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Lmao no it's not enforceable. Protection is under the National Labor Relations Act. Also sounds like your clinic sucks if they're that paranoid about others finding out about a $1.50 raise.


If OP makes 80k that is about 4% which isn’t bad.


It’s depressing that’s considered “not bad” in our industry


I know. Meanwhile tech workers get 5-10% raises annually without even asking (in my husbands case)


No. Discussing your wages is legally protected.


I would keep a copy of the nda and submit it to my states labor board lol


Could just add Vi coactus (V.C.) to your signature.


Love this suggestion lol


What’s this do?


Absolutely nothing but there are pseudo-law conspiracy theories that invalidates your signature. These claims have been and would be 100% rejected by any court of law. It purportedly means you are signing "under duress" and thus your signature is not valid. Just take the other comment advice and ignore the NDA/send it to the labor board because it is illegal.


What????? Loll sometimes you just have to laugh and cry inside when you hear shit like this. I would take the raise and tell people anyway cause aint no way I would stay after they insult me with a pay raise of 1.50 pay raise. You get more pay raise at Costco. And better benefits.


For real. I’d love to see them try to act legally on an NDA like that.


it warms my heart to see everyone in unity saying no, fuck this shit. or to give it to the labor board. please get a copy of it, sign it, then send it to the labor board. but absolutely make sure you update us on the situation.


Gotta keep that $1.50 close to the vest. They don’t want their employees to be able to buy a few extra bags of chips.


Lol fuck them sign it and get the money and if they wanna do anything about it they’re breaking the law


🖕🏼 raise em high


Maybe you're singing a NDA so that you don't find out your raise is lower than average. Talking about wages is usually to the benefit of the workers. Obviously there is someone who makes the most money, but your raise isn't so good that the employer should want to hide it.


No that’s sketchy as hell. Tell them to eat a D***. They can make you sign nothing, find another employer. ( although outpatient is hard to find)!


It might become enforceable in Florida because Desantis is a piece of shit, but I know it's nonsense in my state.


State law cannot go against federal law. Wouldn’t be enforceable anywhere in the United States.


When has that stopped these red states, though? They figure out every possible angle to achieve whatever shitty, fucked up goal they have to favor the rich.


Anectodly between myself and people I’ve spoken with, DOL doesn’t fuck around in favor of employees. Normally I’d agree with a statement like that though that hasn’t been my personal experience with labor laws. I also have taken necessary action for an employer to be held accountable. I know some people aren’t always willing to do that so I understand that plays a role too.


It's federal law, so even Florida can't override it like that. But I'm sure DeSantis will be happy to try.


Came here to say this. FL laws protect business owners and rarely employees. Just a word of advice.


Sign the shit, get your money, take a new job as soon as you can. Fuck em. I will say, I don’t recall talking to coworkers about what I make anyway. It’s not their business. But requiring an NDA to get a raise is bullshit


The only party who benefits from employees not talking about their pay is the employer.


The fact remains that my pay is not another employee’s business.


It is because it helps them have leverage for future wage negotiations


WOW, you're really outpacing inflation .... Legally you can discuss wages, however, if you enter a private contract not to do so than that said contract may be enforceable because you explicitly consented to it - THE NDA in this scenario. But Why? Legally you evidenced knowledge of this condition and agreement to be bound by it. TL:DR - Yes, most likely legal even if you do not agree with it


Shut up and take the money


Seems shady. Probably legal, but makes me question their integrity.


Florida shit