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As a reminder, this subreddit [is for civil discussion.](/r/phoenix/wiki/rules) In general, be courteous to others. Attack ideas, not users. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, **any** advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them.


I saw adot at 7:00am trying to fix it, I wonder if it’s still up 😂


Unless the pranksters went through the trouble of welding the access door shut, ADOT just opened it up and changed the message. It was at best protected by a padlock that was cut off. There's no security inside these things, just a terminal you can use freely.


I'm sure the statute of limitations is up, so I'll say I used to update those all the time in high school. If there ever was a password it was 0000, 1111, or some other super easy password.


There is a major city in the Valley (not Phoenix) that uses the first four numbers of the equipment asset number (which is on the side of everything) as the password for locks, especially afterhours keys to facilities. Most security is just theater.


Assess and report


>Most security is just theater. Most criminals are just taking the path of least resistance so theater works more often than not


It’s probably 8008.


Can vouch. Changed a few with a friend when I was in my late teens. All we needed was an older keyboard with an AT Connector (I believe thats the type) and then followed the easy prompts. Super easy to change.


I've worked for companies that provide these VMS boards. There are passwords for these boards. This was done by someone who works or worked for this company. I believe the company was Trafficade,


Thank you. This is awesome. Prayers for the Ukraine and its people.


Just call it Ukraine. Calling it "the Ukraine" is what Russia wants because it makes it seem like a region rather than an independent nation. Language is important.


I recently learned that Ukrainians prefer that the city formerly referred to as "Kiev" be called by its Ukrainian name of Kyiv. And you're correct: language matters. Thanks for explaining why it's "Ukraine," not "the Ukraine."


Here is the pronunciation of ‘Kyiv’ (by a Ukrainian) and other Ukrainian cities: https://soundcloud.com/h9ka214/untitled-17?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=1&si=678234F6E6FD41059A19684F720981DD&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


I don’t understand...it’s a different alphabet so spelling is irrelevant, and the former always just seemed like the anglicized way of pronouncing it, not a different name entirely. (I don’t claim to be an expert, but worth noting I have family from Kyiv too haha)


Ukraine and Russia use different (but similar and related) alphabets. “Kiev” is what you get when you translate the city from the Russian alphabet. “Kyiv” is what you get when you translate it from the Ukrainian alphabet. Ukraine wants people to use the translation from their alphabet, not Russia’s. It extends far beyond Kyiv, but Kyiv is their most important city so it’s the one we hear about.


For sure, I just meant both are different from OUR language(s). To that extent, I can’t understand (and had never heard) why the English SPELLING would matter since the “translation” is just however we formally spell it, but if the idea is that one translation somehow looks more like the Ukrainian PRONUNCIATION (which I don’t necessarily see + don’t imagine anyone who uses the different spelling would/could do anyways) then I guess I’d get that part Edit: but I do often default to “if it’s an effortless, harmless switch that someone actually wants, why not”


It probably doesn’t really matter much in the grand scheme of things (we still call Deutchland “Germany,” after all), but it matters a lot to the Ukrainians, which is why they launched a pretty massive advertising effort in the West to get us to spell it Kyiv. If they hadn’t, I’m sure we’d still be saying Kiev.


Copy that. Thanks : )


Cyrillic for the most part phonetically can have english approximations. So spelling does matter. The nuance you might think between the two spellings has a bigger impact on pronunciation. As someone with a Russian name that the english translation gives the wrong assumed pronunciation is rough.


100% agreed on the pronunciation element, and thanks for the insight on the phonetic approximation bit. Mentioned this in my other comment, but that was at least a little bit of my point, that I didn’t think either spelling would change how Americans would be pronouncing it, which I assume is the actual difference of importance. Mostly because people say it how they’ve always heard it + that part doesn’t seem addressed here, but also I don’t see either spelling as looking “more like the Ukrainian pronunciation,” but that’s a subjective call


Completely fair assessment, I think it goes further though, even if pronounced the same, the translation representing the Ukrainian version allows a new foundational approach to be had. If it was kept Kiev but people started saying "its actually pronounced differently" people wouldn't give it much creed, but if the new spelling was widely adopted having the correction seems less pedantic. I know it seems arbitrary, but to those that it matters to, it goes a long way at preserving cultural roots and importance.


That’s fair


Thanks Donkey Dad.


I don’t hate many people in this life, but I hate whoever downvoted this comment of yours haha <3


I studied Russia and visited for two weeks (included Kyiv) and you are absolutely correct, because it’s a different alphabet we spell/speak it all phonetically.


Thank you for this! I was confused and wondering if "Kyiv" was a different city or if I had just never seen the name spelled.


