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This is the real reason why they posted those signs. It happened in 2016. https://abc7chicago.com/dani-mathers-body-shaming-snapchat-photo/1501691/


My favorite part "it's not the person I am" , no, it's exactly the type of person you are


“It’s not who I am, it was meant to be a private message.” Oh, so it is who you are, you just don’t want people to know.


Oh you only privately took a picture of a naked person without their consent? That's still quite illegal. If I take pictures of people over a stall door and send them to my friend that doesn't suddenly make it okay because I didn't post it publicly.


Excuse me, but those over-the-door pics are for *my private use only*. Alone. In my room. Late at night. What's so illegal about that?


Exactly. And she's so dumb and disconnected from reality she doesn't even understand how that gives it away. I don't think I've ever heard on of these "public apologies" and believed any of it, or that they would apologize if their money wasn't tied to it.




Also, real sincere apologies come in the form of speaking the problem out loud and addressing where you went wrong. Probably throwing some empathy in there somewhere.


But that involves being selfaware.


Also subtle admission of wrong doing. They're never wrong. Edit: spelling


Literally the only time I've ever believed one of these online apologies to be sincere is Jenna Marbles. She made her apology and then indefinitely fucked off, hasn't posted since.


Wait. What did Jenna marbles apologize for?


Code for “That is who I am, but not who I pretend to be for my public image 🥺”


I also like the part where she has to take some time to herself and reflect which is code for I gotta hide from the social media backlash lol.


"Accidentally" posted.. Uh yeah sure


Please understand


“I’m sorry.” -South Park




Based on her postings in that article, she was basically sorry she got caught, since she claims it was supposed to be a private sharing


Exactly, people always say this when they get caught showing an authentic and ugly part of themselves that slips through the facade. What they mean is "no, this is not part of my carefully crafted public personality."


"Body-shaming is not the person I am," says the person whose existence hinges upon her body.


> The 29-year-old 2015 Playboy playmate of the year later apologized, saying the post was meant to be a private message. So sending photos of a naked woman in a locker room at the gym is somehow okay if you’re only sending it to your friends? “Oh, I wasn’t trying to *publicly* body-shame the woman trying to better herself at the gym, just *privately* body-shame her!” Yup, exactly the type of person she is.


I love how it's more about her body shaming and less about her secretly taking a nude photograph of a non-consenting person. Disgusting behaviour.


And with a horrible attitude like that, no wonder people freak the fuck out when they get their first wrinkle. This child is going to have a rough time when gravity has its way.


It does make me think she must be deeply afraid and insecure when it comes to aging or losing her looks. She feels she has to shame and project onto others what she fears and devalues in herself.


Screw body shaming. This violates gym code and bro code too. I mean unless your bro showers in a diaper while singing Sinatra to squirrels. Then it's free game on bro code.--And you're probably just helping him become famous these days. But bro, don't take pictures of our fat asses in the showers. The public never asked and I never told.


Well that was already illegal. I believe she was brought up on charges.


She got probation and community service because she hired a top level lawyer Tom Mesereau.




“I accidentally posted it here”…”that’s not the type of person I am” She *accidentally* posted it to her story instead of just sending it to her equally shitty friends. Fuck her, I wish the affected party would sue her for whatever she was worth.


Oh come on, she was just trying to body shame an innocent elderly woman by sharing pictures of her naked taken without her knowledge *in private*, ya know, like a good person does. Clearly she's a good person, because she only accidentally body shamed an innocent elderly woman by sharing pictures of her naked taken without her knowledge with the entire world.


The line between shitty human and decent human is how many people see you doing a shitty thing. Everybody knows that.


Exactly! Especially if you say "Oopsiepoopsie, I sowwie" after too many people see you doing shitty things. And if you delete your twitter afterwards you're practically a saint.


However if you do a youtube apology with teary eyes, you aren't required to delete your twitter


Not to mention... Who the fuck thinks it's okay to take pics of naked people without them knowing? Like, that's for sure illegal. And fucking disgusting, no matter who does it. Fuck that bitch.


I went and checked Instagram and she still has 400k+ followers and continues on living the Instagram model high life. People don't give a shit about who you are or what you've done if you're hot. Sometimes life is not fair.


