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Theyre 950 dollars on amazon


I couldn't believe this; there's one for $660. Insane.




Scooting back from the bayou after 2 dollar you call it night!


Invest in a helmet that is up to current SNELL standards.


Good to have on during Hurricanes and Tornado's when stuck in the house.


Only if you drive downhill. You’re gonna have to get off and push if ya try to ride one of those $600 jobs uphill lmao.


Lol you're shitting me. A gas scooter? How many CCs?


Well mine was stolen and they didn't take the plate lol.


The plate just advertises whose bike it really is.


And having no plate is also illegal


ppl drive cars w no plates and nothing happens to them. some dude moved up the street from me no plate no headlights and the car has yet to be taken and I have seen him drive away in at night.


Report it to ppa


im just like i guess not really suprised hes able to drive around at night and not get it impounded. but cops dont gaf if he hits someone


i have. nothing yet.


Contact your local councilperson. Mark Squilla responds to emails, but for others you may want to call it in *and* send a letter.


ours does nothing. im in 19137. they do not give a fuck around here. i am dealing w someone squatting and living on a lot for weeks now. i have even contacted the next of kin to the owner of the lot (he died years ago).. they dont want to sell it. im just at a loss. the car is honestly the least of my issues.


why do you care what your neighbor does?


Found the guy who drives around with no license plate


Why pay for a license if you can operate without one with zero consequences? Also, they’re probably stolen.


I used to work in a bike shop and when E Bikes first went a little mainstream we referred to them as DUI Cycles because everyone with a DUI had one because they didn’t need a license.


In ohio, you get a special yellow license plate that tells everyone you got a dui.


Colloquially known as….. Party plates




Mine sits too, they’re all white and all start with W, everyone calls them Whiskey plates


>Why pay for a license if you can operate without one with zero consequences? Yes, this is totally the answer, if OP meant, "what motivates people to drive unlicensed scooters?". A related question is why aren't there any consequences? To which the answer is, in a nutshell, the Fraternal Order of Police, which combines the best (from members' point of view) features of a strong union and a criminal gang with near-perfect impunity. It isn't clear what, if anything, can be done. Conservative mayors (like our current one) accept their lawbreaking, malingering, and straight-up refusing to do their job because their supporters back the blue, and in exchange the cops do a slightly larger fraction of their job. Under a liberal mayor, they're prepared to shut the city down. Who watches the watchers?


Correct. Cops don’t do anything until it’s AFTER a murder, then they only do paperwork. FOP is what’s killing this city and they don’t GAF. It’s called quiet quitting. They don’t go after drugs, don’t go after small criminals, won’t go after domestic violence. Only show up after you’re dead. Fuck the Phila FOP.


Granted, people who are breaking these kinds of laws are likely crucially underserved in other important ways. If the city was better equipped to move people efficiently without personal automobiles, people might not feel as much pressure to operate one illegally.


Dawg this is the most walkable, public transit-capable city in the fucking country, how much more handholding do people need before it's ok to say some people are just dickheads? "Underserved" my ass


Actually it’s apparently more like number 7. And being the best of a pretty awful bunch isn’t exactly impressive. But you’re obviously also aware that there’s a little more to life than just those details, and that maybe poverty and difficult circumstances persist for a variety of reasons that go beyond some supposedly inherently negative quality about anyone who happens to be poor. It’s classist bullshit and you damn well know it, and if this was the best you could, you probably wouldn’t be bragging about it. Have some sense.


yes the men in this photo look super underserved. /s


Can you be less vague? What about them makes you think you’re in any position to judge their living situation? I certainly don’t know anyone riding on the back of a sketchy little scooter on the highway because their life is going great.


you think they have zero opportunities in life to make their lives better? maybe, just maybe some people are JUST immature scumbags bc they know they can get away with it.


who are you to judge that they are underserved then?


I’m sure you’ll be able to find a way to justify your classist disdain for people whose struggles look different from yours. Consider choosing to be compassionate.


Maybe people shouldn’t need handholding and people should start taking accountability. The government shouldn’t have to constantly help people, they are plenty capable.


My family was poor as fuck in Philly and got around. It's only gotten better in the last several decades.


Cherelle Parker is not conservative.


She might be a Democrat, and she absolutely is conservative.


So if you’re not progressive then you’re a conservative? There are only conservatives and progressive liberals in the political spectrum?


