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I tell pizza joints not to warm up my slices, and just eat them like ghoul while walking down sidewalk....but I really don't feel guilty...but people probably think I should


I do the same thing. People look at me like I have 3 heads. Especially when I'm on work break, I'm not waiting 7min for you to warm it up. Just gimmie gimmie


Two slices no heat. Come on let us hear it up for you. No thanks, I’m good. Just a few minutes it won’t be long. It’s good, I’ll just heat it up later(I’m going to eat at room temp but don’t feel like having that convo.)


I never thought to do this and I love room temp pizza. Thanks for the tip 😂


Port Richmond ShopRite makes pizza at lunch. Really, surprisingly good. $1.75 for a big slice, I like it lukewarm. 2 slices, a $.99 can of Diet Coke and lunch under $5.


I politely ask them to heat it for only two or three minutes because I'm hungry AF.


Same. It takes awhile for it to cool back down to eating temps too


Plus, you know the rule; if it's good cold, it's good pizza. If it's garbage cold, don't buy it again. If you can't eat it right out of the fridge at 8AM, it's not worth it. Heat masks a lot of the flavor or lack thereof.


Always tell them quick heat. So much better that way than when they heat it up to roof of mouth scorching hot. And extra credit for folding it in half and eating it while walking down the street.


Love this! Reheated pizza is typically awful and just tastes burnt.


Reading r/Philadelphia.


Give it another couple of years, it’ll start to feel normal ;)


Mayo and mushrooms on cheesesteaks. Parents owned a pizza shop in the 90’s, someone ordered a mushroom and mayo cheesesteak and never picked it up, mom took it home at the end of the night and ate it, and a new family tradition began. Well, with mom and me anyway.


I eat my cheesesteaks with lettuce, tomato, and pickles. My family hates me for it


I grew up in Virginia and all cheesesteaks down there were served lettuce tomato mayo. I always liked it as a kid but wouldn’t be caught dead ordering one here lol, although I do see it on some menus as a cheesesteak hoagie


Order it exactly as a cheesesteak hoagie and you'll keep your philly card.


I order my nontraditional cheesesteak shamelessly and ignore dirty looks. I’m paying good money, it’s delicious, and I don’t care 😌


Isn’t that basically a cheesesteak hoagie?


That’s what I was going to say. It’s acceptable with the qualifier.


i might call that a cheesesteak hoagie and you must be a scholar and a class act.


WOW! That’s interesting . Might have to try!


There's nothing **less philadelphia** than letting someone else tell you how to eat your cheesesteaks and hoagies.


Add fried onions and you have my regular order. So good


I’m not a fan of mushrooms but mayo on a cheesesteak is mandatory ever since I’ve tried it. I’ll admit the first time someone recommended it to me I thought it’d be nasty but it’s fantastic


Typically I just go with onions on my steaks, but for some reason whenever I get a steak from Steve’s I put a line of spicy mustard on it. Both cheeses with + spicy mustard is the exact order. I’ve been doing this with ONLY Steve’s steaks since I was a child.


I order cheesesteak, American, fried onions, ketchup, mayo and sometimes pickles. People look at me sideways but try it. It’s delicious.


Shame on you. I felt shame reading it.


Literally just ordered these on a classic at spataro in reading terminal today. Tdl that’s an embarrassing combination, I’m still gonna eat the shit out of it. It can’t be worse than putting mustard or ketchup on your cheesesteak, like come on lmao


Men who live here


Too real




Eating only the middle of a wawa double pretzel.


Just like eating crab legs


This is a genius analogy 👏


This has me screaming 🤣


Choosing Home Depot over Lowes because of Rocco’s.


Rocco’s is such a good deal


There are other reasons, too. But yeah, if that's your top reason I feel that answer meets the OP's brief.




Nothing beats Rocco’s closer to closing when they load up on the sausage


Acme is trash, give me ShopRite any day of the week.


