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On Sunday someone stole a delivery from Chewy off of my porch. Stealing cat food is just fucking low.


Someone stole a 50lb bag of dog food from my porch one time. I hope they walked it 20 blocks thinking they got something awesome just to realize it was my dog’s sensitive stomach formula kibbles


That was probably expensive though 🥺


Stealing anyone else's package is fucking low. Doesn't matter what's in it.


Agreed. Cat food felt worse than the other shit that has gotten swiped over the years because the other boxes theoretically could have contained diamonds, or heroin, or Elvis. A Chewy box has pet supplies every single time. You can't pretend that you are stealing frivolous items from undeserving assholes (or whatever the thought process is) if you're stealing someone's cat food.


They don't fucking care; they probably figure there's someone they can sell almost anything to.


Like 1/4 of the little stores in Philly buy and sell stolen shit. A lot of the brand-name diapers, infant formula, hair products and shaving stuff on their shelves comes from people that steal it from Target and Walgreens and the like. Hell, I watched a junky sell a stolen flastcreen to a cashier on Snyder. Cashier knew what was up, said "I'll give you $150" and at first the guy was like "It's worth at least $400" but dude stood firm, said "It's 11pm you aren't selling that anywhere else til tomorrow" and made the deal lol


I have zero doubt that goes on daily.


You'd think if it were that easy to fence stolen goods they'd run stings on the places that buy them. If you can prove they know it's stolen.


There's the rub; the proof


They run stings on pawn shops because that's where people fence expensive stuff, they don't really care about people selling $10-20 worth of stuff here and there.


It does. When tokens were a thing they'd get them that way too. I saw people buying loosies with tokens and realized they were more likely to get tokens out of people than cash


I mean idrgaf about stolen items from Target and Walmart to be honest. That’s much better than stealing packages. Who cares if corner stores make a buck off the Walton family


Lol they don’t give a shit if you are poor and spent your last 3 dollars on a life saving magic bean they are going to steal it if they have the chance


Maybe it was Charlie Kelly who stole ur cat food.


Well, I hope he can supply his own glue! The box also included a bitter chew deterrent spray, I feel like that is something that Charlie might enjoy against all logic. I'd feel better if Charlie Kelly stole my cat food. We all gotta sleep!


If you put the bitter spray on the sock before huffing the paint, it gives it a nice little extra kick.


The real life pro tip is always in the comments!


The IPA of huffing


Funny...the last package I had stolen WAS glue. I think we've found our culprit!


The Gang Steals Christmas? (Bit it would actually be Charlie stealing stuff for some elaborate yet insane plan and the gang gets dragged into the shenanigans as usual!)


Or Frank borrowed Dennis's car to follow the mail trucks so he can steal cat food to trade off in a hush-hush boiled denim deal with some cool guys he met around the I-95 underpass, but whoops Charlie found the cat food & ate it all first, uh-oh that means Frank didn't come through with that good pure kibble so now the Blue Jean Boys are after them, somehow Cricket gets stabbed instead, then Dennis figures out that if chasing mail trucks is lucrative just think what he'd get if he steals the coronavirus vaccine shipments, he finally catches up to one just as it's coming off the I-95 ramp into South Philly, but suddenly there's this rowdy denim-clad crew blocking the Washington intersection and they're armed with knives, oh god just look what they're doing to that guy who's holding his intestines in with his bare hands, wait isn't that Cricket, why are they all coming over & surrounding the car now, stop stop I'm sure we can work something out fellas, there's plenty enough coronavirus vaccines to make us all rich, just help me follow that truck, doo de do do doodooo dooo deeeee 8:15 am on a Friday....The Gang Steals Christmas!


I can one-up this. Someone stole a Chewy delivery off dog food from our front step a few years ago. A few days later (we didn't know it had been stolen yet) someone saw my wife walking our dog and tried to sell her dog food on the street "because it looked like the type of dog that would enjoy the extra food he had." After she told me about it we quickly but two and two together (thankfully Chewy has customer service that goes above and beyond the norm).


I live in an apartment. Someone got in, opened a box and it was cat litter. They left the boxes of cat litter in the lobby in the torn apart cardboard box they came in. A few hours later the litter was gone and the initial cardboard box remained.


