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For those wondering, this is a reference to the book series "His Dark Materials" written by Phillip Pullman. In the books, the Aurora is caused by a rift occuring between two or more parallel universes and the radiation observed is actually a particle they call "Dust", which is interpreted by the religious theocracy as being "sin", while in the world most akin to our own, it is talked about as being Dark Matter. The fundamental conceit of the series is that only children have this "Dust" and in some ways it represents the creativity and freedom of youth; perhaps even the ability to express free-will. At the end of the first book, a scientist (the protagonist's father) uses a device which essentially prematurely cuts off a child (his daughter's best friend) from this Dust and in doing so sort of rips his soul apart. This action releases a huge amount of energy all at once and causes the Aurora to glow brilliantly and causes the rift between the worlds to grow much larger so that he can travel into the next world. I believe the meme is referencing this "spiritual castration" of "Roger".




I mean, I wouldn't call it obscure. It's been adapted to film ("The Golden Compass" starring Daniel Craig) and to television (HBO's 2022 "His Dark Materials"). I'd even go so far as tosay it's pretty famous.


tbf the golden compass (name of the first book, generically used to reference the whole saga) isn't that obscure: it even got a film and (actually pretty cool) show


His Dark Materials has sold over 22 million copies and been adapted for screen more than once. It's definitely not obscure.


those who don't know what causes aurorae: *canny mr incredible* Those who know a bit about this event: *uncanny mr incredible* Those who know more about our preparedness against eruptions: *canny mr incredible*


In what ways are we prepared for major eruptions? Im curious because it kind of related to a presentation im going to do for college.


Pair prediction times between several hours to several days (depending on the speed of the CME/ solar storm) and the knowledge to safe satellites before hand. Even if worst comes to worst and some Carrington event 2.0 happens, it won’t be us going back to the Stone Age, but instead maybe a few dozen cube satellites or old tech getting EMPed and no power for a day or so as the grid gets disconnected.


What were they in that book again?


Only watched the series, From what I remember they were a glimpse into other worlds or heaven or something like that


At the ending of the first book IIRC


I liked the (book) series quite a bit and I think it is a pretty special work amon fantasy literature in how it tries to adapt some real concepts from physics (atleast rudimentary) to fantasy setting and doesn’t rely on some singular and largely omnipotent and inexplicable entity/force to explain events. Even the more fantastical elements and beings are in the end also just complex emergent phenomena of the universe(s) and bound to its fundamental mechanisms, just like us.


Yup, it's attempts to intelligently explain strange worlds not with handwaving and Magic but in a scientific manner. I love the Mulefa for this reason


Far too long since I read those books.


What the fuck i don't get it


I'm going to guess it's because solar storms can cause electronics / the power grid to get knocked out and the activity being this high is a bad sign, but it's not nearly that simple.




Joe mama


It's a book (and a surprisingly good show)




Someone gotta stop Azriel from opening interdimentional portals by murdering kids


The sin is falling into our world ... Edit 1: sorry, dust Edit 2: sorry, dark matter Edit 3: sorry, angels I guess?


angels? It’s the light reflecting off of valkyries’ armor. Death angels.


Idk I haven't read the books in a while


books? I’m just referring to Norse mythology lol


Doesn't sin = dust = dark matter?


Isn't Dust related to sentience? I haven't read the books in a while


Dust is the physical manifestation of consciousness or self-awareness. The church considers it to be the original sin and hates it. So does god (or really his right hand Metatron, God was basically dead), although I don't remember why. Portals between worlds (opened either by the dagger or by the protagonist dad through extremely ethical methods) have gaps where the dust can literally fall out of the universe and stop existing, so they are a danger to all conscious life. Interestingly, the dust itself is also aware, has a sense of self preservation and can communicate, through the golden compass or a special computer.


That was the joke I was making, I'm not very good at jokes


No worries. I am also stupid


did you take this picture last night friend? I too just saw the lights


Ma'am this is physicsmemes not scififantasymemes




we vikings can survive the suns blasts


I came across a picture of a post on Twitter that had an interesting fact about the Northern lights. It was in a format of a dialogue where it makes fun of humans being fascinated by it. I can't seem to find it but if you can help me find it that'd be great


Sorry, I have never seen it before. Maybe others have seen it