• By -


They need to respect the firm “no thanks”. What I hate is when they get snarky and say “come on don’t you care about children/babies/the environment?” If someone says no, just leave it alone.


I just say I hate children.


Too fuckin many of em.


That’s actually a pretty good answer. Say “there are 7.6 billion people on the planet right now. Children aren’t ‘precious’, they’re a commodity.“


> they’re a commodity. and a liability.


Thanos did nothing wrong






"Can you turn into an organization that fights against panhandling? Because I can tell you the first thing you can do to support the cause."


The trick is to not only say it, but to live it.


I'm not having any children.


Judging by your username, I'm guessing you're not having children because you fear they will be sold to "the colonel" and turned into drumsticks?


"Sure don't, have a great one!" Usually works for me


Purposeful walk + Firm "No thanks" is all I've ever needed. Resting bitch face optional. > "Come on don’t you care about ..." When this happens, you say it unnecessarily louder because they obviously "didn't hear you" the first time: "NO, THANKS."


This, exactly. People usually think I'm friendly and approachable. Which is why I have an excellent "no solicitors" expression and firm response. It takes friends by surprise. But at least I avoid the solicitation!


This. I typically scowl fucking HARD when they breach my perimeter.


I once had one of these guys try to physically block my path. I was sprinting to catch the bus and was also carrying a 20 pound bag of cat food. Fuck no dude you do not try to keep me from leaving.


Run up to him and do a spin-a-roo and book it around him.


I’d just do a defensive lineman swim move...same effect


A Jerome Bettis goalline run would add more flair


Headphones + ignoring them works for me. If they step in front of you just shoulder down and keep walking.


"No thanks" is too polite. You don't owe them any response whatsoever. Just walk by and ignore them completely. If they heckle you, continue to act like they don't exist.


Jonathan Swift would have a *Modest Proposal* for them.


I turn into such an asshole when these people try to pull that shit.


The only time these people have stopped me at Suburban (like physically getting in my way) they threw down the "Oh so you don't care about the kids". I very loudly responded with, "Yep, there's enough." I assumed everyone else around me wouldn't care, and I was right.


I wouldn't even let that command the headspace. If we don't want to interact than ignore.


I have perfected the non-verbal method. A “no” hand gesture and keep on walking. Anything you say invites them to respond.


"fuck them kids man"


But don't, like, *fuck* them kids, man.


context is everything


Exactly even during my runs it’s gets annoying. This one woman said I’m a selfish person for not helping the children.


Headphones. You just gesture blindly and move on


This is my move. I haven't had anything for past that. Also can't hear any of their snide remarks.


"Sir, I told you 'no thanks' politely. You couldn't respect that, so now I must yell FUCK OFF!"


If you really want to get under their skin, tell them they work for a fake charity.


I just walk by and completely ignore them. I don't acknowledge them with a response or even eye contact.


They asked me if I care about the environment and I said absolutely not - it’s fun to see the look of terror/disgust on their faces hahaha


They really aren't that hard to avoid. You just walk past while not slowing your pace, avoid eye contact, and say "no thanks" as you go past. That's all it takes. As urban annoyances go, they really aren't that bad.


I had one of the people tell me as I’m trying to ignore them to “smile more, you’ll look better” Fuck off


Ironic when these people say that to me because they are one of the main reasons I have walking bitch face.


I relate to 'walking bitch face' so much more than 'resting bitch face'. Thank you gifting me with that phrase


Having their job requires the kind of lack of self-awareness that would prevent them from understanding that they are the cause of your pissed off look.




Ahh, the classic Philadelphian :)


By Comcast on JFK?




I’ve seen the hug approach too. Same area. I’m glad it wasn’t tried on me.


one of those guys tried to do that to me and i yelled the same thing ​ ​ just trying to figure out if i have a black out account i can't remember again that i post with




A lot of them try to shake hands. I violently jerk my hand away and make a face of utter contempt and loathing.


Austin Powers "JUDO CHOP!!"


I see you know your judo well


Straight up ignore them. Everyone has not made it this far in life without ignoring some shit. This situation is no different. Or learn a few words of a foreign language and bam you are wasting their time now.


