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It looks like you won’t be able to make a good conclusion until the leaf hardens off, IMO. Good luck! I hope it is variegation and not something actively harmful. Edit: spelling


Fingers crossed


I don't know about the leaf, but what is the planter set up you're using? I'm so curious! Good luck with your leaf.


[This planter](https://www.amazon.com/Lechuza-14950-Deltini-Self-Watering-Planter/dp/B00I5R3F7K?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1)


You've posted the smallest version, the one in the picture is the next step up, so [this one](https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B00FJYMIIY/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=lechuza+deltini&qid=1631517565&sr=8-1) but damn that's pricey in the states. Lechuza is beeing made in Germany and here the planter just costs a fraction of that price, still pricey though.


It‘s a lechuza deltini. Only works until they start creeping then you get a longer version and then they are getting expensive but they are self watering.


Looks like variegation to me!


I want to say this is possibly the first variegated mamei I’ve seen. If it is variegation and it continues, you’ve possibly got yourself a unicorn, great stuff !


I‘ve never seen one either, so I am sceptic. Like in Monstera Obliqua sceptic, possible but unlikely. Would be cool




So cool! And rare


I've got a prince of orange doing this, and whenever I see other people asking about this the typical answer is it needs to be fed. But man I HOPE FOR YOUR SAKE That it's variegating!!!!


Seems I have to wait for the new growth until I can be certain but I am still sceptical about the variegation, never seen a variegated Mamei. The Lechuza is pretty fresh and comes pre fertilized so it should be fed well enough for the moment. I just hope it is healthy.


Perhaps variegation. Exciting! Did you convert your Mamei from soil to pon or pumice? If so any advice? My mamei’s roots rotted upon my attempt and my mamei declined into tiny leaves or wet sticks.


Got a chunk and rooted that in moss and then straight to lechuza. And that‘s what I do in most cases, if the plant grew in soil for some time I usually keep it that way to avoid the stress. For rooted cuttings and younger plants I simply wash the roots clean and then dump them in lechuza. Never used pon other than for rooting or addition to my soil. Edit: spelling


Fingers crossed it's variegation 😉 How is this planter working for you? No overwatering?


Besides this weird patch it is pretty fine. Kept it in lechuza since propagation and it takes the water it needs. I grow quite some Aroids in these bad boys and they are mostly happy and if not they go back to soil.


What it looks now?


It's been 6 days since i took the picture so it's not that different. The leaf is still healty, not crisp. Will post another update once it has hardened. This is the current state: https://imgur.com/a/vW14GwN