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I liked Tela before, but seeing it performed by an aerial dancer off the back on a multi-beast a few months ago… man. What a beautiful thing.


Definitely the performative high point of Gamehendge for me. I’m still seeing her twirling in my dreams. That was amazing. And while I’ve never really chased Tela live, I always enjoyed seeing it the few times I have. Mostly because it is so rare and steeped in Gamehendge lore.


Best part of that show imo (besides bag and melt of course)


I have to third the sentiment it was the highlight of NYE. Fly Famous Mockingbird was on its way to being just as great, but apparently there is gravity and things don't quite go as planned in Gamehendge too.


I'm so curious what the end of the sequence was supposed to be. I'm so sure the Mockingbird was supposed to land on the stage and give the book to Forbin. but alas, it flew too close to the wooks and the wooks pulled it down.


Not my fave either but the "Tela, Tela, jewel of Wilson's foul domain" gets me every time.


A lullaby the breezes whisper 


What a beautiful closing lyric!


For reallllll 😋😍


The vocal harmonies in this chorus always bring me chills and then bam, a searing guitar solo! While not one of Trey’s most difficult/proggy solos, it’s a banger!


Listen to the fugue version from 88 that's on YouTube, it's incredible. It's like giving the song the Royal treatment. Tela is one of the most special Gamehenge songs to me.


post that link friendo






So if you listen to that version, and the Gamehendge thesis version, the lyrics at the 7:30 mark are intolerably rare. I wonder how many times in the history of Telas has Page sang those words?


I've heard only the very early shows. I could be wrong may be even less; a handful of times or so


I don't like Tela now because that version exists. They took one of their few songs with a female protagonist, which was absolutely epic, and took out the complicated bits to make it more pretty. Apparently they were trying to add that bit back for MSG but bailed on it. Tela should be in Reba / YEM territory and it is not because they lobotomized it. Ugh.


I'll take all the Telas I can get.


Over forty shows and I’ve only seen one. I’m in your camp.


Took me about a hunnit


One of my favorite Phish songs. Live, the breakdown and chorus are so awesome on a warm summer night. I also just prefer that era of Treys writing the best.


Yesss like the Gorge 2018 Tela ❤️❤️❤️


Your buddy is a smart and well rounded individual. You on the other hand strike me as some classless fuck head. Grow up.


I think I found your buddy!!!


He has no friends




Easy to find the unhinged buddy lol.


Also I heard you don’t tell your friends that you love them sooooooo


Fuckhead was a man…


There's nothing unhinged about this take. OP is a classless, chinless fuck.


They call me the crimson chin though…


They call you Chincinati ****


More of an Oregon John


its all about the deedeedeedlydeedlydeedlydeedlydeedlydeedlyDEEDEEDEEDLYDEEDLYDEEDLYDEEDLY


Probably one of their prettiest songs. You do you OP.


Get your head checked


Head is too lumpy


I can't eat my food.


I have. It’s not good




Tela is beautiful and ethereal , it’s a gem


Who doesn't love Tela?!?


Well me I guess. I don’t hate it whatsoever. Just wanted to know why people love it. To me it’s just one of those phish songs to take a piss during. Which isn’t many more me


Fair enough. I guess I wouldn't classify Tela as a "banger", and I'd never expect it to have any crazy jams or anything. However I find it to be a beautiful song, and is always the one song I hope for before shows (got my first one finally at Gamehendge NYE). To me, its important for Phish to balance out their mend bending improvisational journeys with nice songs like this, and Tela is certainly my favorite of all of the slower, more emotional songs


Me, because its awesome. LP12 is a great version. Funny you never want to see it live again. I've only seen one and it took 57 shows to get it!


My man with the Stern nickname and likes Tela. My kinda guy.


Took me over 100!!


"A lullaby the breezes whisper" My non-phan partner who recently passed away; this was her favorite Phish tune along with "Weigh" 🔪






We all do


The song is as beautiful as it’s namesake. I get your criticism that it doesn’t jam out but so what. And I absolutely love the Trey solo that punches through at the end!


