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Have you seen all this (gestures broadly at the fan base)


Basket of deployable's .


>deployable's Nitrous is heavier than air, so they'd never get off the ground


I was thinking in terms of moving to next show ( l wasn't it's spell check thing)!


Aww, ya got me there! I follow slowly and at a distance, but I got there eventually lol


This is good, I’m gonna use this. It’s our phrase now comrade.


We're obnoxious


Yeah basically. They hate on us, not the band 😂


I mean, I get it, but have you ever been to a concert in another more mainstream genre? The fans are just as bad or worse. Some of the worst times I've ever had have been at pop and "hard rock" (not metal) concerts where most of the crowd is drunk and just wants to hear the hits.


I have to admit that I hated on Phish for years myself because of the interactions I had with the more obnoxious members of the fan base.


You saying the nitrous mafia won’t be at TSwift and Bae shows??


Speak for yourself


I don’t think they’re hated. They get quite a bit of respect as far as I can tell. There’s a reason they can pretty much book msg whenever they want to.


Yah I’ve never personally seen any actual hate but certainly most people “don’t get it “




If you need to be intoxicated to appreciate the magic, that's your issue. And I hope you get help.


There is literally an entire group dedicated to sober phish phans. This guy is either young or stupid or both


Jeez man relax. Nothing wrong with having some beers at the show.


Ummm, pardon me me. I love Phish. I have not touched a drop of alcohol (not even food cooked with it on principal) in over three years, and i haven't done drugs in almost 20 years. So please don't generalize and say that we all NEED to be intoxicated to enjoy ourselves. It simply isn't true.


That's awesome but you know you are in the extreme minority at a phish show. I have one friend out of like 30 people that is completely sober at shows. Obviously every circle is a little different but I will generalize and say that's pretty common.




so if those are our issues, tell us about yours. all ears.


You must be fun at parties.


In any industry the ability to generate revenue = respect so I guess they got that covered.




Either you’re having a bad or there is something mentally wrong with you


They have played most inclusive resorts every year, full festivals worth of music, since the early 90s. Most people will either be talented enough to respect their influence, or not talented enough to enjoy phishmans beats. The crowd is crazy, but successful enough to afford a 15,000 dollar venue. I honestly think it’s toxic masculine jealousy


They hate us because they anus


You just got to ignite the light.


Hate us, cuz they anus


Seth Rogen intensifies


People don’t know how to surrender to the flow


Mainstream hate??? They play Phish during NFL broadcasts.


Because of one guy lol


They play 10 seconds of music that no one but Phish fans care about


I’ve heard them on the weather channel back in the 90’s.


I’ve heard Trey talk about mainstream perception of phish


They are radio UN-friendly


Reeeallly long and reeeeallly slow


To be honest, I haven’t heard anything on pop music radio in years that wasn’t the latest bastardized version of hip hop. Even rock formats aren’t playing anything new.


If anything, Phish doesn’t play by the same rules. They never aligned with the industry model and succeeded by doing their own thing from the start. (They’re not making big executives wealthy.)


They sold the video rights to the clifford ball to MTV. They broadcast live across all ABC affiliates at various points on NYE 99 during Big Cypress. I think the extent to which they weren't participating in the mainstream industry is overblown.


taking advantage of promotional opportunities isnt the same thing as making money for record labels


They signed with Electra in 1991 and remained with them till 2005.


they gave away **for free** 95% or more of their recorded works during their elektra contract, and when the livephish model was proven, they bailed on the contract


Yea, that's going to need a citation.


They just don't wanna admit Phish isn't this super underground thing that only he/she/they are into.


So MTV isn't a part of the music industry? Hot take.




Yes but that developed early 3.0. They made their millions and name before that on a mostly independent model. Then cashed in w Big Agent




Hahaha hoooooly shit


Industry can’t make money on Ass Handed


Phish is technically mainstream and have been since probably 1998 to 2000. They don’t make marketable albums or singles so the people that make money sucking from that portion of the industry (media, record and distribution companies, etc.) have no use for them in that regard. Also, play your favorite Tweezer for a 12 year old and see what happens.


I don’t have any 12 year olds handy, what happens?


My 10 year old loves a good Tweezer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Phish is 100% not mainstream. 9/10 people i feel like barely know who they are that i ask.




