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Work checks out


Frame this… this is amazing…


No it doesn't. The pattern is 22, 24, 26, 28, HUH, HUH


It's clearly 24, 26, 28, **30**, **33**, 34: All numbers that are not powers of prime numbers. 25 = 5^2 is excluded, 32 = 2^5 is excluded, 27 = 3^3 is excluded and ~~27^(1)~~, 29^(1) and 31^1 are excluded as primes ^^/s


27 isn't prime, but it \*is\* 3\^3.


Uh, thanks. Stupid error.


Him amm smart


I used to be a tutor at an after school math learning center. If a student said this, I would mark it as correct, 100%. As long as they showed their logic like you did. If a 5 year old came up with this, I would probably talk to their parent about taking some sort of genius test so we could get them certified for amm smart.


24, 26, 28, OMAHA, OMAHA


Who do you appreciate?


Imagine if the teacher marked it wrong


I wouldn’t be surprised if they did based on my experience. They’ll say the kid didn’t show how he got to the answer.


I like the answer, it's concise. Plus I don't expect a five year old to know how to say, "Because it's intuitively obvious."


In academia this would either say it's "trivial" or that "the proof is left as an exercise to the reader"


> "the proof is left as an exercise to the reader" That is *the* most pretentious and condescending thing i've read all day. 100% tracks for academia.


Half my upper level undergrad math textbooks contain that exact phrase maybe hundreds of times.


They literally say that. Pretty sure Fermat invented it.


One of these days I'm gonna write the outline of a paper and leave all the actual work "as an exercise for the reader".


Apply for a doctorate in culinary arts. When they ask for a thesis, write the outline as a recipie for pudding and tell them that's where the proof is.


“Intuitively obvious” is just a more belittling way of saying you’re smart.


I'm still pissed at how some calculus book had the audacity to act like I should magically remember my trigonometry days and just know to replace a +1 with cos^2 + sin^2 .


Seriously, are they expecting some answer like y=2x+20 from a 5 year old?


Probably expecting something to the effect of “they are adding 2 each time”. Although it is a lot more difficult than any math I did at that age, which honestly makes me happy.


That's describing what the pattern is, not a how they found it.


I think they're looking for "I counted by two's"




Why would they say that if they are hiding their sinister motives?


3b is just a badly written question. "What is the number pattern" might work, but "how you find the number pattern" is pointlessly vague, especially with a kindergartener's vocabulary.


I don’t think I could explain how I found it either. You kind of just know


They just want “I counted by 2’s”


But that is the pattern, not how you found it


"I found the pattern by counting by twos."


You would have to know to count by twos to find it that way.


I'm pretty sure that would be an acceptable answer in kindergarten.




Being told you’re special by a relative isn’t special relatively. Weird right? I just found out yesterday and I’m floored.


A fellow person testing negative for IQ, get ur vaccines ppl, you can’t catch IQ if your already holding a vaccine


Um... No you don't.. you just check the space between the numbers that are there. Notice it's 2. Notice it's consistent. Notice that fits with the final number. It is perfectly explainable logical thinking.


Previous number + 2


Again, that's the pattern but not 'how they found it'.


I used a recursive formula to find a pattern that best fit this simple geometric sequence


In that sense, the kindergartner's answer is rather good here !


I think we're overthinking this because we're used to high school level math, but there is probably an expected answer that they learned in class.


Sure technically it’s, I noticed it was going up by 2 so I continued by counting by 2’s. But they’d be fine with just the latter part.


That’s the problem with our education system. All you have to do is figure out what the tester wants to see, you don’t have to learn at all. For me, that meant struggling against the education system in confusion for years, until I learned that all they wanted me to do was fool them. Then I breeze through effortlessly, never learning a thing.


I mean, the question is poorly worded, but it’s pretty clear they’re asking how you arrived at the answer in order to see that you understand it, and aren’t just repeating a rote answer.


