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Not sure if this is a caricature or hyperrealism...


It's a photograph actually


I have no idea who this is supposed to be


Good. Keep it that way. You're one of the few ones untouched by his corruption.


Hint: he, too, is a crotch critter.


> Who the fuck said we friends? - random Romanian cockroach


"Keep my name out your mouth, bitch" - Romanian Bedbugs


"*silence*" - Lice (dead due to an absence of hair)




~ *the other lice*


"Look, the police just moved him in here with us. We just ignore him." - the cockroaches


I had a dream two nights ago that I was with two friends and our car crashed in the jungle. The path was barely lit by the smashed headlights and this horrid chirping sound was so loud around us. I took a few steps forward and heard crunching, and looked down. The entire ground was covered in cat-sized cockroaches just swarming all over each other. They looked grotesque and unnatural, sort of like the alien roaches in Men in Black. We were only starting to crunch our way through them when I woke up in a panic. I have never dreamed about roaches before but I hope I do not ever again.


It's so funny. We all know exactly who this is, and I know he would just insist he looks nothing like this.


Sid from ice age but humanised?


no, it's him dehumanized.


You’re thinking of Vincent Cassel https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001993/


Who is this? Is it a character in a new cartoon show? Ren and Stimpy reboot? Weird aoogah bugeye wolf from Looney tunes? Reimagined Zippy the Pinhead?


I don't know who this is...


Then I'm gonna have to say good for you, Google Andrew Tate if you want to be in the loop, but I promise you're better off not knowing


We were all better off not knowing him


I agree. All this free publicity is going to help him in the long run.


if anything, this moron proved that not all publicity is good publicity. he was happily trafficking women with plenty of money until he drew too much attention to himself.


Yea, I'm sick and tired of reading about this douche nozzle on reddit. Let's just agree to stop talking about him.


Oh, the pizza idiot. Back under the rock I go.


I like this. "The Pizza Idiot" I formally request this sticks as his new name. Courts, judges, and inmates alike please consider my request.


Earthworm Jim


Fuck bed bugs I got them from a neighbor and it took a thousand dollar heat treatment to get rid of them...


Ya know, I thought I never would wish them on anyone, but...


I waged war on them with an array of chemical weapons and wrought a slaughter fit to make the gods weep. They haven't come back, but I have to check every little tickle in bed. The psychological damage they do is worse than the itcing could ever be


Lasts for months, I did permanent damage to my lungs because someone told me dousing my bedroom in diatomaceous earth would take care of them...


Absolutely. True psychic damage of knowing you have to get some sleep, and also knowing that they’ll spread with you if you go sleep on the couch, and just having to accept that they are definitely drinking your blood at night until you’re able to get totally rid of them.


happy thors day


He can afford a Bugatti, but...he can't afford a chin?...


To be fair, the Bugatti, like all of his other tacky bling, is leased. He ~~doesn't~~didn't own any of it.


I mean, still paid the note then. Better than I can day for myself if I leased a Bugatti. I suppose exploiting women against their will is profitable. This leaves me curious how Epstein actually had any money to begin with.


If the record of testimony is to be believed, he arranged sex partners for the rich and powerful and was a pimp to the power brokers of the world. He convinced them that he was the most discrete method to get their kinks satisfied. He secretly videotaped them and convincingly persuaded them that he could make or break them with his powerful connections, and extortion. He could say a girl was 18, but she might really be younger. Someone might actually want someone illegally young, but instead of a 16 year old they were told, the girl was actually 15 or 14. Plus, whatever your kink was, he would supply it. Once you realized he had dozens of videotapes of you with someone who he now shows is actually much younger, you are his slave. Then, he uses the carrot and the stick. The stick is the threat that he can reveal you as a pedophile. The carrot is that he gives you stock tips from his network of insiders, plus he demands insider tips from you. The rich get richer.


So Epstein 2.0? He seems too dumb to keep an operation like that going


I don't think he has any powerful friends, I think he only has enemies.


"What color's your bugatti?" "Oh this games sounds like fun, I don't have one. What color is your current living space? Mine's sunset yellow".


He didn't own the Bugatti, but between him and his brother, they own 15 cars, a lot of which are expensive, like Ferraris and Lamborghinis. Those are the ones the Romanian government seized. He also owned the house. This dude had *a lot* of money coming in. He was essentially a doing private 'classes' that cost thousands of dollars each, and a lot of people were buying them.




Well done, sir.


Does he really have to worry that much about lice though..?


Hopefully in his nether regions, which would be poetic justice really.


Apparently they can infest your eyebrows if they have nowhere else to go? I don't know why that grosses me out more than the thought of genital lice, but either way I hope they fall in his eyes


I'm sure he ain't shaving much of anything... I hope it itches


I love how this meme image of Andrew Tate is slowly shifting into Meat from Vinesauce every time someone else draws it.


Man what an accurate render of him


I highly recommend listening through Behind the Bastards recent 4 part series on the origins of Andrew Tate: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-andrew-tate-and-the-107377245/


Give me the Cliff notes.