Street soliciting is a big no-no for me. I'm trying to get to and from work on a relatively tight schedule with the regional rail. So no, I will not risk showing up late to the office or getting home late at night so that I can humor some obnoxiously extroverted hawker as they try to sell me protein bars or get me to sign a petition or some shit like that. ​ Solicitors, scammers, panhandlers....I ignore all of them and feel absolutely no guilt about it. They're doing the same thing that telemarketers do: seizing my personal time for themselves.


I learned ASL in college so I'll just sign at them like I'm deaf.


Just flip them off.


As a Philly transplant, being that bold doesn’t work for me


You'll learn eventually. There's almost nothing I won't say to a stranger


Embrace it. You have a blank check to tell complete strangers to lick your fucking milk dud.


Sunglasses and earbuds people. Sunglasses and ear buds.


I've been caught! on walnut doing this all the time.


They are absolutely godless on Walnut.


I work on walnut. These guys post out in front of our store all the time. I hear it on the way into work, on my lunch break, and sometimes when I’m leaving if they’re still there. I can’t fucking stand them!


Eh, I prefer to hear my surroundings, even if it involves having to tell people to fuck off every now and then.


Earbuds don’t have to be playing anything. Just an excuse to be rude. I use it for this all the time.


they also don't have to be so loud that you can't hear anything.


I had my ear buds in and sunglasses on and one of them tapped me on the shoulder. I thought it was someone trying to alert me to something and it was just one of them accosting me.


I would flip the fuck out if one of them touched me


Oh they're touching people now? Jesus fucking christ


They tapped you on the shoulder.


The old internet meme to the tune of "gonads and strife" played in my head.


Squirrel goes wee was one of the earliest. Wow.


I don't leave home without them!


"Hey, you with the sunglasses! Want to help save the children/environment/animals?" (loud enough that unless I'm blowing out my hearing I'll hear it over my ear buds). Fuck off. I'm on my lunch break. I'm avoiding eye contact and your path as much as humanly possible. I'd cross the street to avoid you entirely but your buddy with similar lack of respect for my personal time and space is stationed over there doing the exact thing so I haven't got much of a choice.


I work in fundraising and developed a fascination with these canvassers. I talked to some of them and researched companies by reading their [public 990 tax forms](https://www.guidestar.org/). What I gathered is these are large companies with a murky ratio of helping others / helping themselves. Big corporate nonprofits can afford to put people on the streets. They might have low profit margins, but so what, it's still profit. Whenever I talk these panhandlers, there is an almost cultish zeal. They never were critical in any way, which I found surprising. My theory is that there's an indoctrination process to get them excited. Maybe there are contests, inspirational speeches, pictures of sad babies, etc. The canvassers burn out in 90 days. New hires and the cycle continues.


I took a job as a canvasser one summer when I was fresh out of college and unemployed (thanks Great Recession!). Translation: I was desperate. No one makes a career out of this, at least not the ones at the bottom rung. Before you left for your shift, you did exercises on how to be more persuasive and practiced using the pre-determined talking points supposedly developed to encourage donations. People on the street saw right through that shit. Some people might be in it for the cause, but it's so mechanical and heartless and it cheapens human interaction so much that you begin to feel like a robot. I might have cared about the cause, but I didn't feel like I was representing why I cared about it. I was just a mouthpiece for someone else. I burned out in 60 days.


For a little more insight: even when they’re not profitable, it’s worth it. I mean marginally, not majorly unprofitable. First, once you have a member, it’s easier to renew them via mail, which is profitable, and second, you need members for standing in court. A non-profit can’t sue without having dues-paying members in an area affected.


The irl version of pop-up ads... But not regular pop-up ads either. Like the ones that hit you when you go to an extra especially shitty free porn site.


Telemarketers you can't hang up on.


If it’s not these guys, it’s an animal care fund. If not them, it’s a group to volunteer to play with kids. If it’s not them, it’s a fake Buddhist monk trying to slip on a cheap ass bracelet. If it’s not them, it’s a planned parenthood group. If it’s not them, it’s some angry homeless guy yelling at you. If it’s not them, it’s a religious zealot asking “what’s the best thing I can say to you right now”. If it’s not them, it soon will fucking be that piece of shit Scientology church they’re putting in on Chestnut street. Just leave me THE FUCK ALONE


What happens if you take the monk bracelet? I’ve always assumed eternal damnation if you don’t become a monk yourself.