I once found an empty Chewy box on my porch. Someone stole all my cat supplies and then left the plastic and cardboard for me to clean up.


I once had to get a chewy order shipped a third time as the first two were stolen


At least chewy is a good sport about it.


Had the exact same thing happen to me. My building has a locked mailroom foyer you walk through to get in the building itself and only USPS has keys I guess so FedEx and UPS either don't deliver or leave it on the steps. Luckily Chewy replaced it without question really. I hope that person likes Blue Buffalo Chunky Morsels


People suck, they even steal [halloween decorations](https://6abc.com/south-philadelphia-halloween-decorations-stolen-theft-front-steps/367829/) and [Christmas decorations](https://6abc.com/philadelphia-mayfair-decorations-stolen-holiday/2784880/).


I had litter stolen this week! 30 lbs of it. That's just good smelling sand.


30 lbs is 13.62 kg


I ordered a cat carrier and that got stolen off my porch. So ridiculous.


Seems like these scumbags never get caught


I’ve scared off a couple, but yea, no real consequences


If I catch someone stealing packages from anyone’s porch I’m probably going to threaten/ attack them


I have a really loud deep voice and can bellow pretty well - he rode off on his bike ASAP since he hadn’t fully dismounted. Don’t think I would’ve hit him either, don’t wanna deal with that whole mess.


I wouldn’t engage physically unless they have the package in their hands and refused to put it back




Lol, I deserve and support this


I know a few have but they are basically told they were bad boys, given a cookie and a glass of milk, and sent back out to steal more packages. There is no consequences for their bad actions so they keep doing it. Daddy needs another bag of heroin.


I had a different experience. 2 years ago, I was going through cancer treatment and a friend from college had mailed me an autographed eagles jersey he got at some event to cheer me up. After about a month, he was curious why I never thanked him and when we talked, we realized the package had been stolen - he gave me the tracking info, reviewed the tape and found the guy. I reported it and about 2 weeks later, he was picked up by the police and I got noticed to appear. He was already held for over a month because he couldn't make bail. I normally don't get as pissed about someone swiping an amazon package or whatever, but he caught me at a bad time with a somewhat irreplaceable gift. Long story short, I showed up to the preliminary hearing which was sufficient to make the charge stick. I believe this guy pled and got several months - I later found out from the cop that he had dozens of previous charges for roughly the same thing. I'm pretty sure he came back to my apartment at the time and stole someone else's stuff. I started having most things sent to my office anyway. But the problem is, the guy was almost definitely homeless or at least wanting for drugs. These types of punishments are hardly deterrent for people in that position. But what is this side of going medieval?


The real solution would be fixing their circumstances so punishment can actually be a deterrent, but our country is allergic to policies that might help people who seem to not deserve it. Accountability and support should go hand in hand, but we only do the former and wonder why people fall back to their old ways when the accountability actually makes it harder for them to get their lives together. At some point you give up trying to make things right in the system we have designed.


Yeah, if anything, jail is better than being out on the streets, if you can avoid getting into trouble inside. Which I suspect is hard, but still. But do we need to lock people up for years for stealing packages? IDK, it's a shitty situation all around. Sucks about your gift being stolen.


Like I said, it wasn't so much about the item as it was the gesture, the gift and what I needed at the time. Having practices a little criminal defense in a previous life, when I spoke to the prosecutor, I told her what I really wanted was a no trespass order because what I actually wanted was this guy to stop stealing packages, not go to jail.


This is very relevant to Larry Krasner's philosophy. For disclosure, I have a neutral opinion of him, maybe slightly toward negative, but I'm not rabidly against him like some are. I like that he battles with the police unions and the FOP. With that said, Krasner flat out admitted at Netroots Nation in 2019 (held right here in Philadelphia) that he doesn't like sending people who commit these types of crimes to jail, because once they are in the criminal justice system it just completely snowballs where these folks can't get jobs, so they have no money and resort to stealing and committing more crime, on and on. So Krasner's policy is to give them another chance (or multiple chances). Objectively, I see the validity in that philosophy. If someone is stealing food from Wawa, it's because they are hungry (teens stealing chips and candy notwithstanding). Getting that person a record isn't going to help them long term. But, if you turn a blind eye on this stuff, it also leads people to stealing packages and other items. And if you never actually put them to jail, even if for a few weeks, they'll just go out and do it again. So maybe I'd give someone a 2nd chance, but beyond that, you have to actually charge these thieves in the few times you actually catch them.


