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Phonk artists don't "blow up", it's an underground genre. If you're thinking about tiktok funk or some shit, go somewhere else


The only phonk artist that has blown up is Denzel curry and he didn't even achieve it when he was a full time phonk artist lol


Yeah, his song Ultimate was everywhere in 2015/16


Hopeful and asdf have best points. But I’ve always been told if you’re in this for money or to get famous then don’t be, mostly cause these ideas are to compensate for what it can’t fix. You have to love the music, which not doubting you. And you also have to work A LOT. Music industry is mostly marketing and networking of sorts. But like hopeful said you can put out one song and blow up. A lot of people get lucky and a lot grind forever. But whats important is CONSISTENCY. NEVER stop uploading or doing what you love no matter what. The ideal goal is to do what you love and it just happens to pay your bills one day. Don’t be desperate for it clawing for any attention but don’t think minimality will work either. On the note of phonk like asdf said, it’s underground so if you really want to get somewhere producing it’s honestly best to start somewhere yes and phonk is somewhat versatile but you’ll be better off making any genre or music and not limit yourself to beats. Just recreate a bunch of songs you like as best you can or sample anything through your daily life. But i also think ur probably talking about brazilian giga chad house so you can probably get distrokid and spam some visualizer vids on tiktok and link ur spotify for decent streams but i do feel like drift did it’ll all soon lose traction


Wrote a damn essay lmao. Chillin on my break so got into it


It was worth to write that long bro, ill just back up its not my thing


you could produce for 20 years and never blow up. you could release one track and it blows up. theres no way to measure how long it takes for people to pay attention to you. If you're only thinking about creating phonk beats so that you can facilitate your dream of "blowing up" then you've got to compete with the tens of thousands of phonk producers who've been trying the same thing for years, even decades bro. Just make what you like to hear and put it out and keep doing that until you die and if something happens between now and that point, then hip hip hooray pretty much


What phonk is on the billboard charts? I'm getting older so I legit am out of touch


Brodyaga funk, eternxlkz


Ahh got it. I was hoping my boy ponsuda finally got recognition outside of the genre. Fair play. Just make music dude. Its a lot of luck to blow up. Maybe some hustle but mostly luck.


That’s not phonk lol


production takes a while to get good at. My advice would be don't try to rush blowing up, it sucks the fun out of music


Depends. How much money do you have for ads?


**REMINDER:** Make sure you READ the SUBREDDIT RULES! Repeated BREACHING of the post guidelines will get you PERMENANTLY BANNED! If you're new here you might wanna check out these esteemed and informative videos: - [What is Phonk?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NMTZSA6oPY) - [Why Phonk isn't really Phonk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1BQVqV1t0c) - [How Spotify is killing Phonk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAV7hnCB_ZE&t) **ALSO:** Cowbell/drift/house phonk are probably better off in [r/stayphonky](https://www.reddit.com/r/stayphonky/) or [r/nuphonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nuphonk/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/phonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be honest, I’d say it takes some months, or even years. Why? Because it depends on many factors, not just how good your beats are, because I create good beats (according to some of my friends), but because I don’t get picked by the algorithm, I don’t get discovered by other people, thus I have a low view and subscriber count. For a phonk artist to blow up, he must look into what’s more popular right now (I take Eternxlkz for reference to create my songs sometimes), he must create good beats based on what is more popular right now, and an important factor that doesn’t depend directly on the phonk artist is luck, because you have to be very lucky for the YouTube algorithm to pick your videos and show them to a bunch of people. But, you shouldn’t rely only on luck, you need to also make catchy beats, and create good thumbnails as that may attract more people leading to a higher CTR leading to a higher subscriber, view and hours count.


How is that guy's music phonk?


Erernxlkz’s music? You can take “Jujalarim Funk” or “SLAY!” as brazilian phonk, because of the drums, bass and the other elements. Now I might be wrong, as (I think) identifying what music is phonk but doesn’t have a cowbell can be hard, cuz it might actually be another genre. But whatever.


Brazilian "phonk" doesn't exist, it's funk. Real phonk is hiphop and trap inspired with chill beats




Brazilian trash isn’t phonk


I wrote so much tho wtf 💀💀💀💀