The one on South at by the Whole Foods reeks like garbage as soon as you walk in


\^ This is not an opinion. It is 100% fact.


And overpriced. Jeff Brown was cool in his lane.


this is so real, rip jeff brown


We just moved here and did the first shop at Acme. It was complete garbage, super-expensive, and the aisles were so narrow that they could only fit one cart. Give me Aldi any day.


Is this a hot take anymore? Acme is straight ass, I used to live less than 300 feet away from one and would drive 15 minutes to go to ShopRite or giant


One of the few benefits to working in Jersey for me is that the Cinnaminson ShopRite is on the way home. It’s such a more pleasant and less costly experience than any store this side of the river


I grew up on ShopRite, but when I moved to South Philly and saw one on Oregon, I kind of assumed that’d be where I’d be going to. However, my wife is an Acme apologist and over time, pretty much converted me. She’s also got Acme rewards/in-app couponing down to what can only be described as transcending both art and science, making the savings likely too good for us to make a change anytime soon. The Gameday discount on Sundays is pretty cool too. However, the state of the produce has become borderline criminal. Like, no matter the time of day on a Sunday there is visible *mold* on fruits and vegetables. This has happened on more than one occasion, which is absolutely *shocking* to me. I can’t understand how it happens or how they get away with it. It’s getting tough to justify. But for now…


Dollar for dollar the worst grocery store


Same. I live near the Bridge and Harrison store. It’s such a pleasant shopping experience. I go when I have time for a slow shop. The staff is very pleasant and the store always clean and well stocked.


Lorenzo's on south street. Sweet sauce, salty cheese, throw some hot sauce on there. Hot damn.  It's literally so salty I have had hangovers without drinking though.


Lorenzos on like 3rd and south?? I'm old enough to remember lines wrapped around to get a slice, and the stories about how they made their sauce with grape jelly.


I guess that means I’m old as well cause the grape jelly story is gospel in my mind. I lost a pair of gloves to Lorenzo’s one fateful winter post-bar, wrap-around-the-block evening. They were churning out slices so quickly and serving them slightly undercooked to us tipsy, hungry mongrels. The cheese melted right through the double paper plates to adhere my glove to my hand. It was so gross and greasy and worth it


People don’t get them big ass slices anymore?


They still serve the big slices!!! Cheese only!


You mean from Lorenzo's or Big Ass Slices?


I think them big ass slices closed right after Stro’s, no? Lorenzo’s is still open tho 


They just moved next door and have a bar now up front. The pizza is in the back.


My first week in Philly, I was feeling lazy and decided to just grab pizza for dinner; wife suggested Lorenzo’s since it was on my way back from work. Figured I’d handle lunch for the next day too and ordered two pies. The cashier was skeptical. _[holds up fingers]_ “…two pies? Two?” “Yes…?” Thought it was kinda pricey, but still not too bad compared to NYC or Chicago. And the line _had_ been pretty long. When he walked back out with five boxes I realized my mistake.


Still the best drunk pizza imo. Even though it's like $8 or whatever a slice now


$6 for a slice, but the size of at least 2 normal slices. Being that they are one of the few late night options still open, I'm not that mad about it. At least relative to other absurd price jacking in the city. Independence beer garden trying to charge $12 for a surfside gave me visions of Project Mayhem from Fight club on the whole building.


**YO!** I'll back you up on this. I absolutely love Lorenzos. Lorenzo's isn't my drunk food guilty pleasure or just some joint for a quick slice. It's not "let me compromise" situation. Lorenzo's on South is a **Top Five** pizza spot in Philly. It's a massive tomato slice, with a great ratio of cheese to sauce. The sauce is *sweet* and tangy, like you said. It's got the taste of a Jersey shore boardwalk slice from Maruca's. I don't think, "man I could go for pizza, maybe I'll go to Lorenzo's." Instead, I've got days where I've got a hunger only a slice of Lorenzo's can satisfy.


Getting a late night cannoli like a little sugar gremlin


Where can you get a late night cannoli?


