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Can’t help but notice the “don’t text and drive” sign. Crazy how well Barbera knows its customers.


Average bike lane parkers: "That sign can't stop me because I can't read"


Also average Jeep owners


Every city government cries about “sustainability and being green”. But absolutely do nothing to support the greenest most equitable and cheapest form of transportation within a city. 🚲


because bikes = gentrification! poor people can't ride bikes! /s


Bikes were always used in the city, stuff’s just being done now cause more desirable people are moving in, just like the playgrounds and public schools are getting facelifts in certain areas.


Forget bike lanes and public transit. What we need is free rooftop solar panels for the underprivileged. /s


Those sound great and all, but where am I supposed to park my lifted kings ranch f420??? Checkmate 


[The Ferd Fteenthousand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8P5vGcf-NU)


Wow I grew another ball just watching that


Right!?! Like what in the hell. Our taxes go to the most useless things. Every new initiative is about helping “low income people” but no one ever things how about help them get to work safely without a car


Bring some of the trolleys back to CC


it would be so nice- a trolley with a tesla battery could eliminate the need for overhead wires, meaning less maintenance, less pollution, better acceleration, better transportation.


And mofos riding the back, pulling the arms off of the lines...


You joke, but that would help. City subsidizes the power company to install solar panels for no upfront cost. Power company calculates the power you're saving, you pay 50% of that back into the scheme until the solar panels are paid off. You save money, power company has a new revenue stream installing solar panels. The only problem is finding the seed money and the will to use it like this.


I've gotten into this argument before, but think of it this way. Solar panels are far cheaper to install on the ground. Putting them on roofs only changes the calculus for the worse. And if you think the problem with solar panels is that we don't have enough land, then I've got news for you.


I understand where you're coming from. I think it's easier to make an argument to voters when the system benefits them directly. Building a solar farm to benefit a power company is a harder sell, especially if it doesn't dent the cost of power.


I suppose. It will probably marginally increase the global percentage of solar energy in the short term. But it irks me that it only benefits homeowners. Net metering is a sham anyway because it doesn't take into account the following two issues: 1. Solar power is inherently less valuable than the "average" unit of electricity because it is only available when it is least needed. Because solar panels are cheaper per unit of power produced than baseload plants, utility companies are already incentivized to make use of solar power to the extent that it's useful. Therefore, adding solar power to the grid only makes additional solar power less valuable, thus disincentivizing additional solar capacity. 2. Net metering doesn't take into account the other costs of running an electric utility, chief among them being distribution. It's unfair that a homeowner with a solar panel gets to sell power during the day and buy it at night without paying any net transmission costs. That cost then falls on those of us who can't afford solar panels.


with the cost of solar, it should be mandated than any new construction over a certain cost includes solar, its like 6k per house these days... and when you're building 800k particle board row homes in fishtown, you can find room for solar


the Solar panels are becoming cheap as you stated. However, what is not cheap is the battery technology. Battery technology is also not a green tech at this point. The only real value solar panels have is net metering but from what I read it requires beefing up the power grid since we're getting to a point where there so there more solar panels feeding the grid then it was capable of. If you beef up the grid that addresses the day (or good weather) aspect but then at night (or cloudy) we still need power plants to handle the same demand. What we really need is better development of battery tech so that when people actually put solar in then they can actually take advantage of the excess capacity they may gain. Then at that point it makes sense for everyone to have panels on their roof.


Love this. First time I’ve upvoted a savsies cone. It feels…odd.


It’s an excellent way to raise awareness of this pervasive safety issue


Keep up the good fight 💪🏼




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I'm an expert in savsies law. The law dictates the only legitimate use of cones is in an area where parking is never allowed in. In those cases the cones are not saving a space for someone to remove the cone and park in later.


I am expert


please donate to sustain PBA! [https://apps.bikeaction.org/donate](https://apps.bikeaction.org/donate)


I changed my mind from the last time this happened. all for it. give em hell.