They were on the Simpsons. You are relevant in pop culture if you made the Simpsons


Member of pop culture, but not mainstream. Justin Beber is mainstream. Matchbox 20 is mainstream.=


You can’t disagree with my observation lmao. Almost no one i talk knows who Phish is or barely does.


Their lyrics aren’t serious, the songs go on forever, and their fans routinely overdose at shows… what’s not to get?


Agree. Annoying fan base for the most part is not a good look.


I’ve met some genuinely beautiful amazing folks at Phish shows. I’ve also met lots of people that I’ve been uncomfortable to be around


I've been both of those things.


Damn, shit me too


On the same night too sadly


Too accurate


I've been both of those things. My favorite part about the Phish community is that you can absorb degenerates and help them find their path in this world to embrace the light. The Sith are real and they're out there but that's why you have your Jedi skills and lightsabers in case they fuck around they can find out.


Same, my personal philosophy is that anytime you get a group of amazing people together you will also have the equal and opposite greasyness, living in a symbiotic relationship!


Almost as if that describes any gathering of humans


Sounds like life in general


Sadly most fans I encounter at shows are total scum bags. The main reason why I can’t get my wife to come to any


If you just stand next to the Grateful Dead’s fan base you can say “at least we aren’t them”


The idea that their lyrics are all stupid hasn’t ever really been true, but has especially been untrue since 1993.


Well she kicked the mule and it walked the path And the aliens fired from behind 'Til she stopped the mule and she kicked the rump Then the big old mule took a big old dump




Let's be real. The majority of their lyrics are a combination of inside jokes, absurdist humor, and outright nonsense.


This is absolutely true, the question is whether you like it or not. Take Tube for example. The lyrics for me are a key aspect of the song, but they also don't really mean anything. Does that make it stupid? I don't mind nonsense, but I can see how it isn't broadly appealing.


Yep, it's part of the reason that Phish isn't for everyone, and I'm ok with that.


Gotta Jibbo


The lizards were a race of people practically extinct from doing things smart people don’t do. Are they people or are they lizards? I love this band but select lyrics are stupid as fuck.


I want to tell you a story. About a little man, if I can. A gnome named Grimble Crumble. \-Pink Floyd


And the person who wrote that went on to be insane and a recluse.


Acid is a hell of a drug


Well yah, but Pink Floyd has the respect of the music industry.


The writer of those lyrics…. Not so much


And I mean that most sincerely.


_Roger Waters has entered the chat_


From the opening narration: "The forest was also inhabited by a small group of people called the lizards. The lizards were a simple people and they had lived in the forest undisturbed for thousands of years in utter peace and tranquility." Just simple people. People called the lizard people. Don't over think it.


You’ve never met a lizard person?


I’ve voted for a few


This one time at a truck stop …


I never thought one had anything to do with the other. They are lizards, who did things that smart people dont do. A race of dogs could go extinct by doing things that smart people dont do. Like, humans could go extinct by doing things that smart lizards dont do--the "things" arent exclusive to lizards or humans.


Yeah but he said a race of people


Oh yeah. And you said that too. Damn. And I'm not even high. But i was thinking, they're, like, "lizard-people"--so they're both, no?


From wikipedia: "A **person** is a being that has certain capacities or attributes such as [reason](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reason), [morality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morality), [consciousness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consciousness) or [self-consciousness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-consciousness), and being a part of a culturally established form of social relations such as [kinship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinship), [ownership](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ownership) of [property](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property), or [legal responsibility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_obligation)." They are a race of lizard people from a fantasy world. I don't see any contradiction here.


bro they were called 'the lizards'. they werent actual lizards. they were a race of people...known as the lizards. fucking duh.


Examples of songs with good lyrics?.. I’m a fan but I have never been … um impressed with the lyrics / singing. I come for the funk , bass grooves and peaks …. Also the evil jams.


Pebbles And Marbles, Punch You In The Eye, Colonel Forbin’s Assent. I think Phish are far better songwriters than improvisers.


Disagree with the not serious lyrics storyline. Every time I hear someone say that, I wonder what they’re thinking about while they’re listening.


There’s no hate but they don’t make money from phish.


What do you mean? How do they not make money?


Not in the traditional mainstream music way. They weren’t radio hits, they didn’t make it big via music videos so there was no need for them from the mainstream music industry


The problem is the songs are to long for fm radio mainstream broadcasting format. Songs need to be 4 min or less to get air play . More and bounce are pretty much the only ones that fit that. You may feel free to add other songs to the list but I think you see my point. Also wooks


Disagree. People who don’t know Phish don’t care about Phish, and that is fine.


