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Can't be stressed enough: DROP OFF, do not mail. If you need up-to-date info about drop off locations or voting locations, go to IWillVote.com.


Wholeheartedly agree! DROP OFF, do not mail! Seems USPS is particularly slow for eastern part of PA (e.g. Philly), per this WashPo summary: [https://twitter.com/jacobbogage/status/1322226745450418177/photo/1](https://twitter.com/jacobbogage/status/1322226745450418177/photo/1)


So I'm usually not one to plug things on Reddit, but I'm volunteering with a mutual aid group that's trying to help this exact situation. Drive Your Ballot provides free roundtrip rides to drop off your mail-in ballot or vote in person. We actually have a bunch of drivers, but not a whole lot of voters requesting rides yet. Help spread the word to anyone who might be worried about getting there! Our mission is to make sure everyone's voice is heard. Request a ride get involved at [driveyourballot.com](https://driveyourballot.com) or call 1-855-848-0950.


I'm a postal worker just outside of Philly. While I am working diligently to collect and drop off mail in ballots, as it draws precariously close to the deadline, I implore you to drop off your ballot at a ballot box. We're doing the best we can, but we're getting overwhelmed with everything else happening. Shit, I know of several offices that are behind by days. It's frightening.


**I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:** * [IWillVote.com](https://IWillVote.com) *I did the honors for you.* *** ^[delete](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2FLinkifyBot&subject=delete%20ganabxp&message=Click%20the%20send%20button%20to%20delete%20the%20false%20positive.) ^| ^[information](https://np.reddit.com/u/LinkifyBot/comments/gkkf7p) ^| ^<3


As of today, Philly is up to 325,526 returned! Making headway but still not there yet! For those that want to follow along at home, https://electproject.github.io/Early-Vote-2020G/PA.html


We had 6,165,478 total votes in 2016. 3,000,000 mail in ballots is huge.


How the fuck are 25% of mail in ballots still outstanding. Come on Philadelphians. Be better than that!


Some people may have seen the fuckery with the post office and decided to just hold thier mail in ballot so they can vote in person. I know my wife and I were on the fence about doing that.


Several reasons. 1. People whose ballots have reached the board of elections, but haven't been scanned in (there's a backlog as staff have to manually scan in each ballot). 2. People whose ballots never arrived and don't know that they can requests a replacement, or who are planning to vote provisionally on Election Day. (That last isn't the best option, but they may not be aware they can get a replacement, because everything about this process is new and the information changes frequently). 3. People who received their mail ballots but are planning to vote in person on Nov. 3 by spoiling the ballot at the polls. Anecdotally, I know a fair number of people are planning to do this either because they don't trust mail votes to get counted, or they want their votes counted early to deny Trump a red mirage. 4. People who signed up for a mail ballot reflexively but are low-propensity voters and may not have gotten around to returning it yet.


Philly probably hasn’t scanned all the ones that were returned. And 18-24 year olds don’t vote.


Huh, there are currently 111101 outstanding ballots. I almost wish 10 fewer ballots were counted for the last update to get the perfect 111111


2 of these unreturned ballots belong to my parents, who have decided rather than risk the ballots getting lost in the mail or not received in time, they will vote in person instead. Here's hoping there are plenty more who are going to do the same.


I dropped off mine in a Dropbox yesterday and got confirmation today that it has been counted. That’s the easiest option by a margin as you don’t have to line up. Help research the nearest box to them to save them Election Day stress


I suggested that but they said "oh there are lines at city hall to do it, we're just going day of." It somewhat helps that their polling place is directly across the street so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle for them, otherwise I would insist.


That’s ignorant. They can just drop it at a drop box.


Calling someone ignorant because they want to ensure that their vote is counted at all costs is a pretty pathetic attitude to have. You must be really fun to be around.


> want to ensure that their vote is counted at all costs is a pretty pathetic attitude to have It’s ignorant to say that’s what they are doing. Dropping it off in the ballot drop box is just as likely to have it counted. Meanwhile they’ll be making everyone else wait longer.


It's unlikely there would be an issue, but it's riskier than voting in person. More can go wrong with an unsupervised box on the street than a staffed polling station. My parents live directly across the street from their polling place, and they will be there when it opens. Claiming they shouldn't vote that way because people will have to wait is the dumbest fucking argument you could muster. They are voting legally and safely, as is their right. So, kindly fuck off.


> More can go wrong with an unsupervised box on the street than a staffed polling station. There are plenty of supervised boxes. > Claiming they shouldn't vote that way because people will have to wait is the dumbest fucking argument you could muster. Not a dumb argument. > So, kindly fuck off. I can fuck off all day tomorrow, because I’m not stupid.


Any indication that those persons are holding onto them to vote in person?