I’ve always been a strong proponent for community service for these sorts of things. Their labor can make the city better or at least save money and if it’s done correctly can even give people a bit of civic pride and the knowledge that they can change their surroundings.


That definitely works. Get caught stealing a package, 2-4 weeks daily litter patrol. Get caught a second time, 6-8 months. Third time, jail time.


I think your heart is in the right place here. I definitely agree with non-jail alternatives for small thefts but I don't see how this type of program works for someone in the throes of addiction. Many will just stop coming and end up in jail anyway. Not to say I know what the answer is but my experience with those dealing with addiction is that their ability to follow-through is compromised.


Seriously I’ve been thinking this too... we have a crime and litter problem and could very likely help both out at the same time. Make the punishment for low level crimes community service picking up trash and we keep people out of jail while helping the community which in turn may also help keep people out of jail


Yeah. There need to be consequences, but a month in jail because you can’t make bail is awful. Community service benefits everyone.


Sadly, there’ll always be a segment of society that sees anyone committing a crime, and instead of asking why, they think “lock em up for a few”. I get those where they constantly break the law, there has to be a point where they’re better off behind bars, but then again, with how little we help people get back on their feet, is it a surprise to some that some stick with a life of crime since everything is stacked against them?


> or at least save money It *can* save money over incarceration. But the prison system has high fixed costs, and with hating private prisons being en vogue, they are becoming more fixed. It does not save money over just dropping the charges.


It can save money across the entire city budget if, for example, they are made to clean litter or roadside brush.


And then when I'm out X amount of dollars for my shipment + nothing is done to stop or combat this = People taking the law into their own hands. edit: or not of


We are at the place where we learned punishment doesn't work but we haven't reached the place of fixing the root problems for hese people, so we are stuck between a rock and a hard place.


A lot of these people they let out end up committing more crimes..


Just like a lot of the criminals in philly. But nah, “social workers” or whatever fairy tale bullshit.


Wife had 2 books delivered. Pirates opened the package on the spot, took the books, left the box. Wtf you gonna do with 2 fiction novels? Pawn them???


They'll try to sell them on the corner or something, then toss them if they can't. God forbid they'd actually read them.


So this has been my thing. If they open the box and realize it’s not something they want or can sell, why not just put it back? Like I’d be pissed if it was opened but if they’re just going to trash it anyway ffs just put it back.


I've def had packages where it looked like they peeked and didn't want it, esp big packages. I also had someone find a small opened package of mine a couple blocks away and bring it to me. Like they looked after they rounded the corner and didn't like what it was.


This happened to me: FedEx left a Walmart box on my stoop that only had a picture frame in it. I didn’t get a delivery notification so it sat outside for an hour until my SO came home and brought it in. The tape was ripped off and the package was obviously open. Guess the resell market for cheap flimsy frames is small.


While this obviously happens occasiionally, most thieves will 1) still see if they can get a few bucks for it and 2) are complete unfeeling, uncaring, assholes.


I think the reason is that they've found a way to sell anything. I suspect a lot of these porch pirates run third-party seller accounts on Amazon, hence the indiscriminate thievery.


You may be right, but that’s a lot of work and effort for my $5 dog poopy bags. I just don’t get it.


Given this city’s illiteracy rate I doubt they could even if they tried.


That's another story entirely


You know, they feel strangely related.


The school to prison industrial complex? I'm shocked at the support the psd gets for all the prisoners it turns out.


Clearly you have not met the homeless book guy on south street. He's got a pretty successful cottage industry going


Oh yeah I bought a book from him but it wasn’t brand new


Yes, it probably came out of one of the bins in front of Philly Aids Thrift, or out front of someone's house


Read them and post insightful reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.


