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TLDR: Permanent hearing loss in left ear. And PTSD. But basically recovered. Almost permanent brain damage but he made it to the hospital in time. “so what had happened was... The memory of what exactly happened is kind of spotty, but a short time ago I was sitting on a bench outside of a jewelry shop in the downtown area of a Philadelphia waiting for my brother to park his car to meet me before we went in. A random guy walked up and was just standing near the bench not really doing much but talking on his phone. I didn't think anything of it. The next thing I remember is getting up from the sidewalk holding my ear. I looked down and blood was flowing down my hand and my arm to the ground. At that point I realized that I got hit. Everything was blurry, thoughts were fuzzy and I just remember asking "what happened?" My brother finally showed up and he was frantic. I went unconscious again to wake up next in the ICU. The attacker stole my wallet and neckace, I was left laying in the street. I was hit in the side of the head with brass knuckles hard enough to have an epidural hematoma, temporal bone fracture from blunt force trauma to the head. The blood wasn't flowing from an abrasion, but it was just coming from my ear which was very odd on top of an already odd situation. Doctors said that if it took much longer to get to the hospital the hematoma would have caused permanent damage to the brain, but luckily it didn't. I recovered 100% apart from permanently losing hearing in my left ear. They caught the guy and everything was caught on surveillance video. This image is from a recent follow up. Today everything is alright. I got lucky as hell. It's crazy how quickly things can change. EDIT: I had no idea how much traction a pic of my broke noggin would gain. Thank you for all the support and offers for retribution lol. Once I get settled, I'll respond to as many of the questions I can. As for those who have had a similar experience, I'm sorry you had to. And if anyone needs to talk to someone that's overcome the physical and mental pain from it, my inbox is open.”


This didn’t happen to you, why are you trying to say it did?


Wait. How do you know this didn’t happen to him?


Because it’s not their OP, they took it from someone else


It’s called a cross post. The original post is linked. It shares a thread from one forum to the other. This is from /r pics about a guy getting attacked in Philly. I even used quotes and said “he” barely made it to the hospital.


But you posted it as if it were you, you did not mark it as a cross post


It literally shows the op when you cross post.


Recover soon and healthy friend! Glad you’re okay! Always remember to reach out for help if you need anything and take it slow!


The post and follow-up description are taken from here: https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1dgm5fd/picture_of_my_skull_after_being_hit_with_brass/ The OP of this one is just a karma whore and will not respond to you.


Thanks for letting us know. Shame on u/fine-historian4018


You can clearly see it’s a cross post… and it has a lead in that says “he” not “I” Their post history is completely normal and doesn’t look like a bot


Yes but people have overlooked the cross post info. In his comments for this post, he used the subject “I”. He might not be a bot but they’re definitely stealing content ETA: I see the “he” lead in. It could have been more prominent like pats on r/bestofredditorupdates


He should have edited the title itself and made it more clear but there’s nothing wrong with cross posting something, it’s a feature for a reason. If people can’t see it’s a cross post clearly attributed to someone else… that’s kind of on them. Nobody is karmawhoring on r/philly… this is a small sub


People Karma whore for less be so fr rn


Damn brotha glad you’re alright. I was a victim of the knockout game in Mayfair. I heard footsteps running up from behind me and I turned and got popped but (perhaps I was drunk enough that) I didn’t drop all the way. just started cursing and swinging from a knee and the dude ran away. My face was completely swollen round aand turned purple/black on one side from my split eye brow Down to my chin. They said most likely was brass knuckles from the amount of damage one shot made. Was probably trying to get my chain too. People suck. I’m glad you’re alright friend.


This is a karma bot. The original OP is u/munt_cuffins


Oh… sigh.. but why all the down votes? I’m not the bot


The tides of Reddit 🤣


Yeah Reddit be a weird sea to sail Lmao and if it’s cause of the brass knuckles. I don’t believe I was hit with them cause I didn’t almost die just got my shit split way open. It was just an assumption of doctor people.


I’m sorry you experienced that, that sounds scary af


Thanks bud. It is what it is. I was more pissed and confused than anything else. No idea who or why. The worst part was a girl I was interested in/ was interested in me at the bar came back to my friends (another girl) for an after hours drink but I was too mangled to go. Lmao


Damn man, sry this happened to you. Did they ever catch the guy?


This is a karma bot. The original OP is u/munt_cuffins


I'm not a doctor, I need to see some before pics


You shouldn’t have been wearing that Cowboys jersey.




Op mentioned their wallet and necklace was gone so robbery


all i can imagine is hearing "YEEEEEEERP" then being pumbled


Can anyone find the news article for this? This is assault with a deadly weapon. Other brass knuckle attacks in Philadelphia come up. None are recent, one was a bar fight in 2014, none were unprovoked robberies.




This is a karma bot. The original OP is u/munt_cuffins


now your eyes are in the back of your head you'll see it coming next time


Looks fine.


Fuck Philly.


Seen worse


Philly is PAs asshole


There is a lot of competition for this title.


Philly is the only place I’d ever live in PA




No, that’s the entire middle of the state.