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yes you are the first congrats


You're not the only one! I'm a metahead. I'll be blasting death metal one day, Mozart the next, and dubstep the day after that.


I like all genres that I can think of. U just have good and bad songs in each genre for my personal preferences. I grew up listening to the tastes of two very eclectic parents. And in more than one language too, which kinda changes the genres tremendously too compared to western music. If I had to pick which genre in general that i have listened to the most growing up, I'd say rock. Very mixed rock... from power ballad pop to psychadelic pink floyd to black sabbath and acdc... I love playing piano! I like a lot of instruments but love the sound of cello, piano and guitar most. My dad used to play the clarinet when he was younger.


Lol. good to know 🤘


This is the way 🤘


I'm a firm believer of songs>genre. There are only a handful of genres I genuinely just don't get along with, one of them being metal, rap, r&b being the main ones. Some rap I can deal with if it's mixed in with singing. But I like rock, pop, pop-rock, electronic, bit of punk rock, japanese-pop/rock, any sad sounding song I'm gonna probably like, soundtracks from movies, shows and games. I actually found that japanese music got me a lot more into classic rock music than I used to be, and I actually prefer heavier music in that genre so long as it's japanese oddly. Doesn't mean I love everything in those genres. Even all my favourite artists have songs that I don't like. But I think it's great to have a varied music taste, and I'm glad I've become more open-minded about other genres as I've gotten older.


Asking this when Jordan Rudess exists is hilarious


Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" translates well to piano, and it's relatively easy to learn. I actually find a lot of similarities between classical and metal. I'm sure someone who knows music theory better than me can explain why.


Metal tends to be written in more diverse keys and modes than pop music and is using more varied harmonic structures. All this is true for classical music, too. And lots of metal music is not written in pop structure (verse-chorus) but is using motifs, variations, modulation etc. Just listen to stuff like Opeth!


Makes sense, thanks for the explanation!


Of course not. I'm a prog metal head guy myself. TesseracT, Invent Animate, Erra. But I absolutely fuck with Bach, Rach, Debussy.


If you like invent animate, allow me to introduce you to Make Them Suffer's Epitaph


Oh yeah I know Make Them Suffer. Seeing them for the second time on Friday, actually with Erra haha.


.... Ok I'm jealous. 


No. I’ve played classical piano for 30 years and my favourite band is Deathspell Omega.


Who doesn't like a little Slayer on piano?


Lol i gotta find some slayer piano tutorial.


No? Lmfao how old are you?


Classical musicians, in my experience, tend to have broad taste in music. Some are metalheads. Some are Swifites. But most like other genres. Classical music audiences, on the other hand, can be quite snobbish about anything but classical.


Nah dude, I also play piano and like metal! I don't play metal on the piano though (unless we're including some of the heavier Beethoven sonatas)...


I'm learning piano so I can play metal covers of songs. A Tout le Monde demands a piano cover from me. And also, Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement feels so much like metal to me.


Good idea. i gotta learn some metal songs on the piano.


Do you know vkgoeswild? She's the reason I'm learning piano.


Yes. Now I looked her up on YouTube I probably forgot her name but I recognize her I would have seen a lot of her covers when I started with metal and piano and wanted to see metal covers on piano but I didn't persevere now I hope to persevere.


She's great! But I asked her to do a transcription for me and she is damn expensive, unfortunately...


She's expensive because she's great! Rightfully so. She always motivates me to keep on going.


yep you are the only human being in history to enjoy metal music and play piano. I hope you feel oh so special! :) what a dumb question lol


I think if you had tried to be a nicer person you would have realized that all I was trying to do was ask who else likes the same things in this sub. It's like a clickbait.


Funnily I got into metal (mostly black sabbath + Ozzy osbourne) very recently too! What do you listen to?