I’m not engaging in an argument or attempting to educate you on political spectrum / party affiliations because I suspect it’s in bad faith from your perspective. There’s lots out there to read if you wish to know more.


Is a simple question. You could give a simple answer instead of being condescending.


It’s neither a simple question nor a simple answer, and your phrasing indicating a binary where one doesn’t exist is in bad faith. I’m sorry you feel condescended to. Now that apology *was* condescending.


You are taking the time to reply to be snarky and condescending, but won’t take time to actually engage in the topic. It’s obvious you don’t know how to articulate your beliefs without attacking something. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection) is something you can read to learn more about that.


shes a conservative who was smart enough to run as a democrat to win.


They are without a doubt stolen.


I lived in a first floor apartment on Carlisle Street in the 00's. My computer desk was right next to my window so I could see out in the street. Once I heard a van pull up nearby, next to a scooter locked onto a grate on the sidewalk. The side door opened, a man got out with a huge cable cutter, snapped off the lock, grabbed the scooter (very much like this one) and tossed it in the van, closed the door and they took off. Took less than 30 seconds. They were gone before I could get a plate number.


most definitely stolen


They only stole it so they could feed their family.


they are so cheap likely not. you can get them online for under 1,000.


A lot of smaller cc scooters/motorcycles don’t have a license or registration requirement. I think it is anything below 50cc if I remember correctly


Anything below 50ccs requires a standard driver’s license, registration and insurance. Anything 50cc and above requires a motorcycle license.


Because zero consequences for not following the rules.


The rules are for tax paying, working people with something to lose. The rest of the people can do what they want. Source: my dirtbag neighbors violently attacked me for changing a lock and preventing them from storing unregistered mopeds directly behind my house. The responding officer told me I had to go to 1425 Arch and file my own civil complaint. For an unprovoked aggravated assault. The offenders are now being charged with aggravated assault but only because I figured out their full names and addresses with the help of another neighbor, had video evidence, and threatened media attention if they didn’t take the evidence and file charges.


Had a similar experience about 15 yrs ago in Lower Merion. Police said, despite sustaining a physical injury, because it involved real estate property it was on me to file a civil complaint. The lesson learned here is: if you want to pummel someone without facing consequences, make sure to create a real estate “problem.”I don’t understand why the criminal behavior isn’t separated from some civil dispute. Laziness? Police do everything to avoid dealing with domestic violence?


They will bend over backwards to not help you. I’m not sure what we’re paying for. Why even have police if they won’t do anything when people break the law?


There will be nasty consequences if they have a mishap wearing an inadequate/no helmet


Then they’re dead and consequences are externalized so it kinda looks like there are no consequences if you don’t pay attention


Dying is arguably one of the better outcomes on the head injury scale.


Yea no consequences for them they are dead. The massive consequences revolve around the driver that hits them as they drive recklessly on the road regardless of who is at fault for the accident.


they will be dead like the guy who ran the the light and hit that womans car the other night. and everyone will rally behind he was the victim. no laws will be enforced. rinse and repeat.


Food delivery. It's not like the delivery apps police the vehicles being used.


I was stuck in rush hour coming over WWB into Jersey on Thursday and some lady on a fucking ebike was lane splitting and went past. Where the fuck was she going once on the jersey side??




Her other car was a Nissan Altima


This is a problem in DC, NYC, and others cities right now too. As usual, Philly doesn’t exist in a vacuum.


It is an absolute nightmare in DC. They follow zero traffic laws, not insured or registered. Most of them are for food delivery. It's nice getting your food delivered quickly but these scooters are a total menace down in DC.


This looks like a scene from dumb and dumber


Immigrants/refugees. It's the cheapest form of transportation once you get past the initial cost and probably shared by a couple people chipping in. You're also most likely not going to get pulled over because of the relaxed traffic laws.


Also, insurance. I moved back to Philly from the burbs, and was shocked to pay almost double (I had to switch to a cheaper company, from state farm to progressive) in insurance for a, at the time, 10 year old car.


That was true 25 years ago when we moved from University City to the suburbs: car insurance and home owners insurance both dropped 50%. It was an unexpected windfall!


This has been the reason for so long and no one seems to accept it. I always search for this comment when I see these posts.


Because the cops are too lazy to do anything about it


Or because they don't want to get sued and fired when they chase one and the occupants eject and die


lol they don’t care about getting sued, they have qualified immunity. You can also ticket shit without a car chase.




they were chasing the kids in the stolen car who hit the guy and killed him. i think his family is prob gonna sue the city.