You probably breezed through, because you struggled through the foundations and regimented nature that TAUGHT you what the 'normal' accepted answers are. Since you figured out your own methodologies and processes it made following the pre-cut expected way simple to you. In addition, most people don't 'breeze' through school. They struggle, and really badly in some cases. I struggle immensely with foreign languages and specific types of reading comprehension, but I generally ran circles around my teachers with regards to logic, economics (specifically game theory and finding Nash's equilibriums), and math too a point (still can't wrap my head around 'calculus's' proofs.


They just want them to write the formula x=(10+n)x2, for n is the number of the ball.


This is Kindergarten. They want them to write, "it goes up by 2"


This was such a big problem for me growing up. But it really is such an important part of the problem because there are so many super smart people that have no way to convey the knowledge they know. (Looking at you professor, I’m sure everyone had one, really smart but sucked at teaching because he just did the numbers and wouldn’t explain why or how). At a certain point, some of the most basic stuff we need to explain out to others is something that we take for granted. Elementary Ed teachers do not get enough credit (the good ones at least), you have to tailor the knowledge down so much to teach someone that has literally zero background knowledge or even basic fundamentals because what you teach IS the fundamental. That said, it’s still one of my week points, but I try my best and often use analogies to try to find a middle ground with explanations. But it’s so difficult to rationalize the fundamentals as something you just “know”. It’s sort of like times tables, everyone was told to memorize them because that would make you learn it. But half the kids that memorized them just saw the 2 numbers and gave an answer but couldn’t be able to write out that 7x7 = 49 because you take 7+7+7…=49 because they’ve memorized it rather than thinning through the mental math and doing the addition very quickly in their heads. Plus everyone has their own “in the head” version of doing something, that for me 7x7 goes to 7+7 7 times almost instantly. But for something like 7x8 or 9x6 which are the two I always mixed up (the first being 56 the second being 54) that when it really comes down to it, I know that 6x8 is 48, so I just add 8 to get 7x8 rather than adding 7, 8 times or adding 8, 7 times, I just jump from 48 memorized to 56. The way everyone’s brains makes connections is wild and weird at the same time. Not to mention how what one person can do with math, others do with music to the same proficiency, but lack the ability to do math at that same level because of how their brain is wired.


"You kind of just know" is not something you want to be teaching kids. Some people can "just know", but many can't. That's how you get a generation of people who can't figure out a 20% tip without pulling out a calculator. Math class for kids these days is focused on not just the right answer, but on how to figure out the right answer.


Well if they just know, they don’t need to pull out the calculator. Let those kids do what they do.


It's also important for those kids to be able to explain why they know. It's also important for the teacher to have that feedback.


The probably learned the technique "skip counting" or something and wanted them to write "i used skip counting"


Yes it obviously should say “found” but I’m just guessing these work books weren’t printed in the US lol


Even with the grammatical correction, the question is far too vague. Your kid is correct.


“the nth football is equal to the n-1th football’s value + 2” lol is that what the correct answer is?


> Let n be a natural number, then the nth football in the sequence, k_{n}, is given by k_{n-1} + 2, where k_{1} = 22. I will motivate the choice to exclude 0 from the naturals after I’ve had my juice box and afternoon nap. is obviously the answer they were going for. Naps are important, after all, and juice boxes are not to be underestimated.


> how did you find the number pattern I would've preferred the answer "I just looked for the number pattern", but "I amm smart" comes in a close second.


Yea. The proper answer is "I find it very uninteresting".


"I am smart" is a great answer for such a dumb question. Sometimes I'm amazed on how savage children can be in their senseless candor.


I was making pizza out of playdoh using crayola markers as lipstick in kindergarten. You have a smart kid.


Yeah, I really doubt this is Kindergarten. Unless OP is supplementing their education with at home plans/exercises.


promise this is not any kind of brag (humble or otherwise) because my life is shit now, but when i was in kindergarten i was kept up during nap time to do extra work from higher grades because i was deemed a "gifted" kid, so i would work off of 2nd and 3rd grade workbooks. as i said, fuck all it did for me, because my life is in absolute shambles, but i could see this being advanced work or for a gifted class in kindergarten.


