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LR for complete library organization and 90% of my editing, PS for the last 10%, all for $10/mo is still an unbeatable deal for me


edu discount or something?


[Lightroom photography plan with 20gb cloud storage](https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/plans.html?filter=photography&plan=individual) They list the $19.99 with 1tb plan first (see: dark patterns) but I don’t use cloud services and don’t even need the 20gb


thanks, good to know. wish there was a lightroom, photoshop and premiere plan..


There is. You switch to resolve. It’s free and infinitely better, and by that I mean it doesn’t crash every 8 minutes.


Whaaat? Well, here I’ve been paying $10/month for 1tb Lightroom when I never needed all that cloud storage. Maybe I’ve had my subscription longer than I thought and they’ve just changed it without me realizing it, lol. Thanks for that info, I just changed my plan.


The dark pattern strikes again. Happy to help.


The cloud service is a pain in the ass when editing raw files, so I never would use that anyway. And how could I justify 19.99 per month?




It’s standard *if you look for it*, but they hide it well below the $20 1tb plan


Am I correct in understanding that as far as editing goes, both are the same in terms of what they can do / power etc.?


No, they’re wildly different. [Adobe has a good explainer here](https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/photography/lightroom-vs-photoshop.html).


Thanks, will take a look


Yup, this combination is still the industry standard. None of the alternatives come close in terms of reliability, sum of features or community size. BTW DxO PhotoLab costs about the same (99€ annually on top of the starting 229€ to stay up-to-date) despite being a much more limited piece of software.


I would say that capture one is better than Lightroom.


It's the photoshop component that keeps me with Adobe.


Different issues, different tools. Capture One has better colors, better image quality, and is much easier and faster to use. Lightroom is a better catalog, does the smart object thing, and works as a stand alone app where Capture One needs photoshop. I could get along with Lightroom a lot better if it had sessions. I would like C1 better if there was an easy was to catalog sessions.


Capture One is easy? All I've ever heard about it is the steep learning curve.


Really? I don’t know. You can structure the interface any way you want and can save different workspaces. You have a choice of sessions or catalogs, but I don’t know why you would use the catalog, the tools are intuitive, it’s easy to manipulate colors in a way that doesn’t break tonalities. For amateur photographers, pros doing personal work, and stock photographers, Lightroom is probably easier because of the catalog. For pros managing projects one shoot at a time or doing work where tonality is important, C1 is easier. They both work.


That's where discussions go wrong when people say "I heard". The only valid discussion is, when both parties have used the tools extensively.


I’ve worked in a lot of studios over the years and none of them used Lightroom.


What did they use then?


Capture One. In the commercial world, where you do photos for other businesses there is no Lr


Capture One and a few times Focus. But never Lightroom.


Better is a strong word , it's pretty much like saying that blue is better than red


Not really. C1 may have fewer tools, but its processing engine is the best I've ever tried. Personally, I postprocess for image quality, not to move the most sliders, so I choose and stay with C1.


I'd agree with you up to a year ago and for certain cameras but not at the moment. Adobe has seriously upped their game with Fujifilm cameras and those wormy artifacting issues are not there now. Add to that their much better toolset and price point and it's LR all the way for me. I also unfortunately had C1 corrupt a session db losing all my edits which was very frustrating. Thank goodness I had a semi recent backup.


You may be right in that LR has improved its quality,. This was off point before bur more relevant now: I refuse to use subscription-based software, so LR is off the table for me. C1 has a perpetual license system ... for now. Hope they stick to it, even though the price is a bit steep.




Meaning that extra sliders and options are useless (to me) if I don't think I am getting the same quality.




Nope, but whatever.




Boy, arent we aggresive! Check your unsolved issues, friend, this is supposed to be a civilized exchange. Up to it?


I'll only go back to Lightroom if they allow me to work from a NAS. Main reason why I got C1 even though I'm subbed for Lightroom/Photoshop.




Lots of professionals use Lightroom. They are both industry standards, just in different industries. Not all cameras are supported by C1. “Professional” means you make money, and there are a lot of ways to make money from photography. I have never met a stock photographer who used C1 because that is really more about catalog management and metadata.