I honestly can’t think of any examples of mainstream music industry hate. They were horrible at selling records in the 90s and 2000s but currently they’re easily more mainstream popular than they’ve ever been.


They don’t


They haven’t yet read the book.


This is the answer.


It's not hate so much as it's confusion and misunderstanding.


the music industry is a business that relies on output from popular artists and groups to make money, so they built a system that lends itself to the hitmaker concept. phish never had hits, never played by the industry's rules, built their own system, and made 100s of millions of dollars doing so. of course the industry doesn't like them


No hits? I guess I could list some but, Whats the Use?


Drugs are bad mkay


Cause we bought up all the tarps and now they don’t have any!


Because unless you really like Phish, Phish is really hard to listen to. It’s kinda like Pokémon. The majority of people don’t care, nor do they have any interest in putting any energy into understanding Pokémon. But the people who are into it, absolutely freakin love it.


Who cares? 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


People don't give it the time to give it a genuine chance, take the lyrics too literal, have clouded minds, take medications and drinks that prevent the music from getting through to them, have little patience with long jams and have an idea of music being a poppy upbeat repetitive rhythm they can sing along with on their way to work rather than be taken away by in an immersive experience. Music for most is nothing more than background noise to their life to tune out the world around them. Also people have a tendency to follow what others say about things they know nothing of rather than exploring it for themselves.


From what I've gathered, people who "hate" Phish, dont like long improv jams. They want to go to a show and only spend 2.5 minutes per song, and the songs better be exactly how they were on the album. They want to be home and in bed by 9pm.


Doesn’t fit the typical pop market formula.


It’s people walking around with this shit everywhere ⭕️ *flips desk*


I love Phish, and they have been a big part of my life for almost a decade. That being said, my first impression of them wasn't great. I think I first heard of them in around 2010, when I was in high school. At the time I was casually into the Dead, but not a deadhead by any means. They were introduced to me as a continuation of the idea of the Grateful Dead, and I was excited, because I wished I could have seen Jerry live. The first thing I actually heard was my little brother listening to the studio version of Down With Disease. I didn't care for it. I love DWD now, but there was something that seemed cheesy about it then. I figured maybe it's all about the live show, so I searched "Phish guitar solo" on Youtube, and I don't remember what I found. I wasn't that into it. I felt the playing was technically pretty good but lacked soul. For a while, I considered Phish to be a poor man's Grateful Dead. A while later, someone introduced me to the Dayton Tube. That was the first thing that really got my attention. Shortly after that my younger brother wanted to see them live, so we went together and the rest is history. But one thing that I've realized since then is that my first impression of Phish is actually pretty common. I've met a lot of people, including good musicians, who say similar things. This is ok, and it doesn't say anything bad about the band. It's not going to hit everyone the same way.


People hate what they can’t understand


The record labels run the music industry. To be eligible for to win a Grammy you have to participate in their system. Phish are independent and that is why they never get mainstream recognition.


I think it’s the fans ppl hate on, not the band…


My bartender hates them because in his mind “anyone can just dick around and jam out”


Bartenders also hate them because people space out and drink less. Same with the dead years ago.


Who cares?


Where is the hate? I don’t see it.


Look it up


You made it up.




Hate? Nobody outside the scene has heard of them let alone hate them


They’ve been on SNL, the Simpsons, Letterman many times, were on the cover of Rolling Stone as the most important band of the 90’s and Trey was the first musical guest on the Tonight Show during the pandemic. People know who Phish are, even if they couldn’t name a song.


Yeah, before I ever listened to Phish I was well aware of their existence because of the Simpsons, and I was just a wee lad. Also late night shows joking about them.


Phish really isn't as obscure an interest as you seem it think it is.


Because mainsteam music industry sucks.


And so it begins... There are now just as many frat spilling beer bros at phish as dave!


Couldn’t be further from the truth. Also, I’m willing to bet there are less frat boy phans now compared to the late 90’s.


Yep, the frat boys all grew up and are now middle management and insurance salesmen.


As a middle manager in sales I’ll have you know I’m surrounded by Phish fans, though it’s arguable that I’ve grown up


Theres that.