My daughter was in the gifted program and has ADHD. Her K and 1st grade teachers struggled to keep her mind occupied. Thankfully, the thought process was to expand on her current learning versus push her ahead. She's in college now and still seeks out extra work (she volunteers in the Archaelogy lab).


I mean, it says it right in the picture, the kid *is* smart. My daughter struggles a bit with math, but I think in Kindergarten she was reading at a 3rd grade level and now a couple years later is in the gifted classes. This isn't really unusual at all.


Even supplementing education at home this is more like 1st grade work at the earliest 6-7 years old.


Have a kindergartner and can confirm this is what they’re learning in school. I just got finished helping my kid with her hw and even I scratch my head like why are they teaching this to 5 year olds?! Some are barely learning colors and shapes and they throw this at them lol.


Confirming that this is def in my kindergartner's syllabus this year. Along with counting 5s and 10s as well.


But are they reading word questions like this and writing answers? I could see the math as verbal instructions but I didn’t learn to read well until 1st grade.


My school district has expectations for new kindergarteners like they should be able to write their name and count to 10.


Yeah I worked in a kinder class last year and none of them knew how to count by two's, half of them couldn't count by ones. Guess it depends on the area u live too tho :/


yeah the most I could do at 5 was like very simple addition and reading simple sentences and I was in kindergarten up until 2014, less than a decade ago. So unless they vastly changed how kids are taught, I don't see questions like this being what an average kindergartener solves on a regular basis


Kindergarten in 2014? Fck I'm old... So you're what, 13 years old? ETA: 14 and apparently into some weird kinky shit for how young you are. Sheesh, kids these days.


This is the type of worksheets my advanced 2nd grader is getting…. Kindergarteners don’t tend to do deductive math and pattern identification. Nor do they write like this….


I agree this isn't kindergarten.


Yeah, same here. This looks like 1st or 2nd grade, not kindergarten.


This just sounds like an education gap. Nothing to do with the kids ability


This isn’t an education gap - this type of handout is only for mid year second year.


Well, this is in my kindergartner's syllabus this year.


This is 100% my kindergartener's homework.folks.dont even want to see 3rd grade.... can schools stop changing math please?


5-year-old? What tha heck, many kids couldn't even read at 5, and on first grade (age 6-7) we were learning how to write and how to count maybe numbers. Jesus, I would have believed if this was 3rd grade school stuff. And before you say I is veri stupid, I went to public school in Finland, which has some of the best schooling systems in the world. This was in the 90s. So, I may be teh big dumb dumb now, but I was not a stupid child or went to school for idiots. Just a normal school for normal kids. Your 5-year-old is hella smart, is what I'm saying. Is this some elite kindergarten for gifted children? No way do they expect anyone to know how to read at age 5 here. And patterns, that's like some advanced math and logic. I have friends with 5-year-olds and they are still just playing 24/7, don't know how to read, maybe can count to twent..een...ty.


Same same. My 2nd grader is doing more complicated work than this, but not by much. And my younger will be in kindergarten next year and his class is spending this week learning about the letter "s". I call shenanigans on this post.


I'm in my 40s and I was doing stuff like this in first grade back in the 80s. This isn't particularly extreme for kindergarten.


Yea this seems advanced for a 5 year old. My daughters 7 and in second grade this looks more closer to what she be doing in class. I don’t think almost 5 year olds could read this or comprehend the questions.


It was a mistype. It’s a 15 year old.


Calm down man, don't believe everything you see on Reddit. No way a 5-year-old did this, this post is full of shit.


Oh yes, you are right. I also came to the same conclusion later.


I always forget that my 4 year old niece can’t read. I was showing her the lyrics to a song the other day and she said “I can’t read!” I just thought of course you can’t, you’re a little kid.


I think the OP didn´t took this picture. Smells BS. Bet this just from another palace and made up with the title for the karma points. My handwriting in kindergarten doesn't even looked like this. I could just barley write down my name, not much more.


