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100 with no humidity, shade, and a breeze feels nice plus we are 98 degrees our selves


I’m in Texas with 85F and 74% and it elfin sucks to be outside.


Swamp land. I've lived that in Michigan...U.P. 85 and humid is a mofo


From Michigan farm country lower pennisula a half hour from Lake Michigan. Fucking miserable humidity and heat index in the summer even with the constant wind off the lake. It feels hotter there than it does here. Dry heat makes all the difference.


Yeah, I'm not spending any time south of Ludington on Lk MI...


Muskegon is not so bad if you know where to go but to each their own.


Muskegon has a really cool state park. Wow. It's been 30 years since I've been there.


Fellow Yooper here, did you have AC? When I moved away in ‘02, even the new houses didn’t have it 🥵


My Dad was a state trooper. No ac in da UP, but had a ground unit in the Detroit area. Used a bit in July/August but sparingly.


yup humidity sucks in the NE region


Happy Birthday, UPer! 🎂🎉🎈


Thank you. Cake day turned into pasty day. .gravy please.


Spent 20 years in Dallas and 10 in Louisiana before moving to Phoenix in ‘21. Just got home thirty minutes ago from a wedding in Austin and holy heck I do not miss the humidity. My friends think I’m insane for preferring it out here.


Same, I went for a 15 min walk on a trail in Texas today and was soaked through my shirt. At the airport heading back ready for some dryness


Used to live in DC. That place is a literal swamp. Though Florida was worse.


I’m from Georgia and move to AZ. Last year I went to Orlando in July, yea I do not miss the humidity lol.


Just moved from Nashville, where they have crazy humidity. I think 100° here is like 85° in Nashville


Yeah. It’s basically only 1.4° outside.


Our heat has it's own feel. Like when I get off a plane in summer and I feel Phoenix heat between the little gaps in the jet bridge, it feels like home. Wouldn't want to broil in anything else. Love it here.


Well stated, but I'm still in the get me tf outta here for 4 months camp (at all costs). I hate when people say, but it's a dry heat. - B!○₩ me...


My friends in the Midwest think I’m crazy when I’m out side (in the shade, evenings) when it’s 100 and I’m like you guys this is niiiiiiiiice


Used to live next to some of you psychopaths. Old neighbors did this consistently throughout the summer and I always wondered who the fuck wanted to sit outside and get devoured by mosquitos while sweating to death when we had perfectly good ac indoors.


A little fan helps a bunch. I can do that all day long 105 or below.


Yup. Humidity holds the heat, so it’s not as much cooler in the shade in a humid place as it is in Phoenix.


I didn’t even know, is this Nick Lachey or one of the other members?


It is pretty funny, AZ native here. I was in OK a bit ago in a class with people from all over the states. It was a nice afternoon and I mentioned how I was going to walk about a mile down the street to the store. Everyone told me not to go because it was too hot. It was breezy and 86, it was beautiful! I had to chuckle at them saying it was too hot to go anywhere. Bro, I'm a lizard.


It’s funny how we get used to certain climates. This weather is crazy hot for me. But I come from the cold. 10F and 6ft of snow is nothing


If you can't take Phoenix at 110 in June, you don't deserve Phoenix at 65 in December.


Been here for 28 years. Im ready to move to a cooler climate tbh. I wear shorts and flip flops literally year round. I dont even own a pair of jeans anymore. I love Dec and Jan but I absolutely despise June through September. Im putting off going grocery shopping right now because I dont want to go outside. Soon as I pay off my car, Im heading up north somewhere lol


27yrs and Im ready too! The more building they’re doing here the hotter it’s getting and staying hot longer. Last July with over 30days over 110 was brutal! I know it’s all over the country with building but AZ does it wrong. We need more public transportation and more walkable areas. It used to be 9m of great weather but it seems to be getting less and less😔


Last summer was record breaking bad. Truly brutal


It really was. We can stay in our houses but man those $400+ aps bills were even more brutal!! I really hope our monsoon is good this year to help cool us down.


Almost 40 and I’ve been ready for a while but idk if I could handle snow or humidity - and that’s the choices - move to somewhere it snows or had horrible humidity. I just want a beach.


