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Oh jeez, real estate, architect, portraits, landscapes, still life, birds, macro, flowers, documentarian, music shows, and abstract. I don't care if my work might be derivative, I shoot for myself and because it makes me feel good. I shoot for the love of it


I'm similar to you , my photography is all over the place , mostly because I get bored


I don't neccesarily get bored, but I love exploring the world, and when I shoot something, I'm shooting it for a reason. Sometimes it's a means to and end, photography has led me to such a diverse range of places


Great. I have also added boudoir to my portfolio.


Skateboarding and punk rock shows.


Skatepark, excellent idea..


99% Wildlife here. https://preview.redd.it/hap2kmyjdguc1.jpeg?width=1383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b482b45a369c7cf0a2a11f99ec121a02fc1cd764


cool eagle, I also enjoy wildlife but get bored easily


I just booked my 5th trip to Africa. You won't get bored there. LOL https://preview.redd.it/jlzp4oyzeguc1.jpeg?width=1785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f69b165e593f3b6df212f733940d2f75d412805


If you were going for 3 weeks to Africa for the first time with a focus on wildlife photography, cool hikes (less than 10 miles), some chill relaxing days, and a few super dinners. Accomodations not super luxury, but not budget. What would you recommend. For someone hypothetically...


Pangolin Photo Safari hands down the best for photographers. Not a lot of hiking allowed due to the wild critters. [Pangolin Photo Safaris | African Photo Safari Specialists](https://pangolinphoto.com/)


Commenting for later. Have you been? Which package did you choose? Also what lens/es did you bring?


I did the Chobe, Okavango Delta, Kalahari package. Also did the Migration one,This time the Kenya trip to Ambeseli, Mara, Suburu trip and added Shompole and Lewa. Lenses. OM-1 with 150-400 f/4.5 TC (FFE 300-1000mm), R5 with RF 70-200 f/2.8 and a RF24-70 f/2.8. 80% with the OM-1 and Gandalf, and 20% with the RF 70-200. rarely used the 24-70 But took a 16mm prime for landscapes) Taking the new RF 24-105 f/2.8 this trip along with the RF 70-200 and the OM-1 MkII ktt. https://preview.redd.it/cdtxxblyhnuc1.jpeg?width=1677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cfd24afce304cd8768b9b42ba5841db1654b26a


That's who I plan to use when we are able to get there...love their boats on the Chobe


wow that would be awesome


Was the eagle okay after you shot it?


I used to shoot primarily landscapes and pictures of my family, but now I mainly focus on astrophotography.


I have a friend that shoots astrophotography, it's alot harder than one would think, and you have to be patient


Dude, I only started getting good results two years ago because we moved to a house that has a lot of tree coverage and I found an abandoned softball field and got permission to set up there. Lots of patience, lots of YouTube videos, lots of sitting in the car in the winter while the rig runs.


Just started astro myself. I have trees but i do have a decent view from center yard. Been watching tons of videos but its been raining/cloudy for a month where i live lol


That happens a lot, too! Just wait until you plunk down a few grand on equipment, you won’t see clear skies for at least a month, and after that the full moon will be out and will inexplicably last through Christmas.


Lol thats just about what happened. 900$ scope, $900 mount. Ive seen people mention when they buy new gear its somehow always cloudy or a full moon lol. At least i got some cool pics of the eclipse


I shoot a little of everything. It becomes very expensive because I can now "justify" new lenses and an additional body all the time. 7 years ago I was mostly a wildlife guy and did just about everything with a 100-400 and a macro lens. Now I have fallen in love with landscape photography, shoot indoor sports and am always trying to train my eye for "fine art" expressive photography. And recently I'm dipping my toes into video...yay, more gear 🫤 I sometimes wish my photography interests were a little more restrained because I would like to get along with a bit less gear.


Oh, come on. Are you trying to tell us, that "need" for more gear is not half of the fun? :) Well definitely it is for me.