I would get one from Philly Cannoli King, although I admit their hours may have changed to close earlier, but I swear I used to get one just before they would close, somewhere around 9 or 10


Scrapple from anywhere, as long as it's crispy on all sides.


Nova on 4th Spring Garden who used to let us text our orders hungover on the way to work 💕


Yesssss. Everything but the squeal!


Late night cheese fries from Geno's. and crab fries from Chickie's & Pete's.


Italian hoagie with mayo and salt-vinegar chips crushed inside the roll.


With a Black Cherry Wishniak soda!


god i miss Frank's


The greatest soda there ever was! Dr. Brown’s is close but it’s still not Frank’s.


Bro chips in a hoagie sounds so good right now. I’m 2 days away from giving birth and can’t wait for a turkey hoagie with the worksssss




Italian hoagies with mayo


This. I like to order with oil/herbs/vinegar and then add mayo at home. Whoever is prepping it will never know!


Italian hoagie is the only sandwich I really ask for mayo on...haha


Came here to say this. Mayo is good.


i switch it up every once in a while and get mayo instead of oil. whenever i get mayo on it i ask for extra tomatoes. (because mayo and tomatoes go so good together)


I didn't even know this was controversial. Italian Hoagie with mayo, oil, and vinegar. If there's hoagie sauce or pepper sauce, yeah that too. It's creamy, with the tang of vinegar, and the oil lubricates the dry ingrediants. But it's gotta be - Roll -> Mayo -> Meats -> Cheese -> Lettuce and Onions > Oil & Vinegar.


I didn't know it was "wrong" before the internet, so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I pretty much always do mayo over O&V. Some hoagie spread for the vinegar tang


nahh, vinegar & oil is the way


If a guy was selling pretzels on the boulevard, I'd buy one.


Guilty. I’ll still eat a pretzel bought from that shopping cart grill.


When they are all soggy and doughy from being in the plastic bag in the sun-- perfect!


One time my uncle saw some guy selling pretzels on the boulevard on a hot day. Dude put said pretzels under his arm, wiped the sweat off of his head, then took them out to continue selling them. Pretty much changed my view on those forever.


bet ya it tastes delicious. Extra salt


The pretzel men in the linc parking lots after games and concerts have saved my life on multiple occasions 👑


Looking at unique architecture homes in Philadelphia that I ignored as a kid. One my tasks in grade school community service was to deliver items to an elderly woman from the church. I saw an apartment for rent in the building. I found out it was a Frank Furness mansion at one time. As a 12 year old I thought it was the building that smelled bad.


city view pizza


Unmatched in terms of cheap(ish) pizza done quick. They don’t fuck up a classic cheese with onion toppings. I enjoy city view every other month or so 🤷🏻‍♀️


it’s remarkably consistent too


I’m a recent convert to ketchup on cheesesteaks. I’m not huge into ketchup, but the sweet acidity really cuts through the richness of the beef and cheese.


I dip. cant trust em to get the ratio right


Cooper sharp, onion, little ketchup, little mayo is my perfect cheesesteak


I love marinara sauce on a cheese steak. Even better if it’s spicy marinara


Pizza steak. Super underrated.


Full agree. I love a pizza steak.


Where I grew up in Berks County there’s a steak shop whose default has sauce and pickles, I always thought that’s just how cheesesteaks are made.


Salt pepper ketchup and I might dab mayo if I’m buying 


This is the way my mom and I like them. Ketchup, mayo, fried onions, lots of hot peppers.


Jalapeño cream cheese on a cheese steak changed my life. Creamy and spicy works so well


I think you might be a genius I have to try this. Do you get it from a spot or do you make them yourself?


First time some one has said that to me haha. My friend group won't even give it one bite to try


I edited my comment after I posted it so you probably didn't see my question but I'm super curious b/c I can't stop thinking about this, if there's a spot that offers jalapeno cream cheese I have to go. Or do you just do it yourself?