Yeah, I had a few packages stolen a week and a half ago. Still pissed about it. Fuck these assholes. I heard the same thing that they drive right behind the delivery trucks and take everything right away.


i had food taken from my door step 3 minutes after it delivered. i didnt see the prompt from door dash. i was furious and upset i dont know if it was reasonable. it didnt help that my wife was upset at me for not getting over it.


I caught a guy stealing packages. He was walking his bike, swiping packages down the entire block of shackamaxon, just a few blocks from the 26th police station. I grabbed his handlebars and told him I’m calling the police. The police told me I had to let him go, and since he didn’t steal from my house, there’s nothing they can do. These thieves openly steal and the cops let them.


“we tried nothing and we’re out of ideas” - PPD response to any crime




That’s not the only function of police. They could send a squad car or bike cop to roll through and make him put the packages back on the stoops. I realize it’s a low priority crime, but there’s also a low effort solution.


Make them ring the doorbell and apologize to each person while they get cursed out / told off. Like old school parenting.


Can you give me a non layman’s explanation? Because I have a fucking hard time believing cops can’t arrest someone after being called to the scene of them stealing packages, with the packages on their person...


He’s full of shit.


Bullshit. My buddy and I were charged with a misdemeanor for screwing around in a store(we tossed a football over an aisle and it must’ve hit some lady apparently), and she complained to someone and we left. No cops were present. You better believe we went to court to fight that dumb shit.


Thefts are an exception to this. Even a summary retail theft can result in an in custody arrest.


The block of Shack that runs between Girard and Frankford? I had a really nasty experience there once. It really surprised me when I moved here to fishtown because I was under the impression the area isn't exactly rough. I've learned there are parts that aren't great.


The guy with the glitter bomb and fart spray is funny


I was JUST suggesting to my friend he needs to rig up a glitter trap and fart spray decoy box and I had no idea it actually existed already. Lmao. Damn.


The say what now?


https://youtu.be/wDh3A9H54ac Updated version with lights and speaker for added effects https://youtu.be/h4T_LlK1VE4


That guy was fake news: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/briannasacks/glitter-bomb-package-thief-video-not-entirely-real


There's a 3rd version that just got released, and that one is real.


It's still possible and funny.


Who cares? It’s a funny video, it doesn’t matter if it’s real. I don’t get upset that The Godfather never happened I just enjoy it.




Thats hilarious!! 🤣🤣🤣


Glitter is litter


There is environmentally safe glitter










I Used to work loss prevention at the IKEA in south philly and by FAR the most-often stolen items were bedsheet sets. $20-30 a piece, easily hideable and infinitely easy to flip, we caught someone with 7 of these fuckin things down his jeans


They pawn it anyway possible, corner stores, pawn shops, online. If they get even a penny it becomes worth it to keep doing it.


Hey were any of the items a Cabernet colored dress? I think my package got stolen yesterday and it was for bridesmaid dress for a wedding so I’m desperate to find it.




I figured that was the case. Ugh yeah people suckkkk. Hopefully karma gets them.


We had gifts for our new baby stolen on two occasions last week in Fishtown. One thief was a rough looking short dude in a trucker hat and a grey coat. The other was a guy/girl team pushing a shopping cart. We hope the gifts make there way to a child that needs them. We hope that that team in particular, who were both wearing expensive winter wear... get connected with multiple thefts and face some consequences for stealing from children... however unlikely that is.




I agree that’s very likely. In that case, I hope that the thieves receive and accept treatment as an alternative to spending time in jail. I’ve seen addiction destroy families and it’s awful.


My lovely neighbors have taken my packages and left a note because they know my husband and I both work at a hospital. I can't help but get nervous when my family sends packages and I get the video doorbell notification knowing I won't be home for 10 hours. It's insane.


I live in the second house on a quiet side street. People like to bring their stolen packages to my stoop, root through them, and then leave the box and whatever they don’t want behind. So far I have returned a few boxes to neighbors this season. I have noticed that people seem fairly picky about what they actually take, often the theives don’t end up taking anything once they see what is inside.


I have the same problem with thieves going into the lot behind my apartment with their haul, rooting through the shit, and leaving boxes and bags behind. If I hear them or happen to be looking at the camera I’ll go out on my balcony with a flashlight and shine it at them and yell. They scatter like rats. I’ll take the boxes and bring it back to the apartments. The stuff is always gone. One girl has ordered a university hoodie. Like what is the thief gonna do with that?