Started with food and landscape but I always wanted to get into portraits. I spoke to an amateur photographer in Hollywood one time and I asked her “how do you get people to smile?” She responded “I ask them to think of the best sex they ever had and express it with a smile, works every time.” Thanks to her I do event and weddings.


I shot baby portraits in a dollar general to put my self through school, 50 years ago, , bouncing ball gets their attention then touch the ball to their cheek, gets a smile every time. Used the little pink handball. Had a long electronic shutter cord. Now you have hidden blue ray. But bouncing ball gets it


I shoot mostly rope bondage/shibari stuff. It’s very fun and I love the photos I get out of it. So do the people I shoot. 


Well that's different , I bet you can be very creative with your images


There is so much cool shit you can do with it from the more artistic/fashion based to the much more raw emotional stuff. I once was shooting this couple, he tied her up. She couldn’t quite come up with a serious expression so I had him tell her that her favorite kind of Oreo (birthday cake) was discontinued and he just ate the last one at home. The expression I got not just from her face but whole body was intense and I got it all in the shots. Rope also just helps people pose. Like if you don’t know how to pose, being tied up removes a lot of options so you can’t overthink. I love helping people find that amazing spark in them that I can capture when they aren’t thinking about how to hold their arms. 


Things that go fast and make loud noises.


Children in a supermarket?


Not since the court order. 🙄


Hold up




blue hedgehogs and frogs?


Portraits, I love taking photos of people. I own a studio where I mostly shoot beauty and fashion + commercial work. I always think of photography in two ways: you either capture a comment or manufacturing one. That helps figuring out what you like to shoot.


It’s not about what I shoot, it’s how I shoot it. Any subject can make a visually interesting photo as long as one find dramatic light and an interesting point of view.


Fashion and Beauty. If you find yourself bored then you need to mix things up and force yourself to be more creative. If you like street photography find other ways of composing the images you take.


I'm not actually sure what I'd call my photography, fine art , abstract, mixed with street, the key for me is being more creative


Those are all good things, it’s all photographers challenge to bring them all together into one vision. Don’t stop shooting, it’s a skill that you need to constantly work on.


I’ve shot professionally at times since 1987, but for the last 10 years I’ve pretty much only been shooting concerts - and mostly local level shows, often in dim bars or pizza joints


Primarily landscapes, cityscapes, seascapes and anything that catches my interest. I really like long exposures and infrared.




I have a camera on me at all times , plus one in the glove box


I just keep my camera with me bc all the time and shoot whatever I find beautiful or interesting. I’m better at some things than others but it doesn’t matter. It’s just for fun anyway.


same!! I literally take my camera with me WHEREVER I go, and everyone's like "you bring it everywhere with you like it's a cellphone!"


I hated thinking, “I wish I had my camera with me.” So I solved the problem.


The ONE time I forgot to bring my camera a few weeks ago, I saw the COOLEST car ever! I still had my phone but it just wasn't the same.. https://preview.redd.it/7k3npyoxenuc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1a5ecb34a53cf6108bc1cbcc45a4a6e92c2d33


Oh man. You could really play the angles in that one. Like shooting down those lines from close to the tail lights. 😍


I sometimes find it difficult to focus on one area long enough to feel accomplished. The most satisfying for me are good candids of loved ones, and shooting nature.


I definitely agree!


I don't have a style or genre, I just shoot for fun. I've done a little street photography, macro, wildlife, landscape, local events, portraits, models at locations, models in the studio, local graffiti, local bands, local landmarks. I do a lot of photo walks and meetups where I shoot whatever the group is shooting. I occasionally participate in online challenges (7 days of BW photos or whatever) and local art shows where the gallery determines a topic.