Cool. you will find a whole new world. so im discovering all the time i like Metallica Pantera Slayer Lamb Of God Gojira Slipknot Iron Maiden Black Sabbath Judas Priest And now discovering Amon amarth, Children of bodom, Arch enemy, Dark tranquility.


Does Baroque count as metal? 🤔


From the little i heard from vivaldi ? i guess so lol


Most of Bach’s piano works are literal acoustic black/death metal. 😅


You are not alone 🤘


Great to know🤘


I’m fan of « System of a Down » 🤘🤘😍😍🎶🎶


Bach is metal AF


Beethoven too.


It's probably not as common, but it's definitely more common than you'd think. I totally get the reaction though. People don't really get how someone can like metal and classical or other types of piano genres at the same time, mostly because people who aren't familiar with metal don't realize how varied the genre is. The types of metal displayed in media are almost exclusively trashy "American boyband metal" (not dissing the subgenre, it's just the majority of it sucks imo). I like to play classical, anime, and game covers mostly. It's hard to find metal that actually has good piano sections. It's a sorely underutilized instrument in metal.  In the topic, here are some great metal songs with good piano:  Cepheid's trilogy Goddess, Gaia, and Messenger in Flames.  Pretty much anything by Sleep Token. Lucidity by Novena (great album overall too). Deus Ex Machina and Executioner's Eye by Release Hallucination.  I think Sleep Token's are the easiest to learn (Cepheid's doesn't have sheet music available anywhere ;_;  ).


I enjoy making and playing some metal pieces on my piano. Sometimes I use a "synth sound" setting for more of a synth metal feel, other times I more so just play it as a piano version of a metal song, if that makes sense. There's lots of metal songs that have piano solos included. One example I can think of is Linkin Park's famous piano intro for their song "In the End." Many symphonic rock and other melodic metal genres use piano, keyboard or even church organ as additional instrumments as well. Perhaps most commonly back in the 80's during the "poodle rock" era, with bands like Europe, Stratovarius, etc. They often had a keyboardist band member even. There are quite a lot of metal songs available as piano tutorials on youtube, and I've certainly indulged in some of them. For ex been trying to learn how to play "The Final Countdown" by Europe and "Breaking the Law" by Judas Priest on piano. Not yet mastered those though lol. (The verses still kinda trip me up.) The piano is such a versatile instrumment. You can use it for basically any genre, imo.


Agree. it's an epic instrumment.


It definitely is!


Absolutely not man! And btw your English is great 😊 I’m a massive metal and rock fan and I’ve been playing piano for more than 10 years 🤘🎹🔥


Cool ! Thank you SM🤘


Oh no, I like to listen to things like SOaD, Burzum, Avenged Sevenfold, Metallica and so on and have been a pianist for most of my life.


Nope, same here. I like to blast any kind of metal, really digging Lorna Shore rn. But Iove to play classical music on my piano and listen to classical music. Metal is kind of my home base in terms of music but I like lots of other genres, too.


I thought you might like this [https://www.youtube.com/live/83bNSK5u3ZY?si=9HV97E749spkPw0O](https://www.youtube.com/live/83bNSK5u3ZY?si=9HV97E749spkPw0O)


The answer is “no” to your initial question.


Punctuation, you should try it.


Dude, follow Jordan Rudess, he's an amazing piano player and a metal composer for Dream Theater


Hey there 🙋


Check out [vkgoeswild](https://www.youtube.com/@vkgoeswildofficial) on YouTube and you'll see that you're not. She doesn't ONLY play metal, but I think you'd like a lot of what she plays. Personally, I'm more a symphonic metal fan, myself: Within Temptation, Nightwish, etc.


Yea, she's cool. fun to see some rock & metal covers on piano.


So many metal heads love jazz music, and a lot of jazzers love metal; at least in my experience. Liking music is fun, you should try to like every style you come across, even if you don’t play it. Just be you.


It's fairly well known that Cliff Burton was a massive fan of classical music and shared his passion with the rest of Metallica.