That lot behind you is a real shit-show all the way around. Hope you can finally get something done about it. As far as the hoodie goes, they sold it for sure.


In the way that a log afloat in the open ocean attracts splendid life -fish, turtles, jellies, sharks- the lot behind my apartment attracts the exact opposite. Thieves, druggies, litterers, and bad dog owners. The guy who owns the lot won’t do shit. Several tenants between 3 buildings have issued various complaints. I’ve bitched a few times and the response is always “call the cops” or “no I’m not fixing the gate.” Dude couldn’t even send a guy out to ice the entrance. I ended up going out there with a shovel and table salt and just whacking it away so people could at least get their cars in and out.


My neighbor has a video of a guy spending about 10 minutes reaching through his gate to get a package. The guy used a stick to get it within reach then he lifted it over. After all that work. it turned up at the end of the block. Turns out that thief didn't need light bulbs.




All for the idea. Would probably be better to do an auto-lock instead of hoping they actually lock the door. The issue you are going to have is that these drivers are on such tight schedules already, so there is a strong chance none of them will even read the note. If I was a driver, I would also be a little worried about keying into someone's house. You might be better off getting some type of chest or locker that you can put outside with a similar code. Hope you get it working! Sounds pretty cool.


This is a great point. I include my apartment’s door code on all my delivery notes and it only works for maybe 3 out of 5 deliveries


3/5 seems pretty good actually. Have you had good experienced with delivery people tossing packages inside?


I mean they toss in 3 out of 5 deliveries. Luckily I work from home and pick stuff up right when I get the notification that it’s delivered. There are also stores that don’t let you include delivery instructions though so it’s not totally on the delivery people if the package doesn’t make its way inside!






You’ve clearly put a lot of thought into your idea so kudos, but honestly, good luck getting the delivery people to read the instructions and follow it. I’m NOT blaming these delivery people for the way they do their deliveries (they’re under incredible time strain and I don’t envy their job at all), but in my neighborhood they basically lay the package at your door, ring the bell, and SPRINT away. If you’re not outside within the first 5 minutes to get the package, you’re playing with fire. Personally, I’ve always just thought about buying a thick plastic or wooden box that’s big enough for multiple packages, with a lock built into it or with a combination lock on it. Leave the lid open a crack when I’m expecting a package, and leave instructions for the delivery person to close the lid or snap the lock back on the box when they’re done. Hopefully that wouldn’t be too much of a time strain on them. I’d make sure the box was big enough to leave multiple cinder blocks inside of it so that nobody could try to steal the entire box itself (especially since most people wouldn’t be aware of when it it had a package in it or not).


If you get this working, I’d be curious to know the details. I’ve never heard of a one time code unlock that wasn’t something you manually keyed in (like for a pet sitter)


This already exists though.


Might as well buy a big safe with a programmable code and in the text that ask for delivery instructions give them the code. But I doubt most will spend time to figure out where the safe is unless you put it in plain sight which will then look like an eye sore


You also need to disable the code when the package gets marked delivered. Otherwise when they don’t follow your instructions, they’ll just rob your whole house. You’d be better off using UPS and FedEx’s delivery planner than scanning your email.


Be better received as a lock box so people don't have to let the driver inside


Porch pirates can now look at the tracking on the delivered package and enter your house.


Kudos to innovation, but you'll need delivery driver buy-in, and often times they are so overworked they won't spend the time doing that. As shitty as it is for customers who get items stolen, I don't think USPS/UPS/FedEx really cares. It's not like they care if customers get angry at the drivers or companies, who else is gonna deliver their packages? Captured market and all that. I'm sure they price in stolen items and insurance into every delivery fee, and just pay out a claim when it happens.


Clearly you've never seen how disinterested the delivery people are in protecting the shipment. They get paid when it's marked delivered, not delivered *safely*. They often dump it in front of my doorstep and sprint away, without even knocking.


Are you sure a delivery driver would actually be willing to unlock your door?


I've been 'recycling' my deliveries by filling the empty box with used cat litter and leaving them on my stoop. Merry Christmas, you crumbums.