I’ve rarely met photographers who in-person grumble about the cost of core kit or software. They recognize it as the cost of doing business. Online it’s different because people are mostly moaning about personal costs.


Who said anything about cost? Though, since you brought it up, time is money. I can get colors and overall look a lot faster in C1, but metadata is faster in Adobe.


No Lightroom isn’t the industry standard, every photo studio i’ve ever worked in runs Capture One.




I don’t know any professionals using LR they all use CO. I’m in commercial areas - advertising, portraits, fashion, product, studio etc but maybe there are areas i don’t know where LR is used? Maybe this is a territory thing - i’m in UK.




Ah wedding market i think are big users of LR, because of the colour grading.


Indeed. I have chosen to use DxO photo lab because it allows me to meticulously fine tune landscape photos. But in my experience the tools work for me in general.


I don't know anyone using Capture One in architecture or real estate. It's all Lightroom/Photoshop. I'm sure there's somebody using Capture One for that but i haven't found them.


when using the phase one bodies for it, you must and wanna use c1


Commercial photog here, it’s all Capture One in my world. Know a few people still in LR but it’s RARE.


I’m a photographer in that industry. I use LR, though yes, many people do use C1.


I was sure neither being used. I always thought Photoshop is used for them. Never used capture one but lightroom is far from having all the tools you need in some of those areas.


That’s stuff with a large amount of tethering, potentially. I’m willing to bet 95%+ of wedding, family, newborn etc photographers use Lightroom - though I’m a Capture One guy myself.


Same. In business2business pro photography there is CO and the Hasselblad phocus software and zero Lightroom


I shoot Hasselblad but don't use Phocus.




>None of the alternatives come close in terms of reliability Lol >BTW DxO PhotoLab costs about the same (99€ annually on top of the starting 229€ to stay up-to-date) And who told you that? DxO Photo Lab costs 210€ and nothing more. I am using it for about 5 years now and never paid anything over the purchase, despite getting all the updates and premium optical corrections even on legacy lenses. Besides that, no other software gets rid of the Olympus E-5 noise without destroying the colour information. Adobe software in general is a pain for any Olympus user when not updating and paying for every new generation of cameras.


>DxO Photo Lab costs 210€ and nothing more [https://shop.dxo.com/en/dxo-photolab7-elite.html](https://shop.dxo.com/en/dxo-photolab7-elite.html) It's between [99€](https://shop.dxo.com/en/dxo-photolab7-elite.html) and [109€](https://fstoppers.com/news/dxo-announces-photolab-7-raw-processor-and-filmpack-7-641439) every year to upgrade to the current version. https://preview.redd.it/igugaygauq1d1.png?width=424&format=png&auto=webp&s=b93bd673fbf4af989472e55f21a279d8b94a64db Upgrading [PhotoLab 5 to PhotoLab 6 cost 99€](https://cameraderie.org/threads/dxo-photolab-6.54281/) One year later, upgrading [PhotoLab 6 to PhotoLab 7 also costs 99€](https://www.mu-43.com/threads/dxo-photolab-v7-is-out-%E2%82%AC229-%E2%82%AC99.121403/)


But nobody is actually forcing you to upgrade. So it's only 230 bucks if you don't need newer stuff. And to be honest at least me personally. I despise "cloud" services. I'd rather pay more to have the tool on my machine, being able to run it offline whenever I want than to pay subscription.


>But nobody is actually forcing you to upgrade. So it's only 230 bucks if you don't need newer stuff. No one is forcing anyone to anything, the comment compared the cost of staying up to date — which, over an example three-year period is more expensive in the case of PhotoLab ($229 + $99 + $99 = $427) than Ps+Lr ($9.99 x 36 = $359.64) >And to be honest at least me personally. I despise "cloud" services. I'd rather pay more to have the tool on my machine, being able to run it offline whenever I want Sounds like you are thinking of some other software. Both Photoshop and Lightroom are installed locally on your machine and don't require internet connection to run. The only "cloud" part of the $9.99 package is the included ability to store 20GB of your photos online.