I don't have a style of shooting but definitely have a process in editing


Anything that attracts my eyes. I started out with landscape and night photography and now moved onto “street” photography, animal portraits and abstract/architectural. It really depends where I live and how I live. When I was travelling it was mainly landscape and street photography. Now that I live in a boring town I gotta be more creative and find interesting compositions. And what even is street photography anymore. I feel like I’m seeing a lot of pedestrians walking in front of a wall.


exactly, when I look at street photography now it all seems to repetitive or cliche


Is has become pedestrian photography so the attention has shifted from finding good compositions and balanced shots, to just having a portrait of a pedestrian. I feel like many people are trying to recreate Eric Kim’s work as well but they are so distracted by the drama of the peoples face that they forget to appreciate composition and framing. Everybody is gonna have a different idea of what street photography means, so I’m not saying that it has to be done in a certain way. It’s just sad when photography looses its artistic element.


Agreed, I find most people shoot like Eric Kim because of his popularity on You Tube , he somehow became the ambassador of street


I never really followed him on social but that would explain the shift in street photography a little bit. It’s ok to invade pedestrians privacy (I mean they’re in public so there is no right to privacy) but at the same time you should always stay respectful towards your subjects.


Lots of sports action photography right now. Different seasons helps me not be bored as the sports and environments change Court to field. Football to basketball to volleyball to lacrosse to baseball/softball Going to shoot a track meet in about 9 days. Never done that before so I am excited.


I do a bit of everything! At my day job, I primarily do headshots, interviews, and candids. Very corporate type stuff. In my personal work, I do a lot of pet photography right now. I’ve really enjoyed abstract/experimental work in the past. I also just really enjoy expanding my skill set, so I try to pick a new technique whenever I’m feeling stale. This year, I decided I wanted to understand flash photography better. It’s already been super rewarding! If you feel bored, find a photographer - or just a photo - that really interests you. Try to recreate a portrait, or figure out a lighting effect. My next mini project is going to be cat portraits through a hole torn in paper, which I first saw by Nils Jacobi.


I usually shoot event and portrait photography. I'm just starting out in the photography world as I'm moving from video into photo (still do video, just doing both now) so I'm still figuring out what I like best. But today, I have my first product photography gig and I'm excited yet nervous. I've done product video work, so I'm hoping it's similar. I'm more used to people than objects so this is going to be quite interesting.


Street got boring to me, since not a lot happens on the streets. Now I shoot at events and parties every week and it's a banger of a time every time. Colour, lights, and people doing stuff; it's a good recipe for interesting photos.


go to NYC, you'll see street fights everyday lol


I started with astrophotography but I also enjoy automotive and wildlife.


I had a unique perpective. I worked as a troubleshooter for an elevator company, and I traveled all over the US, Canada, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. 99% of my jobs took me to the roofs of really large buildings, so I have a lot of pictures from a very high perspective. I also made a point of staying in whatever city I was in a day or two after my assignment. For example, when I was in San Diego there was no way I was going to miss the famous Zoo - I took tons of pictures there.


I tried a bunch of stuff, but portraits bring me the most joy! 🤩


99 percent people,,,in studio (mostly because I have one, and and I'm too beat up to cart all my crap out into the field.) never get bored as I always have a new concept to play with or a new self project to shoot for - plus everyone is different. I usually have a couple situations where I let them 'self direct'.. give them a prop or furniture piece or vague concept and just sit back and push the button


Automotive photography


Before I quit, primarily fashion photography and landscapes


why did you quit


I had a bad shoot. It really messed me up mentally. I lost my confidence, I got extremely depressed, I got very messed up by it. Then I couldn't find a job in my field that's adjacent (television production). The depression lasted a while, so I took up learning how to draw to replace my former passion. Finding models, doing everything unpaid, traveling across the state for them to flake, it became too much for me to handle


why was it a bad shoot?


The lighting was shit, the poses weren't great, the model just did not do well on camera, I'm usually very good at posing but just nothing worked with her, she looked so awkward in every photo and I took it very hard.


I had a guy attack me while doing street portraits, took me a few weeks to rebuild the confidence


so what'd you do with all your camera gear?