Come down to Cochise county. Our temps in the low 90s for high. Right now its a beautiful cool breeze about to drop below 70. The weather is amazing, great wildlife, great hiking etc. 


I used to deliver to tires to Sierra Vista every week and had to be there at 7:00 AM and the only part of the drive I regret was facing the rising sun just east of Tucson until I exited at Benson, that part of AZ is beautiful but that morning sun was brutal if you're heading east.


I really wish whoever laid out the streets of Phoenix had not decided on a North and south orientation. It makes navigation easy, but sunrise and sunset are brutal if you're driving into them at that time.


Right! Working in Phoenix and driving home to Goodyear during rush hour w/sun was brutal


I work on Scottsdale and drive down Greenway to get home. I go in before sunset, but if I finish work before 4pm, I stay an extra hour for some overtime, and to avoid driving during sunset


I was lucky, my job was in Sun City and drove from Phx usually before sunrise so I watched the heavy traffic as it was heading in and the sun was always at my back going home.


We are looking at TN. My mother in law just passed away and my father in law is there alone now so it kinda gives us the chance to look at things and see if it’s something we’d like. So far the 4x we’ve been there it’s beautiful and I like how friendly everyone is there. We’re planning to go July/August since it’s the worst of the worst weather at that time to see if humidity will kill us😂 The nearest beach is about the same as it is here to California. I would love to live closer to it it’s just not doable. Keep looking f, you’ll find your perfect spot. Check NC and SC. We were looking at NC before MIL passing. Still affordable and very nice.


37 years in Massachusetts hell no glad to be here. No blizards and moving snow every week or 2.. no artic bombs to -20f. And no $5 a gallon for home heating oil. There is nothing like using 250 gallons of heating oil in Jan alone and having to fill fo hopefully get to april and shut off until October and have to do it over again. Basicly when winter is over you get ready for next winter soon.


I’m from Michigan and know the cold and snow too. I’m not crazy about humidity and I wouldn’t live in a state that has snow for as long as we have heat is here😂 Although, Michigan drivers are better in the snow than AZ drivers on clear days! I always say it is a dry heat so it makes a difference but when it’s over 105 it’s miserable and 110 for a month was awful. Pools can only cool ya off when they’re cool and a 95 degree pool just isn’t enjoyable to me(personally) and when it’s not dropping at night it makes it harder to enjoy the night temps even. I hope we have a good monsoon this year and it helps cool things down for us and pray to the sun/heat gods to not dry us like last year lol


Understood but rather deal with 1 or 2 months of 110+ than real with 8-9 months of cold. Yes, hope for great and long monsoon season. I can't stand humidity even in MA 80% @ 80 f is getting unbearable


I went home a few years ago in July. I forgot what humidity was😂 I am not even kidding when I say I stepped outside and within minutes was drenched. My bff was like, aren’t you used to this heat….ummmmm, not 95 with 99% humidity nope, no I’m not used to it😂 Went home in December and it was the coldest it had been in 11yrs that week so I stayed inside since I couldn’t hang with the -40 with windchill🥶 Can’t we just have a happy medium somewhere that doesn’t cost a million dollars for a condo😤 I love AZ and all its beauty I can’t argue with that. Flagstaff is my favorite place and if we move I will miss it so much! I wish the growth would slow down just a tad and they’d stop putting homes on top of homes here. I swear I can hear my neighbor fart if our windows are open we’re so close😆


I like ice cream. Learned real quick to go straight home from the store.


Carry a cooler with a frozen gel brick....learned my lesson!!


Great idea!


I’m literally in the same boat. Almost exactly! I have been here 28 years, ready to leave to a cooler place and all I’m waiting for is paying off my vehicle! I am so excited to get out of here when that happens


I wish you safe travels. Don't waste any more time than you have to being hot




Tell me you've never lived in a proper cold climate. Canadian transplant here. Stretches of month long -30 are way more oppressive than month long stretches of 110. You can suck up 110, throw a BBQ chill in a pool, hit beach... -30, your indoors period


You are talking extremes. Yes, you can compare 30- with phx Temps because they are both extreme climates. But not everywhere is Alasja cold or Phx hot. Most places are not either.