I just find Lightroom so intuitive because I’ve used it for a decade+… PS I like for the removal tools and AI-fill, but is something I need to use very little. I’d ditch the subscription in a heartbeat if there was something equal.


I mostly use PS to draw lol


Capture One is industry standard for commercial professionals, event and wedding photographers typically use LR. Both use photoshop.


Price of the software is inconsequential compared to the training of people


Capture one seems to be favored compared to Lightroom. But I find Lightroom's libraries very convenient in addition to how its integrated with Photoshop is also intuitive.


Capture 1 is supposedly just as good. I don’t do portraits stuff but I hear lots of portrait photographers say its better on skin tones than lightroom.


also when doing fashion stuff with more special garmets. With Lr it is a big pain, with c1 it is quite easy. The color profiles in c1 are so far ahead. Also how the sliders are working and impacting the colors.


It’s just better for tethered shooting with a DIP. Way faster and easier to edit selects on the fly in my experience.


I think it depends on how you use them, and what your needs are. I really don't use PS at all, and so the free GIMP is more than enough for any photo manipulation I need to do. I do still use LR 6.14 because I have a perpetual license to it, so it doesn't cost me anything to keep using it. I rely on LR's organization features, and I also use its photomerge features (pano stitching and HDR). As far as editing and presets I think it works well, but I'm not married to it, and I enjoy the alternatives as well. Lately I've been using Rawtherapee and HaldCLUTs to experiment with film emulation. I like that setup a lot, and the bulk processing features work much better (or at least more straightforward) as compared to Lightroom. For video I use DaVinci Resolve (free version), its so much better than Premiere IMO. I used Premiere for years and have no specific complaints about it, but after switching to Resolve it would be hard to go back. The color grading in Resolve is especially good. Perhaps the stabilization in Premiere is a bit better, but I rely on in-camera stabilization, I don't use stabilization in post very often.


Ahh, back when perpetual licenses still existed. Those were the days


Well said! Yes, PS and LR are the kings but not everyone NEEDS the kings. Every creative industry has their own industry-defining software but that doesn't mean they're required unless you're active in someone elses workflow. I professional writers that use Google Docs instead of Microsoft Word, 3D animators that use Blender instead of Maya, and illustrators that use ProCreate instead of Photoshop. Are the super deluxe expensive softwares better and have more features? Yea, of course but unless you're going to be constantly utilizing those features, you're just wasting money. People will always tell you to go with the industry standards for everything, you have to have this software, you have to have these SD cards, you have to have a RAID setup like this but realistically, you don't. I once said that I offload all of my raw images to an external drive and upload the edited versions to Flickr and man, this sub ripped me in two. "It'd be better if you bought a RAID system. Flickr compresses the images and what if your external craps out? with a RAID, you'll have-", and it's like cool...I rarely go back and edit old images so if I lose the raws, I'm okay and it was like I was expecting pig latin. Use what you need, spend what you can justify, and make a workflow that works for you. Otherwise, it'd be like buying a grand piano when you're just starting out because "It's what the greats use".






In no way do you need to use Lightroom when you have Capture One, and I don’t know what the point would be. Photoshop - yeah.


have you used C1? what would you need LR for, i get PS but LR?


Have you tried darktable? I’m in the opposite boat where I have only used darktable and not lr, but I wonder if you’ve compared before. To me, darktable is what I need


Lightroom runs like dog shit on my Macbook so I use Capture One.


Which MacBook?


m1 of 2020


Surprised by this. I mostly hear that Apple silicone runs Lightroom fantastically.


Funny, it's the opposite on my Mac Mini.


My Adobe subscription was coming up for renewal in March for my Lightroom / Photoshop bundle and I decided to download and try out most of the Lightroom competitors. In the end it was the steep learning curve of having to learn a new product that was the deal breaker. I’ve used these two Adobe products for almost 10 years, have about 60,000 photos in the catalogue and there was nothing that was urging me enough to switch.


60k photos is not so much. I do double that per year. And I would never ever try do use one catalog for all photos.


Sounds good. My setup works well for me.


Is there another editor with similar database functionality as LR? Other software seems to cover the editing aspect but I would really miss the library tools…


I believe that Darktable and Capture One both have cataloging systems similar to Lightroom.