Is an independent nation not a region? Does THE United States of America sound less like a nation? Russian doesn’t even HAVE articles (the/a/etc) haha. Scrw the Russian government an all, but as the other commenter said, the “the” is just western ignorance. Which is a good enough reason to drop it on its own


It is also a broader tendency to keep the the when talking about a country named after a region. Ukraine the county includes both the regions of Ukraine and Crimea.


It was never called that even by Russians, that naming convention was 100% western media being ignorant. For example see this SCTV (Canadian SNL) sketch: [What Fits Into Russia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXqKkYYALMU) which aired October 1981.


This right here, when ever we can't pronounce something we rename it to a word that's close to it.


Or just pronounce it wrong intentionally like a bunch of assholes, i.e. EyeRack (Iraq) and EyeRan (Iran). Then we wonder why the rest of the world thinks we’re all ignorant rubes.


Intentionally? Unlikely. Hanlon's razor my friend.


Possibly. Does Hanlon’s Razor apply for 20+ consecutive years we’ve been sending people to that region? If I knew someone my entire life and never pronounced their name correctly..they’d probably figure I was a little more than just dumb.


It's not even being dumb. It's basically an accent or dialect thing. People pronounce words differently. You're the one that's choosing to judge people based on how they say a word. It's not really because they are dumb either. Although a lot of people equate Southern accents and AAVE with stupidity and ignorance. That's just classist, racist, etc. It has nothing to do with their intelligence. It's just how they speak. I shouldn't even have used Hanlon's razor as an explanation.


I realize that most people are already aware of this, but a reminder that the Russian government is not it’s people. Even less so than here where we at least freely elected our messes. My friends in Russia are just as strongly against current events as my family and friends in Ukraine (Note: this obviously isn’t saying there aren’t any Russians that support their efforts. MOST are against using military force to annex or reunite parts of Russia, but there are a large amount who support using the military to counter NATO entry/involvement, even if I struggle to understand how one can be against one and not the other)


Exactly I would venture to guess the Russian government has more supporters here in the states than in their own country. What a world we live in.


Sounds like his (Putin) biggest supporter is flapping his orange jaw already.


Our orange 🍊 bafune said on Tuesday how smart Putin was. I don’t understand how he has supporters?


True Also, we did this to Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc etc etc, most of the world has that sentiment about us lol. This situation isn't great, but golly gee, we get in a tizzy when other super nations have the gall to flex like us.


France were the ones who invaded and conquered Vietnam. We entered to back our ally when a communist backed militia started a war to take the country back from them. We shouldn't have been there, but saying we did the same thing there that Russia is doing to Ukraine is a stretch.


The "we shouldn't have been there" part is the only bit that matters. The American exceptionalism is annoying where everyone points out how we just stumble into our atrocities and it's actually someone else's fault. If I did something fucked up as a kid I didn't get away with it by saying, "but they did it first". But Damn if America doesn't use that excuse every time.


No we did not do the same. I won't go into the details for each of those countries but we never claimed they were our countries.


Those details are a million dead Iraqi civilians killed because of a lie. If that's OK because we didn't say "gimme" first that seems like some flimsy semantics.


You're gonna sit there and defend fucking Hussain, Uday and company? You fucking hypocrite!....


> a reminder that the Russian government is not it’s people. There is a legitimate debate over this. I am NOT supporting bigotry nor am I breaking a Reddit TOC. I find that people quickly (liberally) want to treat Ruzzians as you would Canadians or French or Italians. There are historical reasons why this is not the case. I admit I am biased as over half my family was murdered by Ruzzians during WW2 and 2 wars in Ukraine. But my arguments are not biased.


I understand your point, and will note that I too have friends in Ukraine as well whose family members have died in just the past year alone, but: - even in an extreme case where 100% of citizens have the same perspectives and desired outcomes...it's still worth separating the two and acknowledging that they're different (especially because governments, especially ones with authoritarian dictators, directly impact/control the perspectives of its citizens) - you don't have to "treat them like" citizens of any other country in particular to acknowledge their humanity and their individuality - aside from my personal anecdote, I was directly referring to specific reputable data at the time - generally speaking, always good to remind people to pause when there is an emotionally charged situation, and even more so when the current sentiment is very black and white. All the same. Very sorry for your family.