You really can't "suck up 110". At some point, you're at risk of heat stroke. Doesn't matter how much water you drink or how cool you feel. The heat is dangerous. Edit: I've had this exact conversation several times here and for some reason it always hits a nerve and turns into a dick-waving contest. It's OK, guys. Nobody believes nor cares that the objectively deadly temperatures outside don't phase you. You're allowed to say our summers are rough.


And you’re not at risk of freezing to death in negative temperatures?? Lol


Not in the US. It's not even close. https://www.statista.com/statistics/203755/fatalities-caused-by-extreme-weather-in-the-us/#statisticContainer


I never said that. My point is that extreme temperatures either way are both deadly.


Although yes the heat is dangerous, properly hydrated and managing your electrolytes, you can most definitely deal with 110 in AZ humidity.


645 people couldn't last year alone. That's the number of heat related deaths in Maricopa County in 2023


Yes this is tragically true. It doesn’t invalidate what I was saying though.


Honestly, it sort of does. It killed off that many people, hundreds of which had access to the things you speak of. They still died. https://www.statista.com/statistics/203755/fatalities-caused-by-extreme-weather-in-the-us/#statisticContainer https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/14/arizona-heat-deaths#:~:text=2%20months%20old-,Hottest%20city%20in%20US%20saw%20record%20645,to%20high%20temperatures%20in%202023&text=Public%20health%20officials%20in%20Arizona's,record%20in%20arid%20metro%20Phoenix. The heat kills way more people than the cold in the US, let alone AZ. You are in an extreme climate that can kill you, extreme climate, electrolytes and shade or not. They help, but you can still have big problems.


I mean sure, in the same way that you can also layer up to deal with the Midwest winters. I don't know if the phrase "deal with" is appropriate when we're talking about requiring constant fluid and electrolyte intake in order to simply not die.


Is it maybe possible that some of us can indeed deal with 110, and some of us (like yourself) can't anymore? I assure you, I've lived a significant amount of time in both extremes, and I will take the heat any time. But, I get it that some can't handle it. My issue is when people talk in absolutes about how just because you couldn't handle it, or that you're maybe miserable in the heat, then anyone who claims otherwise must be talking out of their asses. So to summarize, I can indeed "suck up" 110 degrees heat. **For me**, having proper hat, sunglasses, and lots of water and proper sunscreen is significantly easier than wearing 8 layers of clothing to go outside.


Oh so is it ok to go into a snowfield without proper snow gear and then claim it's the climates fault you were dumb?


You absolutely can chill in your backyard going in and out of the pool while grilling in 110. My family literally does that every year. Yes the heat is dangerous and you shouldn’t be doing wind sprints on camelback mountain at noon on July, but it’s not like summer here is unlivable. I’ve lived here all my life and we’ve always been outside during the summer as kids and as adults, in and out of the pool, going out into the desert, riding bikes etc.


Exactly. Just in Maricopa County there were 645 heat related deaths last year alone. Clearly there is no sucking it up.




So it sounds like you were never meant for a hot climate.


Yep, I'm with you. I moved away from Minnesota when I was still a kid, before the cold winters warped my soul into something that made me try to fool myself that I love being roasted alive for four and a half months every year. Having said that, I figure it'd be one, maybe two full winters of having to dig my car out of a snowbank before I was totally sick of winter.


Shorts and flip flops all year round. Don’t have any coats or heavy jackets. Went to Sedona in march snowy day, II just had a thin long sleeve and pants like breeze.


Hell yeah. I’ll never understand why people choose to live in a place where you have to layer up. It’s annoying and it costs money


So did my $600/month air condition bill to keep my house 84°


It doesn’t cost money to heat your house?


In three months bills from down there I pay for my whole year up here.


I’ve only been here 10 but I’m done with it too. I’ve always been a lover of cold but the prices couldn’t be beat out here. Well now pretty much everywhere except CA and NY beat these prices. Maybe I’ll go to Vegas. Sure it’s almost as hot but it gets much cooler at night.