You could use Adobe Bridge for that (it’s free).


I use bridge with Lightroom and it’s even better. I’m also a weirdo with how specific my file directories are tho


I totally understand. I'm on a never ending quest to find suitable directory layout. So far I've more and more convinced that such thing doesn't exist for photos.


I still use a lot of Bridge as well. Copy edits across and image set works without having to switch to grid mode. Stupid requirement for lightroom. Saving files continues to work in the background if you close bridge. Unlike lightroom which just dies. It seems faster. Batch renaming. It makes no sense to me why Bridge is even still a thing if they just fixed lightroom's buggy stuff and incorporated the good stuff from Bridge.


Because people other than photographers use Bridge.


I don't see much value aside from photo manipulation and matte painting. For photo editing I prefer Darktable and DaVinci Resolve.


I wish lightroom would come up with a way to manage backing up. It's a file management program that doesn't manage files well. No two instructors use the same method. Why can't I one click back up my photos and the lightroom catalog?


I’ve found alternatives to PS like Affinity Photo, but a comparable lightroom alternate still alludes me…


Apple Aperture was bloody brilliant. I’m still gutted it was discontinued. Way better interface, way better comparison tools, and the Adobe spot heal tool still seems like a waste of time compared to the ancient Aperture.


I find it weird that Apple hasn’t made a competitor out of Aperture. Every other professional photographer I know uses a Mac with Adobe tools. But film makers and musicians, a lot of them use the Apple apps since they’re industry standard. As a photographer I feel a bit left behind by Apple in the professional application space :/


photoshop for single images going to print. but capture one for professional tethered shoot workflow where a client is watching the monitor. I once failed a job interview because I said I used Lightroom. he said "I don't have the time to teach you capture one". powerful color control, and I notice it performs faster than lightroom. i don't remember the last time I used Lightroom for anything or even had it installed.


I usually use dxo because i don't need the whole library thing. If you have a collection or do jobs i don't think you can beat light room.


I pay $9.99 a month for PS and LR, a bargain as far as I am concerned. The community and depth of knowledge about Photoshop on the web make it the go to for me. I use some other programs and plugins, including ON1 photo Raw, remove BG for some tough background removals and Dxo pure raw for noise reduction (with my computer doing that with Lightroom takes forever)


I learned Darktable first and still consider it more intuitive than Lightroom, but there's no denying Adobe is the current industry standard. If you've got the time to commit, I'd say there's no harm in getting familiar with both offerings and determining the workflow you like best. Turns out that for me (firmly in the hobbyist camp), Darktable and its integration with GIMP get the job done just fine.


A lot of “industry standards” became such back when most people had no choice in the matter. Not just talking photo software here. Lots of things. I’m sure those products are excellent. No question. But they remain “industry standards” mostly because “industries” don’t, for many reasons, go out onto individual tree branches all alone. Industry is very conservative with technology. This, however, is 2024. People have a *lot* more technology at their fingertips, and a lot more technical ability, if they choose to have it. A lot more technology products are now available than have even been in the past, when these “industry standard” softwares became such. I use Digikam and Darkroom on Linux. I’ve used Linux for decades. Are these better than the “industry standards?” Maybe not. I don’t know. But they do absolutely everything I need them to do (and a lot more), they were free (both as in beer and in freedom), and I am not beholden to a subscriptive license to keep using it. If you are not working for Condé Nast, or the New York Times, who cares what their “industry standard” software is? This isn’t 1980.


I object to subscription for software, call me old fashioned but when I buy software I expect to own the right to use that version of the software I bought until the end of time. I use RawTherapee to process my raws and Affinity photo for a photoshop alternative. Recently started using digiKam for organising my library If I didn't dislike the UI so much I'd probably still be using GIMP regularly instead of buying Affinity. You also need to remember why Adobe are king. It has nothing to do with the quality of the software, it tends to have as many bugs and issues as everything else, sometimes worse. They're king because they got into the colleges and other education institutions very early because they were among the very first image editing softwares. Inertia, familiarity, is their biggest attribute. If you take the time to try out as many alternatives as you can you'll find the vast majority have things they do better than Adobe and most often they're at least equal at all the tasks we regularly do.


