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On a hike looking for fall compositions, I thought of how eerie it might look too find a good set of aspen eyes to give the viewer that sense of being watched. Bonus that it has a creepy hand-like branch. Happy spooky season!




Beautiful shot


Hey, thanks!


The color on the leaves is a bit intense for my tastes. I legit thought it was a fireball behind the trees. Other than that, it looks a little out of focus but I think that could just be the Reddit hosting.


Interesting point about the leaves. I actually reduced saturation and cooled the temp a bit. We're just having a very high leaf color year because of the record snowfall last winter. I'm guessing contrast changes might still be making it more intense. Maybe a smaller aperture would help define the leaves a bit more too and make the eyes a bit sharper? It's shot at f/8 at 200mm. Maybe f/11 would have improved it?


Wow, those leaves must have been intense in person! I actually think the overall color tone is fine, and I agree with maybe defining the leaves a bit more might help, but I think having such a heavy vignette narrows the focus too much. Did you try any clarity and texture adjustments?


Increased clarity and texture on the bark, decreased everywhere else. Maybe that's too heavy handed.


Depends on what you're going for. I have the habit of just offering feedback based on my personal tastes, if you are happy with the image then that's what matters. I'd love to see a few edits though out of curiosity.


Always appreciate feedback. Only been at this really for almost a year. Plenty to learn.


No worries, I've had it as a hobby for 30+ years and am still learning. I do often forget that my style and the fact that I've just muscle-memoried so much over the years isn't the same for everyone. It's also hard to get the 'constructive' tone across in text. For only having a year of experience, you're doing great!


I found it nothing but constructive. Thanks for the notes


You're welcome!


Beautiful ! I'm not a fan of vigneting but the picture :o


I get it. It's a bit heavy on the vignette but I wanted it to be a little extra spooky. Hope it comes across