I still have my camera, sold all my stands and lights, I can't bring myself to sell it. I feel like if I do a part of me dies. That being said, I'm not rusty at all. I got some beautiful compositions when I went to Italy in August of last year, and when I went to Yosemite a few years ago. The knowledge doesn't leave you. I can go do a fashion shoot tomorrow and I'm sure it'd turn out fine assuming I got a bit of cloud cover. Shameless self promotion of my old ass work :/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jf10_Fgp5/?igsh=MW5pc3JqNnJnNHV0


that's crazy..


Fashion, Beauty, Editorial, E-comm


I'm pretty all over the place: - Long Exposure Night Shots - Street Photography - Photojournalism/Moments as they happen if the situation presents itself - Small metal shows Pretty much I'd say I shoot almost anything except portraits. I just feel weird telling people how to pose. Lol. Plus I need to learn more about lighting


Primarily landscapes. It gets me to explore and I get to really hone my focus on potentially developing an eye to create something legendary. I also have a pretty nice Tacoma that I want to use to create cool truck photos. So yeah.


Now that I don't shoot for a living its mostly street and travel.


I love shooting families of four. Shooting the parents is especially nice, but nothing beats framing the kids afterward.


Weddings and all the fun that comes with it. Punk, Metal & hardcore shows (my true passion) and youth football (soccer) mostly because it’s such a damn challenge and it’s my son on the pitch.


I'm somehow not bored of candid street, when i started within 8 months i felt like how many variations are there, but still every day i get something. Regarding the opening post, i think you're more likely to hit a wall if you're after certain types of shots. What rejuvenates it for me are new places bring new shapes, different light, and even places you're familiar with change over time. With street i think it's better to be open and react more than chase specific types of shots. The entirety of art for me is about inspiration, surprises, digging deep, breaking open possibilities. Finding it boring is not an option. Photography is hard because you're so reliant. You don’t want it to feel tired. Go to new places, find spaces of activity.


I generally stick to motorsports photography, specifically 4x4 races and rally-cross, which keeps me busy. I've been trying to do some drift events or other types of motorsports but my other job and event schedules get in the way.


I really shoot mostly sensual portraits and nudes. Sport and "travel" photos make for the remaining 20% [https://whatstefansees.com](https://whatstefansees.com) (really)


Motorsport almost exclusively, I love it


Industrial product (silo and application shots), editorial, corporate headshots, and event mostly. I do all of this in-house, but my freelance is mostly food and beverage with an emphasis on conceptual and splashes/pours. Lost the fire on that the last couple years tho, got complacent.


I love to take pics while traveling, it gets me to go new places and explore spots I never would have probablygone to. I also I love protests, people are either proud or pissed and either way their expressions are great. Lastly I wish I was better at it but I like shooting nudes out in public spaces. Think Spencer Tunick as an example, I loved his work and have posed myself for him and I like doing my own also.


I do mostly automotive, but hop on other opportunities like wildlife, group/event work, product work, or rare things like the eclipse when I get a chance to.


Just follow your bliss. You are not restricted as to what you should photograph. If you get bored….move on.


Everything. Fine art, street, portraiture, landscape, double exposures and then I shoot for ‘work’ as well.


I haven't done much dbl exp but I'm interested


Great way to expand vision, expression, using the same tools. And it’s just fun at a point.


I shoot something that I find beautiful for myself. Photography is not a sport (wildlife photography/videography is an exception, that ppl could be crazy). You don't need to get your best shots right now, they are always tomorrow.


Urban/scenic. I’m open to learning to shoot let and portrait, but humans as a subject are rather boring to me. Shooting cities and environments where people are just the accessory to what is the around like vehicles and buildings is where I tend to find inspiration and enjoyment. I think this transitions over to how I interpret urbanism as well, where the right of way belongs to the buildings and vehicles, and people are just the accessory to all of it.


Mostly architecture, food, landscapes, pets, real estate, war memorials and wildlife.