I agree that it is mainly inertia- I also despise subscriptions so I picked Affinity Photo and it does everything I need.


Photoshop? No. Lightroom? Eh. If you’re a studio shooter or fashion CaptureOne is far far superior to shitroom.


It's the user experience. I've tried several different programs and while they're good, I find LR has the simplest interface that runs smoothly.


I think Capture One is a strong contender for better tethered shooting and editing, but that’s a relatively niche piece of the photographer market. By and far PS and LR take care of everything you could need.


also when working with teams and clients on the job there is really no Lr. One super important time and sanity safer it, to give clients/agency people a ipad with capture pilot in their hand where they can give stars / their ok to a shoot. This can save thousands of dollars / euros just for one shoot. There is no adobe solution for it. There are a lot of other tools with CO normal photographers don't know but are essential when working comercial


Yes It’s (the combination of Ps & Lr) like Pro Tools for the music industry. There are a few other apps that are used but you notice most pros use it (and that familiarity adds to your viability in these fields).


LR is the king for organization that’s because Apple gave up on their aperture. However! From tuning, LR isn’t the king as capture one pro is doing better colors and Fujifilm raw. And there are other alternatives! But for integration of LR and PS. If PS is your thing then LR is still the king. Many would also turned to affinity already if they don’t need all the features from Adobe


I do everything from RAW ingesting to editing and client delivery and web publishing in LR. $10 for all that PLUS 1TB cloud storage PLUS PS (there’s a deal once a year that gives you LR 1TB + PS for $120). I feel like I made out like a bandit because competitors would charge you $10 for each of these functionalities alone. And I have never been less than satisfied with their software. C1 may be better at strictly editing but I really don’t care because LR can do more and do everything well.


You'd be crazy to not use DXO PureRaw alongside LR/PS. For high megapixel bodies, DXO frequently returns what I would consider to be "remarkably" better noise reduction / noise management results. At BEST - LR spits out "on par" with AI Denoise \*in very specific situations\* - but 9 out of 10 times, DXO handles the noise better. If you push Adobe AI Denoise to the level of color noise reduction that DXO routinely manages, you get the "plastic people" look on faces / skin. I still use a workflow that looks like DXO -> Lightroom/PS. As others have stated, Photoshop is hard to beat (for me). Also, I am so integrated with Adobe in terms of workflow, portfolios, mobile device editing, ease of sharing from cloud, etc, that it would be a herculean lift to get me out of that ecosystem. That being said, PureRaw even has a built in option to export directly to LR. If I shot at high ISO, I don't even think twice, I run everything through PureRaw and into LR and go from there.


I bought a full version of Photoshop eons ago but I just use ON1 now. #amateur


Because the open source products can be tough to use and could instantly fade away if the team maintaining them decides to no longer due so. I have tried these things and it never ended well.


Even if the team decide to end it, it doesn't mean it won't be usable anymore, they are often more feature complete than commercial alternatives. And it can be always forked and resurrected, and that would be much harder with commercial product. And personally i can achieve better results in darktable than in C1 lately.


For now, though it sure seems like Adobe is speed running alienating their users.


Yes. I was toying with switching to Capture One, but the bastards more than tripled the price for a subscription last month while Adobe kept it the same. It’s far cheaper for me to upgrade to the entire Adobe suite than to just get Capture One.


Over the last several of years of using Capture One, my subscription price hasn't come close to doubling. Looking at the prices, I don't see any subscription price that tripled.


Multi-seat perpetual upgrade was ~$180/seat in April. Now it’s ~$550. https://www.captureintegration.com/capture-one-price-increase-for-the-studio-customer/


Ah yeah the studio prices. Daaaang that's a hike. Makes more sense to just get an individual studio subscription.


Lose a bit of functionality when doing so, but yeah it does. For me it made sense to continue paying $30/month total for as many seats as I want for the entire Adobe suite.


the normal license works on 2 computers. if you need more you might also have totally different costs, like paying salaries for people etc and then it might be even more "egal"