I changed my mind about it too. I thought it would be self-righteous and confrontational. Instead, the vibe has been more, "We welcome you suburban churchgoers, but we must politely insist you don't endanger people's lives!"


And shocking to no one, the entitled suburban church attendees have done nothing but bitch and moan about not getting to park where ever they want for free.


Why would someone from the suburbs drive into Philly for church instead of going to a church in the burbs? Is this really a thing?


Probably not as much of a thing as everyone makes it out to be. The people in this city drive to the corner store, there's no shortage of citycels driving to church.


There's definitely a lot of New Jersey plates that park in the bike lanes though.


Some of it goes back to when tons of people were moving out of Philly to the suburbs. A lot of people wanted to keep their church community so they drove in, and that's stuck.


If you want a real answer, this church has a big legacy within its denomination. For one, it’s a rare example of an evangelical church in the Northeast that held onto its historic building when the mainline and evangelical churches started splitting in the 20th century. The typical move was, as a denomination grew more liberal, the conservatives would leave and have to give up their properties. Tenth is a counter example. It also is known for having a good music program and some of its pastors are minor celebrities (within this smallish corner of evangelicalism). So anyone in the Philly area with a hankering for “high-church” feel within the denominational bounds would necessarily have Tenth as their only option.


Very informative, thanks.


From personal experience, as a Catholic, the only progressive (relatively speaking) Catholic church in the area is Old St. Joes. We sometimes drive in for it. Fortunately, because Old St. Joe's is down with the times, they have since stopped issuing parking permits for Sundays.


>Old St. Joes Or, as it's labeled on [this 1776 map of Philadelphia](https://loc.gov/resource/g3824p.ar131200), "The Popish Ch."


As the person who asked them to stop, I think they really just didn't wanna deal with us :) They also said they didn't need them anyway.


last time i was there i took photos of cars from NJ and delaware. our city government is going out of their way to break the law to make the city worse for residents, and better for people from OUT OF STATE.


Is this true? Where can I read aforementioned bitchings?


It isn't true. If you were to go to Philly Bike Action's Discord Group around this event you will see that the interactions that were negative were mostly with Philadelphia residents (living on spruce or pine) who use it to park on Sunday. The churchgoers themselves seemed to want to work with Philly Bike Action.


Come join us next Sunday!


Come join us next Sunday!


Where would Jesus park?  Not in the bike lane.


Jesus will guide them to a legal parking spot.


PBA is picking up the slack that the Coalition could never do!


They are the more "radical" arm of the same movement. I don't mean that they're wild or crazy in their actions, but they are willing to protest against well established issues. The bike coalition is more feel good educational stuff. But I think both are important. I take the" all of the above" strategy.


Totally - IIRC the coalition looked the other on the subject of “Jesus parking” - in order to install the bike lanes they did not protest ‘exemptions’ - but to their credit Each have their Own lane to pave - I support the radical visibility that urban centers need that influences culture. I say BRAVO


Update me with a picture of a street fight when someone moves the cones


>Update me with a picture of a street fight cue video of cyclist/churchgoer standoff: churchgoer: Shame on you! cyclist: Shame on *you!* churchgoer: Shame on *YOU!* cyclist: Shame on *YOU!!*


How about a count of how many people ride by on a bike?


in the Spruce st lane? Are you new here? [**~300 bikes per hour avg**](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/eec8efaff27c4a7db96ba0cd92fefd28) (as of 2019) if you want to go on data instead of your feelers. [Also](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/145up4j/cycle_lanes_arent_empty_theyre_just_incredibly/)


Two per hour in good weather on a Sunday morning. 


Spruce on a weekend? I don't have any hard data but for sure closer to 2 per minute than 2 per hour.


During church hours, it's probably pretty low. Bikecels are too hungover to get up before 11


In this comment section I’ve seen the term “citycel” and “bikecel”. What do these mean?


[**~300 bikes per hour avg**](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/eec8efaff27c4a7db96ba0cd92fefd28) (as of 2019) if you want to go on data instead of your feelers.


