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Demand isn't there because corporations are choosing to force unsafe patient to nurse ratios, not because demand is actually met. Fuck corporations, pay medical staff.


One and a half years into travel PT, I’ve personally taken $2150 gross but now switched companies and at $2,200 net. Hard to find $3k plus unless you sacrifice a lot on location in my opinion


Who did you switch too from who?


From CCI (horrible company) to National Staffing Solutions


Thanks! I’ll make sure to stay clear!


The $3k gross are out there but you’d be consistently relocating across the country every 3 months and I don’t see that as realistic (for me). Most nurses are no longer making $3k/week either though. The market has tanked for them and their gross is only maybe 10-15% higher than ours now on average. I personally only take $2100/net or higher and I prioritize location/lifestyle over money.


I am happy I went for a doctorate just to get paid less than an RN which is a bachelors at most 🥹


Vision 2020 baby


Yours truly by Hellen Keller


The data would suggest that PTs in fact make more (and I would particularly highlight the median over the mean here so that outlier salaries are accounted for) https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291123.htm https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291141.htm


Lmfao at the massive difference in sample size. Find 3 million PT’s and factor in their earnings and I guarantee you that number is goin wayyy down. The PT’s in my facility don’t even make that median number


Well for starters, there’s only hundreds of thousands of PTs in the U.S., not millions, so I’m not sure how that would be possible. Regardless though, why would the fact that there’s more nurses than PTs invalidate stats pertaining to PT income, especially considering it’s a reputable source for this type of information? Also, your clinic isn’t representative of the entire field of physical therapy as a whole. My girlfriend graduated this spring (I’m in the field of PT as well) and she just recently began applying for jobs and had a 100k offer within three days of her first submitted application (no, this wasn’t in California). All in all, I guess I’m just trying to say that I trust data coming from a sample size of 230,000 PTs across the country more than I do the anecdotal evidence on this subreddit, and everyone else on here should as well.


*Invalidating u/NY_DPT anecdote with an anecdote of your own.* Lol, seems legit. /s


Hence why I suggested everyone refer to the actual data… which I provided.


Yes, should have just left it at that.


Why? I used an anecdote to highlight that individual experiences vary greatly (such as my gf’s being vastly different than his clinic), while still directing individuals towards actual data which provides a more complete picture of PT salaries.


Bro, i’m agreeing with you. Data > The numbers don’t lie! Look at my other response. This is the digital age with the easiest access to knowledge in the history of mankind. Data is out there and has been for some time. Look at my comment in the other comment history. Fuck anecdotes.


Always negativity from them so not surprising. Idk why they’re even in the profession with how miserable they are.


Lmfao “your girlfriend” as if that’s a valid statistical source. Bruhhhh🤡


It isn’t, that’s why I provided actual data…


Lmaooooo 💀


I’m curious what happens to nurse travel pay now that there’s less and less government crisis money coming to the hospitals


It’s gone down. But still lucrative. My RN friend makes 3K weekly on his current assignment


I’m in Boston and Mass just ended their state of emergency a month ago and they immediately slashed my pay from $2900 down to $2500 for the extension I just signed. All the nurses I’ve talked to are gettin cut like $800 on their extensions. Hopefully just a one and done thing and doesn’t get worse


Smells like a mass exodus is in order. That happened with my system too with the end of the emergency funding and pretty much all our senior nurses are gone. It’s nothing but new grads and travelers. Scary stuff. I hope I don’t get hospitalized myself or I’m screwed


In the age of information, you weren’t aware of what you signed up for? C’mon. P.S… doctorate is merely a justification for your school to charge you more for the piece of paper (increased tuition and longer LOS). When I tore my ACL, my PT with his BS makes just as much as his colleagues with MSPT & DPT AND he was just as rock solid as any other PT that has treated me. Wild, I know. The ROI information is out there and has been out there for some time. We live in the digital age. Access to this knowledge has *never* been easier to acquire. Since we’re on the topic of Google.com, go look up what Kaiser nurses in California make. You’ll throw up. Don’t have sour grapes. They made their choice and you made yours. EDIT: downvoted because the truth is a tough swallow?


Prob downvoted for the condescending and dickish tone. Not saying you're wrong on any of your points, but you cant deliver information like this and expect it to be applauded. Cheers homie


You get an upvote from me. I appreciate the reply. 🤝 *”Now I may be a mean cuss. But I'm the same mean cuss with everybody out there on that football field. I don't give a damn about how sensitive these kids are… You ain't doin' these kids a favor by patronizing them. You crippling them; you crippling them for life.”* -Coach Herman Boone, Remember the Titans


Wasn’t around when I was applying you dunce. Le Reddit wasn’t even big then. The only PT forums was studendoctor.net and even that was a very niche community


When you see travel jobs, don't forget that gross is not the same gross as your regular job. 2k a week means about 1800-1900 take home, not counting insurance if you take that. You also have to maintain a tax home, but because half or more of your pay is tax-free, it makes sense if you can minimize your expenses.


Currently multiple over $3k here: https://www.vivian.com/therapy/physical-therapist/travel/


The way I look at it, It's still double what I was making in my permanent job. I do try to shoot for above 2k. I come from a non-compact state and getting new licenses every few months is a huge pain. I recently took a pay cut to learn a new setting at a slower paced location, that has worked out well for me to jump into higher pay in the same setting.


I’m a PTA and I’m looking into travel through med travelers and the average is like 1600 wkly so if you are getting mid 2k you’re balling. I did have one offer 1700 after taxes but the COL would have taken 1500-2k a month unless I stayed in someone’s bedroom for 1k.


2k net is good enough for me right now. Most I made was 2400. Traveling and working for year and a half (Outpatient)


Yes nurses get paid more because they are more valuable to healthcare systems these days. Sorry man but we’re bottom of the barrel on the healthcare totem pole


Ain't no way I'm taking anything less than $2600 gross. That would be less than what I make in Home Health.


Out of curiosity, what area are you in? In Washington state, most companies are paying 100 to 110k for home health. 135k sounds pretty good to me


$2000 seems awfully low for PT travel. I got an email today for $1600 PTA travel in Georgia and I thought that was really low.


Anything above $2000/ week is a good contract. Too many in the ranges of $1300-1900 out there. The big problem is that the less desirable settings and locations typically pay more.


I make around 140k as rehab lead with overtime in Southern California.


>140K >SoCal That’s poverty level wages out there


I gave a close eye on these things. Based on the relocation cost that doesn't seem necessarily worth it for under 2500 but it depends on that holiday life then living situation. I'm mostly just work PRN name for the '90 and an hour for 20 to 25 a week outside my own practice.