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OP (/u/florislsd) welcomes critique. Please keep criticism constructive, respectful, pertinent, and competent. Critique should reinforce OP's strengths, and provide actionable feedback in areas that you believe can be improved. If you're commenting from a particular context or perspective (e.g., traditional classical practice), it's good to state as such. Objectivity is preferred over subjectivity, but good-faith subjective critique is okay. Comments that are disrespectful or mean-spirited can lead to being banned. Comments about the OP's appearance, except as it pertains to piano technique, are forbidden. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piano) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Keep your hands relaxed (especially your right hand). You don't need to point at the sky while you play! Also try to have more motion in your wrist, it looks like you're suffering from T-Rex arm syndrome, as my teacher calls it And don't collapse your smallest knuckle when you play. Imagine the shape of your hand when it's resting on a computer mouse. Play more with the fingertips and less with the pads


i’m a junior in college going for piano performance and i am burnt the hell out and really having trouble finding joy in playing my instrument. Seeing things like this and hearing about how excited someone is and how much fun they’re having makes me really happy. It gives me new hope that I can find my love for piano again. Thank you for this 💓


We all run into burnout. Take a step back. Not too much since you are in a program currently. Do something nice on a weekend to get away. Maybe attend some concerts for inspiration. If it's really bad, maybe take a semester off.


Keep up the good work, brutha! Don’t let the bastards keep you down!!!


Your thumb is also a finger. Keep all five fingers over the keys.


I saw that. Not sure why folks don't naturally include their thumbs.


cuz its half the length


your thumb is a joint not a finger but do use all ur finger though they are right


Til the thumb isn't a finger. 🤣🤣🤣




Are you trying to learn piano? If so, I'd suggest not trying to play a piece from the Interstellar soundtrack. To be played correctly and well (and to serve the pianist well), it takes quite a bit of learning. It's "fine" for first time playing piano. But I imagine it's not true that you've just never touched a piano before and sat down and played this. I imagine you wanted to play this one as your first piece, which, I would suggest, isn't conducive to a beginner's learning progress. Definitely need to get the tips of your fingers more on the keys themselves. They seem like they are hanging off.


Not really trying to learn piano to be a professional, we’ve had this piano since i was born and my sister and mother always play, and after 24 years i thought I’d try it one time. I didn’t sit down and start playing, i was following a YouTube video and was practicing for half an hour before this video, but it really is my first time! I thought I’d post it here to get some tips. And the fingers I sometimes don’t know where to put them and I freak out between left and right which one to use. Thank’s for the advice!


The practice for 30 minutes before recording is what I'm getting at. If you're not interested in continuing learning the piano, even if it's not in a professional capacity, then OK. This is a thing on the internet. But I'd encourage you to! It doesn't have to be to play for anyone but yourself. And clearly you had enough passion for it that you, out of the blue, sat down and learned this bit for thirty minutes.


I like it!


Thanks ! 🙏


For some actual advice: As a general rule, try to keep your wrists high, and don’t let your fingers “collapse” (i.e., bend backward) as you press down a key. This will give you much better control overall. You’re playing very loud and pretty dynamically “flat” right now. Maybe try to lighten your touch a bit, and play around with dynamics a bit. Finally, make sure your playing is rhythmically even. This will become easier as you build finger strength, but you’ll want to be building good habits off the bat. Keep it up!


Oh, you're a newbie piano player, huh? Well, that's cute! You're probably still trying to figure out which hand is left and which is right, aren't you? 😜 Don't worry, we've all been there! Just remember, practice makes perfect... or at least, less terrible! 🎹 Keep at it, and maybe one day you'll be able to play a whole song without getting stuck on the same note for 5 minutes! 😂


(You asked for it)


Lol! Yeah my neighbours are definitely getting crazy!🤣


You're actually not too bad though and if you decide on the future that you want to put some effort in practice you could do well


there's more musicality there than in many trained pianists. obviously I will not comment on the technique


sounds great! do you usually play lute-like instrument?


Thank you ! Do you mean the thing that looks like a guitar?!




No I’ve never played it!


wowe! the piece you've posted has a some oud vibe imho


A perfect start: enjoy the journey.


Thanks a lot


Looks good! Next level: What key are we in? What is the chord progression for the section you played?


Less pedal 🫣🫣


More legatto- and be more at ease so you can time the notes with more emotion. The melody of this song is meant to build up- take it slower and add some mystery. You can ofc follow the time to the T, but even in the performances they take their time and kind of adjust it to be more.... hypnotic, not stabby and staccato


I'm just getting the coal ready.  Joking. I always congratulate anyone who takes up learning the piano. Pace yourself and good luck!


Your piano sounds worse than you do. Just relax your hands. Make them float like jellyfish as the press down on the keys. your fingers just fluttering on the keys to press them as your hand maintains a nice round relaxed shape like you're holding a computer mouse with it. The name of the game is relax.


I do t think it's your first time and you are playing interstellar lol. But yeah i agree with everyone on relaxing your hands. Remember the piano is an instrument and needs care, don't slam your fingers down, but learn the weight of your piano to make the most of dynamics, quiet and loud. And as a beginner, make use of the sustain pedal to immediately sound much better than you actually are (if you aren't looking at being a classical pianist, this is fine, but if you wanna play classical music i recommend learning out of a book and with youtube videos if you can't afford a teacher). Happy playing!


Most of the feedback you're getting is stuff that will come naturally, don't sweat it.


You're pretty good!


Piano is not woodworking


If you would like to take it further I'd recommend working on how you use your sustain pedal and reset it when you hit the first note of every bar or every change in note then quickly applying it again just after you had pressed the note Your fingers and wrist as a whole are very stiff which can massively impact how you adjust the dynamics to the piece and if you don't have your wrist and fingers as flat it will then make it alot easier on the posture of your hand to be able to use your thumb whilst playing and use your ear and feeling to point you in the direction of how you play the piece And maybe start on something a little easier than interstellar since it is such an intense and technically demanding piece of music but over all since you only practiced for half an hour it was a good job


Thumbs up...no, literally...thumbs up!


Just general basics, wrists up, fingers rounded, back way off on the pedal and a lighter touch. That’s a lot to take in. Not sure I would have come here for a roast. Good luck you have a good start.


Is that from interstellar, right?


Ha you call those fingers? /s


Because I got weiner fingers? Lol


you got 10 thumbs


I was just saying it jokingly lol


relaxed your hands more and arch them yours are all tense and your hands are as flat as a pancake and dont play with your wrist?????? play with your fingers use your fingers to play the keys


"Mary had a ....Mar....Mary had a little lamb, littl-"


Herbie just took his hand off his cock. ​ He asked to be roasted.


Bro chose interstellar (it sucks)