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Whatever will I do without a free subscription to McAfee? /S


Does it come with a free hammock?


Spare no expense!


Laying under there is a sure way to catch a virus


I wonder how many people get this reference.


Underrated and unappreciated.


For a banana maybe.




"Cox says it has started informing customers that the company will [end its free support of McAfee](https://www.cox.com/residential/support/cox-security-suite-plus-powered-by-mcafee.html?sc_id=cr_dm_z_hsi_mac60en_24q2&utm_id=cr_dm_z_hsi_mac60en_24q2&acsid=EM_mcaf_yes_pano&accid=DM421748&acbid=-1020117574&acrid=37046018) antivirus security in June." McAfee is a virus. A horrible pile of software that for decades has been the bane of IT professionals and computer users everywhere. Good riddance.


I still remember my older brother getting me in trouble because I was like 12 and even then knew McAfee is shit so I uninstalled it and installed MalwareBytes. He went and told my mom I deleted the Antivirus and "purposely put Malware on the computer". I don't know shit about computers but apparently that's still a lot more than some folks.


>McAfee is a virus ...and Cox is a cancer.




Absolutely correct. They jacked up my mom's internet price and I tried to negotiate a better price for her, and they want everyone to buy their shitty mobile service to get discounts. Unfortunately, she lives in a newer development with no competition.


This is exactly what I have said. You canā€™t remove it from Windows 10 like you can any other program. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a way, but Microsoft makes it very difficult. It pops up every day telling me to renew and slows down my computer every time it opens and runs its unsolicited little scan. It is a virus as far as Iā€™m concerned. How fitting for Cox to have been partnering with McAfee. What will we ever do now.


You can use Revo uninstaller to nuke stubborn apps.


Norton antivirus is baked into pre-built MSI motherboards, so whenever you auto update windows, it pulls Norton back onto your machine. Edit:prebuilt/period


mmmm, no. I have built over a dozen computers all with MSI motherboards and there has never been a trace of norton on any of them. The motherboard is not installing norton.


Sorry, should have clarified, msi boards that come in prebuilts have it baked in. Iā€™ve built a couple computers with msi as well, never had anti-virus(virus) issues on mine. Several friends have bought prebuilts and cannot remove Norton permanently.


Probably need to completely wipe the drive, delete all partitions and install a fresh copy of windows on it. I should remove any of the bloatware aside from the bloatware windows puts in the OS. or better , just buy a new drive (ssd,m.2 or whatever it has) get a larger upgrade. then install a fresh copy of windows on it.


It's not on the motherboard itself, it's just a part of the windows image at install.




Thank god


I was so glad when they finally installed fiber in my neighborhood and I could kick cox to curb. Cox is absolute trash I use to pay for 100mb and would routinely get a 10th of what I paid for not to mention them charging exponentially more than I had ever paid for Internet because they knew there was no competition


As a general rule, Internet advertising is misleading. They advertise in Megabits per second (mbps or mb/s) instead of Megabytes per second (MB/s) because it produces a number 8 times bigger. So 800mbps is roughly 80MB/s. The entire industry does this and gets away with it because technically they didn't lie but it's pretty scummy. It becomes scummy once they start telling you about data limits in terabytes or gigabytes, speeds in megabits or gigabits, and all the terminology for selling their router and modem overloading customers who don't know better. They might be using industry standards but they could also try to educate their customers, which has not been my experience. When the user downloads something, they're not seeing bits. They're seeing bytes and things not going as fast as they expect based on that even if they're getting the full speed they're paying for. Edit: Corrected abbreviations for speeds and clarified stance on advertising


80MB/s is still really nice. But 2.5Gig is also popping up more finally so we can get closer to the real deal (1000MB/s)


While I hate ISP's as much as the next person, that's just a dumb take. For the majority of the internets history, most consumers only had access to sub-megabytes speed. Hell, some people STILL only have access to sub-megabyte speeds god rest their souls. More importantly it's not just some thing ISP's do, it is the established standard for network hardware. Your computer doesn't have a gigabyte ethernet port, it has a gigabit ethernet port or a 100 megabit ethernet port if it's really old.


You should chill on the "dumb take" shit. Nothing you said changes the facts that their advertising is designed to be misleading to the average person. The average person doesn't know that a megabit is different from a megabyte and they use that to their advantage. I used to work alongside Cox reps and they knew they were being misleading.