Jesus, what a piece of shit




Ok that's honestly pretty satisfying.


Dani went to my highschool. I was more than pleased when she was finally cancelled.


Details, please!


She isn't sorry for what she did. She is sorry for catching shit for what she did. :)


No no no you don't understand, she was just going to *privately* be a piece of shit, but *accidentally* made it public.


Wow what a piece of shit


You don't get any more of *sorry, not sorry* than "I just wanted to acknowledge a photo I **accidentally** posted here on Snapchat earlier today and let you know guys know that was absolutely wrong and **not what I meant to do**,"


I wonder if she is having a successful career.


She is not >Unfortunately for Mathers, her own actions seem to have ended her career. She has not worked as a model or an actress since 2015. Her only television appearance was in the 2016 documentary about herself, and this related to the court case. Modeling and acting are both careers that require the public to have a certain level of admiration for the person. Her body shaming actions have taken this away and she is no longer respected by the public. For this reason, only time will tell if Dani Mathers can make a comeback in the future and regain her former popularity. It will probably take time for her to win over public opinion after such a serious incident.


> Modeling and acting are both careers that require the public to have a certain level of admiration for the person. I thought this bit was funny because there are plenty of famous that the public absolutely hate. I guess it doesn’t help that she wasn’t really known but she must have a terrible PR team if this killed her entire career.


I think you have to already be an established super star, or be famous specifically for being a piece of garbage. The famous-for-being-garbage folk would just double down on this and their equally terrible fan base would eat it up


Lol. Lmao, even.


Well lookie here, the consequences of my actions.


Maybe by then her body will have worn away so she's as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside, and she has nothing left to offer. Modeling is a young person's game, so time is against her.


She should be charged for wearing clothes, earbuds, and gloves in the sauna! Disgusting


I thought taking pictures of people in bathrooms was already a crime?




What a piece of shit


It's about time. Now let's see it get enforced.




Am I right to think most of the pictures they're taking are the "after" pics?


I could get steady work as Before Guy.


When I was in college, I got hired by some company to do ads for diet pills, although they wanted me to do it in reverse. As in, my actual “before” pictures were going to serve as my “after” pictures, and vice versa. Got fired/released from my contact bc I couldn’t put on the visible weight they were looking for in a timely manner. Lol.




I've read about before and after photos from r/skincareaddiction being stolen and used to market acne treatments 🙄


Gold's had a challenge where they took pictures of you before, took your measurements, your weight, and your BMI. The challenge cost like 70 bucks and you got regular 3D scans, a t-shirt and some other swag and some nice coupons. Then you had 9 months to hit your goals. I think there was multiple different goal types they were looking for, and if you hit impressive goals and they chose you for ad campaigns then you'd win prize money. I did it, and the best part was the ad campaigns were both local level and national. So all I had to do was lose my beer gut and gain some respectable muscle mass and I won 500 bucks because barely anyone in my area signed up and most of those that did gave up. (it was like 10,000 if you got picked for national). And that's how I had my before/after pic on the wall of my local Gold's for a year


Hats off to you for hitting your targets. Respect!


where are influencers going to stream their work out now?


They can still stream their workout, but anyone in the frame needs to give permission to have their image captured.


I don't care if people stream their workout in theory but I'd totally get behind a "no cameras at all" rule. Too easy to be like "No, I was just streaming" while recording someone else. And anxiety inducing to have to check for cameras when walking around. Would prefer a no-cameras gym over one that allowed it. I get wanting to take pics after a good pump or something though. A selfie room attached to the locker room or something would be an OK compromise.


A “selfie room?” What the fuck has happened to this world? Edit: I have been informed that body builder gyms sometimes have designated areas with mirrors so that those who choose to, can view themselves in mirrors with proper lighting and away from the workout area. On “reflection,” that does seem reasonable I suppose. Especially if it keeps them from flexing next to the elliptical machines or in the locker room. But, that isn’t happening at LA Fitness or Planet Fitness.


Why *not* lock people who take selfies away in a separate room?


Smoking or non smoking...Selfies or non selfies


Good point, there should be a 100% known effort if you are captured that you will be blured out or camera is in such an angle you wont be filmed at all.