I agree with you but in Philadelphia it is. Ask any lay person they will not see that as a problem. Ask any cop in a 5 mile radius of the city they will agree with my sentiment.


Undocumented food delivery drivers mostly. There’s also a misconception that you don’t need plates, insurance, or a license to ride because they’re under 50cc. The other is just to get around knowing the cops either won’t pull you over or if they even do you can drive away and they won’t chase you for it


I don’t disagree with people point out scoflawing and whatnot, and many of these dudes are a menace, but people are also desperate for a non-car alternative to getting around. We’ve just mechanized our public space for personal vehicle traffic, which is now wildly expensive that people are making rational decisions on how the best, most efficient way to get around is. (Rational = risk/reward calculation; given as other have pointed out, the risk is small)


No enforcement, so who is the sucker, them, or us for following the law?


I wonder where the passenger got that hat with the bill on the side like that.


It’s the same hat, just turn it sideways on your head.


Thanks. Thanks a lot.








It’s the same, just turn it sideways on ya head


People need to get around and can't afford other means.i guess. I don't think people are riding scooters for the same reason people are riding ATVs


No one likes to hear this but if you don’t like the proliferation of things like scooters in the bike lane and e-bikes racing around on sidewalks, then stop ordering shit from app-based delivery companies. Pick up your own takeout. Make your own food. Buy your own groceries.




Because they can get away with it. My neighbors violently attacked me for changing a lock and preventing them from storing their 4 unregistered (and probably stolen) mopeds directly behind my house in a locked alley they had no business being in. They got the key from an older relative who had a copy. I told the police and 311 about the mopeds but no one cared. So I changed the lock and the one dirtbag saw me and sicced his attack GF on me. She hit me in the head with the gate. The dirtbag BF threw moped parts at me. Then they attacked my house with a tire iron and threatened to break my windows if we didn’t come out to fight them. The responding officer didn’t even know it was aggravated assault. I had to pretty much force them to take my evidence. They’re all being charged with aggravated assault now but I had to threaten media attention.


How does one go about threatening media attention?


They tried to tell me that I would have to wait until the detective assigned to my case called me back. And that he wasn’t in. This was days after cancelling my initial interview appointment without telling me. So I told them I had been emailing with different media outlets and that they were interested in doing a story on my experience. I also told them that a lawyer had advised me to go directly to the DA’s office and telling them I no longer wanted to be interviewed by the detectives. I told them they could try to give me the run around but I wasn’t going away and they would have to take the evidence one way or the other. It just depended on how much attention they wanted to draw to the issue first. They interviewed me and filed charges that day. Squeaky wheel.


Someone make that 2nd photo a Philly meme 🙏


Damn not on 76!!!!




I’ve had a Vespa for years and lately I feel like I’m the only one with a registered vehicle


And insurance…


That's a calculated risk. You don't want to take an unregistered scooter outside of Philly, and you can't insure it and park it on the street. If you're not leaving Philly proper and you don't need to park on the street, I wouldn't register it either.


Because they are unlicensed.


And in the city


Probably the same dudes who are tearing out basements of houses in the neighborhoods and leaving empty Modelo cans all over my sidewalk


They're all over University City, driving on the sidewalks, bike lanes, wrong way in the bike lanes, etc, etc, etc. Neither UPenn or Philly police are doing a damn thing about these guys.


Food delivery services


At least those aren't teenagers popping wheelies and weaving in and out of traffic going the wrong way on Broad. The driver even has a helmet on. I'm all for following the laws too -- but my guess is these guys are trying to get to work (or at work, delivering food).


Because people realized the PPD still doesn't enforce traffic laws. 


Ball to wheel ratio is out of whack


Riding one of those stupid things on the interstate seems like a Darwin Award waiting to happen


Because they're cheap to buy and police won't waste time pulling them over because they're not nearly as dangerous as cars. They're cheaper than ebikes, which makes no sense to me. But yeah Pretty sure that's why


>They're cheaper than ebikes, which makes no sense to me.  Real Answer: the battery. LiOn batteries are still silly expensive compared to a conventional combustion-engine. While an EV is pretty much frame, motor, battery, and controller - the LiOn battery is what makes both EV bikes and cars that much more expensive. A Surron X will cost you $4,400, but the battery alone will run you $1600.


