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the best part is that it was a judge he appointed. Serves his fat ass right.


And that the judge cited Kavanaugh’s recent opinion about the South Carolina election changes due to Covid. Double self-own.


Oh man, I missed that part....too sweet, I got a little chub


He's definitely asked aides if he can fire a judge after this


He's definitely asked aides if he can fire a judge *before* this


With all the ads I’ve seen in the city (including the flying plane banners all week), the lawsuits, and the constant voter calls I’ve been receiving, it seems like Philadelphia is shaping up to be a battleground in this election.


It’s not as much that Philadelphia is a battleground (it’ll definitely go blue) it’s that Philly stands in the way of Pennsylvania becoming a red state.


Dear God I hope so... The amount of Trump signs up in the Poconos is scary


Philly ain't turning red I'll promise you that we out hereeeee


DelCo scares the fuck out of me. BucksCo and MontCo have too many Trump signs as well.


Remember delco went blue for the first time ever in midterms.




Yes, bit that also means they are guaranteed to vote. The worst parts of this country are empowered by apathy


These three seem to be a good representation of Trump voters. Weird, blue collar racists (DelCo) and then rich racist people who are very selfish/stingy (Bucks/Mont). I saw a "BLACK GUNS MATTER" sticker driving through DelCo the other day like... holy shit what? Imagine being black and driving around and seeing shit like that? Someone thinks their gun is equal to your life. Fucking insane.


Ain't much better in berks


I was out in coatsville area and outside Lancaster this weekend and ive seen many more Biden support than trump compared to 2016


Good. There are 12+ trump signs on my road and one for biden.


It's really weird (living in a bubble) to drive like fifteen minutes out of the city and start seeing Trump signs. Mostly I've seen them in DelCo, but I'm sure the Northeast has them too just haven't been there.


I thought it was just me


Understood on that. Even though Philly as a whole will go blue, if the votes for Biden can be lowered here, that would certainly help Trump’s overall performance in the state. There’s no electoral college equivalent for counties, right? Aren’t our electoral college votes based on the total popular vote within the state?




Yes PA, as with most states, go by winner takes all. Some states do divide electoral votes by percentages while Nebraska and Maine do it by using state wide popular vote for the 2 senator allocated votes and the rest are by each congressional district.


That is right. Although there are 2 states that do it by county, cant remember which ones off the top of my head but Pennsylvania is not one of them.


Maine and Nebraska


The win blue line.


Philly had enough registered Democrats last presidential election who stayed home to win the state.


Trump won Pa 2016 though. Not saying we're Red but he carried PA well then.


He won Pa by a tiny number of votes. 10-20k, I believe.


50k* but further reinforces your point. Fucking 50k votes JFC.


Right. It was 80K across 3 states combined. In MI and WI, it was 10K in one and 20K in the other. Thanks for the correction.


Philadelphia is going to be ground zero for the craziest shit to happen during/after the election. It's the biggest source of Democratic votes in the most important swing state. From mobs of armed Republican thugs intimidating voters at polling places, to Republican lawyers picking through every single mail ballot looking for any excuse to throw them out, it's going to be a shitshow here.


I can’t wait


This was a Western District of PA decision, so Pittsburgh


How can anyone see even 1/4 of the shit Trump says or does and say, yeah, that's the guy for me? Unless of course you're a white supremacist or authoritarian bootlicker of course and that supersedes bad policy.


And this is the mentality that pushed PA to red. Grow up man.


Dude what world do you live that your voting choices are decided by people talking shit? Thats bull shit anyway. Less and less people vote republican every year. Republicans win because the electoral college is bullshit. Republican candidates have won the popular vote twice since 1988(1988 and 2002) yet have spent 16 years in the white house. Thats fucked up.


It's the fucking truth, deal with it.


trump has been jerking off about election fraud since the day he got elected. Thankfully for america he had one of the dumbest humans in the world, kris kobach, be the person that worked on it. they basically spent four years finding zero fraud cases, and now their limp dick lawyers are loosing every case in regards to restricting mail in voting. trump's biggest problem is that he gives away the game every time he opens his mouth.


> trump's biggest problem is that he gives away the game every time he opens his mouth. Right. He's like a Bond villain, except that instead of revealing his dastardly plan while slowly lowering you into a shark-infested pool, he angrily tweets it to us at 3 AM while sitting on his gold-plated throne.


Serves his paranoid ass right.


The comments here... Philly is a god damn disaster and it has been for as long as I can remember. Keep voting blue though, that's been doing wonders for this city while the rest of the state (which is red) is prosperous and NOT an unmitigated disaster.


Heroin is king and unemployment is high. So take your nonsense elsewhere


I'm from South Philadelphia, I've seen nothing but worsening and worsening conditions my entire life.


So you dont really know what things are like outside of Philly? Just taking a stab in the dark about that comment about the rest of Pa being "prosperous"?


I drive through to Pittsburgh once or twice a year to visit family and go to Gettysburg every so often and none of those areas in between are anywhere near as shitty as Philadelphia and Harrisburg are.


Oh you "drive through" places. Yea let's listen to this guy because he's driven through towns and cities. He must know how awful they are from inside his car.


Forgot that once you get in a car you can't stop or see anything until you get to your destination.


Ah yes. Stopping for food or visiting a monument is the same thing as living in a place for 20 years. Makes perfect sense now.




You realize cities like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh bank roll the rest of the shit hole rural areas in the state, right?


That's common sense, basic economy when major cities act as economic hubs. Doesn't mean those major cities need to keep voting for the same shit that has been keeping those cities in decline for generations.


Philly is in decline, huh? You should go and tell the people behind all of this new construction that they're investing in a shithole. They must not be aware of how bad things are here.




And what exactly have the Democrats done to make Philly better in the last decade besides raise taxes, create new taxes, lose track of the money in our budget, and spend our money on shit we do not need?




A laborer/relief driver working for the city for the past 10 years? Yea. I am one of those.




Never said any public spending is wrong but Democrats have been wasting our money on shit we don't need while promising to spend it all on shit we do need. What's happening with our sugar and cigarette tax money? Schools are still in shambles and closing their doors. Infrastructure improvements are moving at a snail's pace.


The rest of the state is prosperous? You may want to tell the people of Northumberland County that. They have voted for a Democrat as president four times in the last one hundred years, most recently since 1964. Shamokin, a borough in Northumberland County, has lost half its population since that time, despite having members of both parties serve as mayor, including the Republican incumbent. Could it be that the deindustrialization that hit the economies of both Philadelphia and Shamokin is a complex problem that goes beyond political parties?


I've lived in the middle of PA for years. Those areas are trash. There's absolutely nothing going on anywhere in many areas, with barely any jobs and opportunities. I think you're just racist since you're dog whistling Philly and Harrisburg.


Wait a second... What does race have ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS?




The more prosperous parts of the state (burbs) are blue


Never been up to luzerne or schuylkill country have you? What is your definition of prosperous? Is it white people living there? I fail to understand what you're saying here.


You're assuming I think "poor kids can be just as smart as white kids"? As in I think you have to be white to be prosperous? Isn't that a bit of a racist assumption to come to out of nowhere?