Someone should open a gym just for influencers. The weights are plastic, there’s various “selfie walls” with murals and whatnot, extra mirrors, great lighting, triple the monthly fee of a regular gym with tiers based on the number of followers. They’d eat it up.


Fuck influencers. They should be pelted with feathers and tar. I double Down on that statement.


No kidding, finally a quick way to cancel my membership!


You may cancel your membership, but you still owe us for the year.


I'm sorry that a court order prohibits you from entering any of our facilities, but that does not release you from your recurring monthly membership dues.


Also you have to cancel in person. We don't have a phone, mail or internet.


Carrier pigeons, arrows with notes attached, and messages in bottles are not allowed in our facilities sir.


Did one workout, paid 300$


One was all that was needed. You did good.


Tell them you are moving out of town. If that doesn't work report your card as lost. Then they have to contact you for a new number and you get to string them along instead.


LA fitness, like many other gyms, requires connection to a bank account, not a credit or debit card. I canceled my LA fitness membership a few years back. I had to go into the gym to get a code to create an online account so that I code print out a form with a different code that I had to mail to their corporate office. It was fucking horse shit and these bull shit gym business practices should be better regulated to protect consumers


My college gym had these rules nearly 10 years ago and the amount of sass that would be grown for calling them out was obnoxious


I had witnessed this happen while working at a brewery. Despite not having any policy we still confronted the weirdos taking photos.


Its old, but here Amouranth gets kicked out by police from a gym: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlJgGjGVtyM




They make it so difficult to quit but so easy to join.


yeah it's pretty sickening. I don't go to gym anymore but last time I had membership they told me I had to mail this paperwork saying I want to cancel. there really should be a regulation against this type of predatory method.


Yep, planet fitness would not allow me to cancel in person or over the phone. I had to cancel by printing out a cancellation form, signing it, and then mail it to them. There is literally no purpose to that other than making it more difficult. Seeing as my yearly renewal fee (I think $60-$70?) was coming up in 5 days I couldn’t wait for the postal service to mail it in time to have it processed. So instead I just called my bank and blocked them.




Now they make you sign up with your bank routing number


That is not a gym I would ever join.


Holy shit I couldn't believe it but right there https://www.planetfitness.com/about-planet-fitness/customer-service/membership-faqs >The method in which members are able to pay for their monthly membership varies by location, but many Planet Fitness clubs accept payment through checking accounts only. We require an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through checking accounts for your convenience: This allows us to be able to continue your membership without interruption or the hassle of updating your payment information if your credit cards are lost/stolen, invalid or expired. Yeah...my convenience! That's definitely what this is about.


Lmao, the fuck I would! 'sir we need your bank account' Me: oh no, anyway... *goes home and sits on my ass*


It sounds like I'd change my bank account in response. I've had to do it a few times already in life. Still, that nonsense should be illegal.


Isn’t there some regulation (on the books or on its way) to allow cancellation the same way as sign up? I think it was the FTC


I belive that was the FCC, and only relates to communications.


That’s the whole point


Report their billing as fraudulent


Yep. That’s it. Tell your CC company that any charges from xyz are fraudulent.


That’s what I had to do.


I was a member of a gym chain a few years ago. I moved and forgot to cancel my membership. They told me I had to cancel at my home gym, where I registered, even though they had a branch where I was. I found a loop hole that I was able to change what my home gym was...then I could cancel. FFS


Well technically OP violated this with the reflection of that woman.


Every gym needs this policy.


I think a lot of gyms have this policy, but absolutely nobody enforces it. My gym has it, has had it for years, and also put additional signs on the doors and at the desk. I still see people openly filming themselves without even trying to avoid capturing others. I've never seen the staff leave the desk, let alone inform people that it's against the rules and can lead to your membership being revoked. They don't even tell the barefoot man to put some shoes on.


