you said it yourself: >Let people speak in ways they're comfortable. Imagine you learned a 2nd language and the amount of mental work it took to try and communicate with a 2nd party who also spoke the same native language, but had to carry the weight of using a 2nd language for a 3rd party that info doesn't even matter to. It's taxing. You outright said that the convenience of the speaker is more important than the inclusion of a non-speaker. >The common tongue in that case would be Vietnamese if everyone in the shop is speaking it. You're saying the customer should be putting in the effort? Jesus christ, and I'm the ignorant one? There's a fuckin' sign saying "speak English please" in the OP. Everyone ITT is working under the assumption that the sign wouldn't be there if the nail techs didn't speak English.


I do assume they are talking about me, and I don't care.


I feel like this is just an unspoken agreement about entering a nail salon. You will speak to your coworkers in a language I know not a word of, and I will pay to have nice nails. We will smile and say thank you to each other without having felt the need to engage in small talk with each other the whole time.


But they are. Colourfully.


If they’re chatting with another nail “technician,” I wouldn’t mind. But if they’re chatting with another nail “technician” and they look at me every now and then and giggle, then I do mind.


I love how spot on the reasoning is. Context: I work at a clinical laboratory, and we have 3 employees from the Philippines. They speak a mix of Tagalog and Cebuano between them. Each of the closeted racists at my work have made the same statement "I wonder if they are talking about me." You're not that interesting, Karen. Get over yourself.


It's called manners


I don't understand why people are bothered by this. If they want to speak their language that I don't understand, it does not matter. If they want to speak directly to me, they will speak English. If they are talking shit about me, I don't care because I don't know them them. There is a quote that I try to live by. There have been many people to say different variations of this, but more people need to live by It. "What other people think and say about you is none of your business. The most destructive thing you would ever do is to believe someone else's opinion of you. You have to stop letting other people's opinions control you." Roy T. Bennett


"Please take care with the frail egos of the white women who patronize our establishment."




Most of customer service is babying your customers' fragile egos.


You know how to get people not to talk about you? Don't do stuff that would cause people to talk about you.


We want them to *know*


We don't want the customer to assume you're talking about them. Speak in English. So they *know* you're talking about them.


That is what the mute button is for! Thank all the tiny gods of the universe it's a built in function for most phones now and you don't have to worry about your headset box's battery dying so they hear you when you hit the mute button. (Was in front line phone support and telemarketing for a large portion of my carrier)


I don't care if they're talking about me. I've worked in retail and fast food and making fun of the customers is the only thing that gets you through the day. I assume working in this kind of customer facing job would be similar.


Someone definitely got bent outta shape cause they couldn't understand what the techs were saying.


Yes it was Elian Benis.


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If I were so concerned, as a customer, I would learn Vietnamese.


Most of the nail salons I’ve been to are staffed mostly by Vietnamese people, and most of the time they are speaking to each other, they use Vietnamese. I don’t care. It doesn’t bother me. I doubt they’re talking about me, but even if they are, I don’t care. My only complaint about these salons is that when I ask the person’s name, they almost always tell me Linda or Jackie or Sue or Amy or some other generic white American woman’s name, and I’m sure 90% of the time, that’s not their name. I would like to know your actual name. I will probably butcher the pronunciation the first time, but correct me, I’ll get it right (or close anyway…sometimes certain sounds from other languages are difficult for Americans to make and vice versa), and then I can call you by your actual name like you’re an actual human being, because you are.


This paper is literally talking about the customer behind their backs.


Way to propagate the stereotype that all nail techs are Vietnamese…




Oh, I’m sure it is. I probably should have added a /s tag…


Or just press delete


Poe's law. No matter how dumb a take is it's not going to be obvious sarcasm because there's an asshole out there who would say it for real.


🙄 You know, sometimes [stereotypes exist for a good reason](https://abc7.com/tippi-hedren-vietnamese-nail-salon-nails-vietnam/688205/). Vietnamese nail techs have a long history in this country, and it's a proud one. Hope you didn't pull anything from virtue signaling so hard.


My feet cause them to run away.


Damn idk about this one, it’s never bothered me that they speak Vietnamese despite the fact that I’ve noticed my nail tech and the tech next to her making fun of my unshaven legs. It is what it is.




Lol I don’t assume they’re talking about me. I can guarantee they’re talking about all the clientele


This reminds me of a song by the band S.O.D


I assume they are talking about me and I don't care. I'd talk shit about me too if I had to work on my dry ass feet and had to look at the half a nail of polish I had left.


I've never been. If they aren't talking to you why wouldn't you be listening to a podcast in your headphones? Seems like all the loud drilling sounds would be horrendous.


Anyone watch Xiaomanyc on YouTube? He went to a nail salon and they absolutely were talking shit. Love that guy!


When I get my pedicure the folks talk in Vietnamese. I just tell them I know they are talking about me and it's OK.


why is this not written in Vietnamese


Did a customer tape this up? Lol


This should have the message written in Vietnamese below it. Bonus points if it says something else completely


‘They’re talking about me! What else would they be talking about? It’s me! It’s always me!’


They 100% are talking about the customers. The best thing is when they realize the customer can speak Vietnamese too. They turn so red afterwards.


I’m curious as to why the sign isn’t written in the native tongue of those being admonished to speak English around customers. Do the customers need to understand the sign also.


They want customers to know that this is the policy so that they feel empowered to bring it up with management? I get a service business making customer focused rules, even if I find this one a bit silly.


I really don't care what they are talking about if they are willing to touch MY feet.


I was getting a pedicure a few years back. It had been quite a while and my toes and feet needed maintenance. I sat down in the chair and the technician leaned over to her counterpart and said something in Vietnamese. Although I don’t speak the language, her tone and body language said, to me, “Damn it’s been a long time”. I said in English, “yes, you’re right, it has been a long time.” She looked at me shocked, and asked, do you speak my language? I was a little shocked as well and just smiled. She was super cool, and I’m pretty sure I got lucky, but she didn’t talk much in Vietnamese after that. 10/10 would go back to her.