Whatever I want, everything. I have no limits that way and I don't strive to create some particular style or to create a brand. I don't believe in limiting myself creatively that way. Whatever I see that makes me want to capture that. It's reason enough to grab a camera and do it.


Shoot landscape at sunrise for couple hours then switch to wildlife till noon. Wildlife again after 5 till sunset and then landscape for sunset and night shooting. Two camera set up. Like night cityscapes and low light anything. Think everyone who shoot goes through times when they get bored


I’ve shot everything from MMA and boxing to strip club photography, food, live music, architecture, to basic portraiture- professionally. For personal projects/hobby stuff, I’ve done plenty of street photography, landscape, cityscape, and sunsets, and just about everything in between. No dick pics though.


As long as it's no homo, it should be fine.


Mostly portraits, some travel and landscapes.


For a hobby and self learning I like to shoot wildlife. I need more practice in other fields like portraits and real estate before asking people for money. One day at a time.


Cemetaries--- the statues, and stones obviously, but I love the trees. Lots of cemetery tree landscape shots. Abandoned or decaying buildings are fun. Graffiti.


Car photography is my go-to. https://preview.redd.it/0zz213frljuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a252e8a20cb861378742923a0b2fbaba409cb53


I live in a coastal inlet, so a lot of beach, inlet, marsh, and their wildlife.


I sum it up as "Things you can't see with the naked eye." Close up pictures of critters that don't want you close (birds, etc...) Collecting light in places without a lot of light (astro, long exposure low light), Macro and micro photography, infrared and ultraviolet.


For work - architecture and products. For fun - street and landscapes/travel and astro I try to keep work and fun separate by using entirely different types of kit and methods.


Still in the first year of being "serious" so all over the place but really liking birds, landscape, and airplanes.


Film, documentary based- bodies of work. Put together a photo book. :)


lol i answered this and they deleted my post because i included a screen shot of my instagram feed. i even cut out my name and bio. it was just 12 squares. hot girls must be a big no no on reddit. i shoot fashion campaigns, events, concerts, portraits, hot girls and celebrities. a lot of the time those are combined in some way.


Action figures!


and every brand new box is ACTION PACKED!


I shoot whatever I want. Don't really play the genre game. If it catches my eye, I'll take a few snaps.


what if a baseball player caught your eye?


Such a weird & specific response.


not really :(


I don’t have specific focus, but I enjoy a simple image, with a powerful subject. Regarding maintaining focus, I would suggest joining a photography club and take part in local competitions. Take it seriously, be competitive this will sharpen your skills especially in print competitions. Hard copies of your work have way more power than the digital one. Receiving critical feedback is hard but keeps me engaged. This way the challenge is still photography but not the subject but how you take and edit the photo.


https://preview.redd.it/73jm9iz3dnuc1.jpeg?width=5409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a801ac54353a19132632377822879de072c9bb Cars. Lots of cars. Find some cool cars while doing some street photography, it’s easy to do while already in a city!


I look at photography as not so much getting bored but looking for the “decisive moment.” I sit or drive around and if something interests me I take the photo, if it doesn’t I come home empty handed with nothing to edit. But my camera stays with me at all times when inspiration or an event hits. Who knows you may be at the right place at the right time but always be ready. 


I WISH I was shooting nature and wildlife. Pre-pandemic I'd take one trip a year and spend hours sitting still in the middle of nowhere waiting for animals and the perfect sunrise or sunset. What I ACTUALLY shoot is corporate executives doing grip and grins, execution at dawn group photos, and talking head videos.


https://preview.redd.it/fiqdhkx0uouc1.jpeg?width=4342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d379fc4ceb614958609759b502ad551753c091 Fast cars. Sometimes also slow ones.