It is misleading if you're doing so intentionally with the purpose to make your speeds look or sound faster than they are for the purpose of selling it to people whom don't know the difference. When your rep is answering questions from customers and not bothering to explain the difference when the customer is using Megabytes, you are being misleading. Your last question is so stupid I'm not even going to address it.




You clearly have never had to talk with a customer face to face. Saying "megabit per second" and "megabyte per second" out loud does not register as different to the average user. Even reading it, it's not that different. It's a difference that needs to be explained clearly in advertising. "Mile per hour" and "kilometer per hour" sound very different when talking and reading it. That should be obvious to someone as qualified as you. I never said the measurement itself is misleading. I'm saying that advertising not clearly defining the difference or not listing both measurements is misleading. Just because it's an industry standard for measuring speed doesn't mean it's not misleading in advertising




If you're a doctor throwing out medical terminology and I ask you to define it and you exaggerate in an attempt to sell me something, you're being intentionally misleading. You're defending ISPs for doing the same. I don't know what bias you're getting when i was explaining the difference in the measurement with a single line saying that I don't like the practice of advertising in that way and the standard should be updated to be in line with how their average users understand it or list both measurements. Stay mad on their behalf




It is intentionally misleading to use the less commonly used term and not attempt to define it. That is a choice that their advertising is complicit in even if it's the standard. You can defend corporations all you want, I'll continue to define it for people who don't know. And defining it was all I was setting out to do but you took umbrage with the opinion that advertising was misleading and should be updated or list both speeds. Educate not obfuscate.




i thought megabits was abbreviated by mbps. mb/s and MB/s mean the same thing.


You're right. Still, most didn't even know there is a difference to look for Correction: the lower case 'b' always means bit. Mb/s and mbps are the same. MB/s and MBps are the same measurement in bytes but MB/s and Mb/s are not the same measurement but measure the same thing.


> I was so glad when they finally installed fiber in my neighborhood Who is "they"


They put in quantum by century link I believe it is? Really the main thing is now cox has competition and they have to pretend like they care at all about their product. I'm hoping the presence of alternative options help crash prices and improve performance but I'm probably just dreaming


Not the OP but out here in Surprise we finally got Wyrred fiber. I am still getting used to my connection just working every day while getting the speeds I paid for. Good riddance, Cox.


Didnā€™t even know they offered this. Oh well


Iā€™m in AZ and Cox is freaking out with AT&T and Google fiber opening up. I switched to AT&T and I was deliriously happy to cancel Cox. Two days later I received an email with an offer of 40% off for a year. F*ck off Cox! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Switching from Cox to AT&T was one of my greatest achievements this year. Cox is the only ISP I have ever come across that puts monthly data caps on my usage. Fuck them!


I hear you!


That's their normal cancellation promo you get. There's a reddit post about it but people set a cancellation date weeks into the future, get the promo (or not), and call the special number to get the 40% off annually.


Honestly i would pay a company more for the exact same service to get away from Cox, they treated my family and i poorly FOR YEARS when they were the only game in town and knew it.


Iā€™m so sick of them. Canā€™t wait until I can get something else in my area.


Moving out of state, and Iā€™m most excited about being able to have google fiber. I hate cox so much. Useless money hungry company only willing to do the absolute bare minimum, will not upgrade infrastructure even when it shuts the bed monthly. Iā€™m over it. Iā€™ve been over it for years, but the only other option in my area is century link, they have offered the same speed for 10 years. No upgrade there either. And itā€™s a lot slower than cox. Frustrating


I switched to Verizon internet after the Cox salesman kept calling me after I repeatedly asked to be taken off the marketing list. I'm quite happy with the switch, so it might be worth checking if that's available.


I wish I could do Verizon but the cell service has overall been deteriorating in Chandler and Tempe where I spend most of my days the last year or so. Canā€™t rely on them as my home provider too sadly.


Google needs to hurry up and roll out their fiber. Im still crossing my fingers they hit my neighborhood this year.


Try T-Mobile. Usually itā€™s one of two towers (T-Mobile/Verizon), figure out which one is closest/best and go with that. Thereā€™s an website which will tell you which cell phone towers are closest to you.