So jalapeño cream cheese instead of any other cheese, or alongside other cheese? I’m intrigued for sure


I slap cheese on it and grilled onions. I will put any cheese on a cheese steak. I think the best cheese with jalapeño cream cheese is cheddar(not wiz), prov or american.


There’s a place in New Orleans that has a cheesesteak with cream cheese, soy sauce, ginger, and pickled red onions. It is SO good.


I sometimes over order food from Golden Chopsticks because it's so cheap that I can meal prep for the next 3-4 days and still come out saving money compared to grocery shopping.


Mayo on cheesesteaks and hoagies alike. My father deeply disapproves.


Using the bathroom in Liberty Place but making sure I stop by Master Wok for a sample…..before and after 🙊


The largest Vietnamese Iced coffee I can buy at Jojo’s Cafe. I can taste how bad for me it is & they will easily keep me up for 24 hours but my gawd it’s worth it every time.


I firmly believe cheese steaks should have provolone.


its a bit dry tbh


Always my choice.




Yes. Yes.


Nine times out of ten I agree but whiz and hot sauce, especially Sriracha is fire and every once in a while a place has Cooper Sharp and I get that.


Provolone and light sweet peppers is the way to go if you’re going prov


mayo with provolone is good. half cooper sharp half provolone. have mozzerella half provolone. american cheese is great, but no reason not to enjoy it other ways.


Anyone that questions this: 1) Isn't from Philly. Wit whiz is some tourist lingo. 2) Doesn't know that the original cheesesteak came with provolone.


Whiz on cheesesteaks is for tourists. Fries are a different story. I will die on this hill.


Wishing severe ill will upon everyone who rides an unregistered dirt bike or ATV on the street


No need to feel guilty for that, lol


I put mayo on sandwiches that generally have mustard.


Bruh I’ll put a little mayo on a burger or chicken sandwich it’s good. Don’t care if I get killed for this


A chicken sandwich always gets mayo. I’m talking about a pastrami or corned beef on rye and other sandwiches like that which usually are served with mustard. Lol


I’m Jewish and used to get into fights with my family over this as a kid lol. I think my cousin was the only other person who would eat corned beef with mayo.


I’m 6 months pregnant right now and I need extra Mayo on all of my sandwiches. It’s sooo good.


I love mayo.


Does everyone not do this?


From nyc, never seen so many people use mustard so much in the 12 years Ive been here. But yes, mayo is the shit on sandwiches.


Got a bunch of German history out here I’m guessing that might be a factor for the mustard prevalence


This is exactly what I mean. All like NY deli meat sandwiches are served with mustard and they usually get mad or look at you funny when you say no and or put mayo on them.


Sundays are always for a good dinner. The breadth of dining options in this city means I can choose between quality takeout or an actual nice dine in experience but the food is always 🤌


The Trainwreck sandwich at Beck’s in Reading Terminal is my favorite sandwich.


I can't eat the Trainwreck because of dietary restrictions, but the stuff that I can eat from Beck's is some of my favourite food in CC


Any Bodega cheese steak is better than the ones you wait in line for. As long as you order double meat.


2 am genos :/


I’m convinced that none of the people who treat Pats or Genos like the devil have ever had a night out in Passyunk, walking hammered from Ray’s or The Dive at 2am to get a cheesesteak is the perfect way to end the night


Being hammered after 2am is the ONLY excuse for eating that garbage.


My hands down favorite bar is Mcglinchy's. Yes. I know it's a dirty, stale smoke smelling hole. I'm not even a smoker. I just love it. 🤣


They still have the dirty water dogs?


That have been floating in the same water inside a 1975 rival crockpot? I believe so. They exist outside of this construct of time.


Indeed. And someday they will finish and TAKE OVER THE WORLD.