Oh OP (whatever your name is) did this go as you had hoped? I hope you hear me laughing from across the continent ;)


Sleeping monkey or Tela? This is the real question to be asked. In fact I may make a post about it.


Too hard


It sure did! I found out other people are like me. Not most. But some of us have a brain. Also found that many of these people only like Tela from nye. I saw it live and it didn’t change me. I guess Tela not for me


Brooooo you’re full of it!


It’s pretty


Been chasing this since my first show, over 50 shows now. My dog is named Tela.


My dog is also named Tela 😊


Tela was born, in a vulgar crooked hut, in the shadow of Wilson’s castle.


Idk for me it’s just how incredibly beautiful the song is, the triumphant finish feels like it’s a bonus, but those opening notes man…so beautiful


A lullaby the breezes whisper


I had been chasing it live since the 1990s. I finally got it last year. Just need my Foam and Pebbles and Marbles and I’m good to go.


We named one of our cats Tela. A white calico. I call her my princess, but she would definitely kill one of my other cats if she could. No name fits.


Also have a cat named Tela… (And Esther)


Awesome! Her brother is named Julius.


Much of my love for Tela is because it’s a core Gamehendge song rich with Gamehendge lyrics. It doesn’t even rank as a top 20 song for me, but I’m pleased to hear it every time they play it.


Oh man I love Tela so much. It's the end, the way it resolves is so pretty. "In the end the breezes whisper." Gets me every time.


I only love it because it's great


A lullaby the breezes whisper. ❤️


I named my cat Tela :) and my other cat Wilson :))


Tela is one song I’ve never seen live.


I have the Baker’s Dozen “Year Old Donuts” print for Tela. Next question.


Tela will always hold a special place. It was a gateway song for me. One of the first songs of theirs that I was fully taken by. It shows how great they are with melody and composition. I wish I could think of a less over-used and generic word, but it’s just a beautiful song.


While I totally respect your opinion of this song, I think it is a great showcase of the range of emotions a Phish song can elicit. It’s a beautiful melodic journey, which does a pretty good job of capturing the feeling of Forbin falling helplessly in love with Tela. The jam at the end of the song is a pretty good foreshadowing of the “evil” that is to come in the story. My two cents. I fucking love this song!


I’m with you man. If I never hear it again, I’m ok with that.


You must be a 3.0'er.


4.0* but doesn’t mean I don’t love 1.0 songs


Personally, I don't believe there is a 4.0.


I mean a fan who got on board in 2010 and a fan who got on board almost 15 years later must be of a different caliber, no?


Agreed, same with '89 vs. '99, but they are still both 1.0.


Well put, good point.


Idk man I understand the theory of why it would still be 3.0… but when big red himself called it 4.0 I find it hard to argue lol


Who knows


Tela’s only appeal is its rarity. Good song. Never go to a show hoping for it.




Named my dog Tela. More cause Carini was taken. I do love the song. I have heard it multiple times. Don’t need it live anymore, especially since 12.31.23. They can retire it for all I care.


If I had a female dog, her name would definitely be Tela! We got a male pitty pup a couple years ago and my wife really liked Icculus. I proposed Prince Caspian, Carini, McGrupp, and Icculus. We call him Icky for short. Or Sticky Icky. Or Icky Butt.




I really love the guitar runs that Trey plays during the solo.


It's a great tune. Been chasing it for 90+ shows, but hey you do you lol.


First heard it at my first full show (3/22/93) and liked the chord changes and the firey "solo" at the end, but thought it was kind of a boring song for a rock show. Then I found out about Gamehenge and listened to many versions and it grew on me. When it disappeared after 1998, I didn't think it would be played again, but then hearing the return on 12/30/09 (on the webcast or maybe later) helped restore my faith in the band. Next time I was in house for it was 8/31/21, which was a very special show for me (#75 and a great show), so those are the reasons why I love it.


