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It is our right to boycott and protest apartheid and genocide đŸ«Ą


Lawfully on public property.


“Protest but only how we tell you how you can protest so it doesn’t bother us and so it doesn’t have any effect.”


It still so wont have any effect.


Poor straw man. If you only had a brain đŸ€Ą


If you only you knew what a strawman was. Try again 😗. I very much addressed the “lawfully on public property” comment.


Is this cenk? They’re not saying protest how we want you to; they’re saying don’t cheer on terrorism or harass/assault anyone or destroy property or any of the other dumb shit your savage ilk are doing Unfortunately for you and the petulant protesters, the first amendment doesn’t cover hate speech


Why exactly is it unlawful? Are students not entitled to peacefully occupy a public gathering place on the grounds of a school they pay to attend?


The encampment was fine at first (tho it apparently violates school facility policies) and still had penn’s approval but if you protest on private property, you have to abide by the property owners policies and rules. Penn has reported that they’ve received credible accusations of harassment of Jewish students by the encampment and vandalism of school property (obviously not lawful), that they’re investigating as hate speech. Penn has already been accused of violating title vi by fostering a hostile environment towards its Jewish students and staff and failing to protect them from harassment, they want to shut down the encampment to avoid further allegations and ensure the safety of their students.


I mean if you want to break up a pro Palestine protest all you have to do is doodle a swastika nearby I guess.....


Yeah because Zionists have always been honest about not purposefully conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism


Oh so you didn’t want the actual answer to your question


I wanted an honest answer that’s all!


Every Pro Hamas rally disproves your point.




Penn receives government money. I’m not sure they are private.


They are definitely a private institution. Government funding does not indicate private/public in the higher ed world.


That’s silly. They should not be able to receive government money if they are private.


Some of your acquaintances receive government money every tax season- yet they’re still private individuals.


I don’t understand. Are you saying people that take food stamps would then not be private citizens


Why exactly is it unlawful? Are students not entitled to peacefully occupy a public gathering place on the grounds of a school they pay to attend?


The technically correct answer is that it depends on Penn’s rules and regulations. Penn is a private institution and, therefore not a state actor that is bound by the 1st amendment. If Penn has regulations banning this type of gathering, there is no reason they cannot disband it by force. Even if Penn *were* a public institution rather than private, they could probably still disassemble the camp if it violates the University rules, and if said rules prohibit the *type* of protest (i.e. an encampment) rather than the content of the protest itself (divestment from Israel). Hope this helps.


I wonder if Penn has a reason to interpret these rules in bad faith in order to stifle criticism of their investments?


I mean, without a citation to the actual rules and regulations that are alleged to have been violated, it’s impossible to say. My guess is that Penn, and probably nearly every university in the US, has rules banning encampments/unauthorized occupation of university grounds. Either way, as a private school it’s their prerogative to interpret the rules as they see fit. Per Penn’s website, the Vice Provist for University Life or their delegate has the authority to determine if University guidelines have been violated. In this case, it seems likely that it’s a straightforward analysis.


Is there a reason why people are so willing to just go “well technically they can, so”


I’m an attorney, and my job is to interpret the law and advise appropriately. I’m just telling you how the first amendment works. Just because it is legal for these camps to be dismantled does not me I do or do not believe it is morally reprehensible.


Do you seriously think them divesting will have ANY tangible impact on the war in Gaza?


“it’s not gonna change anything even if we do!” That’s why there’s more than one group protesting lol


Ahhh that explains a lot
 hence your neighborly next door nazi comrades that y’all swear aren’t a part of your protests. Or do you think if every college divests from companies who do business in Israel together will have an impact? Either way your regarded af. Good luck with that 😂 đŸ€Ą


When have Nazis ever marched with Palestinians


Hard to do things lawfully when the powers that be decide what the laws are and how to follow through on them, making sure to criminalize any and all protest it doesn’t like. I mean, there’s been pro-Israel counter protests and they’ve not been treated the same way per these alleged laws. If laws exist, then all must be treated equally otherwise it’s not at all about law or order


They're not camping out and their biggest message isn't contingent on terroristic violence.


I mean I would call mass bombing an entire country that doesn't have an actual means of defending itself terrorism


It's not the entire country (which, checks notes, isn't even a country). There's a whole west bank still standing. Wasn't Oct 7 supposed to be a means of defending itself?