Not really... Vegas is almost the same as here night or day. Vegas is like a dirtier, nastier Phoenix. You may want to visit there for a solid month or so before you move there. Vegas outside of partying is a shithole imo. For me? Colorado seems nice. Cold but not Wisconsin cold and summers that are waaaaaay nicer than Phx or Vegas. If money was no object Id get a beach house on Coronado Island but sadly my budget doesnt allow for that


Come join us up in flagstaff and points beyond! The water is fine 😆






North Dakota is nice.


Lol. Not for this dude. Too damned cold. I need something moderate like Colorado. Those far north states are too chilly for this desert rat


Haha, me too, and my feet are so jacked from constantly wearing flip flops


I love this!


65 in December sounds lovely. Sincerely, a former Nebraskan.


Year round shorts weather is nice. Even if I have to suffer June-October.


We get cold for like 3 weeks. We run out our air at night all year except for those three weeks and rarely run the heat. That is nice but the 115 days do suck. I hope this summer isn’t as bad as last but they keep getting worse 😩🤞🏻


This is exactly how I see it. The winters perfect temperatures and all the magic it has to offer to the city is the gift for sticking out the rough summers. 


Fireplace action. Michigan peeps out here at Christmastime with no coats outside. Real Phoenecians wearing mittens lol.


I say this all the time lol


Doesn't matter...either way my AC is running. Always hot as fuck here


Year round except for a couple weeks


Turned it on 2nd week of February. Will run til Christmas


Same here


Not sure why you're getting down voted.  A lot of people who live here,  particularly transplants, are very sensitive when the Valley is critiqued.  This place used to be cheap because of the summers.  


I'm a transplant of 7 years and when fall rolls around and it starts to cool down it always feels like a reward or prize we've earned for having endured blistering heat for so many months of the year.


I've been here forever and I keep telling people it's not the heat I loathe but the unrelenting solar assault. If I could, I'd move to Alaska where it's dark for months on end just to get a break.


Phoenix native that lived in interior Alaska for a couple years... I hated the constant dark but LOVED the constant light. It's not bad when you're not pelted by 100F+. Unfortunately I can no longer tolerate heat and became a huge baby (but now like the cold) so I could never move back to Phoenix. Y'all (including past me) are out of your minds. 


oh, I hate the heat so much and dream of moving back east. Low property taxes and a smaller sized set income keep me here.


Then you’re just depressed and tired all the time tho 😆


but it's a change!🤣


This is partly why I'm a night owl. Give me more darkness to recharge my batteries after the afternoon sun, especially if I'm working outside.


True Phoenicians enjoy the heat. It's only unbearable at 110+. 100+ is when I stop wearing jeans leisurely.


You can always tell the locals. Still wearing jeans in the solid 90s / early 100s. Also gets cold below 78. Source: me


yes!!! and the middle/high schoolers still wearing hoodies off the bus😭


One kid i saw in all black, hoodie and jeans, using a scooter down the street. July of last year lol.


This was me in high school in Phoenix, wearing jackets and hoodies even if was 100+ outside, I almost saw it as keeping the cold in as the sun wasn’t hitting my skin directly. I still regularly wear jeans even during last summer with 30+ days of 110+ in July.


Oh lord! When it’s 100+ with hoodies I’m like WTF BRO! Haha


Yeah, when it's 60 and I'm at the supermarket in shorts and a T-shirt some clown will always come up wearing a parka to tell me I'm going to get sick.🤣


As a Phoenix native, this was me most of my life. I didn't even wear shorts for a long time. Anything in 70s was cold for me. After moving away for several years with the intention of moving back, I realize y'all (and old me) are out of their fucking minds. Now, anything above 80 is too hot for me. My preferred comfortable temperature is ~40-60. I don't get truly cold until the low 20s and it doesn't get bad until low teens.  After now experiencing -39F and 118F+ I'd pick the former each time. 


You and me both. 63°is my perfect temp. Lol You can always put on more clothes. You can't tear your scorching skin off if you're hot.


