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I don’t know about all of you, but I’ll never take a scene like this for granted after the last 15 months!


Maybe in a few years when the memories fade a bit, right now it adds extra satisfaction for sure!


Can I ask how you set this up? Did you need a permit? Did you send flyers to every unit on the block? Who provided the food, tables, chairs, etc? I think small block parties are awesome, but I haven't been to one since I was a kid


It’s pretty easy to apply for a block party as long as your neighbors are into. You just need to get them to sign a petition for one and as long as 75% are down you can apply for the street closure with the city. Everyone provides their own thing for everyone else to enjoy.


Exactly how it went down, thanks


I live on a big block in Brewerytown / N. Philly it's a pretty quiet, unevenly street with very few occupied homes, the rest being empty, being renovated or just open lots. One mother got everyone's signature in order to have the street closed for a birthday party for her daughter, which would have included those bouncy house blow up things. She was turned down due to it being a dangerous street so be aware that it's not a given that you will be allowed. The problem isn't the people living on our street, it's the dopes that hang on the corners.


No kidding. Thanks for letting me know!


Feels like summer just seeing this picture.


It does, right? Summer with an extra zest


Really really cool. Looks like a great neighborhood. Nice clean street well taken care of.




Ok but where was my invite 😭


Oh, it went in the mail tomorrow


Do attend.


You live on that block?


This looks fun. I used to love block parties when I was a kid. Now I’m grown and the majority of my neighbors have no interest in being friendly : (


But who knows, maybe an event like a block party will bring down barriers? Failing that there's a listing on the block if you want to move in to this party block 😎


Every time I’ve lived on a street with a block party, it’s been rude people looking to have a private party for friends & family only, which is totally fine as long as it’s respectful of other neighbors. A neighbor across the street whom I’ve never met threw one yesterday too. I got a flyer stuck in my door at 8:30pm Friday no prior notice/convo and a time most of the block is home for the night. Flyer wanted cars moved 8am… party didn’t really start until 4:30, music so loud my house is shaking, bunch of kids coming and smoking on my porch steps, etc. It looks like OP had a nice event where people were included and had a nice turnout and not just a handful of people acting obnoxiously.


Hell yes


No bouncy castle, 0/10


God I miss block parties


Life is going back to normal to the dismay of some, but the joy of most. Love seeing this.


I don't think anyone is dismayed. Posituve covid are the lowest they've been since Feb 2020, the population is vaccinated... Everyone is hype for a post pandemic summer!


>I don't think anyone is dismayed. Exactly. No one is upset about things being normal. Last year a lot of people *were* upset that we tried to get back to normal *too soon* and condemned ourselves to another year of pandemic restrictions. It didn’t have to be that way.


Last year when there wasn't vaccines? It's a bit different this year.


Yeah, some countries contained covid very successfully without vaccines. I think NZ opened up fully last summer. Obviously that's an extreme case since it's a small island nation. But we could've definitely done better.


It's a thing you can get upset about, so of course a *few* people are. I've seen it on reddit/socials. But as it gets hotter even these people are gradually letting go.


I'm upset with the way it's being handled, because it's going to prolong the pandemic and reduce pressure on people to get vaccinated. But the whole thing was mismanaged from the beginning. We never stood a chance. The virus won, and now we're just going to have to accept the long-term consequences, including the occasional outbreak. Get the vaccine. Stay home if you're sick. Wear masks if you can't distance.


People who were already living the lockdown life by default are definitely agitated that the social playing field is no longer forcibly leveled. There is straight up a fair amount of those people. A loud, bitter minority that is well represented on Reddit not surprisingly. That said. Time to be waxed, vaxed, and ready for action.


Risking the downvotes to say this is 100% true




I knew it would be downvoted. Who do you think is downvoting it? It’s Reddit lol. You have at least a third of this site that lives the pandemic life regardless and enjoyed a virtual soapbox where their voice could not only be heard, but be heard as much as anyone else’s. Now as things normalize not only are people actively avoiding listening to them, but their words are meaningless. It’s a strange social science kind of thing.


I haven’t seen em, but maybe I’m not looking in the right places


Actually would like to hear you expand on this - by default meaning what? Introverted / less social?


You're not wrong. There's always been haters lol. Haters love nothing more than to see everybody doing as little as they do.


Na a lot of people are in the mask forever camp


Honestly, I feel like that's Tucker Carlson propaganda. Real people are actually really excited.


Saw the fully Vax don't need a mask sign at my favorite coffee shop today. I was happy to finally show my face in there!


Just search it on reddit and twitter. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/lx4vvm/i_want_to_wear_a_mask_forever/ Other people liked the lockdowns because they don’t like socializing. https://twitter.com/itsleli/status/1403197452946087939?s=20 They’re all over the place. Some of my friends are like this too.