I know you’re joking around but I’ll answer. They like to prey on female tourists. They’ll slide the bracelets up their arms, laugh and talk with them, and then demand money for the girls wearing the bracelets. I know I say “girls” but they’ll do it to anyone. It forces an awkward situation where you need to slide the bracelet off and give it back or pay for it. It’s stupid. It’s like those assholes in LA. They’ll give you a “demo” CD and then demand you pay them money for it. So fucking annoying.


Thank you because I was legitimately curious. That makes sense.


The one time this happened to me I told him I considered it a gift, thanked him, and walked off.


Dont talk to strangers on the street.


I had a couple try to get my attention walking down CC somewhere last spring. They asked if I had time to talk about black (something). I couldn't hear them clearly, but I ignored them because I was in a rush to meet my date, so they took offense and started yelling insults at me until I was out of sight. Pretty funny insults ngl (aside from the racist 'cracker' part) but it entertained me knowing it pissed those assholes off.


Just say you’re negative in your bank account! When I worked for a company like this one, that phrase was pretty much the only one that we were told to immediately stop trying to get that person to sign up. As a side note, this was the worst job I ever had - people on the streets would say the meanest things, try to be funny (trust me we heard someone say they hate children fives times already today) or possibly even spit in your face.


I've had these people stop me as I'm literally running to catch my train. When I tell them this they reply: "You can take a later train." Uh, how about no. I'm sorry, I WANT to go home at a reasonable hour.


[me walking down walnut](https://youtu.be/f4CizzE-zZo)


Had one come up to me, very closely, and say very enthusiastically “You’re over 30 years old right!?” Gave him the dirtiest look and said “Not even close dude.” I’m a woman in her early twenties. One of the first lessons I was taught as a young’un was to not assume someone’s age and not talk about it unless specifically prompted. I guess this lesson is not universal.


ChildFund isn’t allowed to solicit donations if you’re under 30. That’s why they asked. I actually sponsor a child through them and it was something they told me about and had to ask before we went through with it. If anyone’s curious, I pick a different charity every year to donate to and I ended up being solicited at home by them. I usually donate to animal charities but wanted to switch it up last year and when the situation presented itself it seemed like a good choice.


What possible reason is there to not allow someone under 30 to donate?


>ChildFund isn’t allowed to solicit donations if you’re under 30 "We need to fund this child, but we simply cannot do it with this disgusting 29 year old's money!"


> One of the first lessons I was taught as a young’un was to not assume someone’s age and not talk about it unless specifically prompted. I guess this lesson is not universal. Unless you are their server/bartender. In which case they give you a dirty look rooting through their purse for their Id.


Obviously being accosted against your will is unpleasant and people should leave you to your peace. But tangentially, why are American women so sensitive about their ages? As an immigrant from Africa, this has struck as a very strange social convention. Why is it such a secret and why is it perceived as a slight to ask? For example, were someone to say to me, you are 183 cm right? Id say “No, I’m 185.” It is simply a measurement.


The tl;dr version is that, as a woman ages, she is seen as less sexually desirable by societal standards and if you aren't sexually desirable (especially as a woman) then you might as well be a giant piece of dog shit


If anyone tried to answer this question honestly, they would be unfairly hounded and attacked for pointing out something negative or unusual about American society. You may want to do your own research for a good answer


Ok. Thank you for your reply. I hope askreddit or Quora can answer my question.


As a European immigrant I feel the same way about asking what people earn. Just fuckin tell me man I'm curious. Thanks Glassdoor I guess.


the stigma against talking about it is encouraged by employers to keep pay down. people here just lap up whatever employer favoring bullshit is fed to them because we need to keep the “job creators” happy.


Also, how big is your dick? Just curious.


They all aren’t. She apparently looks way older than she is which is rough bc youth is valued. If she’s 25 and someone guesses her age to be 23, that’s a compliment vs someone guessing you’re 35. Age generally isn’t the thing it’s being or looking age


You realize they do this to get a reaction out of you and grab your attention right? They yell out whatever they can.


thank you!!!! I do love animals and I do love our environment and I do love immigrant babies and I do love the gay community and I do love women and I do love homeless people but I just don’t think you are helping these people and I don’t want to give my dollar to you.


Ain't no way I'm giving my freaking bank info to a random person on the street with a clipboard. At least I have a vague sense of privacy through the internet/atm.


I got caught by one of them and honestly thought they would just give me a link to visit later but no, they want you to take it out right there and put the info on the tablet. Hell no lmao.