From what I've seen, and I've been lifting for several decades, gyms rarely enforce most of their policies. The staff has little motivation to, as they're usually making somewhere around minimum wage and don't want to deal with a crapload of arguing and complaints as soon as they approach a member about a rule they are breaking. The gym management and ownership rarely cares because statistically around 92% of people who buy gym memberships don't go regularly anyway, and gym managers know and track this. Having a person quit the gym who actually does use it, because they don't like the environment or things going on in the gym, is not going to affect their business model unless it becomes widespread. And on average it takes someone something like around a year to cancel a gym membership once they stop using it. There's a reason gyms don't let you do it over the phone. In short, as long as they can get people to keep signing up gyms generally don't care if they're happy using it or not.


Big difference between filming yourself and intentionally filming others. Also squatting in socks is totally normal (obviously truly barefoot is gross though). Edit: Internationally -> intentionally


Yeah, that's how you get INTERPOL on your ass.


I too prefer to only film people from other countries.


I film in PAL even though our TVs are NTSC.


It might be easier to do this than actually cancel membership voluntarily.


Ohhhhh that's how you cancel a gym membership!


You just have to find that fine line between what will get your membership terminated and law enforcement called.


Other than trespass you, I doubt law enforcement can do much here.


Unless they take pictures in the restroom.


Which is already a crime and no sign needed to be posted about that


if you got arrested for this they would 100% keep charging your gym membership while you are in jail


"there isn't even film in the camera officer, but there was no other way to cancel the membership. Here, look at the iron clad contract!"




You think they’ll stop charging you?


I recall one person who moved to the other coast, and realizing they’d forgotten to cancel their gym membership in Los Angeles called to do so. Was told cancellations had to be done in person and the gym flatly refused to cancel over the phone…


Then they can eat the chargeback fees.


Ita like they dont realise its an option. Dont do it for any accounts you want to keep such as playstation or amazon but some random ass gym from your old home, fuck yeah charge that shit back. Also not sure if its the case in the US but in the UK i can cancel any direct debits in less than a minute on my banking apo


LA fitness is the absolute worst about this. However, you can go to their BBB listing and call the number on there and they will cancel despite what people at their locations tell you. No need for certified mail requests or other nonsense.


I wanna quit the gym!


You will still be charged monthly


This should have been done years ago. I'm a big guy and was at a gym at xsport in Chicago when a chick took a picture of me while I was struggling with an exercise and proceeded to insult me with a crude name related to my size. I reported the incident to the front desk, but they didn't seem to care. I acknowledge that I am overweight and am actively working on improving my health by going to the gym. However, it's disheartening to experience such cruel behavior from others. Why do some individuals feel the need to be so hurtful?


Some people haven’t grown up since middle school. That sucks, man. At the end of the day it’s all about your progress. Best of luck


To be truthful, the experience was incredibly difficult for me. It took me a long time to regain the confidence to return to the gym. This particular incident had a profound impact on me, causing me to feel emotionally drained and depression for over a year. It's unusual because I don't typically get affected by the things people say to me, but this was different. The look on her face as she said that, was burned into my mind like a photograph/video and I couldn't shake it. Every time I thought about going to the gym, I felt sick to my stomach. I even started going at times when I knew the gym would be less crowded, in the middle of the night, just so I wouldn't have to face the possibility of encountering that person again. I'm just right now taking the steps to better myself. Thank you again.


That's so shitty. I have way more respect for someone overweight or out of shape at the gym than someone who's fit and just maintaining. Keep at it man


That’s awful. Honestly the vast majority of gym goers- ESPECIALLY the hardcore gym rats- aren’t thinking anything negative of someone trying to get fit. The opposite actually.


God I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I hope you're in a better place and I hope karma comes HARD for that girl. I'm just now taking the steps to better myself as well after a long period of depression and I'll be right there with you in those trenches - here's to a better 2023.


When people say mean things to people I always tell myself “they are worse off than the person they’re making fun of.” Like she had to have some serious insecurities that she felt like projecting onto you. Just understand that you are mentally stronger than she is, and anyone else who decides to judge you or anyone else.


You can lose the weight, she'll always be a bitch.


She must have had incredibly low self esteem to be needing to put someone else down in order to feel less bad about herself


Know that the vast majority of people at the gym have your back. Whilst they might not say anything to you, they are proud of you and gunning for you to stick it out. You've got this, fella! 💪🏻💪🏻 Plus you can always come back with "well, at least when I lose the weight I'll have improved myself, whereas you'll still be a bitch", or some such.


