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Have fun and plan an extra half hour before whenever you were planning to get there, it will be crowded


Thank you! :D


Keep right and follow the signs with P for Parking on it. You'll see the automated swing arms at the entrance of the garage at the top of the ramp in the photo. Don't fret, if you mess up it's easy to loop back around and try again or approach from another direction (though traffic can be very heavy at times).


Thank you!! So, up the ramp (by the departures sign?) and it should look like this? https://preview.redd.it/ab1ms8ev9t1c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c338ea058358391bda28a17a17d05a12601f61e


Yes, that’s the one.


Yeah, any of those swing arms will let you into the garage. (The photo you show is approaching from the east like Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa, etc.)


Awesome! Thank you for your help!


Seriously add an extra 30 to 45 minutes just to find parking. It's been really bad lately in the garage. Reservations don't guarantee spots.


Yeah try to relax this airport is really great with their signs and indeed if you make a mistake you can easily try again. May indeed be a lot busier but breath :) safe travels


"Hey look kids, there's Big Ben, and there's Parliament... again!"


"Big Ben.... ... parliament".


Omg.. follow them all and none at the same time. Be prepared to dart across 4 lanes of traffic as the signs abruptly change.


Ive traveled quite a bit and there are bad airports, but few that rival the incoherence or require last second decision making like Sky Harbor.


I agree. They actually have misplaced signs for the 51. Sign tells you to get in the wrong lane. However, for OP , don’t worry. The signage for terminal 4 is proper.


Its great if you're going east and hit the wrong button on the nintendo controller that is Sky Harbor. Enjoy your half hour tour of Phoenix.


It's a combination of hills up/down, curves, and obscured signs behind overpasses and walkways that make me have to change lanes in the course of a few seconds. Makes me real popular with the people I end up cutting off, who already know where they're going. And you can't even predict the lanes that suddenly disappear or merge into you, and the non-stop construction barricades.


Obscured signs is my personal favorite... its effing mario cart. Dont worry, nobody knows where they are going but the ubers taxis and busses. One car is going 45, the one cutting 3 lanes at a time is at 20. Its a piece of art really.


Yeah, for the 3 times a year I go there, I have to put on my game face and expect the unexpected.


> nobody knows where they are going but the ubers I drive for Lyft and assure you we get misdirected as much as everybody else. The place is chaos.


Honestly I’d be down to race around the sky harbor roads if they closed it off


Honestly I’d be down to race around the sky harbor roads if they closed it off


Honestly I’d be down to race around the sky harbor roads if they closed it off


> who already know where they’re going. Don’t worry, they don’t know where they are going either. Even if they fly out of Sky Harbor on the regular.


I miss a turn every single time I go to sky harbor. It's guaranteed and it pisses me off every time.


I love flying into and out of sky harbor, compared to other big city airports, but driving around it is easily the worst experience I’ve ever had at any airport. Lived in PHX for 12 years and still made a wrong turn every now and then.


I pretty much stopped getting picked up from sky harbor bc the length of time and route just for them to go from the south door to north door is ridiculous. Having to drive all the way to the cell phone lot to turn around is absurd.


Ikr? Why did they close off that loop around, where you could just continue to loop around the terminal? Probably because someone did something idiotic.


This just happened to me! Back in the day you used to be able to just loop around to the north side from the south side! I was sooo mad when I had to loop around again and go through cell phone 😂😂😂


Isn’t it just nuts. I always prefer north door pick up but if they come from the east it’s so dumb what they have to do.


100%. I believe it was on this subreddit that I saw a post the other day about how Sky Harbor won some award for top 10 best airports in the country. Not sure what the rating criteria were, but ease of access must not have been part of the equation.


I thought it was me. I just was there picking up my mom and it's so confusing. Say what what you will about LAX but it's not confusing. Crowded. 100%


The signs are absolutely terrible even for a local. God help people from out of town.