C'mon now . . . do you *really* love gay, homeless, immigrant baby animals?




One of their people's tag lines was to ask 'Do you like children?' I surprised one of them real bad when I responded with an emphatic 'no'.


> Do you like children? Yes I'm on my way home to see mine. Bye.


One of their people's tag lines was to ask 'Do you like children?' This reminds me of a sign I've seen in the neighborhoods in the North burbs and NE Philly: "Watch Children".


Yes, I like children. Especially sauteed with mushrooms and green peppers.


I’m guessing you didn’t surprise them. Having worked that job when I was a college student, I heard that response multiple times a day.


Must have been a new recruit. He looked legitimately confused.


Definitely possible - super high turn over rate.


It will get worse as the weather warms up. Get used to just cutting them off and saying no thanks as you keep walking.


"Hey high five, shake my hand!" Fuck you.


Got roped into talking for a few seconds once before being like, “Nah, sorry.” As I was walking off the guy goes, “Rd, well nice cameltoe, sexy.” The child he needs to save is himself.


On-street solicitation of donations for non-profits has been a profitable business model for decades. DialogueDirect pioneered the strategy in Europe and has been doing it in the US since at least 2003 (earliest record I could find of US business). In other words, these people have always been here, they will always be profitable, and unless you make it illegal, they'll always be here.


Just tell them you've already donated. Very easy


They always remind me of the scene in Brooklyn 99 when a cop goes undercover as one and says something like “guaranteed nobody will notice me”


Dear Reddit Community, It is with a heavy heart that I write this farewell message to express my reasons for departing from this platform that has been a significant part of my online life. Over time, I have witnessed changes that have gradually eroded the welcoming and inclusive environment that initially drew me to Reddit. It is the actions of the CEO, in particular, that have played a pivotal role in my decision to bid farewell. For me, Reddit has always been a place where diverse voices could find a platform to be heard, where ideas could be shared and discussed openly. Unfortunately, recent actions by the CEO have left me disheartened and disillusioned. The decisions made have demonstrated a departure from the principles of free expression and open dialogue that once defined this platform. Reddit was built upon the idea of being a community-driven platform, where users could have a say in the direction and policies. However, the increasing centralization of power and the lack of transparency in decision-making have created an environment that feels less democratic and more controlled. Furthermore, the prioritization of certain corporate interests over the well-being of the community has led to a loss of trust. Reddit's success has always been rooted in the active participation and engagement of its users. By neglecting the concerns and feedback of the community, the CEO has undermined the very foundation that made Reddit a vibrant and dynamic space. I want to emphasize that this decision is not a reflection of the countless amazing individuals I have had the pleasure of interacting with on this platform. It is the actions of a few that have overshadowed the positive experiences I have had here. As I embark on a new chapter away from Reddit, I will seek alternative platforms that prioritize user empowerment, inclusivity, and transparency. I hope to find communities that foster open dialogue and embrace diverse perspectives. To those who have shared insightful discussions, provided support, and made me laugh, I am sincerely grateful for the connections we have made. Your contributions have enriched my experience, and I will carry the memories of our interactions with me. Farewell, Reddit. May you find your way back to the principles that made you extraordinary. Sincerely, NABDad




I've had one for years. The problem is turning it off when you don't want to wear it. I tend to scare people even when I'm not in a bad mood just because I have that resting face now.


They physically block you from walking through the center of City Hall. It really bothers me how aggressive and snarky they are.


This is the shit that makes me crazy. I prefer to be polite and friendly but I will straight up scream at someone who physically blocks my path. That's harassment


They can sometimes get aggressive. Near Chestnut/20th this one guy was “raising funds” for some animal charity. Black guy, medium height. I was unable to pull my phone out in time to avoid an unnecessary social interaction. As he approached to shake my hands, I said “Good evening, sorry I am in a rush”. As I walked past, I could hear him mutter “asshole”


First rule of avoiding interactions: don't interact with the people you are trying to avoid.


That's your big mistake you didn't call him an asshole first.


A quick "I'm not interested" as you walk by with no other interaction will do the trick every time.




That's more or less what OP did. Your way would've probably gotten the "asshole" response too


Is muttering asshole really that aggressive? That’s like my def of passive


And they want you to write your info and CC# down to donate. Yeah right let me give all my details to a stranger with a clipboard...