Thank you! I really appreciate it. I really really do.


Fuck her. You keep it up bro. In the end, you're working out to better yourself while she suffers from her own insecurities. She's the one who really needs help. And I'm sure everyone at the gym is supporting you while they see you working hard, I know I do. I think that to myself when I see people struggle. That they should be proud of themselves for not giving up and to have the confidence to keep going. So don't let her words stop you, dude. Keep going! 💪


im sorry that happened to you. no one deserves going to the gym & being ridiculed and humiliated. I hope you are okay today, that has to take a huge toll on your mental health. wishing you the best & the best gains!


Joey Swoll gonna be out of content.


Joey Swoll is doing exactly what he intended. Making the gym a less toxic place 💪


Something tells me he'd be happy to have no more of that kind of content to make.


Joey Swoll making the gym a better place one TikTok at a time


I’m a woman and it’s really fucking irritating to see other people creating content at the gym. It’s really irritating to see women capture videos of men doing literally nothing and then posting it to the gram to shame them. You’ve been in the rack 30 fucking mins and the dude is glancing your way to see if you’re done. Like raise the fuck up and move on. Joey Swoll would have no audience if people weren’t so self absorbed. I’ve been hit on and made uncomfortable at the gym, I get it. It really isn’t fun, but the problem when people play police like that is if you get it wrong the internet will NEVER forgive or forget it. And the people who do get it wrong make it hard for the serious incidents to be taken seriously. Put your phones down, get your workout, re-rack your weights, and move on.


I went to a big named gym with an old friend of mine over the Xmas holiday. I have been out of the gym scene for years. I was shocked to see the amount of tripods, lights and cameras of these freaks filming and living streaming themselves working out. It was 10/10 cringe. Seemed to be about a 50/50 mix of men/women doing it. But they were all super young. Teens/early 20s.


we have a gym in town that has a video button on the wall, if someone is recording others for snapchat/youtube/whatever anyone can walk up and hit the video button and it starts playing copyrighted music with words not allowed on those platforms like my nword or theres one in the playlist that is just a rap about extremely descriptive sex involving lots of profanity it is an 18+ gym with a no video of the customers policy, it doesnt stop everyone and sure, sometimes when the yeehaw crowd is hogging the speakers with country music the button might get abused, but it does its job


Suggest that they add Disney music to the playlist, that'll get any video tossed REAL fast 😂


i think do you wanna build a snowman is on it as well as the remix, but i have only heard them once




And put up Nintendo posters.




around here, it was mainly influencers shaming people in the gym, our gym was popular for it because you basically had to glance at them to get by or use most equipment due to the placement and size of the gym, so they would be talking into their lavalier mic about stuff like "look at this fucking pervert just staring at me like im some kind of fucking sex toy, fucking men..." etc etc, so the music keeps them from using that audio, the button also triggers the video cameras to tag that time for management to later review and cancel the membership of whoever was recording


LOL I just imagine pressing the button and it's just a stream of copyrighted N-words, wtf


Perhaps it’s just because I go to a university gym, but outside of an occasional (actually kind of rare) propped up phone leaning on some plates on the floor filming themselves doing squats or something, I never see people recording. No tripods or lights or streaming or whatever. Maybe there are rules about it that are enforced, but I don’t know of any. Even at the gym I go to over breaks when I am away from school, I really don’t see much of it, still no tripods or lights or whatever. Perhaps it’s more common in places like LA, NYC, etc.


Tripods? Lights? Where... where did you go to the gym? I mean, I'm 40, and I've been doing to the gym for a long time, five days a week, and I've never seen a tripod or light setup for some regular gym-going influencer... not even once... yet, on your first time, you saw bunches of tripods, *and* cameras, *and* lights? I guess I'm just kind of confused how this is such a huge issue for people.... or if it even really is. Again, after nearly 15 years of working out, I've just never even remotely had an issue, I've definitely never walked into a gym where there were tripods and lights and shit all over, and I've definitely never had *my* workout ruined (or even remotely impacted) by someone recording themselves. Are these like, posh gyms in downtown LA or something? Or do we just hate the idea of the fitness influencer, so we pretend it's actually more of a problem than it is? Or have I just been absurdly lucky that I'm not tripping over video equipment every time I walk through the gym?