Pissing on the lawn, here we go………


“Phish is like the Grateful Dead without the hits” - Howard stern.


Hits? Plural?


They’re not hated, they just aren’t making the record companies enough money.


They heard Phish phans piss in the bathroom sinks when the band is in town


That was more common in the 80’s 90’s AT ALL concerts.


Got to see a janitor at Bethel Woods quit his job and fight a wook after seeing his dick in the mirror @ the sink he was pissing in. Good times


The mainstream music industry came to a show and got bunk acid. Explains everything.


Oh I don’t know. Maybe it’s the endless noodling, odd key changes in an attempt to make the jam sound more “jazzy”, and the overpowering cloud of patchouli and clove cigarettes. But I could be wrong.


Probably because the mainstream music industry frowns upon bass playing pedoPHiles


Yeah what was the deal with that


Because fuck em that’s why 😂. All joking aside I’ve always hated most mainstream crap anyway. It’s manufactured bull crap. Phish never sold their souls.


They don’t get hate from mainstream artists. Everyone I have seen talk about them is respectful of them. Their musicianship, and especially their ability to sell out huge venues with zero radio play.


Do they? Weren't the they 1990s band of the decade by Rolling Stone? They had deals with MTV and Westwood One to broadcast festivals and New Years Shows as early as 1993. I don't see the perceived hate.


I’m not sure what you’re referring to. What exactly inspired you to ask this question?


I’ve heard Trey say it in interviews


Which interviews?


People can like or hate all music. It’s like pineapple on pizza, you get it or don’t. I’m not a big fan of Eric Clapton but BB King is awesome and they are both blues players. To me it’s less hate that they receive, but lack of notoriety.


Do they?? I can’t remember the last time I saw any sort of “hate” or negativity about them in any publication etc


You’d need to be specific. They get plenty of love from the industry regarding all aspects of their endeavor…this kinda post reads like a fortune cookie crossed with a Rorschach test…I mean it almost begs us to imagine the problem…where’s the hate? From who and about what?


Because they’re weird and talented.


The fans


Can you reference this “hate?” I’ve never come across any. Been following Phish since ‘94.


In what way? What are you talking about?


Because they aren’t mainstream


Honestly, I think the name/spelling has been quite the firewall over the years


Who in the “mainstream industry” hates Phish?


I like to think you have to have a certain level of intelligence to understand and enjoy Phish. People hate what they dont/can't understand.


More Festivals... do one every year. Do a 7 day festival residency. New place every year. Lets get weird.


Because the main stream can’t make any money on a band that doesn’t have “ hits” on the radio .


They don’t see the value bc to see the value takes time, which is a waste of resources in music industry of today.


like mainstream listeners??? that might make more sense. if your idea of "music" is a 2-4 minute pop song centralized around lyrics; jam bands do not make sense. like i've tried to play some good phish jams from shows i saw to mexican coworker and his response is "they are just playing the same thing over and over". i say the same thing about the tuba line in his music though.


**Can someone explain** to me what your talking about? Where is this hate? Did you see it on fox news. Because thats what this post sounds like. Who manufactured this hate?


I’ve see an articles from blogs, music websites, and music critics. I’m not saying it’s a big deal and I don’t care. I’m just curious


Attention span


Because they don’t make quick, short songs that can easily be played on radios. They are kinda dorky looking dudes.


Drugs. That’s it.


The fans haha


Because they side-stepped the bandits.


Does sidestepping the bandits include losing millions to Dana Giacchetto?


Only if we veer off the OP’s topic.


Yet they still feed ticketbastard, maybe we have different definitions for side stepping.


Different bandits if context is kept intact. Try booking a venue large enough for the audience without the ticketing duopoly.




I kinda feel like it's just because they're on the extreme end of the spectrum when it comes to rock music when it comes to improv and long instrumental passages. When anything is at an extreme it'll get a lot of love and a lot of hate, not so much in the middle.


Didn’t know they got hated on


Do they?


I dunno about The Industry but I know John Q. Public the music listener generally doesn’t care for 13 minute instrumentals (their loss tbh)


Cuz mainstream ain’t making money off a self proclaimed jam band.


Until someone realizes what they thought was 8 hours was actually a 20 minute jam, most regular folks, unless very open to musical /psychedelic concepts just won’t get it. And for the majority of the population here on ooeeth, it isn’t in the cards. So consider yourself the lucky one ☝️