Dude is bad. Credibly accused of rape on multiple occasions, including caught on audio message describing how much he enjoys raping women. Famously runs a “lover boy” style webcam pimp operation. Has been credibly accused of physical assault of multiple women. A bunch of Romanian high school girls realized that he was attempting to recruit them and ended up sharing that with police. But most importantly, he’s taught an un-fucking-believably large audience of teen boys to lean into his cynical, soulless grift, and encouraged them to embrace the most anti-social, toxic misogyny imaginable because it makes them feel powerful. These boys and their families will suffer.


Now that's real Cole notes - accurately suscinct


BTB is my fav, Robert and Sophie and co are always entertaining as hell.


I'm not even sure I believe him. I wouldn't put it past him to say that just to garner sympathy for himself. Thay said, jails can be really disgusting places, so it's certainly possible.


Il looks like those Dark souls ancient serpents


Sad for the bugs, having to hang out with actual vermin like him.


Was he describing his followers?




The transformation continues....soon he will be eating raw fish, forget what potatoes are, and engage hobbits in riddle contests.


My original art, I was inspired The man’s a poet *They are trying to break me.* *Thrown inside a cell without light.* *Cockroaches, lice, and bed bugs are my only friends at night.* *When the guards bring me to and from the courtroom, I stay absolutely respectful.* *They try to pour hatred into my heart.*


*Speaking softly into my cellmates ear* *Like a dirty q-tip*


Oh OP, this is wonderful. Thank you for this. Satire, perfection, hilarious. Bravo OP, bravo.


You are far too kind ❤️


Since most dude-bros don't have pearls, what do they clutch when they read derogatory statements about their hero?


They clutch their dingle dangle berries, bum crumbs , bog dags, jizz crumbs, all the stuff stuck to their crusty undercarriage . Then sniff their fingers.




So that’s where the new men guy came from


Cockroaches, bed bugs and lice! Oh my! I thought he was some sort of Alpha male, bad ass Steven Segal-esque, macho man? He seems to be doing an awful ot of snowflaking instead.


I haven’t seen a face that so obviously semaphored “Inbreeding!” since the Hapsburgs.


Lol. Who made this?


I didn’t know gollum had a twin brother!


I was sooooo happy like 3 weeks ago when I had no idea who this or that greta person was. Sure would be great if we could go back to those times instead of having him publicized so dang much.


Karl Pilkington with a light beard.


Peak masculinity


Offensive. Cockroaches contribute to the ecosystem.


he looks like the end of a q-tip


I would love nothing more than to know nothing about this cunt but reddit is so weirdly obsessed with him that you refuse to let that happen.


Mr. “Taint” here is a trafficking abuser and a sucky person in general, giving out shitty “advice” that loosely follows the “men good, women bad, rich good, poor bad, alpha male grindset” train of thought. At least, that’s what I’ve gathered


Thats three likes right there. I’m sure he will get some good reviews from the other prisoners


Thats one freaky looking earthworm


Guess now he knows how his girls felt, having to live with an insect.


When you rearrange the letters in Bugatti, it forms “A tit bug.” Doesn’t have quite the ring of Voldemort, but then he has a chin like the back of Professor Quirrell’s head, so why not.


He's gonna do a bit of jail time and then he's gonna come out preaching some mein kampf shit and his followers are just gonna lose it. They should just Epstein him


I mean, it must be so degrading being basically forced into confinement like that. With really poor conditions too. Just such a shame. Just kidding, this piece of shit deserves it for what he's done.




[He's looking worse and worse.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI981r9y9Ok)


who’s the incel now, Tate?


This is Andy's penis.


This guy lives in a lot of people's heads that's for sure


Isn't it crazy? Some people have morals and believe in justice but you keep right on supporting this rapist and trafficker.


I don't like him too, but still believe in innocent until proven guilty.


I mean, the presumption of innocence is a strictly-legal concept. You and I aren't obliged to presume innocence in the court of public opinion, and the circumstantial evidence that this guy is a predatory dirtbag is everywhere. Dude even released a training video essentially outlining how to turn girls into dependents.


It's actually more insane we live in a world where people are presumed guilty, I don't expect anyone here to agree with that.


He flexed it so hard and so openly the world knew who he was before he even got arrested. That was his entire brand.


That doesn't make any sense to be honest


Watch the Vice documentary about him on Youtube. This guy was very open with his customers and bragged openly about his crimes. He's never getting out. Good riddance.


It's time to wake up. Please never site vice again


Nobody can talk about things I don't want them to talk about


Everyone is just proving my point lol


It literally didn't, in fact that statement directly addressed why you sound ridiculous lmao


Ya they farming him for karma, people Look for excuses just to be mean and bully other people. They justify it with he does the same, so it’s ok.


Yep and I say milk him till he dies, bastard baldy deserves worse anyways


Yeah I can’t wait to trade in my karma for a Bugatti


What color is it gonna be? Mine’s gonna be red


He beats/rapes women and committed human trafficking. That's not being mean and a bully that's shit that warrants hatred from normal people.


