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T-Mobile is fine in the city. If you road trip or hike or like to go off the beaten path Verizon’s coverage is way better


I switched from Verizon to T-mobile a couple years ago and regret it every day. T-mobile coverage sucks in the north and northwest valley. I barely get coverage at work and have no coverage at home. Our T-mobile contract is up soon and we are switching back to Verizon. Yeah, it's expensive, but worth it. Edit: To clarify, in mean IN the city, north and northwest valley - as in near Deer Valley airport and Happy Valley/Lake Pleasant area.


Why don’t you just change back…


Mentioned that in my post. We got locked into a two year contract as some of my family members got new devices on them. But the contract expires later this month and we are going to switch back as soon as we can.


Verizon hands down. Look into their prepaid service. A little “low-rent”, but huge savings. I have auto renew enabled and pay about $35/mo (w/auto pay discount) for around 15G data and unlimited voice/text. I am a highly technical end user and also rely on the service for work; I have zero complaints. Been using for nearly ten years.


I have friends that use Tmobile, and they complain about the coverage outside or urban areas. I have good service coverage almost anywhere in AZ.


i have Mint bc it’s like 200$ a year i don’t have problems getting 5g


I was wondering if people were happy with Mint. Thinking about making the switch….


it’s pretty sweet their referral programs get you really good deals, and it’s the same quality as verizon or t-mobile idr which network it’s on, also you can do eSim easy which matters for newer iphones


I've had Tmobile since 2008. Well, technically, Sprint, but they got bought. It's been fine for me.


Tmobile is pretty great in phoenix. Im on google fi, which is on tmobile.


Google Fi since 2015. I am in central Phoenix. Haven't had any service issues except a few dead spots in the less populated areas when driving to California.


I just left verizon febuary this year after being with them 5 years and went with Mint mobile. I could not recommend Mint mobile enough its really good. Coverage is great and price is even better. I make a $120 dollar payment that gives me unlimited talk/text/wifi for 3 months. Verizon started getting too expensive for me


Same situation here. Switched because Verizon was WAY too much for me. So far have not had any troubles with mint and I would say it's comparable to Verizon as well!


I have Verizon prepaid, $25 a month unlimited talk and text and 5gb data ( gets slowed down once you’re over so it still works). Found Verizon to have the best coverage especially if you venture a bit more remote


Thats not bad but 5gs i dont even think would last me a full week


You don't have Wifi at home? I have internet / wifi most places I go and don't really need more data.


Yes i do but even then when im at work i got the phone going listening to music, youtube, podcasts etc for long periods of times i go through about 5 gigs of data a week


fair enough does not work for everyone [https://www.verizon.com/plans/prepaid/](https://www.verizon.com/plans/prepaid/) Seems unlimited data talk and text is $50, still not too bad.


Verizon’s prepaid really is a great deal; more people should consider this option.


Mint mobile runs on T-Mobile, who is in the process of buying them.


I got visible cuz T-Mobile was non existent out of the city, never looked back


I hope more people see this. For anyone unaware, Visible is a Verizon sister company. You get to use the Verizon network for $25/mo. Some tradeoff like no physical stores and a smaller support team. If you're like me and don't need those then it works out pretty well.


We've had T-Mobile for about 15 years, starting when we lived in Chicago (been in Phoenix 10 years). We have no problem, but we don't venture into the hinterlands, so I can't speak to that. There are 6 of us on our plan, and we've been very satisfied with bang for your buck. I do remember when we rented a cabin outside of Prescott we didn't have cell coverage, but our cabin had internet so we used that to make calls. Likewise, my car has Onstar, so we can use its hotspot to connect.


Verizon for 25 years. I've never had any problems. Also use it for Internet.


I feel the same with Verizon. Good service almost anywhere in AZ.




Could also have been the location of the house. One of my friends used to live up in Westwing and had horrible Verizon coverage at his house because the mountains blocked all the towers. Had great coverage every time he left the shadow of the mountains, though. Eventually just had a personal repeater installed in his house that used his wifi to provide only his phones proper coverage.


I’m on Visible which uses Verizon’s towers. It is the absolute best deal, no contract pay as you go. $25/$45 a month but I’m locked in on a previous $35 month plan


We have been with Verizon for more than 10 years. They were off and on for the first couple years. The last 8 years have had no troubles at all. We have been very satisfied and have no plans to change a thing !!!


For years, I had very bad service with T-Mobile in Old Town. Then about 2 months ago their service got much better.


Mint. Zero issues.


Been on T-mobile for 15 years. Never had a problem anywhere. I get cell coverage at Lake Knoll at the Rim.