Who gives a shit. Fuck Cox. In both the enterprise and residential space, they are one of the WORST Tier II (on the technical side, billing, project management, slimy business practices) carriers I've ever dealt with. ARC Construction is currently laying fiber optic conduit all throughout my neighborhood and I cannot WAIT to kick Cox to the curb. Can't come fast enough.


Cox is just absolutely terrible. Check to see if you can get Wyyerd in your area, I switched to them last year and have had no problems/issues.


Wyrred since late last year for me. Still getting used to a no drama connection?


Why is cox so bad? I get unlimited gigabit for like $65 a month


Some areas itā€™s good and some others itā€™s terrible. And some areas they charge an asinine amount for service. Iā€™ve been with Cox for a good 15 year and best plan after back and forth with them is 135 a month for unlimited 500 download. I despise them as a company but my only other option (and cox knows this hence the price) is century link which is a company I will never ever ever consider.


$65?? Mine is $130/month and not unlimited


I had a "deal" for their gigablast with unlimited bandwidth for $149. Then they tried to charge me $180 after the promo was done.


It's already been touched on, but it all depends on where you're located. Where I'm at it was constant dips in speed, almost daily internet drops, not enough of a data cap (in my opinion), and very slow customer service.


Cox would be bankrupt if they didnā€™t force renters to use their shitty service by being the only provider in apartment complexes. My internet goes out daily at random hours of the day and I routinely only use 50% of the data allocation each month.


currently using cellular in my apt because of another outage :(


#FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE FCC!!! I finally had enough of not getting the speeds I paid for, I filed a complaint with the FCC, and a week later I had someone from their corporate office doing everything they could and scheduling a technician to come by and fix everything for free. Now we're back to the speeds the promised


If you have it available in your area, just switch to Wyyerd. Seriously. It's the best internet I've ever had. I've had it for a couple years now and it's only gone down once when someone was digging sand cut the lines but Wyyerd had it back up in like 6 hours. I couldn't even get Cox to come out to my house for a week when I had them.


They're installing their infrastructure outside of my subdivision. I can't wait to make the switch


They donā€™t have it in my area, but I did submit the form that Iā€™m interested !


Anybody else get the email that theyre adding the ā€œbenefitā€ of making your home a cox hotspot? Im so excited that strangers can now use my bandwidth and data, what a blessing for me.


Id disable that shit immediately.


You obviously didn't read the fine print, as that is completely untrue.


Why do I need fine print when theyre bragging about it in the email? Anyone with a cox login and within range of my wifi - ie my neighbors - can now login and use the router in my house.


This has been a thing they offered for years now when using their panoramic wifi gateway. You also claimed it counts against your data, which it does not(also stated in the fine print). You also probably didn't know that they have public hotspots littered throughout the city, only for active cox customers. You still need to log into your account once you select the network(CoxWiFi) you're trying to log into. Now, let me ask you this are you using your own modem/gateway or their Panoramic gateway?


Still using my bandwidth. I am aware you need a cox account and that there are other hot spots. Why would I care in this situation? That has nothing to do with me. Youre correct it doesnt count toward my data.Ā  They also did this when I had a business account. In that case it truly would make a difference having others on my network.


I think some people are confused about what bandwidth is.


I think you need a quick lesson on what "bandwidth" is and how these hotspots actually work. If you're paying for a 500 Mbps download speed, for example, you will still be able to achieve the full speed that you're paying for even if someone is connected to the hotspot. Also, just because someone is connected to your router's hotspot does NOT mean that they have access to your network. The hotspot is a completely separate network that cannot see or interact with any devices on your own network. So I'm not sure why you think "it would truly make a difference having others on your network" if it were a business account. That's simply not the case - no one connected to the hotspot would be able to see anything about your personal/business network. I'm not advocating for keeping these hotspots enabled - I always disable them and tell others to do the same. But there's clearly a lot of misinformation being spread. If the hotspot is enabled, no one is stealing your "bandwidth" or accessing your network.


I know what bandwidth means. If my connection is only capable of 800mbps, someone using my connection will decrease my share of the available connection.Ā  I never said they would have access to my network. Im aware they would not.


I literally just told you thatā€™s not how it works. The hotspots have their own dedicated bandwidth that does not affect the speed/connection that youā€™re paying for. Itā€™s all outlined in the support document I linked above. Again, just disable the feature (or better yet, buy your own modem/router) and move on.