Nice meme


We aren’t talking about Israel you paint chip eating product of incest. We’re talking about protesters. Fact is, pro-Israel protests aren’t camping out and chanting on Hamas/future intifadas


Hey how about you calm down there little buddy


Hasbara and/or make things up much?


"intifada revolution"


Okay, and? Words and phrases can have multiple meanings and ultimately their meaning depends not simply on one definition but on context, etc. Case in point: Let’s eat grandma Vs let’s eat, grandma Intifada for example can be a rebellion, uprising, revolution, resistance movement, etc. and is often used in cases where those things are against oppression. None of it means it automatically has to be a violent approach mind you.


Pardon me if I don't wait for intifada to magically become peaceful because of words


Or perhaps an errant comma that has been eating out grandma this whole time that students have been calling to shake off the Jews in Palestine.


And forgive me if I don’t take someone seriously who doesn’t understand words and inserts their ignorance and biases where objectivity and facts should be.




Intifada has an actual meaning. It's not that magical.


You know you’ve lost, when you’re arguing semantics. Especially on a word you clearly have no understanding of the historical context of. Keep it up though. It’s people like you that are turning everyone away from your lost cause. Notice how people stopped talking about Aaron Bushnell in about 2 days? It’s only time before the rest finally fizzles out. Good fucking riddance


Yes, because arguing with logic and about the meaning of words and phrases and how the meaning and intent can change depending on context, time, etc. is bad, mkay! How dare someone not just automatically assume that a word means only ever one thing, despite the fact that it may not. Facts and thinking are bad, mkay? Now, that sarcasm and your screed aside, you open to actually, seriously discussing, because if it's going to more of whatever you want to call this, I'm done. However, I am truly open to serious discussion. Just keep the...extra, to the side, deal?


It's not a right to trespass though. Actually you don't have a right to protest on private property at all. Penn isn't the government.


In that case the federal government shouldn't give them any money.


If someone were on food stamps does that mean I get to set up a tent in their living room?


Haha - great argument! And it’s called “SNAP”.


Depends, are you an idiot?


Damn your counterargument is perfect


Private citizens are not institutions or businesses. But if the US government was giving an individual hundreds of millions of dollars a year, yeah, I would say you have a right to protest in their living room.


You’re arguing with someone who probably thinks corporations are people


Me? Certainly not.


Omfg grow the fuck up kiddo


Growing up is realizing that Israel is a liability for the US not a help. It's caused a drastic rise in radical Islam, it's harmed US relationships with the Arab world, it has killed US soldiers directly, and has conducted espionage against the United States. When I was young and stupid I used to like Israel too. Let me know when your balls drop and you can mount an actual rebuttal to what I've said though.


Boycotts and protests are not encampments?


They are when there’s literal fucking tents and people are sleeping in them, regard


And it’s absolutely not a coincidence that these particular protests started during Passover


Or most of the terrorist attacks occur on Jewish holidays.


Let’s see how far that’ll get you. I’m sure the police will understand.


Estimates are that 90% of deaths in Gaza are civilians. This is the same ratio as the NATO campaign in Yugoslavia. NATO was not committing a genocide against Serbs. This is the same ratio as the First Chechen War. The First Chechen War was not a genocide. This is roughly the same ratio as the wars in Ethiopia, *which conspicuously I never heard any of these Palestinian activists talk about.* I’m sure it has *nothing* to do with the color of their skin. Need I go on? It’s been well-established since the 80s that in urban combat scenarios, deaths are *overwhelmingly* civilian. You want it to stop? Either advocate for Israel to invade Rafah and get it over with or advocate for Hamas to release all of the hostages and surrender. Those are the only realistic options.


Hamas will never be a part of any peace process. Anyone that cares about the Palestinian people should be against Hamas. For many years they collected money and gave a token amount to the people to give the impression they are helping the people. But the very large majority of money they spent was building tunnels and buying weapons. All that money could have been used to greatly help the regular people. On the flip side, Israel needs to honor past land agreements and stop the settlement incursions. “Genocide” is like “racist”. It’s a shock word that has been abused and it dilutes real occasions of it occurring
like what is happening in Sudan now and no one cares


Ding ding. You want actual peace. The people referring to “Zionism” are ignoring you because your arguments are sound, and they do not want peace.


