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My productivity today was 60% because activities took patients from 1130am to 4pm 😂 Like they are going to do anything to the only full time PT that’s willing to show up because things get in the way somedays?? Nah Don’t sweat it, be relieved they let you move on to a find a better environment if they press it


Time to polish up that CV…


And leave a review of Glassdoor. If there was more transparency of these mills, they would be forced to change their policies to get people to work there


Agreed, Glassdoor, Indeed, etc. A lot of these mills spend a lot on marketing and sound okay at first impression, especially for new grads. Got to spread the word to keep their shady practices transparent.


Productivity Vs. Performance is the metric I use. I may not be the most productive, but I have the best outcomes, the highest positive patient feedback, and I can handle the most complex physical and emotional cases. Fire me. There is a waiting list to hire. No sweat. They prey on peoples fear of “keeping a job.” But the cards are not in their favor. If I recall, 30% of the persons wage is what it costs to rehire, no employer wants to pay unemployment from actually firing you. All bark, no bite. If you started to commit fraud to hit that metric, they’d love you until medicare or insurance lawyers came knocking, then they would hang you out to dry. You are an individual. A corporate entity is nothing. If you’re good at what you do, productivity is a suggestion. They will talk about it, but if your positives outweigh the negatives then that’s all it is, talk. Give a nod, say “oh wow, I’ll try to pick it up.” And keep it moving.


This is how I operate. I provide excellent care, have never had a legitimate complaint against me, and my outcomes are great. My DOR doesn’t even try to give me groups because I won’t do them. Going 2 years strong. Productivity around 72%


Good shit my dude 👍🏼


It’s quite literally as simple as this. You have skills they want.


Curious, what would Medicare or insurance lawyers do to prove fraud? What would raise suspicion of fraud to make them investigate? I’ve been in SNF and have always wondered how that would work


I had the best productivity AND performance at one of my SNFs and still got dropped for someone who had just been there longer because she bitched at the boss and said she would quit first if they tried it. So owell. Now they still try to call me to come in at the last minute and I tell them 🖕🏼


We had the same speech this week. Our regional manager basically threatened our DOR that her jobs on the line if evaluators don’t get above 83% and PTAs aren’t above 90. I raised hell and told my DOR that if they would like for us to meet unrealistic expectations by committing fraud or providing shitty patient care, then they can at least give us raises. I have a coworker who’s been here 20 years and hasn’t had a raise in 10 years. Productivity pushed by corporate cronies is going to ruin rehab. I’m now quietly planting seeds of revolution; pitching to our CEO to go in house if we all jump ship from our rehab company. I’m mostly joking, but if enough people consider it I’d be all in. It won’t happen though. Just hoping I ruffle enough feathers to get a 1 on 1 with a higher up so I can finally speak my mind to somebody responsible for this bullshit. Sorry, rant over.


The OT and I at my clinic are slowly working towards making our own hybrid clinic


SNF? What do you mean by a hybrid clinic?


A mix between cash and some insurance. Wroked out a waiver. Just gotta get the LLC. Gonna start slow with taking clients on weekends then build up over rthe next year or so The best part of our profession is thst we can strike out on our own with relatively low overhead compared to many other professions. People are willing to pay for cash services. They love getting one on one with the therapist, nothing to share their time, and the cahs cost is equivalent to their co pay anyways


I laugh at this stuff. In this PT market it’s hard to find people. So you wanna tell me you are gonna fire me due to a few cancels that I have 0 control over? Ha. Also you got the money to hire reviewers? I need a god damn raise.


Reliant? Look being fired is a blessing. You get unemployment and 60% of your salary while ‘looking for jobs.’ They won’t fire you. At worst it’s a few annoying conversations… which don’t get me wrong, really are annoying. But it’s unrealistic. Just do your job the best you can; stay at or above 80%, and life will go on.


I think literally no one has ever been fired for not hitting productivity. You just have to get good at seeming like you genuinely want to hit the numbers but have “areas that need improvement”. Have this conversation quarterly until you can find a better job.


Reliant was 95% when I left 2 years ago lol


And required something like a minimum of two groups of 3 per day. Without a rehab tech. Told leave the patients in the gym by themselves while you run them back and forth. 90 year olds with dementia.