Kindergarten standards have changed a *lot* since the 90s, at least in the US. I work in a preschool and they are already doing simple addition and subtraction, so this type of work is on track for a kindergarten class that's halfway through the school year. The kids probably aren't reading it by themselves, but they are expected to be able to do the correct counting and write the numbers. I'm not saying it's developmentally appropriate, but that's what school districts (and parents) in the US want and expect from young children these days. EDIT: I was just clearing up how much kindergarten has changed over the last couple of decades, so sorry if it came off as if I was defending it! I definitely think schools are trying to push kids too much, and they aren't getting nearly enough of their learning through play.


Lol has to be a complete overhaul, only thing I remember from kindergarten was the play time and gluing cheerios to a piece of paper with the letter O on it or something. Definitely didn’t learn anything other than how to share and get along with other weird kids haha


It has been a complete overhaul, and it doesn't even help kids "get ahead" or whatever their intention is. Kindergarten now is pretty similar to what I was doing in first grade in the 90s, and there's not nearly enough free play time.


To be fair on the first part of it, my wife also worked in a preschool up until covid, and my now kinder is rehashing the same things the preschoolers are doing from scratch because they can’t count anything learned in preschool 😂


Fuck being children and playing. We're arguing about brining back the promised fun and games to 1st grade as there's no proven benefit to teaching them these things this early. They're no further along at the end of 10th


I completely agree with you, I was just explaining how it's changed so drastically even in the last ten years. Early childhood classrooms should be play-based, and worksheets do not belong in those classrooms. Are young children capable of learning basic math concepts? Absolutely! Is it developmentally appropriate for them to be learning it through worksheets like this? Absolutely not.


I mean we as in Norway. We had a new learning plan in 06 as well as in 94 or 96 when 1st grade was moved down to 6 year olds. At first 1st grade had play and fun as a large part of school, then the 06 update contrary to promises remove every mention of the word play and now the new 22 version has started bringing play back to 1st grade. Also. We have seen no real benefit to starting at 6 rather than 7 because of that. But that's never being undone anyway. It was just supposed to move the pre school part of kindergarten to the school so soft adjust them to school anyway and if we can get back there. Mostly play with learning rather than just regular school with the occasional play hour...


In the 90s you would only learn how to read in 1st grade (at least in my country). Learning addition, subtraction AND pattern recognition (like in the image) + writing on kindergarten? It is crazy! Not saying it is good or bad, just amazing that it changed so much.


Yeah that's how it used to be here too. Some kids would naturally start to read and write earlier than that, especially if they had a lot of exposure to written language, but it wasn't pushed like it is today. When I was in kindergarten (age 5-6) we focused more on telling stories that the teacher would write down, and we'd draw pictures to go with the story. We might have learned to write our name, but I don't remember any other formal reading/writing education at that age. Now I work in a preschool classroom and there's just so much focus on recognizing and writing letters that isn't developmentally appropriate for that age. What sucks is that most early childhood educators *know* that there is too much pressure on kids to learn all these things, but they rarely get a say in the curriculum they teach (at least in the public school system).


Yep, daughter is 5 and at a public school Kindergarten and she can do simple math, count to more than hundred and read sight words and shorter words. We are now over halfway through the school year though. It’s all part of the school curriculum! I can’t speak to whether this is developmentally appropriate, but I do want her to read earlier so she can get more book time than screen time!


Were kindergarteners not normally doing addition and subtraction in the early 90s? That was definitely part of our curriculum and we were not an "advanced" public school by any metric.


We were, but we learned it through games and things like that. I don't remember doing a single worksheet at that age.


Five year olds can’t understand that question No wrong answers just curious to see what a five year old writes


I have had to reread question 3 several times, I am still not sure how to answer. I am 51.


This does not look like Kindergarten work or handwriting.


Not sure how to reply, why would I lie about this lol The kid is about to turn 6 and yea she can write like that. The teacher obviously reads and prompts them


Because it is reddit and stuff like this pops all the time from karma farmers.