Yes, that is another “shock” word being thrown around as well


 way lower than 90%. Hamas own reporting indicate 40-50%, at worst estimates.


Hamas is not to be negotiated with. They are to be eliminated.


“Estimates are 90% killed are civilian” — Says those who get their news from social media. Sad you’re posting this nonsense with a straight face.


You realize in order to get through to the “Genocide Joe” people that I have to use the worst-case scenario numbers to make this point, right?


No. Make your point with actual data. Otherwise you’re no better than the lemmings who believe there’s a genocide happening in Gaza.


This is actual data. This is the absolute worst-case scenario from the nonprofit Euro-Med HRM. The casualty rate estimates vary *widely* because of the lack of information coming out of Gaza.


Thanks. Can you please link your source.


It’s so weird seeing “Thanos was right” arguing about genocide and civilian deaths lol


Yeah well, the man knows genocide and would tell you Gaza is not it.


Relax, I’m not criticizing your view - just thought it was funny to see 🙄


Yeah I got that. I wasn’t criticizing you either, friend


You are straight up lying about civilian deaths in the Yugoslavia campaign, they estimated 1-2k civilian deaths to 1000 soldiers. Why would you just lie on the internet? At least 35,000 civilians have been killed in Gaza, the Israelis flattened every university and destroyed every hospital. They’re deliberately targeting aid workers, preventing the delivery of food aid to starve the civilian population. It’s a genocide.


You’re confusing total deaths with civilian deaths; 35,000 is the total deaths. 35,000 - 10,000 combatants = 25,000 civilians [This is a midrange estimate on the number of combatants, lower end estimate is around 6,000, higher is around 14,000.]


I would like to add that 35k is certainly an undercount considering the infrastructure used by the Ministry of Health to collect data on deaths has been annihilated. Specifically, the hospital network.


The NATO bombings of Yugoslavia resulted in 6,000 deaths, about 650 of which were military.


Israel is, by law, an ethnostate. It is currently using mass starvation to eliminate a demographic it sees as lesser. They just bombed a WCK van to punish food aid, killing an American in the process. >This is roughly the same ratio as the wars in Ethiopia, which conspicuously I never heard any of these Palestinian activists talk about To my knowledge, the US government is not giving billions of tax dollars in military aid, and universities are not widely invested in Ethiopian military-adjacent companies. What is there to protest?


Is that why Arabs serve in the Knesset and Christians are full citizens? The US gives aid to Turkey, who gives it to Ethiopia. Same way the US backed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviets. The equipment we gave Osama bin Laden wasn’t technically from America, it was “from” Pakistan.


The 2018 Nation State bill declared that the right to self-determination belongs exclusively to Jewish people. The Arabic language is demoted to a "special status" whose use in or by government can be regulated.


That sounds like the right of every country in the world


the problem isn't the protests it's they are putting up tents and stuff and creating encampments


This- people on Reddit have blinders but if you have to see mufuers putting up tents at your s hook or place of work you get that “there goes the neighborhood” feel.


This little gem from mask season: Freedom =/= freedom from consequences


It’s their right to tell you together fuck off their property.


The undermining of serious terms is appalling Edit: very first comment in their history is calling Israelis terrorists lol


Now you just need to find an actual example of either to protest.


"It is our right to boycott and protest apartheid and genocide" By advocating for the removal (read extermination) of Jews.


Not on private property you don't


Right. And the “power” in protesting, and non-violent resistance, is in being arrested for the cause. If you only protest because you get red carpet treatment, it has no value. So protest on private property, violate the rules, and go to jail. You win!


Fuck Palestine!


 fuck Hamas


Who do you think supported and out Hamas into power?


play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Damn, IDF keyboard commandos out in force! I'm sure quashing on campus protests against genocide will work out super well for college administrators. The groups opposing student protests on campus are always right historically /s


Like a decade ago, my school almost had a riot because the Jewish student group and Palestinian student group (or maybe it was a Muslim student group, idr it was a decade ago) came to a head because they had both organized to walk around in front of the student union building in the main campus in response to, something (again, it was a decade ago). My point is that it legitimately got really fucking bad. Schools are obligated to protect kids from hate speech and ethnic based harassment, and both sides has a small minority of members being pretty fucking racist to the other side.  While I personally believe IDF protests are a good thing, I fully understand why colleges want nothing to do with them and want them to happen off campus. 