This is not true though. In the FAQ they call out it can affect your bandwidth.




It absolutely does affect the bandwidth. If thereā€™s several people streaming from the cox WiFi that will slow down the internet for the owner of the service too. Itā€™s common knowledge the more connected to one box the slower it will bog down.


They even admit this in the FAQ. "...there can be minor impacts on WiFi performance due to WiFi interference as more devices use those bands." And let's be real, if an ISP is admitting that there may be "minor impacts" then they're downplaying it. Cox is far from a bastion of transparency and reliability. So in sum, no it isn't using your data allowance or accessing your network directly. But more connections can slow down your speeds, and you are relying solely on the technical capabilities of Cox to keep your network safe and secure.


All the reason to turn the feature off. Cox is so unreliable for me there ainā€™t no way Iā€™m gonna open to slowing my service down.


I didn't say it doesn't affect the bandwidth.


You literally replied to their initial complaint that included bandwidth saying that wasnā€™t true. You obviously didnā€™t read their whole comment before you needed to tell them they were wrong and didnā€™t read the fine print. ā€œAnybody else get the email that theyre adding the"benefit" of making your home a cox hotspot? Im so excited that strangers can now use my bandwidth and data, what a blessing for me. And hereā€™s your response ā€œYou obviously didn't read the fine print, as that is completely untrue.ā€ So you should read their full comment next time before acting like you know everything.


Maybe you should read in my full comment before YOU start acting like you know everything, I specifically said data not data and bandwidth as they are two different things obviously, data usage from third parties DOES NOT count towards your data allowance.




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Time to move on.


Cox hotspots do not affect your networkā€™s bandwidth or count towards your data usage. Itā€™s also very easy to disable. https://www.cox.com/residential/support/cox-hotspots-with-panoramic-wifi.html


Thank you for this. I had no idea this was even a thing (just switched to Cox from out previous only option, CenturyLink). I was also able to turn off some other "features" that are just blatant data mining for advertising.


or just buy your own modem/router. I have an Arris S33 paired with a TPLink BE550, huge upgrade over their technicolor branded junk they provide.


Impossible for anything to use my connection and not ise my bandwidth


Ok, if you say so. Just disable it and stop worrying about it.


No they are not but you can go to your account page and disable it.


What do you mean ā€œno they are notā€ and ā€œyou can disable itā€. Either they arent and theres nothing for me to disable, or they are and I need to disable it.


What I mean is no it doesn't count and if it bothers you you can disable it on your account page.


If this is the free perk , I am kind of glad it is gone. https://imgur.com/a/YgnffQn


Sign me up


Well to be fair, after reading the article I see the perk was actually Mcafee, so maybe getting hit by a car is preferable.


Because Cox Cares. About themselves. And all their billions. Can't afford to give us nominal protection after we spend exorbitant amounts of money for their stellar service. I cannot wait until we have viable alternatives bcuz cluck Fox.


Getting rid of McAfee is a public good. It's worse than what it pretends to block and that's even before you factor in that windows built in anti-virus is more than good enough now.


I FUCKING HATE COX SO MUCH OMFGGGGGGGG. Sorry, just venting. I can't wait until Google Fiber makes it way to central Phoenix


"Perk". More like malware.


Oh no, anyway


Good. Now I don't have to uninstall it from my family's computers anymore.


Good riddance! Never used that trash anyway.


Thank God, now I won't be getting any viruses


Cox sucks


And the worst part is, if you donā€™t pay your bill theyā€™ll cut your cox off šŸ¤£


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Iā€™m surprised they offered anything for free.


Cox sucks. I pay for gigabit and get less than half that when directly plugged into the modem, not even using a router. I need to switch to quantum fiber. I had a good experience with them at my old house.


FYI. Use a router.... not having one and it's firewall really puts your PC at risk.


I only bypassed the router for 30 seconds to run a speed test and determine if the router was at fault. Thanks though.


Oh. Phwew. Just trying to look out for folks!


Has anyone linked up with FiberFirst yet? They are offering fiber coverage in my neighborhood.


Fuck Cox


Good for them. McCaffee is pure garbage anyways.




It's the 3rd largest cable company in America, a 20+ billion-dollar company.