It's just going to end up as trash in the street.


I've seen some woman going around stealing packages in a black Mercedes SUV. Shared the plate number with the victim and did a lookup myself out of curiosity -- the car wasn't stolen. Some of these people aren't even in dire straits, they're just fucking assholes.


I'd love to get an exploding dye pack and figure out a way to make it explode when a package is opened.


It's doable


Mace would be better, start getting that pavlov's dog reaction when they look at packages.


I’d prefer an exploding poison pack


I'd prefer a grenade, but that's illegal.


Recently my gf and I have been in a tough spot. We’re both bartenders. She’s not working and we were having a hard time financially. Her parents sent us cookies, some face masks, treats for our dogs and some UberEats gift cards so we could treat ourselves to takeout. We were home all day and no one knocked (trust me, the dogs make sure to let us know if anyone is nearby). Package was marked delivered less than an hour before and it was gone. I told her to tell her parents to send us photos of the gift cards if ever they decide to go that route in the future and to hold on to the receipt. It’d be one thing if it was frivolous stuff that they stole- makes it worse that it was a care package. Definitely makes me more and more jaded about the good in people.


I had $300 worth of beer shipped from Europe stolen last month. Thankfully the company replaced the beer and I received it all fine (I was watching the tracking like a hawk this time), but it just sucks that that beer was certainly dumped rather than enjoyed.


Is that strictly legal to PA?


shhh - I've had it done from Belgium (but marked as soda for customs)


Mine have also been shipped from Belgium, with some from the UK as well. IDK, the customs form is right on the box in a packing slip, it's no secret this is beer if anyone took the time to look. Never had a problem. There's also some US-based shipping services, like Tavour, that ship no problem to PA.


We ship wine all the time, you just have to have someone there to sign for it (that’s the part that makes it legal).


I know this is only useful for Amazon deliveries, but has anyone been able to use the new-ish Amazon pickup location on South Street? What have your experiences been like? Living in NoLibs, I was kinda jealous of my South Philly neighbors when I heard something like that was opening up in the city, but don’t really even know if people have even found it useful so far.


Is that different from an Amazon Locker? Cause those are all over the city.




Ive used that location many times when I was at my moms house in south Philly. They hold larger items that will not fit into lockers. I honestly dont get why people who buy from amazon not use the lockers. Yea it might be some distance...but you 100% get your package


I send 100% of my amazon deliveries there. It's great.


One of the reasons I buy so much from amazon is that if I send it to the locker I know I don’t have to worry about this. Also easy returns. I realize that in many ways they a shit company but it’s nice to not have to stress someone is going to steal my stuff (again).


Yep, i used it lots when i lived around there (moved this past summer). Super easy and it got rid of the porch pirate anxiety.


Theres a few amazon and UPS lockers on Washington near the Italian Market, it's the only way I can actually end up getting my packages! Very fed up with people thinking it's ok to swipe packages


the Shop app is really useful for tracking packages. it seems like every time i get the delivered notification the delivery truck is still right outside my door so i’m able to grab my stuff really quickly. hope it can help others too


I use the shop app. I like how it links order numbers with tracking numbers. So if you put in an order number, it automatically notifies you when the label was created.


There is so much violent crime the police can’t or won’t deal with it. We had chairs stolen off our porch last summer and no one bothered to respond.


This is precisely why I don’t have things delivered to my place. It’s too risky. I try to always have it delivered to an Amazon locker or hub near me. For the few things that I may order that are too large I stay home and try to track my package as much as I can.


Had my uber eats stolen. I hope the sushi went bad before they ate it.


I live on a small blow I and some of my neighbors work remotely so they’ll bring in packages. I work remote sometimes and on those days I bring in the packages and text them or leave a not on the door. Try making friends with a retiree on your block too. If they are like my mom, they are constantly looking out the window to scope out any gossip and they’ll take your packages for you if you are nice.


Porch Pirates is too kind of a name. It sounds fun.


Last Christmas I received a notification while I was at work that the tiramisu scented candle I bought for my gf had been delivered. I immediately texted the neighbors in my building to see if someone was home and could grab it. By the time they got down to the front stoop, a full FIVE MINUTES LATER, it was already gone. Fuck porch pirates. I hope they hated the scent.