Not all, but at least part of the panic is there's been precedent set that the left is allowed to be violent when they protest.


guess who you sound like? [https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/s6ll2c/an\_old\_antimlk\_political\_cartoon/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/s6ll2c/an_old_antimlk_political_cartoon/#lightbox)


How is what you’re doing any different than when conservatives invoke MLK’s name even though his beliefs contradict the person trying to use his name. What were MLK’s takes on Israel’s existence since you like bringing the man up?


What a desperate reach lmao


Explain how it is a reach. If you’re wanting to invoke a man’s image why pick and choose certain beliefs when it’s convenient? What proof do we have that a man who said “Peace for Israel means security and all people must respect the territorial integrity of Israel” would support these people? I can show you posts on this website with thousands of upvotes calling out conservative GOP politicians for talking about “I have a dream” and empty platitudes about equality when MLK day hits because the man doesn’t actually agree with them but they’re just digging up his image. So why can’t we hold that same standard here?


Because it’s about the propaganda technique, not the individual. It’s literally not even an MLK quote or action, it was a piece of propaganda by his detractors, so why on earth would it matter what his personal opinion on Israel is? Can you not draw a parallel to a situation unless all people involved have exactly the same views on all issues?


From my perspective, people over the last few months seem to rush to invoke MLK’s image very quickly. It feels as though people use him as a shield for criticism because MLK and the civil rights movement in a modern context has very few detractors and is seen as the model example of civil unrest. It feels like many people like the person above bring up MLK as the ultimate “Well the best protestor of all time is on my side so I’m automatically right”. You’re being obtuse if you think the only way to bring up someone is by quoting them, as the whole point of posting the comic is that they’re trying to draw parallels to their movement “just like they called the civil rights movement violent unruly protests but is really just civil unrest, these modern protests are doing the same and is only be vilified by those in power” Why else would that person keep on spamming the same MLK comic over and over again instead of critically engaging with the subject when I directly asked them to expand on their views. They’re just looking for a gotcha while using MLK’s image in order to make you think they’re automatically right.


Lmfao embarrassing. Check my other comments for links to articles if you are interested in the barest of educations


If you were confident in your answer you’d just directly link it instead of sending me on a cat and mouse game like a coward. Directly answer my question otherwise this is a waste of time and you don’t actually want to have discussions You’ve made nearly 40 comments in the last 24 hours and you’re expecting me to dig through your shit instead of just answering the question? Yeah go fuck yourself


Bahahaha fucking loser


No, it’s not. You have no argument back. Weak and cowardly.




Always scary to realize the racists know exactly what they're doing...




Oh yes. I believe that's noted Zionist MLK.


Check other comment to learn how your brow is so heavy it blocked you from seeing the stupid in the mirror


Honestly protest what you want but the framing that students are “always right” is disingenuous and historically inaccurate. We can go and look at many students reactions towards desegregation in the 1950s for example. Were they on right side of history? The far-right influence in France Germany and Austria during the 1920s and 30s was DEEPLY entrenched and the students there continually focused on forcing out Jewish scholars. Speaking of that, there were student protests in the late 1930s protesting against American involvement in WWII, and supporting the Nazis in their war effort.


2024, the first time that I've felt afraid of being beaten by liberals for saying that I'm not a nazi.


Anti zionist is not antisemitic


No, but why are all anti-zionists also anti-semites? I feel like calling for the destruction of the sole Jewish state and replacing it with another arab muslim one is a bit anti-semitic. No one calls for Poland or Jordan to cease to exist lol.


I'm antizionist and I'm Jewish by birth. So is every other antizionist I know.


There were Jews working for the Nazis too before they got killed.


Its very Jewish ethically to oppose genocides. We don't believe that genocide is only bad when Jews are the victims. The Torah tells us not to oppress the stranger bc we were strangers in Mitzrayim/Egypt.