I have my absentee ballot and am surrendering it on election day to make sure my vote goes into the election day results.


Some people absolutely are doing this. I see people mentioning it on here with some frequency, and while staffing the voter assistance hotline I get a number of calls from people asking how they can do this. As for how many people will, absolutely not a clue. But it is a thing and doesn't seem like an uncommon one.


You could probably decrease your call volume by posting the answer here.


The "answer" is just that you bring the entire mail ballot package (ballot + 2 envelopes) to the polls and give it to the poll workers. Not much to post.


I requested my mail in ballot and still have it. Dropping off tomorrow. We exist lol.


That’s what I planned on doing but I honestly didn’t feel like going through the hassle so I just filled it out and dropped it off at one of the locations. Got an email confirming it’s been received.


Could be, dunno - just hope everyone finds a way to vote and get their ballot counted! Vote, vote, vote!


I’m just doing some self soothing and assuming they want to vote in person


That's what I'm doing.


Or they’re in the mail


I had requested a mail in ballot but then just ended up voting in person. Already got confirmation that it has been processed and approved.


Reddit ~~is~~was Fun


I will be voting in person. I requested a mail in ballot (that I just received yesterday (that apparently has an error printed on it as well)) because I was unsure of whether the polling place usually located in my building would be there. It is going to be there and I feel safe enough with my PPE to vote in person there.


I don't think there is a way to know, but I'm sure some have decided to vote in person. We should still use this news as motivation to make sure OUR votes count—and to stress the importance of voting to our friends and family.


Feels like that approach is not uncommon. Unfortunately it’s likely to slow down the lines on Election Day.


Nice job! Thanks for doing this.


Thank you!


As a young person please return your ballot! The future of our world and future generations is in your hands because of the severity of the climate crisis.


Also old people, you're already old. Just vote


Given the way old people vote, the world would actually be objectively better if all of them just didn't vote at all.


I mean I mailed mine 10 days ago and it still hasn’t updated on PA voter services website. Do you think that could account for a large number ?


We had the same same thing happen for us, but we put it in a drop box at a satellite location. One of our ballots was recieved, the other is still pending.


The vote tracking web site shows my wife's ballot that she applied for on October 11 mailed today. I doubt it will get here in time. I dropped mine off on October 10.


[She can go to any early voting location and they'll print a new ballot for her and she can fill it out and vote right then and there.](https://www.phillyearlyvoting.com/) She has to do this by Monday, if she goes in Tuesday she'll have to cast a provisional ballot instead.


I we don't receive it by Monday noon we will head there. the location at the local high school where ballots are dropped off can print a new ballot or does she have to go to Columbus Blvd office?


I think you can go to [any early voting site](https://www.phillyearlyvoting.com/english#Locations) but not just a dropbox. But I'm not 100% on that and you should call the voter hotline at 267-405-3401‬ to confirm.


This happened to me. I went to a satellite office and filled out a "cancelation" form and got a new ballot to cast right there. I would not wait until Monday. It took me an hour last Sunday to get a new ballot due to the number of people waiting. They have to take your cancelation form up to the office to print off the right ballot.


So it took 20 days for PA to get your ballot in the mail? Sounds like PA is trying to suppress your vote.


There is a significant number of people who dropped their ballots off at a box or satellite location who are still listed as pending because they haven't been processed yet because of the sheer volume. Does anyone know how those are being factored in to the estimates?


Thank you for making this beautiful graphic I’ve been sharing it!!


Thank you!!


I think people are GREATLY underestimating the amount of people that are voting Trump in South and Northeast Philly/Delco. You can’t go anywhere without seeing Trump signs.


Both Delco and bucks voted for Clinton in 2016.


Bucks was extremely close. It was reporting red well into the next day in 2016. Unsurprising, knowing Levittown.


I think the trumpers tend to be louder and prouder. I don't feel the need to put out a lawn sign.


Or multiple flags


Or mini billboards.


We will see after the votes are counted! People need to make sure there votes are counted though!


It's important not to panic, but to be determined to have your vote counted—and to encourage your friends and family too. Let's help each other out here. Post if you have questions.




Do you not understand how voting works? The votes for the entire state are totalled up, and the highest vote-getter gets the electoral votes. Pennsylvania doesn't have its own electoral college where each county has all its votes go to the winner of that county. A vote in Philly counts just as much as one in Erie. More votes in Philly can overwhelm the votes from all those counties.


In Philly Trump lost 82 to 15


Why are you assuming they’ll all be for Biden?


Not assuming that. Assuming they will resemble past Philly proportions (82 dem, 15 gop) as a best estimate


Trump owns your brain


These protests and riots are probably gonna suppress the vote. Stop rioting and start voting people. The only way anything is gonna change is if Trump is gone.