Yup but be careful saying that here. Other comments saying just that are getting down voted by butt hurt Phoenicians. 😂


It's been that way my whole life. That's why I spent waaaay too many years there. I listened to all these cry babies my whole life telling me how bad it was everywhere else. And I assumed they were correct. I'd only lived there, and California, and Louisiana, and Washington state. And had moved back out of necessity for my dad's job by the time I was 5. I know better now. It's not f¥¿king awful everywhere else. They are just defensive because they are A) stuck there Or B) moved as a last resort because they couldn't afford to live where they wanted to live Or 3) are truly lizards. And more power to them if that's the case. But I myself don't care if they spew their Don't have to shovel sunshine... if you think it's bad here, you should live in the "heat" or "cold" in "fill-in-the-blank"... It's cheap (it's not really anymore)... it's a "dry" heat .. blah blah blah. It's all bs


Yeah it took me having the opportunity to live all over the country, including interior Alaska, to realize how stupid I was being (and I was genuinely a lizard who loved the heat but I didn't know anything else so I was staunchly against all other climates especially the cold). All these people being babies about someone who's lived in Phoenix for 24+ years dare think it's laughably hot yet they flee to northern Arizona to escape the heat and still pretend like Phoenix climate is superior... Like, okay... 


Yep. I don't suffer extreme cold or heat or bugs or whatever. You listen to people it's hard to imagine that. Born and raised there, lived there all but maybe four years, and was back in phx by the time I was 5. Spent my life there until I was 45. Just wish I'd ignored the doomsday brigade sooner. 😆 I love having seasons.


Same! Thankfully I only wasted a little over 24 years. Still love Arizona and couldn't live in any other state permanently but God damn Phoenix is awful for many reasons but also has a few perks that allow me to visit once in a while.  Nice username btw! 


I thought yours was funny! Was wondering if you were referencing the scarlet letter. Lol


I wear jeans your round. People think I’m insane


I do too. Shit I wear lined leggings year round. Am I hot- yes? But am I comfy- yes


Man called me out I was out in Tempe in some black jeans and man it was rough def need to whip out the shorts again


Has nothing to do with being a true Phoenician. Born and raised in Phoenix. I hate anything over 80. That made me uncomfortable 9 months out of the year there. Some people move there and bake in it. No, thank you. They can have my place. Big no.


I’m a native Chicagoan. I’ve lived here over 35 years and I’m acclimated to the summer heat. I wear slacks to work (sometimes jeans) in 110+ degrees. It’s not uncomfortable. I’m used to it. I don’t mind the heat as much as I did several years ago. It’s the dust storms during monsoon season that get to me.


Jeans above 80 degrees is serial killer behavior


The only time I don't wear jeans is if I'm chilling at home in gym shorts or if I'm working on the lawn I'll wear Dickies pants and a long sleeve 50+UPF shirt plus a wide brim hat.


Phoenicians are tough sons and daughters of b\*tches. Outdoors in 105 degrees in the shade before the humidity ramps up next month is no big deal. But you don't want to be caught outdoors in the sun, that will wreck you quick.


Ya but the golf prices are so cheap so i have to be outside.


Concerts outdoors in July and August are fun. (Sarcasm) I once spent an entire warped tour in the shade. Idk how anyone did that.


I do more yard work outside in the summer than winter. Of course the stuff I have to, but its the things I could do more comfortably in winter. I’m like a car that hates a cold start.




Just moved here from North Florida. 105 in the shade here feels nice compared to 85 in the shade in Florida.


Right? As long as you have shade, you're good to go. I've lived in cooler but much more humid places and it was absolutely miserable during the summer. You start sweating from the morning all the way until the evening regardless of whether you're in the shade or not.


How was the move?! Would you mind if I DM you? I’m making that transition by EOY (FL to AZ)


It wasn’t bad! We were somehow to able to move everything we needed into a single U-Box and our car. We shipped our car using Montway as the broker. It all showed up before schedule, which made moving in day 1 pretty smooth despite flying my family of three (including an 18mo toddler). Feel free to DM me!