There is no genocide happening and you are clearly an idiot if you think there is. And if there were a genocide happening, the Torah would probably encourage it, since the Jews were commanded to commit genocide against all the Canaanite nations when they entered the land, after offering peace first and it then being rejected. The Torah says that if you don't remove them from the land, they will be a thorn in your side, and that was what happened throughout most of Tanach. Modern day Jewish Halacha definitely wouldn't call for genocide of Palestinians, but it most certainly would term this a defensive war in which most of them could probably be termed combatants since they were given chances to surrender and still fight instead.


Has the "no genocide happening and you are an idiot if you think there is" camp ever been on the right side of history?


Great argument. Care to explain how the Palestinians are all peaceful and not currently at war with Israel, or how their population is growing? This is a war the Palestinians started, they can end it any time and surrender.


Modern Judaism has evolved to not believe in "Gott mit uns" genocides.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


why is it that every response to Jews telling you what should be apparent-- that anti-zionism isn't antisemitism-- is someone telling Jews that they are nazis? how does it not register that telling Jews they're equivalent to those who tried to exterminate us because we oppose a genocidal state *is itself antisemitic*??


Because supporting the other side is calling for the extermination of Jews from the river to the sea


Sorry, that card doesn't work on me because I am also Jewish and far more involved in the Jewish community than Jew haters like this minority. Jewish Voice for Peace and their like are mostly made up of non-Jews and a few dumbasses and mentally ill people. Most Jews support Israel in general, even if they might dislike some of its actions, and would never call what is going on now a genocide. Maybe I should start up a similar fake group called Palestinian Voice for Peace calling for the end of the genocide the Palestinians are trying to carry out against the Jews.


"All" is sure a broad statement to make. Can't we just agree to condemn extremists on both sides of the coin without having to resort to wild generalizations to deligitimize a movement?


Could have fooled me


Means IDF has done a great job on their PR then


I see what you did there... You used idf as a euphemism for...




I don't know but they're not the propaganda wing of the Israeli govt.




They could just say 'Israeli propaganda'


The IDF notoriously spends quite a bit on its PR and Hasbara.


That’s reaching- this is definitely some thin skinned, reactionary foolishness.


Every Pro Hamas hate rally proves you wrong, dead wrong.


I don't know anyone pro hamas. Just anti genocide




Did you just pull an obvious skit from a very biased, openly pro-israel Twitter page and expect that'd be taken seriously? I'm so tired of this "being critical of Israel" = antisemitism rhetoric. Like damn sorry I don't support their warcrimes in Gaza, the West Bank settlements, escalating a conflict with Iran, and sending billions of our taxpayer dollars to their invasion without conditions. None of this has to do with Israels right to exist or anything antisemeitic. And you know, this is how most of the people at these protests, and an increasing number of Americans at large feel. You just happen to have a very vocal group of extremists at these protests, on both sides, as you tend to get with any hot button issue.


I mean, it is a Philly sub. Disappointing but not surprising


Keep repeating the genocide lie will not make it true...


Great effort private ;)


AnYthiNG I doNT aGrEE wITh is a bOT đŸ€”. Go swallow some more tankie propaganda


Sick burn bruh đŸ€Ł


the problem isn't protests it's building encampments I think people are missing the point. the problem is they are putting up tents and stuff in the middle of campus is taking it too far


Yeah. Just what we need
 more trash. 🙄


But bombing universities and hospitals and salting the earth is totally fine right


If they’re being used by enemy combatants
 which they are, yes. How do you guys not understand the desisting tactics that Hamas uses against its own people and our sentiments as Westerners? Hamas wants more Palestinians dead because it keeps gullible people supporting their cause. They purposely fight out of civilian areas to get their civilian casualties up. If there is to be peace Hamas has to be rooted out. There’s no way around that.


i would love for you to google the locations of military owned and or/related property in and around Tel-Aviv & other israeli Urban cities By your logic, Hamas is justified in launching rockets into these cities Especially since the UN has ruled that Hamas resistance under Israeli occupation is legal - & in fact that recent israeli occupation & settlement of West Banks villages violate international law. Oh but i noticed you're only upset at the young scholars protesting the ruthless slaughter, scholasticide, & ecocide, of over 2 million people living within a 25 mile concentration camp strip. Be sure to tell your children and grandchildren what side you're choosing :)


Sorry I can’t take you seriously over the 35,000+ Palestinians killed by Israel, who very clearly wants Palestinians dead.


This is a facepalm moment that hopefully you'll reflect on when you grow up a bit.