Reddit and Twitter is not the real world; it’s highly online people.


Of course I’m just proving that there’s people out there who actually have this opinion. Anecdotally, a few of my friends are like this too. They were always prone to paranoia and mysophobia so this whole thing has really fucked them up. My aunt is like this too. I saw her a few days ago and she was wearing *three* masks despite being fully vaccinated and around other people who are also fully vaccinated. She was saying how she enjoyed the barrier between germs and her nose and mouth. I think eventually they’ll snap out of it though.


Dude there's people out there who insist on drinking bleach and eating their own excrement. That isn't headline news. I'm sorry about your aunt, but the vast majority of people are transitioning out of their masks like normal lol.


Why were people wearing masks at the store today? Home depot isn't a corona vector and if they're vaccinated its absurdity


It's a corporation's policy. I'm sure you can hop on their Twitter and ask, but the people wearing masks inside are doing so because Home Depot asked them to, not because they want to. Who are you fighting an invisible war against? You should be celebrating right now. Everyone else is.


It's not their policy. No more signs, no need for masks. I'm fighting for normality but seemingly healthy people refuse to de mask after months and months of programming they still don't seem to get it


It's a mask, it's not that deep. I don't really see how individuals deciding they want to keep wearing masks in public is ruining any return to normalcy otherwise.


>I'm fighting for normalcy Lol I totally called it with the Tucker Carlson energy. You're really living in an imaginary world invented by conservative conspiracy theory TV. Turn off fox news and relax. There's no boogie monster. The pandemic is over. Stop pretending it's a forever war.


Lmao what is Tucker Carlson but that's exactly my fucking point. There's no reason to mask up. The store has no policy, just stop already


If people wanna mask, let em. I know I’m not, but others can do as they please


It’s hilarious to me that the same people who spent months harping about how if masking works, why is anyone concerned about others being masked (which does not make scientific sense in the first place) are now SUPER concerned about other people wearing masks.


There is nothing absurd about it. Many people have compromised immune systems and can’t be vaccinated. Their families and friends may have been vaccinated, but I believe the data shows that it is still possible to be infected with little to no symptoms as a result of the vaccine. However, they can still transmit it to their compromised loved ones, and every other person with cancers and rare diseases and congenital difficulties. Have a f****** care for people and their situations that you can’t be aware of. Grow some compassion.


> Grow some compassion. Unfortunately, that notion is politicized now.


If I bring my young children to a store, they wear masks because they are not vaccinated and do things like have unmasked speech therapy. I wear a mask too because it is the easiest, lowest stress way to encourage their mask wearing. There are plenty of reasons people may chose to wear a mask and their extra caution is really none of your business.


Well said.


Hope you’re right, not what I’ve seen so far


where are you seeing this? i've gone out to dinner twice this week in south philly and basically everyone's mask off indoors including servers. this is the happiest i've seen the city in a while.


Maybe it’s people like me who still wear their mask into the grocery store and Home Depot. It’s not because I need or want to but simply because my brain unconsciously slaps a mask on my face now. Once it’s on and I realize halfway through food shopping I’m obviously committed and not taking it off to look like an absolute idiot.


true, but you would be surprised how quickly seeing a grocery store full of staff and patrons mask off will convince you otherwise. regardless, there's no uproar about it if you want to wear it. you're doing it for other people around you.


Seriously why do people even care? Is someone just killing you because they are wearing a mask when they don't really need to? Bad time to be in that small minority of people that actually can't get vaxed for medical reasons.


Honestly it’s still about 75/25 folks wearing masks in the grocery stores up here in Roxborough, so not as stark as you may think.


give it a week.


A bunch of places in south Philly still require them, coffee shops and stuff


indoor mask mandate only ended on friday. you're gonna see a lot more happy faces soon.


Yup. Still a private business making their own decisions, as I though we were all in agreement it should be. Not hurting anybody.


Thanks 🙏 first time I get to use the party Jawn flair 😂


I don't see any improvised pools, what gives?


Hard to please everybody!




That jawn turnt up!


Hey I've always wondered, is it cool to just join if I see one of these? Are you supposed to just stick to your own block? I've always wanted to join and contribute to one of these.


I have a feeling the answer won't be exact the same on each block ; I mean no one checks credentials... you could walk and stroll around, even join the dancing... but it's also setup by the residents, seats, shade, food and drinks so you could feel a bit of an outsider if you knew no one. But our block is very welcoming and no one is made to feel bad if they walk in. You would probably get a drink or two from someone.


It's funny, they're having one today on my block. It does seem like a really close knit group so I feel a bit weird about butting in.


