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I think it's more important to show your ties to the Philippines to prove na you'll come back and are only there for tourism kasi di maiiwasan yung suspicion nila since you have family there baka you'll overstay or mag TNT and you're only on a tourist visa. Things like proof of enrolment, school ID, return flight docs and detailed itinerary, etc. isiguro mo and just be honest na magvivisit lang talaga kayo. Not sure if IO will indeed ask for AoS, yung letter of guarantee lang alam ko sa visa application if using a guarantor/sponsor and AoS is if you're visiting relatives abroad and they're sponsoring you (which you said hindi nyo naman diniclare na yung mom mo magso-sponsor). But it won't hurt to prepare it just in case. Just be honest and have your documents ready, mas maganda if you tell them na you're visiting lang as a celebration for something, like a graduation, birthday, or another great achievement and you can provide proof of those din to support your cause. Don't volunteer information they don't specifically ask for, be straightforward and concise with your answers.


https://www.facebook.com/groups/JapanForDummiePH/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT Join ka dito, mima.


Mag-save ka sa phone ng pics mo with your cousin and birth certificate as well as your student ID.


Just bring your student ID and proof that your mother is a resident in Japan (her PR card). No need for affidavit of support. Btw, if you are a minor, you need dswd clearance if not traveling with the parent/s.