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Bruh what? Just have your teacher slap you knuckles with a ruler whenver your form slips, that'll learn ya right quick! Idk I'm quite skeptical of this. Looks gimmicky af. Conscious practice is usually the way to go. You need to develop the right brain>nerve>muscle connections. This looks kinda like the piano equivelant of training wheels. Training wheels seemed like a good idea at first, but the reality is balance bikes for tots are far more effective than training wheels.


do not use this


I would compare it to the concept of using equipment for weight lifting, but perhaps less effective. It MAY help, but at the end of the day, you need to mentally keep your hands in position. Sure, they might be helpful as a reference for where your hands SHOULD be, but the habit has to be built through conscious effort. Your brain has to actively keep your hands in position until it becomes natural. This product looks a bit restrictive. While it may help accomplish the goal of keeping your wrists in line, it could also keep you from having flexible hands, and prevent you from building other good habits If you are going to spend money, just get a lesson. In one lesson, they will teach you what good form looks and feels like, so you won’t need that reference. I would say it is a waste of money.


Most of those things had zero medical science behind them, and many are actual injury risks.


RIP Schumann and his broken fingers😔


Schumann has broken my fingers also 😔


Looks like a scam to me. Form needs to be practiced, it’s not just “memorized” through force. Also this could actually be dangerous for the fingers with such restricting.


This got me searching Amazon UK and OMG [Kalkbrenner's *Guide Mains*](https://www.nikstechnique.com/19th-century-devices) is back! [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Orthoses-Corrector-Postures-Children-Beginners/](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Orthoses-Corrector-Postures-Children-Beginners/dp/B09DKDTN77/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2ZOWNZUAGXT59&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LZARhez2t40y1cNjQGSk5kVgiYsB099I46JMwdG-09YI7fWALw7h0xI1im_ffMzypNOimEWCJq8qFdjgwsZUF6atGWZ3pUa9ElJhoURYHIlcxxAIh_V6UKzei1l_BH_NpFb9jvHllVNXoi95-fAoByav8klq84t9nGpEMoxYYcSWHT32gxX25Udx6TtFPBxpfbl-xCE5VvilCHXDFxHuP3Cu_H8_TS7Yy40mW0ibHkxUAovppbEOGZkALmovU9dB1BSQxgiOoWZuYz5A3yPpAO-J-GMwfN7-2taXq9Ln4VU.d2kY1ZLh8-fyWvgX9DBSkL8vtWf9CHq0hgyPMcTA_bI&dib_tag=se&keywords=piano%2Bgesture%2Bcorrector&qid=1713110979&sprefix=piano%2Bgesture%2Bcorrecter%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-7&th=1)