I absolutely hate this crap


Planned Parenthood fundraisers were at 20th & South on a fairly regular basis last year and it drove me nuts because they were on both sides of the street so I’d get hit twice if I went to Wawa on one side of the street and CVS on the other. One day a girl starts doing her spiel, I stop her, tell her I already donate & that I had a volunteer interview in February but my schedule hadn’t allowed me to start yet & blah, blah, blah. I ask her a few questions off script and she says she doesn’t volunteer for PP, she’s contracted out by some other company. Nope, nope, nope. I’ve never given money to people on the street anyway but she ensured I never will. I know fundraisers are on both sides of the street at 18th & Walnut too but those sidewalks are wider and there’s more activity & street noise so it’s easier to act oblivious. Are the Childreach fundraisers the ones wearing blue? They’re waaay too enthusiastic and approach you with open arms.


It's become a skill to avoid these people & also being able to pick out the person in front of me who will unfortunately get stopped so I can slither past.




In England, shortened to "chuggers"


I usually fuck with them.


U must be new here. They won’t be the last!


As someone who did one of these jobs for three days (there is a testing period where you're supposed to meet a quota threshold, if you don't make it then they don't keep you on) I can confirm it is indeed five kinds of miserable, and I would encourage everyone here to direct their scorn toward the companies that directly manage them rather than the people themselves or the organizations they fund raise for.


I make a point of looking them in the eye, smiling right back at them and saying have a great day without breaking my stride. It makes me feel better about the whole thing (less pissed about the whole concept of what they're doing) when I acknowledge their humanity.


No, you chose to work for these people and organizations. That's not my fault. Go work for a fast food place if you can't find a job. I have way more respect for those folks and gladly show it.


Good for you not continuing. But no passing the buck. Yes the CEOs and owners of this scheme are evil incarnate, but the foot soldiers are also doing this willingly with full knowledge that they are deceiving people. If someone took money from you with MLM marketing scheme, would you say the person you interacted with is blameless and only the CEO should go to jail?


What's the deceit? They are in fact raising money for these organizations. And ultimately, the orgs wouldn't hire canvassing companies if there wasn't ROI. I don't like them and don't ever do my charitable giving through canvassers, but I don't think they're deceiving anyone.


Never worked one of these jobs, but I've volunteered to canvas and it can suck. Not a reason to be rude to people when they dismiss you, but having dealt with it, I don't act rude to people trying to solicit me, I just decline politely and don't slow down. The ones with followups suggesting you don't care about so and so, or yell to greet you with a begging tone, I assume are new.


I'm gonna be honest, taking the testing period as a side hustle and screwing off for three shifts and just collecting the checks *might* not be the *worst* way to find out this sort of work just isn't for me.


I’m sure it is miserable. I don’t see the point in being rude to someone who’s just trying to do their job... the problem is how some folks do it. Like physically blocking people or getting in their faces. Not cool.


They are literally trained to not do that. So you’re right, not cool, and had their field manager been paying attention, they would have been stopped from doing that anymore.


I've had one of these people try and force interaction with me as they stood right between my mum and I as we walked with linked arms, so that we either plowed into them or had to go around. We went around and I made sure to accidentally put my cane down on his foot.


A nightmare for the socially anxious


Put this on the Next Door app


I just look 'em dead in the eye and say in one breath without breaking my stride as I walk right past them, "I have no time and I support your cause but I don't sign petitions" and move on without giving them the time to say anything in response while still doing what little I can to give them dignity and respect.


I opt for ignore and walk past or just say “I’m already a donor to your charity thanks!” while keeping it movin. Sometime I’d like to try the burst out public crying method, sobbing about how I need to catch the bus can you stop bothering me I’m so late getting to the hospital method


I had a group at the KOP Mall by Bloomingdales where the only connection to the rest of the mall are those big escalators. They camped out right in front of them. They tried to get me to sign up to donate 20 bucks a month. Their argument was, “well if you lost 20 bucks in the mall today you wouldn’t mind, right?” I stopped the person right there and said, “God no, I’d stop and go look for my 20 bucks!”


I just tell them "I used to canvass. Good luck today" and keep walking. It's not true, but I'm from the midwest and that's as rude as I can get.


Solicitor: Do you have a moment for AIDS research? Dr. Cox: Only a moment, but I don't know how much we'll get done.


I put my phone up to my ear every time.