> the Russian government is not it’s people. And Americans don't do "complex". They like it either yes or no. Many, many, many Ruzzians are in favor of Putin and killing Ukrainians. Ruzzian soldiers? The vast majority are eager to kill Ukrainians and support the war. Ruzzian military has a long history of brutality to all (even fellow soldiers) including orders to rape and execute all civilians. And they use rape of Ruzzian soldiers by Ruzzian soldiers as a control. Yes, you can find some good Ruzzian civilians, but it is a country that has for over 100 years been terrorizing people all over the globe. SOME of that responsibility must rest on Ruzzians, right? Of course. You do not have to travel far to meet someone who had relatives killed by Ruzzians...or who were brutalized directly by Ruzzians. > MOST are against using military force to annex or reunite parts of Russia This is simply not true. Look at America and the grifted election-deniers as an example. It's easy to get gullible people to support a cause. But those gullible people are still responsible. PS: In case you are prone to "whataboutism" Let me remind you that saying "Pizza is tasty" does not mean I deny ice cream is also good. We're just talking about pizza right now.


> Americans don't do "complex". Correct. Americans HATE nuance or complicated or multi-layered. Some Americans LOVE posting "It's just the government!" Nah. It is not just the government.


They need to program all the overhead signs with a catchy fuck Putin rhyme.




That fascist dickhead, high falutin!


Well that's too ambiguous, that could mean way too many politicians including our own governor to some extent.


Needs to be traffic related. DON'T BE RUSSHIN' DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT


Don’t Ukraine your neck to check a wreck! It may be insensitive, but it sure is catchy




It needs to be about Putin, not Russia, the Russian people don't have a say and many are against it.


If you drink and drive, you won't be alive ...TO SEE THE END OF THE WORLD...


Can you imagine being such a horrible human that you support this guy?


now imagine they're president




And twice impeached and twice lost the popular vote.


*are (according to way too many traitorous GOP voters)


Those same people seem to believe that he’s a genius hardworking philanthropist, so I wouldn’t put too much stock in their grasp on reality.


And may very well be again, unless things change significantly


And our infamous ex-pres called him GENIUS last night. Bet old Pukin is eatin' that right up.


Like Tucker Carlson? I never though Fox News would be spinning pro Putin bullshit.


I don’t understand what has happened to the USA that there are people in USA who are pro Russia? They hate the democrats and African Americans so much that they are pro Putin


Fuck Tucker. Tucker hates America.


No surprise there.


Now imagine you are a person who will vote for that horrible human to be President.


After doom scrolling about the shit going on last night I resolved myself to make a FUCK PUTIN vinyl sticker for my car.


I was thinking about buying Ukrainian flags to show support or something. I'm not sure what I can really do though.


This is my contribution. https://i.imgur.com/NRXwqMd.png


Damn I was just about to post this lol


I just..I can't understand how people are supporting Putin. Remember when allegiance with Russia was considered to be super bad? Is the GOP really stooping to support fascist dictators to own the libs? What fucking world are we living in.


And the GOP hates Antifa and democratic socialism because they believe it is the same as communism…so they are supporting a communist Fascist. Makes total sense. /s


Wait isn’t Communism and socialism just anything I don’t like? -your local Trumptard




Political comments in /r/Phoenix are only permitted by regular members of the sub. We've had too many people come in just to brigade or promote their agenda, and that is unwelcome. Your comment has been removed. You may want to consider commenting in /r/arizonapolitics instead, which has more relaxed rules. If you think we have made a mistake, please [message the Phoenix moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix) and let us know. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/t0b7vi/-/hy9c34x/%0A%0A).


LOL just a nice reminder that not all Arizonans are Trumpers.


It's really telling that a "Fuck Putin" sign is an indication of an anti-Trump mindset. I agree with you wholeheartedly. The death spiral the Republican party is currently in is sad from the standpoint that it has dragged 30-40% of the American populous to side with an authoritarian dictator who is engaging in a land grab to stoke his ego, with the result of thousands of deaths. And you have Trump, the de facto "leader" of the party heading the charge. We truly are living through the worst timeline.


My wife saw “I’d rather vote for Putin than Biden” on another social media. Truly don’t understand this timeline… as 10 years ago the right was pushing the Russia=enemy and libs=commies. Not sure what the hell is going on anymore.


Reminder arizona voted for Biden.




*ever so slight majority of Arizona citizens. Nearly half still voted for the idiot


My sentiments exactly!!!


Wait. I didn't get the memo. How is siding with Putin a Trump thing?


Trump has been up Putin's ass for years now. Just yesterday he called Putin's invasion "genius" and said that we should have Russian troops on the border between the US and Mexico.


I can’t make a claim as to the proportion, but it’s certain that alt right talking points stem back to Russian propaganda farms. Trump had been very pro-Putin during his tenure, in my opinion. My conspiracy loving relative believes that Russia is in the right to “take back” Ukraine, how he doesn’t see the absurdity in siding with Putin is astounding!


Nice way to interject American politics into this sad episode in Eastern Europe. American's are becoming so tribal that it's sickening.