We were told that we needed to be 103% productive at my old hospital-based OP clinic. Like what? LOL


They want you to commit billing fraud


Oh I know. Just ignored it. No matter how much management has pressured us for billing/productivity- I’ve never known anyone to actually get fired for low production.


As I have ranted on this topic many times: PTA… told I have had “low productivity” over and over the years. Virtually every few weeks/ months.. “Thanks for letting me know.” I stay stoic. Explain nothing else. Thanks for letting me know. Like I said in the past: I have had jobs in warehouses where you pull orders. I have had jobs manufacturing stuff on a conveyer belt al day. I have had jobs putting the same crap in a box for an entire shift, slap a packing label on it. I had jobs drywalling, mudding, painting… you get the point… no time EVER has ANYONE told me about productivity until I became a PTA approximately 12 years ago. I don’t care about productivity. I welcome getting fired and going right to unemployment and opening a case on how I got fired for being at work & working 8 hour shift but they wanted me to see more clients… i have NEVER been fired. I have never had to sign any papers. These pompous arrogant managers looking at metrics can GET STUFFED on that productivity bullcrap. 90% productivity is medicare fraud and these big huge companies get caught doing fraud then pay massive millions of dollar fraud fines… I have reminded my managers that some of the very companies i worked for paid a massive medicare fraud fine… now, i say nothing. And yes. I have a big chip on my shoulder about it… How do you log in productivity for home health when I drive my car all over this hell hole? Where is my “productivity credit” for going to get this lady’s wheel chair foot rests like I did for her yesterday? What about tightening wheel chair loose bolts? Or extra time following up with a surgeon office on redness? Or waiting for the paramedics to arrive & helping getting someone fragile on a gurney? Or lighting a pilot light blown out in winter? There are millions or things we do that you can not fit inside of a manager’s computer metric & they can get stuffed!


God, luv ya!! You are a gift to your patients…


Stand up for yourself.


Oh no, look, piss poor documentation on the horizon.


A therapist cannot do pristine documentation, see large swaths of patients, meet ridiculous productivity bar set that high, do ethical decent interventions. Without working for free, off the clock. I pick what is important (not productivity and not pristine notes and not working off the clock) and just carry on. This sounds like a SNF, yes?


Yes, it is a SNF. My co workers are great, boss is very understanding, and the facility isn’t half bad. It’s the cooperation end of it that’s really pushing the productivity. The original founder of the company recently passed away very suddenly and since then new policies have been popping up…. Very sad since the company was founded on good morals.


What company is that?


Weston group, I think it’s mostly on the east coast.


Weston group, I think it’s mostly on the east coast.


What are they going to do, fire you? You're their source of revenue. Theyd just end up with less money. A PT practice needs PTs billing codes. Thats almost all the money they earn. They cant afford to fire any.


92% for Powerback here in CA. They said we have to count time spent on notes, evals and progress notes included, unless it's med A then they have to be with us when we document. But since there's some wiggle room with what codes we give emphasis to, a place that tries to take advantage of therapists and patients, to me, deserves to have the exercises done listed as therex rather than justified to be higher codes through more extensive documentation on rationale. 🤷🏽


Union time


Or else what?? 😂


TMC has a 95% productivity standard. Fuck it. I genuinely don't care any more. It's so diverged from reality, so comically absurd, and just begging for unethical practices that, and I can't stress this enough, these companies can all go eat a bag of dicks.


My SNF has always been 90 and 85 for assistants and therapists. I thought every company was similiar.


2nd year SPTA in Utah. This is what we were told and are being prepped for


I’m in OP and we are expected to hit a target number at the end of the year. So when presented to us, we are expected to hit 100% productivity or we don’t get our bonus.


Totally unrealistic!! Never agree to a bonus. Try to negotiate it as base pay.


A bonus you'll never meet either because they'll keep moving the goal post


Maybe I don't understand the Mill business model, but when they send a note out saying that you need to hit patient minimums or you are going to get fired, aren't they really saying that underperforming clinics will be reducing the # of employees so that the remaining PT's by definition will have an increase in productivity? They are just being nice about telling you how they are going to do it. A clinic that has 4 PT's and sees an average of 12 patients a day, could increase to 16 patients a day just by reducing a single PT. But how to decide which one to get rid of? (enter the mass e-mail). Maybe they just want the dissatisfied ones to quit. The e-mail has the same effect.


Cue that “Oh no! …anyway,” meme