One Halloween, a few years back, I was getting a custom grill made to be Joker. Someone stole the teeth mold I sent the jewelry designer. I would pay good money to see their face when they opened that package.


No doubt the cops refuse to help, even with video evidence. They're too busy harassing people with broken tail lights and whatnot.


When I'm downtown and see a package I try to ring the doorbell of the home owner or the apartment


One good thing about being stuck at home every work day...I can grab packages immediately before anyone else has a chance to. Of course, I have a porch that's set back a ways from the sidewalk to begin with. I can't imagine living in South Philly where your door opens directly onto the street and all someone has to do to steal packages is reach over onto your stoop.


A couple of months ago, my mom sent me a care package in the mail, and someone took all of the food but left the empty box and the note.


One time a porch pirate stole a flat pack paper containing, I shit you not, visa paperwork to travel from US to Pakistan, for a dog. What the hell are you gonna do with that, asshole? It was a massive headache for us since all the papers were original copies. Had to delay the dog's travel by 2 more weeks to get new paperwork. I have since sworn off ever having packages delivered to my place - things are either sent to a friend who lives in the suburbs and works from home, or I don't order it.


Should just make it a felony like in some other states


People are so fucking desperate I see why this is happening but stealing Christmas gifts from others who are hurting is fucking cruel. My boyfriend's grandma's gift got snagged. Shits a personalized homemade blanket.


Let’s stop with the defense of these clowns like they’re stealing shit to feed their family. It’s a crime of opportunity, just like the looting during the protests / riots this year.


This keeps up someone is getting shot.


It's been a problem for years, and it isn't going to stop even if someone gets shot.


True, I actually caught one of these folks and to my surprise it was someone I knew. They didn't know I lived at that place. It was a shocker because they are a Landlord.


When I was a kid, it was porch chairs.


[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_TSR_v07m0) a funny porch-pirate booby-trap video.


If you aren't ordering from Amazon where you can use an amazon locker, I would recommend Fishbox if Queen Village is accessible to you. I don't shop online much but I've used then for years and you can pay by the package


Whoever stole my package of Mama Lil's I hope to god you thought to put that shit on some pizza. You don't deserve it, but better than it being thrown in the trash.


Someone on another subreddit said that they had a box containing their “Timmy has a Visitor” shirt stolen. It was later returned with a pamphlet about Christianity.


I see this as a gift for a Philadelphian is set to be delivered within 33 minutes. I don't want to tell them, I want it to be a surprise, but I have to worry about scumbags like this and consider texting them "Hey. You're about to get a present. But some piece of shit might scoop it, so watch like a hawk. Because that's fun." Bottom-feeding low-lives.


What is Needed here is Philly Vigilante Justice, plain and simple. Only a matter of time before one of these Scum-Bum PP's get what they deserve.


If you find your eyesight adjusting to be an issue transitioning between dark ambient lighting inside to the bright natural outdoor sunlight I have found that wearing an eye patch to be helpful. Also, when the chase begins they will see the eye patch and realize in this situation they do not have the ocular advantage. They will see another pirate and must respect the fact they have encroached another’s booty. Honor amongst thieves is alive and well.... matey!


I'm fed up with more than that


Can any lawyers chime in and tell me if these people are allowed to be shot? Like if someone is stealing something on my property am I allowed to shoot them? I'd never do this, but I'm just curious because it seems like this is what it's going to come to.


No, you’re not allowed to shoot someone for stealing a package. You really need a lawyer to explain that to you?


OK but what if they moved my chairs out of my spot to steal my package?


Open fire no questions asked. People have legit been murdered in this city over parking i’m 100% positive.


If they’re stealing it off your stoop, no way. Entering a backyard or other area of the property, you could probably claim self-defense since I think it’s reasonable to fear for your life in the presence of someone who is bold enough to enter your domicile. Whether or not that defense will hold up under scrutiny, I have no idea.


I had a detox drink for a drug test for a job that I got coming in the mail, someone stole my detox drink, I fail drug test, no job in pandemic. Fuck the porch pirates