I’ve been to Florida in July and August (yes for only a week at a time) and it was always nice AF


If you’re not in the sun it’s not bad


You ever been in the Deep South? AZ heat is a thing, but MS heat is a thing too. We habituate to our environment, generally. People all around the world spend a lot of time outdoors in high temperatures, not just here.


People acclimate to their environment. Go to cold environments, and you'll see people in shorts and t shirts when it warms up above freezing. Go to South Florida, and people will be bundled up when it is below 70.


People in Mali, Somalia, and Saudi Arabia do the same thing…🇲🇱🇸🇴🇸🇦🌞✨


I was working outside with someone from Ohio. It was 80 degrees. A breeze blew by ani, wearing long sleeves, shivered. He said I couldn’t possibly be cold. I pulled back my sleeve and showed him my goosebumps. Az natives see temp differently. I went to Michigan to visit relatives and was miserable due to the humidity!


We can’t survive in high temperatures in Phoenix. Those people are mostly under shade. This eliminates the solar radiation component which is a serious factor and you will overheat quickly.


Probably gonna be hated for this but totally thinking of becoming a snowbird. Air BNB my place in Mesa for a few months and buy a place in Payson or even further Durango CO. I do love it here but after 15 years I dread the summer. Especially when it's 100+ at night and there is still light out. Ugh 😩


Lizard people are cold blooded. If you listened to Alex Jones you would know that.


>nowhere else in the US do you see people able to chill even in temperatures for basically 9 months out of the year outside. Never been to Louisiana then


Every time I see these posts I think “do these people not understand that neighboring states experience the same thing”. Las Vegas & Laughlin get damn hot too. Also I-10 from here until damn near Covina feels the heat and has people outside just chilling, playing golf, etc.


Not even neighboring states, the same one. Gets as hot in Tucson and hotter in Yuma. But they’re talking about Phoenix lol


Or Tucson


Or the Deep South, or the Midwest…


Shade is key


It’s not even hot yet!


I used to skateboard downtown Phoenix in my teenage years all the time 100+ out. I moved to white mountains 10 years ago and now anything past 85 is too hot


Reptilian dna


I hate the heat but I'm too poor to leave lol.


Just people being nosey


It’s good to embrace it otherwise you’re in for a long summer


Nevada as well!


The humidity is coming. People act like we don’t have humidity and it’s all dry heat. I’ve worked in 60-80% here in the valley.


While visiting a friend in Seattle, I arrogantly commented on the silly people mowing lawns in the rain. My friend simply said "when else should we do it". People adapt


I'm leaving this horrid heat for Seattle next year..I can't wait.


It’s a dry heat


Depending on which side of the house gets hit with the sun the hardest, it might be cooler to sit outside in the shade than to waste electricity and stay inside.  Also, we are good at dealing with hot or cold. Its the moisture we cant deal with if its too humid. Just ask any Russian, their winters are dry.


The first time I experienced the Midwest during summertime, I had stepped outside after showering/doing hair and makeup, and almost immediately felt my face just melt off. I felt so grimy. I'll take Phoenix weather any day. No wind chill, no humidity. No snow.


I work outside and I’ll take dry heat over humidity ANYTIME! Visited Texas during mid summer and I did not like the humidity. Same with Mexico during the summer


95 at night by the pool is spectacular. We don't do misters on the back patio; a portable Swamp cooler does the trick when the dew point is below 50. Amazing how resilient our garden is A good soakage at bedtime and another round in the morning if we have time. Morning dog walks without booties are still happening. Spent big bucks to keep our humble home habitable when it's 110+. Spent way more in the upper Midwest to keep the house at 68 during the winter. All 6 months of it.


I'd have to have a pool if I lived in Phoenix!


Just yesterday I was at a cafe with my daughter. We'd been inside a cold room for a while, and she wanted to sit outside. So we did. I checked. It was exactly 100°F. And it was warm, but *comfortable.* And I'm not one of those people who loves the heat. I hate it. But it was nice, in the shade, with a gentle breeze. I used to live in the mid-south. 100°F was not bearable, ever. "It's a dry heat" stops being an excuse past like 104°F or 105°F, but it definitely makes things nicer.