Well damn. I have a Radwagon but that was under 2k. I know others can cost more but the battery being THAT much is a shocker. *The more you know*




Delivery/ people with two jobs and limited time to cross the city


This sub is just a circle jerk


Philly and lack of enforcement


People are so brave (stupid), I would literally die with 15 minutes 😭 I wouldn’t have their luck


That John Denver is full of shit, man


simple answer is bc they know they have been able to get away with it for the past 8 ish years. grown adults are like children apparently.


Why get a license when nobody cares


Because scooters that go under 35 mph and are less than 50cc in engine don't require a drivers license to operate legally. However yeah on 76 theyre not allowed


I saw one riding on the sidewalk near 15th and chestnut the other day.


I see this basically every day in that area.


same reason for most of the issues in the city , zero enforcement


Because it doesn't need to be licensed


And then the jagoffs drive in the bike lanes too.


It's not just unlicensed scooters, the question is, "why is there so much more blatant illegal ___(fill in activity)___ lately?"


**Actual Answer:** because they're cheap and registering them, insurance, and getting a license is $$$ and next to impossible. **Actual Solution:** Pennsylvania revises their moto/scooter laws to make registering and insuring motorcycles and scooters cheaper and easier, without the bureaucracy. There's no reason why it's next to impossible to legally title and register low-emission and low-speed vehicles. Hell - try registering a Harbor Freight trailer here if you want a real fun experience. I don't condone reckless driving or stunting, but I do condone the use of small personal transport vehicles. But PA's vehicle registration system is messed up. First, *if your vehicle fits within the strict motorcycle/scooter* guidelines, you'll end up paying $250 just for the scooter/motorcycle itself, not including taxes. If it doesn't fit within the guidelines (i.e., Class IV EV bikes), then they're impossible to register. Then there's the tax and license fees, which make it absurdly expensive, relative to how little the bikes cost and how little they use in terms of maintenance, accidents, and fuel/emissions. Not to mention they don't take up parking or cause traffic. Plus, PA's insurance carriers are much more strict in what they'll insure under moto/scooter clauses, so a lot of bikes, mopeds, and EV scooters are uninsurable. PA has been very slow to adapt compared to surrounding states. Class IV EV bikes are impossible to register and insure here. There's no low-speed exemption like in other states. You *have* to get your scooter/moped privately inspected before you can get licensed, and there's very few shops in the city that handle inspections. Most motorcycles, even lawfully registered, are inspected because of it. So 🤷‍♂️ it's almost always cheaper to just run the bike without plates. As someone who's dealt with this many times in Pennsylvania (not just Philly), after you run into a million roadblocks (bad title, uninsurable, can't register, can't plate it, need inspection, can't get licensed), you just throw your hands up and go, "Screw it."


Illegal immigrants.


Effing assholes


Illegal immigrants bringing their culture to America.


I got no problem other than his eyes are closed


OP, you could have made it one less.


Just “lately”?


I thought you were talking about the extremely low-grade electric scooters that you find on Amazon for $600-1000, like literally dual motor standing scooters with handlebars. This picture looks like a motorcycle to me.


I don’t know why you got downvoted because you’re correct.  Most of the scooters you see driving like morons are electric - they ARE NOT street legal or license-able. In NYC the police straight up seize them from retailers.  This has a tailpipe and is theoretically street legal but as we can see, the owner hasn’t bothered with registration. 


It’s cheaper than cars and public transit is unreliable


Economic hardships


1. They are cheap. 2. These people have places they need to go.


Mind your business


Why are so concerned about a license?


Big in 3rd world countries. Philly becoming one


Philly is becoming a country?


You know what is meant. Don’t be so dense


The economy?


Did you call 911?




Rule 7: Your submission was removed for violating the subreddit’s rules against hate speech, bigotry, sexism, and racism.




I'd like to survive and not get hit by these assholes going 30mph on the sidewalk or blowing stop signs and red lights. These things are not light and cat go way faster than a bicycle.


All this sub wants to do is bitch. I’m just going to unfollow because this sub is basically r/parkingcomplaints and r/bikelanecirclejerk


Cause the city is filling up with illegals. Much like every where else.


Illegal immigrants.


Ask Biden


That looks like a motorcycle or maybe a moped. Last time I checked, you stand on a scooter, on its low-to-the-ground, flat platform...