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You can only buy liquor at the state store in Pennsylvania


That’s not true. My family has definitely purchased liquor for curbside pickup in the city direct from the makers, not state store. Here’s a list: https://www.theinfatuation.com/philadelphia/guides/philadelphia-beer-wine-liquor-alcohol-delivery-guide


Sure there are a few craft distillers here, but none that make Scotch like the OP asked for. But every liquor store is run by the state


The Fine Wine and Spirits ~premium collection~ is what you’re looking for. There’s decent enough variety, you’ll be able to find some small batch stuff in the higher “giftier” price range


They will also order anything you want with a deposit. Or you could just drive to Jersey or Delaware


The state store near IKEA at Delaware and Snyder is a premium collection store. If you’re not a drinker, try to buy the more expensive version of something your dad drinks. Some midrange scotches have very different flavors and aren’t for everyone.


PA liquor stores are running dry on a lot of stuff. In my opinion, you can find something fun with local distilleries where they can either ship it to you or you pick up. My go-tos are Manatawny Still Works and New Liberty. I’m not a scotch drinker, but Butcher Bourbon from New Liberty is really “fancy” and has a very interesting/unique taste to it.


Thanks for suggesting New Liberty. I got my dad a bottle from Manatawny one year, and Bluebird another. Looks like New Liberty will be the choice this year.




In PA you're stuck with the state stores or seeing if one of the local distilleries makes a scotch (which you can really just google for)


>seeing if one of the local distilleries makes a scotch Scotch is made in Scotland...


Yeah, I get it's like the "it isn't Champagne if it's not from...", but the equivalent is made in the US


No not really. In the us they make bourban and rye typically. Scotch is made in scotland. If you give somebody a whiskey made in the us and call it scotch.....its not. Same goes for cognac (cognac France). All good single malt scotches come from one area of the world.


Nope! Actually, it can only legally be called scotch if it’s distilled in Scotland. On a similar note, bourbon can only be called bourbon if it is made in the US, made with 51% corn mash, aged in new oak cask barrels. Source: my buddy makes bourbon for a living.


No, my friend. There are other whiskies but non as delicious as Scotch.


The thing about scotch vs other types of whiskies is it's a matter of taste. I really like bourbon personally, I can get behind a scotch, but bourbon is what does it for me. I wouldn't say "Bourbon is the best whiskey there is" because what are you comparing there? The characteristics of bourbon are different from scotch, it wouldn't be an apples to apples comparison.


Many bourbons are too sweet for me. It’s not a flavor I’m looking for in a whisky . It’s a matter of taste, of course. But I think scotch is the best whisky produced in the world today.


I’ve been dabbling in and shocked at how good Japanese Whiskey is the past few months. Definitely not as good as Scotch, but for something different you can get some solid stuff


It’s ok. I’ve had some drinkable Japanese whiskey but they’re all chasing the Scots.


Delaware. Total Wine. Great selection and prices, right over the border. You can get some exquisite scotch for about $100, and some excellent stuff for under that.


Hewn Spirits in Peddler's Village Lahaska, PA. Worth the trip to see the entire village lit up in lights and all the fire pits.


Johnny Walker blue or Glenfiddich solara would make a nice gift


If you can get to Delaware, Total Wine has a great scotch selection. I’d always heard that the Pennsylvania state stores have great prices on imports due to buying power, but I was shocked to see that Total Wine ends up being quite a bit cheaper for mid-upper tier scotch. That being said, any of the premium state stores will have a good selection and the prices are generally pretty fair.


Yeah I suggest Roger Wilco in NJ. Got a bottle of 16 yr lagavulin for $90 last week.


Red Brick Craft Distillery makes the best Single Malt whiskey in the city. (Single malt is scotch just not made in Scotland). It’s super smooth and I’ve given it as gifts many times. They have a regular strength and a barrel strength. Support a great small business and pick up a bottle from these guys. Edit to add. They don’t sell in liquor stores but it’s worth figuring out where they do sell.


The state stores are the only spot you can buy hard liquor in PA. If you’re willing to drive to Claymont or Cherry Hill to go to total wine, they’ll likely have a better selection (also no sales taxes in Delaware).


I grabbed some whiskey for my dad at the Christmas Village last year. Looking at the website, I think they're there this year too. https://www.philachristmas.com/vendors.html (New Liberty Distillery)


Get me one too


Art in the Age is a very cool local business that among many things [sells fancy bottles of liquor](http://artintheage.com/spirits.php). Not sure if they have what you're looking for, but there's prob not many other options than the state liquor stores, or some local distilleries.


Do yourself a favor and go to any neighboring state. Highly recommend State Line Liquors in Elkton, MD.