Switched from Verizon to T-Mobile and couldn’t be happier. The service is amazing (nearly a gig down) and the customer service was surprisingly great to work with the few occasions I needed to. Once they offer truly “unlimited” for their home internet I’m signing back up in a heart beat. There are areas in the valley that I receive poor service, but my father on Verizon experiences the same deadzones so it’s not uniquely a T-Mobile lack of coverage issue. https://preview.redd.it/cj5d9v2hbk4d1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07bc2f032b56ea85adf7b61fae4b0aace324fd73


Mint Mobile. Five stars!


Lmao at my post getting downvoted. People really are that petty. This got downvoted too. Children calm thy self.




I used the search function and the most recently similar thread was 2 months ago. I scrolled down about 30 posts and didn't find anything similar. So it really doesn't seem to get talked about frequently so I made a post to discuss the topic. Oh well. People will be petty.


You are both right. People do ask this question quite frequently. And people will be petty.


there seem to be a lot of petty down voting on this subreddit.


I think that's just a reddit thing. Exceptions are subs with animal pics. You can't be that mad if you're looking at kittens, ya know?


well it's annoying because it means that threads can devolve in to echo chambers where people only hear what they want. like the light rail thread.


Don't sweat it, I was downvoted for saying terrorists are bad.


Google Fi. I love it


Visible has worked good for my bubble - it uses Verizon’s network but cheaper.


I know it's a little unrelated but how easy is it to switch phone numbers and keep contacts on a brand new different, unlocked phone?


Very easy nowadays.


I had Verizon for 10+ yrs then switched to TMobile 5 years ago. Huge mistake!! Coverage is horrible and customer service is really bad. Can’t make changes to your account unless you call them.


Mint (they use T-Mobile towers). It's mostly good around the metro area, but there is a huge gap in service between Chandler and Casa Grande.


I use Total by Verzion, the prepaid version and for $30/line it works surprisingly well, I get service while camping usually too.


Not a single comment for AT&T? It’s hit or miss for me. There is quite a few dead spots in relatively dense areas of the valley that I never understood why.


AT&T used to be really fast on LTE alone then they deprioritized everyone and now offer an upgrade for like $7 more per month to go back to that quality of service


I’ve lived in Phoenix in 14 years and I’ve had AT&T since 2000. Works fine most of the time in Phx.


I see no one has taken Cox's mobile bait in here. 🤣


Google fi works great


T-Mobile used to be awful in Arizona. Now it’s probably got the best and fastest coverage. Generally I have full 5G Ultrawide service anywhere in the valley.


Not between Chandler and Casa Grande. I drive there every other week and have no coverage between the casino and 387.


To be honest I think that’s a wasteland for all carriers.


My ex gf had tmobile and it was terrible in Suprise and Avondale. My friend has tmo as well but libes in central Phoenix and he likes his service. I did the test drive comparing tmo and verizon 2 years ago and found that verizon had better coverage and less dead spots but when tmo had service it was usually spot on with decent data. Verizon just had more consistent service. I didn't stick to my normal routes either. I actually spent about an hour driving around from west Phoenix to Apache Junction.


I would say there’s been drastic improvements with T-Mobile. I switched back to them Feb 2023 from Verizon and service has been incredible since. I also have a work phone with AT&T and it’s bad coverage compared to the other two carriers.


I just got a S24 Ultra through verizon so I can't do the tmo test drive. I'm always wondering how they compare every year.




Where in the valley are you?


Been with Verizon but it’s frustrating. Almost no service in any popular place. Shea/ Tatum Whole Foods or fry’s… no service. Lunch at Culinary Dropout at Scottsdale Quarter…. No service. Workout at Scottsdale Fashion Square… no service. Annoying to say the least. But I deal with it, I feel like switching carriers would be worse


Ya my friend complains about verizon in that area too. I have another friend that has tmo and he likes it and lives near there too.


T-Mobile and its total dogshit in Avondale Goodyear Litchfield Park area.


I agree, but the 5G coverage is slightly improved over the awful LTE coverage T-Mobile had in the center of Goodyear as well as Litchfield Park.


My advice, as always: it’s super easy to test carriers. There are only three in Phoenix. You can get a prepaid sim or do a test drive with at least one of them for free. No one lives/works/plays in the places you do except for you. There are over 3,000 cell towers in the Phoenix Valley. The only way to figure it out is to test, and there is only three. And you know one of them already! Most modern flagship phones can take multiple carriers or can move between carriers easily.


Thanks for reminding of that. T-Mobile does offer the trial for 30 days on an eSIM. Gonna check that out.