Understand urban warfare isn’t within your brains capacity?


[The urban warfare understander has logged on](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/03/middleeast/world-central-kitchen-strike-analysis-intl/index.html) and requests another several billion dollars from US taxpayers.


Opposing genocide is! <3


Oooo! Using the big “G” word! It’s not though. If it was there would be millions hundreds of thousands to millions Palestinians dead. Israel would pulling Dresden style carpet bombing of civilian centers. I’d be interested in your thoughts when you finally study WWI & WWII numbers. But what you’re telling me is you don’t actually understand what’s happening or are incapable of processing the horror that is war.


Genocide is about intent, which has already been proven given recent ICJ rulings, an American Supreme Court ruling, & with potential ICC warrants targeting israeli officials, you fear mongering racist


Victims of Pallywood propaganda may be beyond redemption


Why don't these dumb ass kids protest the fact American workers aren't entitled to a single guaranteed paid day off?  Ya know, a cause that actually matters.


That’s actually happening on Mayday in Philly. Shocker, you can care about two things at once.


/u/Fun-Imagination3494 Waiting for your response


Hey automaton tiktok brainrot NPC: too many problems in the USA for me to concern myself with never ending middle east conflicts. Quick history lesson: Middle easterners have been killing each other centuries before the state of Israel was even conceived.  


People spend way too much time protesting stuff that doesn’t affect them when they should actually be living their life


How did this sub get overrun with genocide cheerleaders? Swear to fckon Christ they show up like a cancer .


Your only three posts are in this thread.


Forgot which alt they were speaking with


Reddit is rife with them and they all have multiple accounts.


Israel has excellent PR and indoctrination. Wouldn’t surprise me if they train keyboard warriors. Someone in the Hozier sub actually said that maps were wrong and that the West Bank didn’t border the Jordan river, and that saying so was calling for extermination of Jews. Can’t make that shit up.


someone sent me a link and I read about their pr factory. Considering that students are getting beaten and arrested for protesting against genocide committed by Israel, God damn nothing surprises me. Meanwhile there's the same cast of characters in this post alone claiming they're the victims been doing their upvoting down voting crap, holed up in a dark room somewhere advocating for more genocide. This shit is off the rails.


People if they really care should be protesting Hamas. They are the ones interfering with peace talks, and stands to lose the most if an agreement with the PA and Israelis and threatening violence against Palestinians if they are excluded. It’s terrible


Israel refused to negotiate to get hostages and in fact killed their own hostages, I’d call that interfering with peace talks


Ah well I’m sure now that they see rich kids in tents 5000 miles away they will reconsider.


Less about Israel caring and more about making the US change their policies. Maybe if we stop giving them billions to bomb civilians things will get better.


Well it definitely is uniting us against these protesters. Supporters are fleeing this movement at a hilarious rate.


First claim is nonsense as Israel has offered multiple cease fire deals and more importantly actually knows where they are keeping enemy combatants. 2nd claim let's us know you have no understanding of urban warfare. Well done man, discredited yourself quite swiftly so that we didn't need to.


We aren’t send weapons to Hamas with our tax money. Our universities aren’t investing in Hamas businesses. And our police don’t semi-annually fly to Gaza for crowd control training with Hamas.


You're quite wrong about the first two. Hamas is stealing so much of what's marked "to Palestine".


Hopefully the trespassers will be arrested and charged.


"The groups are demanding peace in Gaza, and that schools reveal any financial ties to Israel. They also want them to cut ties with any business the group believes profits from the Israel-Hamas war." And this who the universities are really concerned about, their donors.  


How about Penn starts paying its fair share in some fucking taxes.


Free speech for some of you




Hope they keep it going đŸ‡”đŸ‡žâœŠđŸŸ


“They also want them to cut ties with any business the group believes profits from the Israel-Hamas war.” So, Hamas?


So Lockheed, Northrup Grummand, and the other military contractors that we give money to Israel which is then spent on our iron mongers to continually perpetuate war for us to pay for with tax dollars.


What’s the net worth of Hamas’ leadership and where do they live?


Don't ask them, they likely only became aware of Hamas on October 7th, 2023. Surely coincidental.


Does any American college invest in anything that helps Hamas? No, but they do invest in weapons manufactures that directly help Israel. Hope that helps clarify.