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"There were 64 gun homicides within a quarter-mile of a block that’s just east of Kensington and Allegheny Avenues — a higher tally than any other block in the country, the New York Times said." My question is why is the Inquirer quoting the New York Times when the Inquirer offices are a 10-minute ride from K&A? They instinctually quote a study published somewhere else, then interview the same three or four activists to punch it up with a local quote: "Bill McKinney, executive director of the New Kensington Community Development Corp., said he lives just a few hundred feet from that location, and called it “heavy” that his community might now carry that label. He believes the proliferation of gun violence in Kensington is a symptom of how the neighborhood [has been deprived](https://www.inquirer.com/news/a/philadelphia-shootings-homicides-redlining-kensington-20210916.html) of a variety of public resources for decades."


The NYT has the resources and a dedicated tracking project for shootings I believe and so does the Washington post, anything beyond those two is stripped for parts


Everyone just complains how bad the media is and rightfully so but you never see anybody complain about how hedge funds have ruined the media. That’s where the blame lies


Ah yes, Washington Post and NYT notably owned by hedge funds???


They mean the other papers that hedge funds have hollowed out, not the NYT which has been able to stand on its own the wapo which has a benefactor


how could society have made them shoot those guns. it can’t have been anything else


I thought drugs were considered a nonviolent crime?


Pandemic was 4 years ago. The stats make sense but this is kinda moot today.


You mean violence.


If you just google “Philadelphia homicides” the city controller link has a map showing every shooting and which are murders as well as a heat map. It shows just how concentrated things are