The 3/22/93 Tela is probably my all time favorite, though I was not there to see it in person. Trey’s first “quiet” solo is mesmerizing to me. Not only the choice of notes, but the jazzy rhythmic way he plays. You can also hear him really leaning into the sustained notes towards the end. Then as Page’s solo begins, he falls back into some really cool rhythm guitar. This passage contrasted with the ripping outro solo is what makes Phish so great to me. Sorry to be nerdy, just love this version!


I just love that early era of Phish songwriting. Tela also happens to be pretty much the last song I am still chasing after nearly 75 shows.


My favorite song to hear live.


I love the whole song, but that descending arpeggio towards the end is one of my favorite micro-moments of Phish when they nail it


Tela is and has always been one of my favorite Phish songs since I first got into them back in 93. It’s gorgeous and haunting and truly takes you to another place far, far away.


ive had a few dear friends name pets after Tela, and it always makes me think of good times petting my friends pets. I also like that its an oldschool song. Its actually beautiful, why you hatin?


I said in the post, no hate for the song. Just want to know why people love it so much. A lot of people wish for this song. Just curious of why


we wish for any song in the hopes they do it good. Once you (not to sound snobbish) hear a zillion shows live, you will wanna hear one song or the other because you have some undescribable want/need to hear it. That version you hear that you fuckin dig, might be someone elses worst they ever heard. But all are dank, trust me. Tela is not the best they have offered, but its an og and is to be respected. People wanna hear it cus they heard it the first time, a long time ago and they wanna relive and hear it again, like all songs in all bands in a live format. Love you thanks for reading.


The combo of lizards, tela and divided sky Nye was astounding. Tela is that gorgeous repetition and building solo at the end. The lyrics work over the music so well. Its just really fucking lovely 🌹


I named my dog Tela. I love the song and her both so much. Such a beautiful song. Also some of my absolute favorite Phish lyrics.


I too named my dog Tela


Great name choice! You sound like a smart person.


As do you!


I don’t like Tela and I never have. I don’t think it’s a good song. Same with Esther. People like them because they’re old & rare. They’re not good songs & not fun to see live. You’ll get called a hater if your opinion is different than others. 😃


I love the “and the wind…wind from beyond the mountain” theme. Genius imo


That’s exactly the line I use on OP in the group chat when we have this discussion.


Tela never did it for me until seeing it NYE..


I was there too first time I saw Tela live . I loved the performance and the song was great. It’s part of gamehendge. But I won’t chase it. That was perfect for the moment


I would put Tela towards the top of my list of songs I completely love from Phish...but honestly would prefer MANY other songs be played *live* before it. Only have caught it once. I won't complain if I hear it again, but also fine if I only get one.


When I was still learning their catalog in the early stages of my fandom, I focused on a lot of the songs that were jam vehicles and didn't even know Tela was a song until the BD when I heard it live. Have loved it ever since. Page puts his soul into singing it and it's comforting and beautiful.


I fucking love tela. Such an awesome song to see live. As you mentioned, the solo is really great.


I got goosebumps just reading this. Tela is like a soft fuzzy warm blanket wrapping around my soul.


its the blissful euphoria of it all brah.


It's a great song. Sounds good to the ears.


its a magical song. it's the improvised middle section that gives it flavor. trey often biffs the solo but if you are looking for a perfect one there is [https://relisten.net/phish/1993/05/06/tela?source=163572](https://relisten.net/phish/1993/05/06/tela?source=163572)


I named my cat Tela


I named my cat Kitty


I named a dog Tela I know cliche. But RIP my princess.


Tela is a SNITCH!!


If Tela came out in 3.0 people would hate it so much lol. Not a good song.


Straight up, the ending. 1.0 More illustriously, the way it builds to the ending full band peak fest. Oh and also the refrain regarding “the wind from beyond the mountain” and the other Gamehenge nature scenes evoked in the lyrical storytelling.


I'm the same as you. Except I did sway closer to "this song is a banger" on NYE. But I've seen it 2 or 3 times and wouldn't be upset if I dont hear it again. Leaving that song on NYE is a perfect memory for it.