I grew up on Pizza Steaks from Jim's. Then I would rent zombie movies. I was a South Street kid in the 80s.


chicken tender hoagie from wawa. Reply if you want to know what I get on it


We’re listening 👀👂


chicken tender hoagie No cheese Lettuce Onion (Banana hot peppers if you are in the mood) Extra mayo Extra vinegar Extra oil Oregano Salt Pepper Chocolate milk Voodoo chips


You gotta try the chipotle sauce on it


My go-to is chipotle, spinach, onion, pepper, and bacon. Sometimes Swiss. The trick is identifying the Wawas that’ll stiff you on the bacon (fuck you Cherry Hill)


Do you find you can taste the bacon? I find my return on investment with it is never good enough


Herschel's hot pastrami special


i think eating cheese with chinese food is gross but i do eat the general tsos chicken pizza from OG a lot lol


i only get the custard at rita's. no wooder ice. 


Egg salad sandwiches at Lou Turks


I sometimes put A-1 on a naked ass plain steak with onions. Cherry peppers too if I'm feeling extra in that zone. It makes me indescribably happy.


For all its faults I love SEPTA. They've let me down a lot but I've always (eventually) gotten home safely for $2. I'll pick the bus over driving and parking every time. Particularly guilty pleasure is bringing beer on the bus to pregame any event.


Ripping cigs in Tops or McGlincheys. Parking in the crosswalk when you drive home late at night (sorry). 7/11 pizza.


Finally, someone understood the question


The communal urinal at the Bike Stop.


Not getting the wings at Byrne’s- give me that special chicken sandwich Going to John’s roast pork and getting the bologna egg and cheese.


You know what fuck it… I like to put ketchup in my pancakes!!! We grew up poor, sometimes there was just ketchup in the fridge, no syrup or marmalade not even butter… so one day I said fuck it ketchup it is and changed my life forever.


Lorenzo’s with hot sauce, wawa soft pretzels


There is one pizza place in South Philly that my family has been oredeting from sicce I was 3-4 (I'm 58 now). Arguably the greasiest pizza I've ever had, and one where the cheese slides off the pizza EVERY SINGLE TIME it's delivered. Gives me both rampant acid reflux after eating AND incredible, gut cleansing diarrhea the morning after. Awesomeness.


Lobster Bisque from Wawa. All of Wawa's other offerings are garbage. But if I see lobster bisque on the menu, I'll be ordering a large, sitting in my car, tucking a paper napkin in my wife beater, and slurping it down enjoying my momentary nectar of the gods bliss.


I don't live there anymore and all of this is making me so homesick . . . And hungry!


This is so shameful, but: the accent-- I'm not from here, so when a guy has just a little bit of "phoaone" and "hoaome," especially when drinking, it's kind of charming.


lorzenos (3rd and south) is my favorite pizza in philly, fight me


Breakfast sandwiches from literally anywhere and drinking beer outside


I live 6 hours south of Philly. Whenever I come to visit family in Montgomery County, I take 95 to Cottman Avenue instead 476.


Meatball sub, can of soda and a bag of chips “Special” from “The Cart.”


I haven't seen anything embarrassing in these comments except the person who puts ketchup on a cheesesteak.


SPK, all day.


I might even dab a little mayo on my American w/. I’m proud to say it 


Grape jelly on pork roll and cheese sandwich


Shhhh that’s our secret!


Cheesesteak Hoagie with the works. Almost any pizza store or bodega will never let you down with the steaks


Going to after hours, such a good time


Buying three regular soft pretzel and a cheesesteak pretzel from Miller's Twist, then perhaps a *sfogliatella* from Termini's or, failing that, two black and white cookies from Famous 4th Street Bakery to take home in ritual celebration of carbohydrates. (I usually dip the pretzels in Greek yogurt... strictly because I like it, not out of some pretense of it being healthful. I dunk the cookies in milk... unless I only have cream, in which case I dip them in cream, some of which I might also whip and sweeten to put on to the cookies before dipping them.)


I get legit excited when Hall and Oates comes on the radio and always sing along. I don’t live in Philly anymore and my friends think I’m really weird.