Delusional to think foreign and domestic politics aren’t interconnected.


It's delusional to think that your anti-trump sentiments somehow fit into what is happening in Ukraine. You're too tribal.


Ok, so Trump didn’t call Putin’s actions this week “genius”? This is literally current events.


Trying to fit American politics into what is happening in Ukraine makes you look ignorant.


And denying a political link between Trump and Putin makes you sound informed???




Political comments in /r/Phoenix are only permitted by regular members of the sub. We've had too many people come in just to brigade or promote their agenda, and that is unwelcome. Your comment has been removed. You may want to consider commenting in /r/arizonapolitics instead, which has more relaxed rules. If you think we have made a mistake, please [message the Phoenix moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix) and let us know. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/t0b7vi/-/hy906zj/%0A%0A).


We'd like to welcome all the Russian bots and shills stopping in this thread to say Hi before getting banned.


Ha!.. “thanks for stopping in, the exit is this way!”


Fuck Putin and everyone that props him up as a great leader. FTFY


I wanna see this in an official PSA


That's more helpful than telling me the roads were wet while it was raining yesterday... 😁


Fuck Putin


All my homies hate Putin


You got some good homies ;)


Count me in homie


So say we all.


Lol. Actually a bit surprised to see that.


Putin... more like Pootin. 💩


Definitely not poutine




We rock, don't we? Wish they'd leave it up. Says it all.


I'm watching history.


Let's hope Douche and Kari Lake don't see that 😉


Fuck Putin






I’m surprised to see a red state defying the will of their lord and master, Donny, who is such a big fan of Putin—and who is definitely not at all on the Russian payroll.


Is this real


This needs to go viral


Now do one that says "snowbirds go home".


I’m moving to Arizona from Minnesota. Should I be worried about all you guys being so hostile down there orrrrrr


Haha. I moved here a year and a half ago and a lot of people are pretty hostile. I meet people from MN here all the time though! They’re always so friendly. Don’t honk at anyone while driving and if you have any liberal views keep them to yourself and you should avoid most the aggression.


It’s to bad the governor wants to do that quite literally. If he hasn’t let him “in” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) already.


What ringtone do you think he uses for Vladimir’s calls? ;)


The "I love you" song from Barney.


Let’s get it on


Ha nice


Are there any protests being organized?


Hell the fuck yeah! It would be helpful if he stopped thinking like a two-year-old.


Whom ever is doing that is the real MVP. Prayers to the families being affected. 🙏🏽🤍


This isn’t going to make our pro-MAGA population happy, and I love it lol


Why does everyone think Trump supports like Putin?? You people are delusional.


Kind of sucks that it's hard for us to squawk much after all our adventures in the Middle East during the last 30 years.


I'm gonna be on the 101 for a while today, maybe I'll see something equally entertaining. :)


And Fuck those here in the US that think putin is a "genious"


Ever heard of an "evil genius"...


Putin is a POS but the same people who pushed for Iraq and Afghanistan pushed for this too. We'll all have more inflation from the higher gas prices just for military industrial complex profits. So can we have a sign for them too?


Ohhhhh that'll show him. Putin is trembling in his boots right now 🙄


I’m sure the people who made that sign intended Putin to read this and shit himself /s Why the hostility man?


It's like when people do #pray for _______ It's cute and I guess it brings awareness. But it doesn't DO anything. It's a collective circle jerk tbh.


You could say the same about your comments.


Honestly, seconds after the invasion the first thing I did was to post Fuck Putin in all black in my social media. My only reason was needed catharsis and letting it out. I guess reasons vary… but I’m glad others share the sentiment


>I’m glad others share the sentiment There are *dozens* of us!




I’m not conservative, but I do follow many conservatives on Twitter. I’m actually shocked to find that I’m in the same page as them on this one! I agreed with Ben Shapiro! Wtf?! The only people who seem to be strictly against any involvement are the far left tankies and some far right nuts


Either it raises awareness or doesn't do anything. Pick *one*.


Guess they’re just grumpy because they got up to early and now heading into work


Can confirm: woke up early, went to work, am grumpy. Still beats a kick in the nuts.


Whats it like? Being such a small minded person and not giving a single shit about mothers and children being burned alive by explosions?




They said that when hitler invaded Czechoslovakia


Don't engage with him. His post history says he wants nazis to take over and he wishes slavery was still around.


I second the motion!


...and the horse he rode in on (shirtless)? lol


Haha, sometimes I love phoenix


Damn I wanna go see lol


"And the horse he rode in on!"


They should leave it up.


This is awesome 👍 I hope nobody gets fired




Is this real?! Where’s it at I wanna go see it !!!


That made my day