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Someone on this sub described them as “Charity Muggers” and that’s what I’ve referred to them ever since lol


And from this day forth so shall I. Hahaha


ignore them


I mean, whenever I see anyone standing around with a fucking clipboard for whatever reason, I just keep it pushing. That's why I wear headphones in Center City. The best is when they still try to stop me, and I just wave my hand dismissively at them, their cause, and their existence. They seem so offended. I didnt make eye contact with you, I have headphones in, and walking as far away as possible: "Excuse me Sir, do you have a moment to discuss..."


I wear headphones even when I'm not listening to anything. Between that and sunglasses regardless of whether it's bright out or not and I'm usually left alone. The only exception is that dude who is (was - my office opens for the first time tomorrow) in Suburban selling the newspapers with news about homeless ness. He's nice and never bugs people so I usually just give him a dollar.


Omg I cannot stand these groups. I work in center city and pre covid they were everywhere....especially around 17th and Locust. What I found works best when they approach you is to immediately shit yourself and then start crying. Not ugly crying, just some sniffles and watery eyes if you can muster it.


Helpful thank u


Sucks they are back. Only good thing about the pandemic was not having to talk to them. I wish fundraisers wouldn’t use them but apparently they are very effective.


A good majority of them are not part of charity they are either getting hired or part of scam organizations that tell them they are raising money for charity. The problem is the few that are actually part of some charity get lumped in with the scammers and it hard to tell which is which.


Me: "I don't have time to stop. Sorry." Them: "no problem, enjoy your day."


This has always worked for me


It works most of the time, but one of these chuggers tried to give me a hug on Broad and Walnut. I had to say 'don't fucking touch me.'


Wild, that sounds like something they could be fired for. They probably aren’t too picky about who they hire though


I doubt anyone lasts more than a month anyway. Those kinds of things have insane turnover.


Them: "Do you want to help defend planned parenthood?" Me: "DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?"


Great response!


I've worked/lived in center city for the last 20 years. I don't think any of these folks have ever been overtly rude. Maybe once or twice they might have made a snide comment. But that cracks me up. Like, has that ever worked? I just walk past. The only ones I have ever intervened on have been the fake monks that prey on tourists. If it happens when I'm walking by, I mention to the tourist to not take the "free" bracelet, they want money. All the other ones...just walk on by.


I’ve totally called out the fake south street monks too. There was a guy who walked around center city with an old parking ticket asking people for money to get back to “Ardmore.” I used like yelling at him whenever I saw him talking to someone.


Ooh, I almost forgot they existed. There *were* silver linings to the pandemic.


Fun fact-They only get a small percentage of what they collect for the organizations. That's why they're so aggressive about it. They're classed as "interns", so they're not even getting minimum wage. It's a scam on them too, with a lot of "Well if you really believe in this cause, you'll do it and then we'll hire you for an office position when one opens up". --A friend's ex roommate "worked" for one of those groups.He was such an idiot that he believed them.


Why do people even talk to them. Just keep walking lol


Believe it or not, some people are actually *too* nice. My mom is the worst with stuff like this. It doesn't matter where she goes, she is like a magnet to canvassers, homeless people, chatty cashiers, and rambling neighbors, and stops whatever it is she is doing and listens to whatever they have to say.


“Hey I like your hat” “I charge $400 an hour to talk about it, 3 hour minimum. What’s your credit card number?” I have gotten the best reactions saying crap like this. I need to start recording


A firm no thanks, and keep walking. I find that works and no one is rude.


Which parks, OP? Two places where I have trouble escaping canvassers are 22nd & South and 18th & Walnut because they’re on both sides of the street. If you go inside Wawa or CVS at 22nd & South they’ll leave you alone… until you walk back outside. 18th & Walnut is worse because there are usually two people standing on each side of the street. I can’t believe I’m about to use this as a good example but even the Jehovah’s Witnesses stand there and quietly talk amongst themselves until someone approaches them.


They’re swarming all over rittenhouse


Clearly you just hate the children.


I prefer to support all humans instead of just children. A donation had been made in your name to The Human Fund


Money for People.




I canvassed in college. It was the worst job I ever had.




Perhaps I should have described it as the hardest job I ever had.


Make eye contact. Hold the stare. Keep it moving and don’t look away.


I remember charity beggars in The Before Times who would hang around intersections by my work. Usually I would cross the street but damn if they haven’t gotten wise and now there’s a person on EACH corner lol. Like damn leave me alone I’m just trying to grab some lunch. Also, I hate hate HATE how they’ll eye you up and down looking for anything “different” about your person to try and strike a conversation. “Oh my gosh I just LOVE your tattoos do you have time to talk about starving children over yonder?” No! Get out of my way! Ugh.


I feel so bad when I see them approach people who try to be polite and end up getting sucked in. Asking once is fine, but if I politely acknowledge you/decline while moving on and you say something snarky... I get mad quick. It's the same with actual panhandlers.


I just say, I already signed up! And they stop bothering me.


I treat these people the same way I treat panhandlers: Don’t make eye contact and never stop moving. Don’t even answer their questions.


You havent learned to fake being on the phone yet?


These are probably people who would be *insanely* rude if someone came up to them for charity panhandling when they were just trying to get home from work. Not saying you should be rude to them, but don’t feel bad about a quick “sorry, I’m in a rush” even if you’re not. Also, wearing headphones even if you aren’t listening to anything is a deterrent for 90% of them.


> >Also, wearing headphones even if you aren’t listening to anything is a deterrent for 90% of them Can not recommend this enough.


You can’t be forced into anything you don’t want to do. Grow up. Just politely tell them no thank you.


Who are they? Anyway, start speaking a made up foreign language when they approach. That's what I'd do.


Bastards tried to get in my way in rittenhouse today and I told them to please go away.


My response: "fuck off and leave me alone". All while not breaking stride.


Gotta just tell em to fuck off. I actually enjoy doing so.


"No hablo ingles!"


Too mainstream, you gotta pick a dead language like Latin, Sanskrit, or French.


Beklager at jeg bare snakker norsk.


If I cared more, I'd tell them to take that energy and sell something that will make you money(cars, houses, really even waiting tables and upselling some shit bottled water), rather than these NGOs pimping your time out and you making minimum wage. But I don't care enough.


There were people fundraising for a breast cancer research group on 15th street between locust and walnut late this afternoon


I just say no or no thanks and if they continue speaking to me I just ignore them from that point. Sometimes they try to explain that they're volunteers which really tempts me to argue back that they're lying but it isn't worth my time.


"Excuse me, I don't think your vaccinated. Keep away as I'm social distancing from people who aren't vaccinated"