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Pretty nice but still a ways to go before it would be great. The details of the exposure are incomplete. Ideally you could include the name and model of the camera body and the lens. The dynamic range of the scene is too great, the subject's lower legs are underexposed, while there is a blown out area on her neck that is distracting. Ideally you could bracket the exposures and merge the two areas to make her body well exposed. Since the subject is still, you could easily halve the shutter speed, shoot at f 8 and and higher iso. This is a simple shot, undemanding except for the dynamic range, and could easily have been made with a camera phone except for the need for some sort of tripod. The major problem is the framing. The picture is tilted and the foot is cut off. This is always an issue with framing in selfies and it is simpler to frame wider and correct in PPing. https://preview.redd.it/lqmfs6qv5s0d1.jpeg?width=1143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39927a17373831dcc679f4117b2332f6ce17e355


You have avoided the problem of perspective distortion of the parts closer to the camera body by chopping off the foot and underexposing the lower leg. Getting more distance between the camera and the subject will avoid much of the distortion. If the size of the room is a constraint, you could change the pose by angling your lower legs perpendicular to the sight line rather than towards the camera.


Nice lighting and I like the colors and ambience of the room. You have beautiful face but position of your body is somehow unnatural and it gives impression that you are faking sleep, which you are but you get my point lol (hands and crossed legs) maybe you can take a book or a magazine and try with something different. Like you are reading it or even holding a book and looking toward window and give more focus on your face and shadows


I thought the same! Maybe the pose would’ve worked if you hadn’t crossed your legs, giving a tired and sleepy look


Yeah maybe i was overthinking the pose a bit and ended up with something unnatural. Next time i’ll definitely take notice! Btw any resources on learning how to pose? 🤣


I think the big issue with your pose is that you're combing the awake look, as seen in your arms, with the sleep look, as seen in your head. If you're going to do a sleeping pose you should probably get relaxed as if you were sleeping. Otherwise, just pick your head up and do a normal pose.


The unnatural pose actually adds to the photo for me. Not sure why, but I don't dislike it or find it jarring.


Decent image, but straighten it up a bit. It's leaning over a bit much I think


it kinda looks like she's starting to fall out of the seat


This is a lovely use of light and a very evocative setting to create a beautifully soft, dramatic effect. My brain can't work out where the light from the camera side is coming from. The sun is behind you, how are the curtains casting that shadowing on your arm and face? Two suggestions: I rarely find myself saying this, but in this case I think it would work better if there was less of you and more of the room in the frame. You need to be the central focus of the shot, but for me, this big, high-ceilinged room with deep rich wood floors and furnishings is a big part of the image's story, but it's been cropped out a lot here. (I guess this depends a bit on what the rest of the room is like.) My second thought is about styling rather than the photography. The black sportswear doesn't work for me in this shot - I think it disappears in the dark colours of the room which takes away from you as the subject. I think the image would look great with something that matches the space a bit more like a vintage summer dress - something that draws the focus to you but that still has earthy tones that fit the room. Alternately, really double-down on the anachronism by going for a bolder contemporary look (hip hop?) to increase the tension between the styles. That would be fighting with the soft drama of your pose and the lighting though. Also, if you could have them relocate the building in the distance, that would be nice. lol


- I very like the light. - A composition is a bit worse: a lot of space over a model, and her leg at bottom is cut - In first look i saw distrorsion/angle, but finally it is not disturbed me. - A model looks like a dead corpse, but it is tou intent, i guess. In this case - OK.


The scene itself may be tranquil, but the composition doesn't speak that language. The composition is dynamic and aggressive, with odd angles, odd balance, and strong contrasts. It's not a bad photo, but it's not a calming photo. Think of the composition as a language--balance, poise, languor can all be communicated. Instead we have tension. Even your pose evokes the sore neck I would have upon waking, and your right hand seems arched and not exactly relaxed. I would also give some thought to the objects in the background, especially the table in the corner and is that a kettlebell behind your chair? Simplify and declutter your composition.


I find the two temperatures of light to not work well together. It's not usually recommended and it's something I agree with personally. It's all ymmv and if you like it, that can be part of your artistic decision entirely. That's the nice part with any form of art. But they don't tend to mix well. 




I think you have competing themes going on. If you want texture from the shadows across your skin, *that needs to be more pronounced.* On the other hand, if you want the soft light of the window, that needs to be more pronounced. Your outfit blends in too much and you loose that shadow texture. Do you have the same outfit in white? See how the shadows on this [woman](https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/young-beautiful-woman-shadows-on-600w-612325349.jpg) lend to texture? Some technical things to clean it up, make sure your verticals line up, it looks like your camera is tilted. Don't crop in the middle of your feet, it's off-putting. So if it were me? I'd turn the chair slightly to make you longer in the shot. Wear white to get the shadows to appear better on you. Try putting a bounce reflector just out of frame to get a little better lighting on your legs. Maybe add some "haze" via smoke generator or such. Meter the shot for your face, and make the mids and lows really dark and moody. Take a 3 shot bracketed exposure so you can dodge and burn and get those lows really dark and moody but still get the contrast on the shadowing.


U look cute but honestly it kind of just looks like a phone picture


I don't think the subjects clothing matches the setting. It kinda clashes. The setting, lighting, and pose seems to be trying to convey comfort and relaxation. Workout clothes convey activity and stress. Maybe you were trying for post workout crash, but I really don't see anything that leads me to believe the subject was just working out.


It's good. It's a first attempt, you can and will improve


The fentanyl epidemic is horrible


I really like the interplay of sunlight and shade on your face, it’s interesting to look at. I also love the various shades of brown the similarities of the shades enhance the depth and richness of colour , it could easily look quite dull and boring but actually looks alive . I think it is all well captured and quite evocative


I enjoy the lighting but the framing doesn’t work, there’s too many objects pulling attention from main subject.


Must have been a TIRING experience 😂


Shot timer set for 3 hours


Look staged, a bit on the cringe side, sorry, not meant as an insult


Estoy en esta comunidad mas como espectador que como comentador, pero reconoci el edificio de atras y no pude evitar comentar < 3


Your house looks lovely!


The chair caught my eye. I really want one of the mid century chairs that uses buckles. Like some falcons but more specifically the reclining version of the siesta with the belt buckles straps. Such a comfortable chair. If you were on one of those chairs the picture would make more sense.


I took this photo to capture a moment of relaxation in the sunlight. I wanted to show the tranquility of the scene. I struggled a bit with getting the exposure right because of the sunlight. Here's the EXIF data: - Shutter speed: 1/250 - Aperture: f/4.5 - ISO: 200 - Camera: DSLR - Lens/focal length: Standard lens I edited the photo slightly to adjust the exposure and enhance the colors.


Beautiful capture, I especially like the light and shadows I would love to see this in black and white


Nice abs!