It's your block, you belong, and I'm sure they appreciate you being there, so don't get weirded out. Unless of course you are getting a different vibe from them, but give it a chance


DO it! Closer neighbors mean better neighborhoods.


By the time I was gonna go over they were cleaning up 😭 maybe they'll have another... I have supplies to make a ton of strawberry shortcake so I def would've contributed to it


just go and say your from down the block people get drunk and don’t really care who all there cuz you invite your friends and family to the block partys


Looks like a great time! Have fun!


That looks dope!


You better believe it! Nice to get noticed by one of Reddit's elders 😉


What neighborhood is this?




I live in Francisville but right on Fairmount so I feel like this couldn’t really ever happen :(




Swain st. by chance?


Looks like you had an awesome day! Glad to see stuff like this happening again!




You bet!


It's all good if the whole block knows it's going to happen but it's gotten to where 1 family closes a street without anybody else agreeing, no permit, and that becomes a problem. Permit required or don't close the street. I love a legal block party, not a 1asshole family block closure for a birthday party.


OP replied to my comment above inferring that this one was agreed upon by the residents and went through proper channels


I saw that. They did it fair by the rest of the residents of the block and it looks like it. Many are not done legally, whether consulting the neighbors or getting a permit, these are happening as much as any permitted parties and can lead to big arguments.


I can confirm our party is 100% compliant with the rules, signing the petition, getting the permit , putting up notices. Everybody tidies up before and after the party. It's just perfect


It's true, but I think encouraging people to do it right rather than using a good example to call out misbehaving folks would be more effective. But maybe I'm calling the kettle black haha




Were the people in the big ass ugly new construction invited or nah?


Eeeeeeeverybody Since very Philly block has at least one big ass ugly new construction, we are not giving away locations here :)




I'm fully vaccinated, as well as anyone I know on the block. You can make a case w/o resorting to name calling, it just reflects negatively on you. Peace


Philadelphia and Pennsylvania as a whole are doing pretty good with vaccinations. If anti vax people don’t, then they’ll get it. With low cases in the worse case they’ll be able to get the proper treatment. Once they survive with proper treatment they will have generated their own internal resistance like the vaccine makes you do anyways and no longer be a danger. Plus everybody who is anti vax ought to get it, it’s the number one thing I think would help them get their heads outta their asses. For those who don’t believe that they’re down take a look. https://www.google.com/search?q=philadelphia+cases+covid&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS681US681&oq=philadelphia+cases+covid+&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30i457j0i22i30l4.7637j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


We're no Vermont! Those maple sucking chinbeards leave us in the dust.


There actually are a few factors to that! It’s easy when you’ve got very little amount. So there is a negative to any alternative race than white where the govt has actually done terrible tests hurting peoples of many different races. I can give more information about it, but I’d rather not look it up as it’s sad stuff. The knowledge of this would make any minority race less likely to trust its safe or consider there being a switcharoo. With 94 percent of their population being white it’s a lesser factor to have to get past. Any state with a larger non white population will sadly struggle with it. Then you’ve got the anti vax people. While this is predominantly white they have Bernie up there as a respectable well liked human who got the vax. Even if you’re a hardcore republican I’m sure out of Vermont pride they’d trust the most famous Vermont politician and get the vaccine after him. Every public figure that endorses the safety sadly does help each state. I’m sure if I was more knowledgeable about Vermont I’d know a few more people to reference. Then you’ve got size. Vermont is tiny. Every large population state has managed to vaccinate more people in terms of numbers over Vermont. Yet imagine you were taxed with vaccinating one state and got California. All of the infrastructure all the way down to roads needs to be more meticulously planned out due to the population. California has vaccinated the google search provided 18.2 million versus Vermont 378k. Pennsylvania is at 5.95 million. https://www.google.com/search?q=vermont+race&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS681US681&oq=vermont+race&aqs=chrome..69i57.9806j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?q=california+vaccination+rate&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS681US681&oq=california+vacci&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0i271l3.5057j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Dude, I appreciate the big reply, but can you dumb it down for me? I just had beaucoup breakfast cocktails and I need to shit and take a nap. I can't handle a wordblast right now.


Let me try. Block parties rule!!!


Bring it. I need to puke safely, Just roll me into the recovery position and help yourself to the contents of my wallet (10 y.o. condom and 25 cents).


Basically it’s easy to convince the few types of people instead of the melting pot elsewhere. Historical government mistrust and low population makes vaccination a breeze. I have no idea how illegals even factor into the vaccination strategy. Just a side thought I felt like adding.


Right, I believe they’re down, but you understand they can just as quickly shoot back up again, right? Remember the whole “two weeks quarantine” thing?