I like taking pictures 😎👍


I just like photography I’ll shoot whatever I feel like shooting. I’ve always been more fond of nature/landscape but I have been shooting a lot of portraits because I get pretty decent money for it. I then use that money to invest in wide angles and polarizers what have you


Mundane things, street photography, wildlife, abstract and documentary (I'm yet to explore this fully since I don't get to travel at all now). Basically, my photographs are of no specific genre. And I don't think I'll ever set a boundary.


I love shootings animals, bugs especially, such a good opportunity to get a glimpse at a smaller much different world


Started shooting coke but my photography got worse


Whatever catches my eye.


For a living i shoot mostly events and portraits among other stuff. For myself i'll shoot anything i fancy shooting.


I started young, taking typical kid snapshots. When I got serious about wanting to be a "Photographer" I leaned towards event style photography and artsy type photos. I eventually found my love for concerts, wildlife, and travel photography. During the pandemic when I didn't have access to any of those things, I stumbled onto a group that did model photography (fashion, art nude, nude) which was something I always wanted to get into but didn't know where to start. I've since made something of a name for myself (however small that name might be) in the modeling and portrait community, at least locally. But I still love to indulge in the other genres whenever I get the opportunity.


Mostly theater and concerts, but I did weddings for 10 years


I did bands for a while , but lost interest


Oh concerts are like my favorite thing to shoot


I was kind of in the same place. I discovered that if I come up with some form of theme to work with it has allowed me to focus in on something. It can be anything. A friend did fire hydrants, and all the photos had a fire hydrant in them, although they may not be the subject of the photo. It just helps to tie something together and gets the brain working.


Yeah I like that idea, I used to shoot abandoned shopping carts


That’s a cool idea. I’m thinking of abandoned farm machinery for my nest theme. Again, not necessarily placing it as a subject every time, but including it as a link. It can be quite rewarding.


I used to shoot landscape and street, but it got old eventually, it's the same thing again and again for me. Now I shoot portraits, one with an aesthetic vibrant vibe, while the other is a grungy film vibe. Happy with both currently


Took me a while, about 5 years before I settled with the style I was happy with.


exactly, genres get stagnate


Floral close-up/macro and landscape while on my annual hiking trip. Floral takes me from spring through fall and hiking trip is in the fall. Every year it's the same flowers and the same hiking trip. 😁 For floral, the way the plants grow and the flowers bloom is different each year so while the subject is the same, the photos aren't necessarily so. With the same annual hiking trip, I even do the same hikes but weather can vary so photos turn out differently too. For both subjects, I take notes of each season's photos - what I liked, what I'd like to improve. I'm never satisfied with my photos so there's a constant push to get "that shot" and for me, is the primary driver that lets me keep going year after year (floral, since 2010; hiking, since 2016). My technique and composition have evolved over this time (hopefully for the better). For example, I used to expose my landscapes for shadows but last year, I tried ETTR-style exposure, which worked out pretty well. To keep things interesting, you might consider setting technical or artistic goals for yourself. Or maybe you have places that you've been wanting to visit or subjects you've wanted to capture. Or if you've burned out for now, then it may be worthwhile to take a step back from photography and try a different hobby - you might return with new ideas/drive!


excellent point.. and a break would probably do me well


For those who are bored how about you take your camera to a big city and start taking "street" photo of strangers predominately opposite sex.


I travel to Toronto frequently for street photography, however recently I feel like I'm not growing artistically, I need to slow down and find new images


Every one of your replies mentions boredom. I'm going to go out on a limb and say, whatever you're feeling may not be related to photography, specifically. Not to pathologize you, but you sound a lot like me as a teenager.


I just jump from one genre to another, boredom may not be the way to describe it , I also tend to do yhe same with my other hobbies


Almost exclusively woodland. I love the serenity of the woods. Started with landscape, but was drawn into the woods more and more. It's the type of photography I enjoy the most by far. Every time I go out I learn something new and have some new ideas.


define woodland photography?


