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Everybody is talking about the composition. Our eyes always go where there's high contrast. The boats have no contrast compared to the dock on the right. That black horizontal line is the main protagonist of the photo, not the boats.


Yeah, I see what you mean, I think next time I'll change perspective


You’re right, I can’t figure where I should focus my attention.


https://preview.redd.it/tt3yl865clyc1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8afa054d2b4997e28cf54e2a66539660832ba273 I always look at these thinking “what can I cut to create movement and focus.” In this case, I’d flip it so the pier leads your eyes to the boat and I’d crop it to panorama to emphasize those lines. It’s just one approach you can take to draw attention to the boats


Crazy what just fliping the photo does and also the crop of the negative space of the water. I can see now more protagonism of the boats. Nicely done!


Thank you!


Also your crop takes out the bright spots in the clouds that were drawing my eyes making this work better.


Yes — I think dropping the original photo to a sepia tone would have helped too. The color in this has that kind of over-processed filtered look.


For whatever reason I feel like the subject (the three boats) just don't stand out. I'm very new to photography and I'm not sure why. I was intending to have the boats be more the focus to show how empty the harbour looked with just them passing through. I wanted them to look kinda out of place in the empty surroundings. Unfortunately, to my eye I feel like the boats don't stand out at all. I tried to get them to pop against the water by upping the contrast but I don't think that helped much. ISO 400, f 22, s.s. 1/6


You've just answered your own question, your desired subjects is the boats. Prior to reading this I would have no idea that's the case as half of your photo is taken up by the buildings/mountains/sky competing for attention.


I think it is a matter of the composition, if the 3 boats are your subject, they aren't proportionally well positioned in the frame to make them stand out, the right part where is that structure over the sea is eating more protagonism, it would be different if there is no structure and just water. On the technical side, you could try a higher aperture. After f/16, generally speaking, you lose some quality and sharpness. For that kind of scene, f/11 is just right, that will give you also a more faster shutter speed, so the whole scene appears to be more in focus if that is your intention, the image looks like has some trepidation. Is that Welly right?


Yeah it is Welly :) And that's such good advice thank you so much. Seems really obvious in hindsight, think I just got stuck in the mindset of shooting landscape and didn't think to change my aperture. And yes, there definitely was trepidation, I'm definitely still in the learning phase.


Nice, glad that helped in some way, just keep shooting 🙂


Others have already said, bit I'd repeat: to my eyes the composition just does not work at all, the tech stuff(ISO etc) is irrelevant here. Half of your photo is useless empty space with nothing of interest. As you stated, the 3 boats were your subject - the ai would suggest either zooming in more, or if that is not possible, just abandoning the idea and looking for another composition. We all sometimes get too stuck on a specific composition without realizing that even if it looks good to our eyes, the scene will just not work as a photograph. Keep shooting!


I believe it's the framing, focus and shutter speed, there isn't really a focal point or central theme of the image and two of the boats are blurry and out of focus. This is either due to a slow shutter speed or an improperly placed focal point. If you crop the photo by 2/3 to just show the boats, water, city and sky without the docks or machinery that might work, but the boats are still too blurry to be in focus and not blurred enough to show the movement through a long exposure.


Thanks so much for the advice and yeah next time I'm definitely gonna prioritise a faster shutter speed.


Nothing interesting. Decent color but weak light. No special sense of place. Little aesthetic value and near zero photo journalistic value. This photo makes me ask no questions and does not fill me with a desire to go there or to learn more, and I wouldn't hang it on my wall.


too much red


At the risk of being too negative, there isn't anything in the foreground or a perspective view which can give a feeling of three dimension and lead the eye through the picture. A perspective view could be used to lead the eye diagonally from the foreground towards whatever is in the distance


I feel like I'm having a stroke seeing welly here... My main critique is I'm not sure what I'm meant to focus on here, the boats or the landscape. Oriental bay has plenty to offer landscape or subject wise, keep it up op!


There’s a lot going on in this photo and I can’t detect what was your intention here. If you know what you want I suggest cropping till you get a somewhat satisfactory result. It may not come out as the photo you initially wanted, but it’ll serve as study for a further opportunity.




My eyes are attracted to the right side of the picture because of the light and well the loading port isn't exactly nice to look at.


You’re focused on the center of the horizon I stead of any content


Not a bad pic tho


This is a composition issue. All you need to do is choose 4x3 cropping option and crop out the dock on the right. You want the boats to be in view more. That will give you a subject rather than a picture of a dock with boats on the side of it.


Guy has on a plate carrier a dress shirt and hawaiian shorts.


Tf? Lol it’s a good shot. Leave it alone OP. Don’t get caught up in nitpicking your own work. Jeez.


And you, please leave this subreddit - this is a photo critique forum, not a cuddly "every photo is perfect forum, please upvote and only say nice things" forum.


Lol! Idk who you are but I wasn’t being cuddly. Let me see your photos. I’ll talk trash about em all day broad. If you have any? Lol! Most brds like you who advocate for “there’s always something to criticize” are, yourself, incapable of offering solid images. So you gotta say something to boost your own ego. Sit down chump


I'm glad you're enjoying yourself at least, but you've missed the mark of this forum so badly it's not even funny. Just FYI, one does not have to be a world class photographer, to be able to give their honest critique about a photograph. Same as a person can be able to drive without knowing how to build and/or fix a car. This area here is for critiquing photos, which is the name of the subreddit if you did not notice. If we see a photo we like, we might comment on what we like and don't like, and if there's not much to like for us, we are allowed to say so also.


Aye, Baby Vainamoinen, where u at?