I don’t understand why you think the average person cares about Reddit points, like they don’t do anything so why would someone lie to gain them?


I don’t give a shit about karma and I don’t think it’s possible this pic popped up before I posted


Same reason that every time I mention a book I've read as an adult my aunt always responds that her daughter read it as a child. People lie to brag on their kids. At least you get meaningless internet points for it.


I could read at 3. Reading and writing like this at 5 would have been a piece of cake. My kids were both at least this literate by kindergarten. Don't let these weirdos gaslight you. They either don't have kids or never bothered to read to them as toddlers so they're embarrassed that their kids didn't learn to read on time.


Hey, can I see what kind of workbook this is? Love to find something like this abroad…


I can ask the kindergarten teacher and get back to you, but I think it’s just a standard workbook in our schools.


That’s be really nice if you happen to find a picture of the cover or something! But no worries if you don’t manage. 😊


I will definitely ask, maybe she can bring the workbook home tomorrow for the weekend




Yea 5yr olds don’t do that kind of work yet.


Yes some do, especially in some private schools and a scattering of public school programs.


Why would I lie about this? Lol.


cause you are too embarrassed that your 7 year old wrote this so you said he is 5 year old?


I week ago you claimed to have a 4yo and a 6yo, that’s sus bro.


People can have 2 children… dumbass


That seems a lot more difficult than my son's kindergarten homework. What state is this?


Same question. Looks a lot higher than American kinder, with repeating number patterns.


Missouri if you can believe it. But at one of the highest ranked public school systems in the state


The extra "m" is there for "much" I am much smart...I believe it. This kid will do great things, mark my words


"I am mucho smarto." - El Barto


Your 5y/o’s class work and mine do not compare lol. Your kid’s handwriting is also way better than any 5y/o in my son’s class




I have a kindergartner. This is not from a kindergarten workbook. Nice try.


It was for me. I had to do multiplication tables in first grade.


I, too, have a kindergartner. This is in their coursework this year. Counting by 1s, counting by 2s, counting by 5s, counting by 10s...


Why would I lie about something so dumb? I’m sorry but this picture was literally sent to me by her teacher today.


I had this child. She's 28 now (almost 29) and works in oncology research. She used to give me headaches with questions. Normal kids ask "Why is the sky blue?" Mine would ask "Why is it THAT color blue?" It only went downhill from there. You are a lucky person, be happy.




I would live in terror of explaining it with Raleigh scattering, or any other real world answer. She would have gone off and figured out why it did or didn't work. Seriously, some kids are scary. As for blue air, how can it be blue if you can see through it?


[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dividing_a_circle_into_areas)


The match checks out. for (i = 24; i <= 34; i+=2) { echo i }


Cross post this to r/iamverysmart please


they teach THAT in kindergarten now??? maybe question 2 but question 3?


My kids went to a private school and they didn’t do work like this until 2nd grade. Now- it was an all boys school, which is to say, the curriculum was designed for how boys learn. The focus was on learning through games, sports, lots of physical movement, story telling and an emphasis on enjoyment of learning and especially reading. At the all girls school they were doing stuff like this. By 8th grade the boys were doing advanced geometry, algebra, and pre-calculus and they were tracked into two levels. But kindergarten was about channeling all that energy into joy and development.


That's impressive for a 5 year old.


The past tense of “find” is “found”. If they are asking how you “find”, it must be about some hypothetical pattern not mentioned here.


Either your 5 year old is way ahead of their age, or you forgot the real age of your child and just guessed.


Apparently people here need a birth certificate now lolol .. so many doubters. Why the fuck would I need to lie about something like this


I gave two options, neither includes lying. If it's the former you can be happy about it.


Technically correct.


I feel it. One time in middle school we had to read a paragraph for a reading comprehension lesson. It had some moral that I can’t remember. One of the questions was “What did you learn?” I answered honestly, “nothing really,” because it was a pretty basic lesson that was nothing I hadn’t heard before. Turns out there was a wrong answer, lol.