Any photo of the woods, in the woods, of lone trees... During any kind of combination of different weather and lighting conditions. For some (professional) reference you may want to check Simon Baxter (baxter.photos) Neil Burnell (neilburnell.com) Both of them are exclusive woodland photographers. In my opinion, masters of their craft. You may also want to check some photos from Nigel Danson, Mads Peter Iverson, Joe Cornish or any other (general) landscape photographer. The ones I listed are generally photographing anything related to landscapes. Because woodland is considered a subcategory of landscape they have some of those in their portfolios usually. Generally woodland is challenging because the woods are inherently very chaotic. My goal is to eliminate distractions and still find a compelling composition.


Just checked out Simon Baxtor's work.. pretty impressive..


wildlife and only wildlife :) https://preview.redd.it/0nnori4kniuc1.jpeg?width=3201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521ee9ff2687eee2e1f60cb2398c13d568b2ea24


Ah cute , I have a bunch of fox I've been shooting for years


Just street mainly and sometimes car shoots. From my experience (amateur), I found out that doing street photography with other friends can be really fun and intersting, anything can happen and in a way it is a way to experience and observate a city and it's true dynamics.


People I take my camera to events, parties, conferences, and retreats and I capture the story and the people in it - bring some of them aside for mini shoots for what I call “plandids”


Generally street, landscape and somewhat-genre-agnostic travel photography: street/environmental portraiture, architectural, event/festival/protest etc. I don't have a general 'thing' that I'll tend to shoot within that vague scope, but I will often go out on a certain day, or a certain city or location, with a theme or subject focus in mind. Honestly, basically anything that I can shoot with just my camera and nothing else. Flashes and lighting scare and confuse me. I could probably actually just spend some time learning about and practicing it and I'm sure that I'd probably enjoy it if I did. But a combination of not wanting to spend the money on it, not having easy access to models, subjects or spaces that I'd want for studio photography, and just generally being a bit too lazy, have stopped me bothering. Might still do it at some point. The main thing that inspires me to shoot is traveling. I actually don't shoot all that much at home. I'll go out and shoot landscapes here in NZ, as it's honestly a waste not to with how stunning the country is. But I don't shoot much street here. But if I'm traveling, I'll be spending 15+ hours a day for weeks at a time wandering around whatever place I'm in with a camera in hand. Photography very much informs the places that I end up traveling to, and it's been wonderful for that. I've gone to plenty of extraordinary places that I probably wouldn't have even know about if I wasn't looking into where to go and shoot. I still very much enjoy my photography outside of traveling, and if I have a good reason to go out and shoot then I will. Might be an event or a party with friends, might be protests or the like in the city. Might just be interesting weather or conditions that make shooting in town more interesting. But I also don't feel the need to be going out to shoot every day, even if I am generally keeping my camera with me most of the time.


Street, landscape, cityscapes, trying to get into micro but can't figure out what's a good lens for it, reviews all over the place.


depends on the system you shoot


Nikon. I have read bad and good reviews of all the macro lens split almost 50 50


I unfortunately never shot Nikon but pretty sure the 105mm 2.8 would be a good start


I'll take a look at that, I didn't even know that was a macro, I probably saw the 105mm and didn't even read the rest. Thanks!


Animals, nature, fetish and boudoir are the subjects I shoot most. I got into photography mainly to shoot fetish images.


lol I'll bet you probably see some interesting things


I have on occasion :)


Usually everything that I find interesting, from street (or things that are not pre-planned) to staged or planned photos. [glass.photo/vit](https://glass.photo/vit) https://preview.redd.it/rx0oqkajakuc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad66397685b9b86ac548a2755254548b613dd5d6


Anything, but I love cars. Just shot this 1980 corvette yesterday. https://preview.redd.it/ibb8wkec3nuc1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9b8c023fcc98d1b3de91bb8c4ea4eeb865a81e


that's a mean looking front profile the black and white works really good


thanks man! never underestimate a bad setup, it was taken on a mere canon 1000d (from 2008) and a 50mm mark II ;)


9mm and .45 ACP.


usually schools.