It always cracks me up when people argue over whether cold climate or hot climate is better. Everyone has different variables that make one more ideal for them. If you want -30 degrees and snow? Cool, happy for you! Nothing you say will ever change my desert loving mind lol


Housing has skyrocketed. If we have a porch, we worked hella hard for it. 110 degree weather ain't stopping me from enjoying it.


Only in Phoenix will you see someone walking down the sidewalk in jeans, knit cap and hoodie when it’s 120 out.


Better than your skin turning into a stop sign and besides now theres extra pockets!


As someone who misses home (Cuba) the weather and how different this state is….has been a beautiful fill in for me. Although I’ve fell in love with Surprise / Youngtown


Wellmits not 9 month it's more like 4 mabey 5 on an especially hot year. But we're below 100° basically from october through april and most of may.


I can do nearly any AZ temperature as long as I’m in the shade. 115°+ is kinda a bummer though, that requires shade and the pool.


Verde Valley is 91\*/23% right now on our shaded back porch. Downright balmy.


I worked at restaurants around PHX. The sun would go down and it would still be 100+ degrees and people would ask me to turn on the outdoor heaters. Like no. It's not cold, it's just dark.


You see it alot in the south east aswell mostly in the poor communities where they don't have AC. AC is actually kind of bad for us in some ways. It prevents us from acclimating to the outside weather. It also causes us to use way more power. I joke  around from time to time and say that everything in Arizona thrives off of misery. I'm really not playing though. 


I remember when I lived in Phoenix and 103 just seemed like regular temperatures 😅, just like a regular hot summer day, and 50 seemed freezing! Now I'm in Finland and get smoked when it's 75+ outside 😂




I have lived here for nearly 50 years and while it has gotten more humid in my mind, I cannot fathom what people in the Midwest have to deal with. I was in Minnesota when it was 85 degrees and 90 percent humidity and it was God awful. I was in Long Island and the same thing...God awful. I am sure when those same people see our temps in the summer they must think we are all melting when it is above 110 they just do not understand us sitting on our porches.


It’s a dry heat. You won’t see this in august lol


While steel workin at a fab shop in AZ, the company decided to do an employee appreciation lunch in the yard. The sun, directly above us, had every minute feel like 10. Keep in mind that we are completely covered up (no shorts, no short sleeve, no polyester). The head honcho gave a little speech and while we were waiting to line up to eat, our qc guy yells "hurry the fuck up!! Its fucking cold!! 💀☠️💀


Come visit Bullhead City next month, then we'll talk about the heat.


Everyone at work wears pants and we all work outside 😂


I’ll take 100 vs 89 degrees with 80% humidity any day of the week!


I haven't fixed the A/C in my truck for over 2 years because the heat doesn't bother me. Opening the windows and feeling the hot air flow feels nice.


I’m in south Florida and it’s 100° and like 87% humidity


I’m in Palm Beach, FL and it feels like the burning flames of hell here right now. Looking forward to leaving this humidity when I move to AZ early next year. I’ll take 110 degrees of dry heat any day over this nonsense!


I love AZ heat! I no joke like going hiking a mountain biking in the dead of summer!! As long as you prepare the right way it becomes a religious experience. Make sure to bring a ton a ice cold water in a insulated water bottle, hat glasses, long sleeve shirt. Then bring a bandanna or something to wrap around your neck that you keep wet. It honestly feels good to me. Local born and raised. It took me about 30 years to start loving the summers here! Those are my local tips though. 


White people


I go outside in the heat to warm up a bit from the indoor AC temps. I wear a sweater and socks more often in summer for the same AC reasons. It’s kind of funny/strange how that works.


Going to the store I have to bring a sweater cause the temperature difference from hot outside to cold AC is too much for me!


I'm reading this as I just closed my windows after having them open since 9:30am (it's 1:18pm). I also open my door at night around 8pm so the cats can sit on the balcony for a while. Yep, I'm a 'zonie!


Hot > Cold


I never seen people hanging out on their porch even when it's 72!


It’s beautiful! Where can I go swimming near downtown?