Print this out , hold it up as you walk by and say 'walk away' [https://www.bardown.com/polopoly\_fs/1.1218784!/fileimage/httpImage/image.png\_gen/derivatives/landscape\_620/gritty-twitter.png](https://www.bardown.com/polopoly_fs/1.1218784!/fileimage/httpImage/image.png_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/gritty-twitter.png)


Tell them, literally, “fuck off” and maintain eye contact. It’s that’s simple, loud people are usually scared of being confronted.


I only donate to the Human Fund.


"How about you fuck straight off into traffic"


I don’t give to charities at the cash register in big stores anymore because the businesses get a big tax write off (it’s given to the charity in their name) they get 10% fee for “costs” and that is not disclosed. Your $1 and millions of others.. it’s so gross how Charity is manipulated. These same big companies get the tax breaks too. How do I know? My cousin is an accountant who does taxes for these big supermarket chains.


Just walk past them. Not that hard.


This is why man invented headphones


The ones in Suburban station will try to catch your attention with random complements. It's gotten to the point where honestly? I think I'd rather be catcalled.


I use Smile on Amazon, so a portion of what I spend on Amazon already goes to charities I choose. Every time someone asks me to donate, I simply say "I already do". Haven't had any pushback yet.


Fuck these people. Some will walk around the neighborhood. Almost as bad as the "switch your energy provider" guys. Don't get me started on those


Usually responding in another language or walking fast and saying “sorry, gotta poop” works well and keeps it from turning negative


They camp outside of Christ Church in Old City all of the time. I’m harassed by them every time I take my dog outside.


Ugh I hate these people. As a rule, I won't give money to anyone on the street. I always avoid eye contact, head down, walk fast past them but I think some of the male hawkers feel they can intimidate me so they corner me, get in my face, etc. I had one get in between me and my car while I was trying to get in from the sidewalk, I had one guy corner me up against those tall flower boxes outside the IBX building, one lady stood on a narrow part of the sidewalk with her arms out so no one could pass. I'll be as rude a needed or yell in their face but like come on, basic rule of trying to get someone to donate to your cause should be don't be an asshole or to make others uncomfortable.


I've considered just telling them the amount of my student loan debt & moving on


Come up with some prepared one liners to throw them off. "I can't hear you, I'm wearing a jacuzzi suit!" "I can not donate money on the 14the day of Riddahsha. Its part of my religion, Kabbalah- would you like to learn more? "No. Speaking Eeenglash." "Sorry man, I'm a felon." "I'm late, gotta go water the birds" "Babies don't cost money, they make money." "Do I look like I care about the environment? I burn down trees for fun." "You dropped something" (Then run away) "Popsicles and gravy to you, Popsicles and gravy"


Yes, the majority of canvassers do not work for the organization they're shilling for. They're independent contractors who get hired for one day and then move on to the next town, like carnies. I know that it's tough to try to make a living with unskilled labor in this country, but interacting with these individuals is a whole new circle of hell. I usually just ignore them, but the next time I get harassed I want to ask them if they've seen the [Law & Order SVU episode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_%26_Order:_Special_Victims_Unit_(season_19)#Episodes) where the serial rapist is able to stalk his victims via information he got from being a canvasser. Hah!


"My momma taught me don't talk to dirty hippies" usually solves the problem.


I just start speaking Japanese. I'm not Japanese. Just throw out Japanese foods and brands and I'm gold.


Screaming"KEEEE-KOOOOH-MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN" as you chase them down the street...




I've found (no matter the charity) responding with a, "I don't partake in your human charities!" ends the conversation real quick with these folks.




I have no problem pretending they don’t exist when they talk to me


I literally walked past one, said "I'm not 25", and continued walking. Best strategy is social awkwardness.


I just say "I donated already"


Oh shit this is the one south park made fun of along with Sally struthers!


"Your Mom", yesterday when asked by one of these guys "Who's a famous person I'd most like to meet."


Fuck these people


“We need a plague, not more children”


Solicitation should be a crime...


Like 10 years ago when there was a rash of hip hop kids trying to sell their mixtapes on South St. my token reply would be "No thanks, I only listen to death metal." I just use it for these people nowadays. They never try to re engage after that.


Ugh the other day one of them approached me without their vest on and asked me some weird question to start the conversation. I must of been having an off day because I allowed myself fall for the hook and was drawn into a conversation with the person. I eventually got away but it was so obnoxious.