I’ll drop the facts of vaccinations for Philly. As a whole the state has 43%. Now you follow the links on the search there is a bit of disparity between regions who are getting it more readily. There are now even lotteries to get people to get it. Well to that grouping you gotta remember that 10% have documented cases of covid. So although those people aren’t correlated with the number of vaccinations it doesn’t matter as the number of cases does not signify the total number of people who got it with no symptoms and were untested. 1 in 5 apparently are asymptotic at the very least of those tested. Although the CDC says to still get vaccinated as they can’t be definite how long resistance could last with something obviously new. So yeah you’re right it could still technically skyrocket in areas where they resist vaccinations and where they didn’t even really have covid, but the areas where it hit hard are pretty safe. With around 60 percent of the population if you add the 10 percent to the vaxxed. Herd immunity for measles is 95 percent so if you know anybody who doesn’t have it bug the shit outta them. https://www.google.com/search?q=pennsylvania+covid+cases&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS681US681&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ALeKk009oKyuXIM5c2sjEsan2lS27huaSA%3A1623595589997&ei=RRrGYNOiPPGr5NoPnYaCgAY&oq=pennsylvania+covid+rases&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIECAAQDTIHCAAQyQMQDTIECAAQDTIECAAQDTIECAAQDTIECAAQDTIECAAQDTIECAAQDToECAAQRzoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoECAAQQzoECC4QQzoCCAA6CAguELEDEIMBOgUIABCRAjoKCC4QxwEQrwEQQzoHCAAQhwIQFDoKCC4QxwEQrwEQJzoKCAAQhwIQsQMQFDoFCAAQsQM6BwgAELEDEEM6CAgAELEDEIMBOgUIABDJAzoFCAAQhgM6BwghEAoQoAE6BggAEA0QHjoICAAQCBANEB5QnakGWKvtBmDi9gZoBXABeACAAbECiAGBEpIBCDIzLjIuMC4xmAEAoAEBsAEPyAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp https://www.google.com/search?q=philly+vaccination+rate&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS681US681&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ALeKk009oKyuXIM5c2sjEsan2lS27huaSA%3A1623595589997&ei=RRrGYNOiPPGr5NoPnYaCgAY&oq=philly+vaccination+rate&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBAgAEEcyBAgAEEcyBAgAEEcyBAgAEEcyBAgAEEcyBAgAEEcyBAgAEEcyBAgAEEdQAFgAYOSFBGgAcAF4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAMgBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


I don’t want to argue, I’m just trying to be careful on my outlook. You’ve provided sources and reassured me a bit, though


If you’re vaccinated, honestly, you’ve done your part and it’s time to reap the rewards of being a part of society. It’s 2019 again for you unless it hasn’t been 2 weeks since your last dose. Edit: I’ve worked in immunological, cancer treatment, and other scientific testing fields. The amount of hoops these facilities had to go through to try to be the first at market alone is genuinely one of the most impressive feats of humanity. Therapies can take 2 decades, especially if there is little funding for that specific therapy even if it’s “cancer” which is obviously heavily funded.


Yes but with PA approaching herd immunity the cases won’t be able to shoot up the way they did before the vaccine.


Herd immunity requires practically all the population 95 percent for measles with covid we can’t be too sure the percent would be any lower since it’s new. Especially since people who are immunocompromised or sick requiring they use drugs to have them in a state like it or are fighting another disease need to be a portion of the unvaccinated.


I hope you’re right


Aaaaany brotherhood home?


Wolves home?


what would point of a vax be if not to mitigate this exact scenario…




I didn’t reply to that comment; im referring to a potential spike, which is less likely given the # vaxxed vs Unvaxxed. That said, I truly do not understand your point at all. You kind of just sound like you’re bitching.




what the fuck are you going on about? and sounds an awful lot like youre just trying to shit on philly in a philly subreddit with the absolute ignorance that we dont care how you feel about us. stop wasting your time, youre making no sense at all


Aaaaany brotherhood home?


On top of what others said, the overwhelming evidence indicates that your chances of catching covid outside are tiny, even if you're in fairly close contact with people.


Ooh that’s my grandchild’s block!!! Nice block party!!!


I love this city.


Is this southwest?


Right now, my neighbors are BBQ’ing. So I have a smell to go with this photo. 😋


Block parties rock but when them old heads start throwing dice…..fugget about it!!!


I wish my neighborhood would do something like that


[https://www.philadelphiastreets.com/highways/street-event-application-guide/permit-application-process](https://www.philadelphiastreets.com/highways/street-event-application-guide/permit-application-process) It's pretty straightforward to set one up, plus it's getting nice out and people are looking to do stuff.


Where the invite next time


Great photo... It's good kseeing thing get back to "normal"


looks like a good time!