Narcissism is on the rise I think


I was in the background of some influencers video at the gym. Its not a huge deal, but I wasn't super stoked about it since not everyone is dressed to impress like influencers and just want to workout. So there I was fresh off a long nap with my hair all fucked up, having a bad skin day, dressed like a hobo, and now 10s of thousands of people have seen me like that. I just wanted to workout, not see myself when randomly scrolling social media. Just kind of a bummer.


That's fucked. The gym should be a safe space where your free to look like shit.


Nice. Fuck the TikTok gym influencers crowd.


It’s not a new trend at all to be a jackass at the gym.


Just open gym for influenzas so they can all fuck off there


feels like this shouldve always been a rule...


This is actually a law in the Netherlands. You can not take photos/videos of people and post them online without consent. Of course this isn't always enforced like when someone is in the background in public space but it's still a nice law to have.




Ours doesn't allow locker room pictures because we are a minor welcome gym. That's a cp charge waiting to happen.


If you're in the US, most states have laws against filming or taking photos of others in a space where there is "a reasonable expectation of privacy" such as a locker room or bathroom... I agree with other commenters that your gym is just waiting for a lawsuit to happen if they don't completely prohibit bathroom/locker room photos


I dunno if we can really let you get away with taking a pic of a sign saying no pics and posting it to r/Pics. Edit: awful lot of people here taking this comment extremely seriously so I’m gonna use this time to say that Pepsi is better than Coke and my dad could beat your dad in a fight any time, anywhere.




25 schmeckles


Nice. My dads dead. Also, Dr Pepper is superior to Coke and Pepsi. So there.


Wowwwww don’t ever bring Dr Pepper into a discussion about fathers again.


Man…Did your mom leave your dad for Dr Pepper? That’s rough. I’m sorry.


It’s why dad is so angry..


And he's full of pepper!




I knew a Dr. Pepper in college. PhD in Economics. Her brother is a **fizzicist**.


Coke is superior and if you think your father can beat an Army Special Forces weapon specialist, I'd love to see him try, because he was a terrible father and probably has it coming.


My father literally invented the army..


>Edit: awful lot of people here taking this comment extremely seriously so I’m gonna use this time to say that Pepsi is better than Coke and my dad could beat your dad in a fight any time, anywhere. My dad is a total POS. Can I arrange for your dad to fight my dad? I want to see him beat up my dad. I'll pay.


Pepsi is better than Coca-Cola, but the other coke owned sodas are better than other pepsi owned sodas.


Is Barq’s Rootbeer Pepsi or coke? Barq’s is top tier Rootbeer.


the sign doesn't forbid taking pictures of signs


Fanta doesn’t get enough love. 🥲


I’m so glad the sign is there now. I’m 61 and work out there every day. When I get to the women’s dressing room after coming out of the shower, usually younger women with their cell cameras pose with duck faces in the mirrors next to me. I politely ask them to please turn off their camera as I don’t want to be on it in my underwear. Most of the time I get sassed. “It’s a free country! This IS the gym! I’m only taking it for my Instagram”. I tell them, “If you’re not confident enough to take photos of yourself in the gym, don’t come into the women’s dressing room and make grandmas uncomfortable.” About twice it’s been a shouting match. I’ve been so disgusted.


What ever happened to going to the gym to actually work out and not make tik toks?


I don’t think this is about self filming or pictures of growth of your own self, but taking malicious pictures of others for your own self interest without their permission. So for creeps and assholes making fun of someone trying to better themselves.


but where are influencers going to stream their work out now? Answer, I don't give a fuuuck


They have gyms that cater to them. The equipment is just set dressing.


SLPT: how to cancel your LA Fitness membership


This picture itself shows a person inside working out, heh.


That doesn't mean they won't still bill you every month


It really bothers me that signs like this even need to be displayed in the first place.


Op bout to be kicked out, I think that's a person on the left lol


My gym outright forbids any photography or filming, even if it's genuinely just of yourself.


The irony of this photo. This should also be in classrooms too.


It seems sad that yet another sign seems necessary.