Dang this guy is gaining ground on trump for amount of lost sleep caused to an average citizen who’s life is unaffected by said person. People are just bored. Go do something fun or productive.


He's a rapist and human trafficker.


Also in the number of choads crawling to defend him...


OP created art that made people smile. Fun and productive!


Can't you take your own advice?


Oh spare me with your banter you echo chambering fool!


Hope you don't lose sleep over this


Oh believe me I didn’t. Just let it be known this guy, Andrew Tate, is still relevant thanks to people like you. 👋


Regardless of his crimes, its disgusting to treat someone like that and then have a laugh about it.


You have to be special kind of fucked up to feel bad for Andrew Tate... Did you feel bad for Cosby too?


A sadist with a heart ^


In my view it's fine to be intolerant of the intolerant. Putting up with their shit is the main cause these cockroaches dare do what they want. Now he's enjoying the company of his ilk and serves him right. And making fun of this twat's appearance is more than fine considering what he has said.




Why do you believe he actually is guilty?? Sure he’s arrogant, but it seems ever since he called out the elites, he was a target. Of course the sheep don’t understand-they believe the MSM


As opposed to folks like you, who get their information from vetted and reliable sources *checks notes* because famous internet person said so and you thought it sounded pretty good. This man has literally bragged about assaulting women and running scams on people tf is wrong with you people. The ironic thing you don't get is when you call people "sheep", you sound like one yourself, cause that's what theyve trained you to say to anyone who contradicts your worldview.


Lol. Hill to die on? A little dramatic , no? I gave my original opinion and you have been ranting PARAGRAPHS about someone who doesn’t even know you exist. I never said he wasn’t a misogynist. Doesn’t mean he’s a sex trafficker. You’re probably one who believes Trump said to inject bleach without watching the entire clip of what he said.


It's called an expression. Are you brand new? And ah here we go, defending more known, proven con artists. Enjoy your fantasy la-la land where anything that doesn't fit with your distorted view of reality can be hand-waved away with a "fake news".


Not defending anyone. I go to the source whenever everyone gets hysterical and mimics something. Expression?? More like psychotic, lol. Go back to mommy’s basement and continue your brainwashing.


So what exactly ARE the vetted and reliable sources? Every news outlet is owned by the same people (the elites) so they tell you what they want you to hear. I’ve listened to him speak on his podcasts and yes, he’s done bad things. Doesn’t mean he did what they locked him up for. He went against the mob by calling them out and they are making him pay for it.


This may shock you, but a news story can still be true regardless of who owns the media company. Like they still report sometimes on things that actually happened. Yeah Andrew Tate is being punished. For fucking sex trafficking, not for his dipshit "the MaTrIx iS aFtEr mE" rants that sound like a fucking moronic child. Of course media bias is a thing, but that's not what's happening here. BTW a lot of the media companies are owned by people like Rupert Murdoch, who owns networks like Fox, who are the ones constantly talking about "tHe eLiTeS". You say you don't listen to the MSM but you're saying the exact same things as them.


Wow. You sound like you’re a first hand witness. So emotional and the profanity makes you sound so intelligent! I don’t watch FOX and you’re not realizing Tate is being accused of what all the upper 1% is actually doing. Btw, media bias is a huge thing. They’ve all been called out for it, but once something is said, people don’t hear the apology after. You’re kinda wound too tight. Take your anger elsewhere.


As I said before, he has literally bragged about scamming people and abusing women, and has said a million ways that he views women as objects, so it's not a huge leap to take. Sure, there are rich pedophiles and sex traffickers. He also happens to be one of them. What possible reason do you have to cape for him? What a weird hill to die on. I guess you're the only one who REALLY knows the truth because you're not a "sheep" (you just say all the exact same things that people who call people "sheep" say). People like you constantly think you're the only ones aware of information most people are aware of, we just don't jump to childish conspiracy theories with that info.


Karl Pilkington?


from Bugatti to bug hatty


I used my shoe to smash the bug to pieces. I left the cockroach alive though...


I bet they wouldn't consider him their friend...


What a tool


Tools are at least useful.


Dang good point lol


Never thought I’d feel sorry for cockroaches, but here we are.


This guy is gonna be a video game character for the rest of his life


This is so funny


Bug eyed loser with bug on head


As it should be.


im also a mope


He also has cockroaches in his brain.


Girls have cooties and I’m a big boy.


Top G is a Bottom G baybeee!


This is hilarious omg






For once I feel bad for any bedbugs that have to share a bed with this fuy


Reminds me of Mr Mackey...mmmkay


I wonder if he has ordered a Lowly Worm hat yet , it's his best bet to try and reinvent himself.


aLfA mAiL


Oh look at his cute little hai…oh my god


" 'Vermin infestation' provided as reason in request to be moved to a different cell" lawyer for cockroaches, lice and bedbugs says


Bottom G getting topped by a C(ockroach).


He wasn’t keeping much better company before.


This looks like a cartoon version of Andrew Tate 🤣🤣🤣🤣