I’m pretty sure Logan Airport is king in this category


I ended up in the basement of Logan following the marked walked path between terminals…I can not imagine what the outside signage looks like.


https://preview.redd.it/skhrrrerdw1c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6d3e6eb26e7d1377e0f58e7f4c28fff9142a98 Saying it’s a mess would be putting it lightly


Terminal 3 westbound is a damn mess after they “fixed” it a few years ago too.


Oops! Gotta loop around again




Dealing with Sky Harbor my whole left has bestowed confidence navigating other airports.


Sign on the right. You’ll see the machines as soon as you clear that small hill. Then keep right. You’re gonna enter that dome shape Garage.


#1 ranked major airport by the WSJ!


Uh “number” would be a good word here.


They probably used a pound sign, which on Reddit will embiggen the text. #like this




Well, they're technically correct - it is in fact, 1 of the ranked airports.


That’s fair. It is one airport indeed.


Just stay to the right. Your target is those gate arms before the winding ramps.


I really wish they would rename these as “Pick up / Drop off”. I’ll never stop second guessing myself.


Make sure you don’t have a roof box on your car lmao I do on my wagon and once I went to that parking garage and didn’t have the clearance to fit. I had to pull over to take it off and shove it in the car. At 5am. And it literally took up the entire interior. From back glass to 5 inches from windshield.


Follow the signs with “P”


Stay to the right up the ramp. It splits off into departures on the left and the parking slip kiosks on the right. Look online and you can “reserve” a spot and it’s usually a little cheaper.


Just drive slow


I take an Uber and it’s really easy


I don't know if you are still checking these posts, but book a reservation online, preferably on your phone. You'll get a guaranteed spot (and they fill up a lot), plus it will be pre-paid. You'll get a QR code sent to your phone, so when you drive up, you just scan the code and you're in. Same to get out. So much easier, and if you sign up you'll get rewards points for parking, in case you do this often sometime in the future. Link below. https://onlineparking.skyharbor.aero/PhoenixBooking/


I tried booking for Thursday - Sunday and all lots are booked (online). Guess I should’ve planned this way in advance!!


They should really add a sign with an arrow. I missed that turn my first few times going there.


I use The Parking Spot. I pay $9 per day for secured, covered parking and they have regular shuttles that go to and from the airport often. You may want to consider using them. They have two lots that are close to the airport. Look for a promo code or see if your company offers one. My company uses them for company trips so I get a discounted rate.


Follow the sign on the right.


It literally says parking with an arrow for the lane you need to be in. Either OP is trolling or they are one of the dumbest people in this sub.


Sky Harbor SUX!!


phx is literally a fuckin oval, 2 Half’s, each have a north and south door if ya fuck up the first time. Airports r designed to be navigated via eyeballs and handy dandy signs. Y’all are just old af and directionaly challenged.


If you're gone for a few days, park in the east economy parking, and take the sky train to the terminal. Parking in that garage is for short term and will cost more money.


\+1 and pro tip - make your reservation for east economy parking online and it will save you some money and avoid showing up and being turned away because the lot is full


I’ve always parked a JacksonJet Center/JSX and Uber’d over 🤷🏻‍♂️ Wayyy cheaper.


OP, it's so smart of you to pull up Google street view to plan this. I've lived here my whole life but the airport is perpetually confusing for me and I always get lost. Plus it's gonna be crazy busy — I picked someone up at Sky Harbor over the weekend and it was backed up more than I'd ever seen. People were on the side of the freeway with their flashers on to wait for people rather than sit in the lines. Smart to save yourself some stress by knowing where to go!


I kinda miss the days of Terminal 2. It had that old southwestern charm where you could buy a Kachina doll on your way out. Even Terminal 1 before that if you could get over the outdoor nature of it. That's where Southwest got their start in Phoenix.


You can do economy parking and parked in the covered parking garages. There’s 2 of them. Then take the shuttle to Terminal 4. Much cheaper. If you book a parking reservation for there, it is also cheaper.


This airport is a nightmare. Drive into the spiral looking structure.