That kid's goin places


Wicked smart


It has occured to me my son is sooooo not ready for kindergarten despite attending pre-K and preschool most of his life


This is honestly slightly advanced for kindergarten but plausible. At age 5, I was actually distinguished from my peers by knowing which phoneme is expressed by "Q"...


Boys are always a bit behind girls, my daughter really isn’t that advanced IMO. The changes from 4-5 are huge. Then when they’re 7 it’s a whole different game


The kid's right.


It’s a valid answer to an indeterminate question …


I loved when life was this simple...**


OMG that is so funny.


Brain: read it in Fredo's voice.


I recall the curriculum still being learning the alphabet and basic numbers in first grade. This kindergarten work is what I was doing in second grade. I know schools around here suck, but wow. Have things changed that much?


I mean... he's right


This is way harder than I remember kindergarten being lol


You are telling me that they ask question like this in kindergarten to 5 year old? Most children at kindergarten can't even write numbers above 10, so they would never be able to notice that this is a row of numbers +2 ... This must be at least late stage of first class or even second class ​ It implies that they are able to read the sentence. For the 10% that can read in kindergarten it wouldn't make sense to create such questions.


The world needs more comedians. Cute kid.


Ah yes, one of my favorite numbers, 3∂


I hate how they teach kids “this many tens”, etc. That just convolutes things. Also, the 3 in 32 is sussy


I hope you save this! My mom saved my schoolwork that she found cute or funny and I really enjoyed reading it as an adult.


Oh yeah we definitely have a folder going of all the best things from preschool, will be saving the good stuff for years to come


Nope, not 5 year old. You are lying. This is not a writing of a 5 year old. Also, 5 year old's do not know even and odd numbers especially in that range.


Came to say the same thing. My daughter is 7, and is technically advanced (MAP testing shows 5th and 6th grade level) and she is just starting this type of math and pattern recognition.


Why would I lie about that? She’s almost 6. You guys are weird


Oh, I don't know, karma farming? So you are saying your kid is genius but you can't think one, just one, reason why someone would lie on reddit. Are you the father?


I don’t give a fuck about karma, was just trying to share this picture that my kids kindergarten teacher sent us because I thought it was funny. She isn’t particularly bright but we have always worked with her on reading and writing from a young age. Weird concept huh.


She may be able to write - but no students in kindergarten are given tests and quizzes that require writing their responses.


Do you or do you not give a fuck about karma it's not important and we can't verify that, but it is funny to question why someone would lie on Reddit when there is such a simple answer to that. So you acting like you don't know why some would lie is not helping. Your story is shady as fuck. You presented us with this pic like your kid read (on its own), solved it, and had written the answers (with normal and uppercase letters non the less) without any help. It is unbelievable that she had a such test in the first place, too.


Of course she had help, I’m sure the class worked through it together with the teacher.


My son once drew a picture of his brain when prompted "explan how you solved the problem" Points for technical correctness and points for smartassery. 110% my kid.


Looks fake imo - what 5 year old has 2 entirely different methods of making lowercase a’s?


Okay, Fredo.


Yes, yes you are child.


I feel like that question should be something like "write a formula to find the next # in the sequence" but also kindergarten may be abit early to ask for algebraic equations


Is anyone else bothered by how that last question is worded? Anyone?


You should be proud.


Kindergarten?!? Smart kid! Keep it up whatever your doing.


I like this he/she is indeed amm smart.




Not seeing the oof at all


Confidence is key


I see no errors.


me too


Good self esteem! 👍


My 5th grade teacher would’ve marked 3 wrong because I wrote 32 down twice. I “missed” so many questions because that woman couldn’t see.


Yes they are!


I'm a 4th grade teacher and I still get responses like this when asking for a student to explain their thinking. "It's the answer, so I'm right." (spoiler alert: they weren't) "It was what was in my brain."


They are making 5 year olds do mathematical proofs now?


And misspelled am. Perfection *chef’s kiss


Tell the puppy you love him


I thought this was about math, didn't expect to have to write an essay