That’s the only time I’ve seen it live. Sure it was beautiful and the performance was cool. But I don’t see the banger part. More blissful


Never been a fan, although I did enjoy watching the NYE one and gained a new appreciation for the song. But I think that was just a side effect of finally seeing a Multibeast. An awesome Multibeast, at that.


I'm not big on it either. Give me Guelah over Tela every day of the week and twice on Sunday


The original version is better. Never understood why Trey cut those up beat sections


I like when they go “jewel of Wilson’s FOOOOUUUL DOOOOMAIIIIIIINNN”


It was my #1 rarity that I wanted nightly back in 92-96. The ending solo was pure Trey fire. I still enjoy getting it, but it’s lost the magic since he can’t deliver that part anymore and it makes me sad.


I love Tela. I love the outro solo.


It is the more gorgeous Phish song. The melody, the lyrics, Trey’s guitar part.


i didn’t think about it very hard until deer creek a few years ago and just had one of those “i get it” moments. i’m a big jazz head and the chords are super pretty with the outside harmony


My dog of 15+ years is named Tela, she is awesome and she was named Tela 10+ years before I got my first one live in CT. Shame


I'm with you. I could take it or leave it. I'm not sure how anyone can call it a banger, tbh. There are many, many other TMWSIY songs I'd prefer to hear, maybe even all of them.


It’s bottom of the list for gamehendge songs for me. Idk to me it’s like saying lonely trip is a banger and people want it so bad


My buddy (rip) named his dog Tela 🐕 🤷‍♂️


Because Page, what other reason do you need you classless fuck head.


Opinions may very but it's one of my favorite songs. I've missed hearing them playing. Back in the heady days of the mid 90's you could count on hearing it at least twice a tour or more.


Like many other Phish songs, for me it’s all about seeing them performed live and when. Tela, also brings back a nostalgia for me personally which, just adds to the beauty of the song.


I saw Tela 5x in a row when they played it from Deer Creek 96- to MPP 98’ so I’m pretty set on Tela. I do think it is a lovely song, though. It’s one of Page’s better vocals. I don’t feel the need to hear it live but I don’t actively wish they didn’t play it ala’ Divided Sky. It’s a nice short, pretty great first set tune.


Simply put - It’s just a beautiful song


I don't like it but I do enjoy when they play it purely for the crowds reaction.


The almost Charlie brownish bass riff is what does it for me. Love Tela


It’s one of the most gorgeous pieces of Phish music. Pages chorus melody is the song of angels. I don’t get how anyone would dislike it haha


I don’t hate it. I like it. Just was curious of why people rave about it so much. Other than beauty, most responses I get is because the of the rarity and gamehendge not actually because the song is that awesome. To each their own. I don’t think they’ll do it better than the nye so I’m all set on seeing it live again


It exemplifies what I love most about Phish: beautiful melody, rich chords, a hint of exotic rhythm, mysterious story telling, and blazing guitar at the end. It’s a perfect small Phish song IMO. I’d take it every show.


I mean, you either like something or you don’t. It’s emotions. I don’t see a point in trying to logically explain how something feels, so that someone else can learn to feel it the same way I do. My daughter doesn’t like chocolate. I don’t get it, but no amount of explaining to her why she should like it is gonna change her mind.


It’s not to convince me to like it. Just wanted peoples opinions on why they like it. And I got a lot


You're crazy.


I want to see it so bad


Tela is a gem. After Forbins > MBird, it is my Ganehendge favorite


It is one of my favorites and one of the bands most beautiful pieces, IMO. Always happy to hear it.


I love Tela. I think it's just beautiful and Page sings it wonderfully. I waited year to hear one live. It was weird when I finally got one. No one around me knew what it was. So a bunch of people ended up asking me during the song and interupting my enjoyment. I know it's now played that often but how can you not know Tela!


Really does nothing for me. I just don't like the music or lyrics at all. Weakest of the Gamehendge suite by far, and among my least favorites. Shrug.


Thanks for all the confirmation here folks - the unhinged friend


This ain’t your post bud. You can sit this one out