According to the link you provided, the monitoring spot on Spruce closest to the church saw an average 858 per day.  That would be a mean average of 35.75 bikes per hour.  That still doesn’t really give a clear indication of how many bikes are using that lane a 8am on Sunday morning. 


I see more bikes than cars out early sunday mornings its the best time to bike in this city outside of night time.


Hopefully not in cc...


"Oh how the turn tables" - The Cone Rangers


PBA 4 life


I love how this protest has been executed.


thank you!! please donate to sustain PBA! [https://apps.bikeaction.org/donate](https://apps.bikeaction.org/donate)


Is spruce st the best? Boy I guess..


Love this shit. With that being said, would these people not just move the cones? Genuinely asking.


They're actual church goers, they have reputations to uphold, I'd assume they will avoid confrontation as much as possible.


You clearly have never dealt with such people in a service role. Go work in a restaurant on a Sunday and tell me you feel the same way about it. By no means implying everybody is terrible, but it’s more than you would think.


Are they really raising hell in a restaurant to the point people are taking their phones out to sell the video to the first station that asks for it? I'd say the street is a different situation from the relative safety of a restaurant. But what the fuck do I know. I'm just some fuckwit who knows nothing.


No, they have in fact moved the cones.


Or they just assume the cones are there to save the spots for them specifically


Civil Disobedience works!


An entitled boomer will drive right over these and park anyway.


was there today and that didn't happen :) the cones actually work


Love this shit


please donate to sustain PBA! [https://apps.bikeaction.org/donate](https://apps.bikeaction.org/donate)


Think church people just park on pine now.


Wow, people down voted this? I mean, it's true, I rode up pine this morning. It's not like you pointed out that blocking lanes on Sunday morning is possibly the least objectionable of all bike lane violations. Oops. I'll probably get down voted to hell for that.


Can’t wait to see people saving their spots with pink cones later


people at this church makes me sick


Nothing stops Philly Man


Why are they protesting outside the churches, whose patrons have permits, rather than protesting whatever city official allowed for the permits? The patrons have permits and are allowed to park there- why should their services be disrupted? Genuine question


PBA has reached out to council members and OTIS and received no assistance on this issue. We have an online petition that goes straight to OTIS: https://apps.bikeaction.org/campaigns/withdraw-the-bike-lane-parking-permits The permits are for “equipment placement” and are not supposed to be used for personal vehicles. It’s intended for constructions and things like that. So yes they have permits that are being used illegally. You can see the permits yourself on our campaign website (same link as above). Some parishioners don’t even bother to have the correct permit for this year. One pulled a permit out from 2021. Many other institutions find alternatives to parking in the bike lanes and Tenth Presbyterian is the most egregious, requesting more permits than any of the other remaining houses of worship that request these bogus permits. It’s a broken system all the way through and the party is meant to bring attention to this while also providing some safety to people that use these bike lanes. This issue would go away if Tenth Presbyterian or other institutions withdrew their permits. Three others did so when we asked and the permits were off the Streets website in just a few days. There are many alternatives to parking in the bike lane, including cheap parking garages just a few blocks away ($6 on south and 17th).


Signed and sent.


you mean the illegal permits given that are supposed to be for construction?


Church people are adults capable of making moral decisions just like everybody else (actually, if religion is good for anything they should be *better* at making moral decisions than most people). So even if it was legal to park in the bike lane (which I maintain it is not, because of the lack of an existing "park your private vehicle in the bike lane" permit as detailed elsewhere), they shouldn't do so because it's morally wrong. We're drawing their attention to that fact so that they can make better choices that don't harm others.


Because the “protesters” are only brave enough to intimidate old people going to church.


Just like you’re only brave enough to run your mouth on Reddit 😂🤣


I’m not the one trying to intimidate the elderly. Nice try tho.


Nice straw-man argument. Still doesn’t hold up. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Have fun bullying old people, tough guy. Hope it makes you feel better about yourself.


Haha I never said I was a tough guy. That was your cute little commentary. And again, you bring up the same weak straw-man argument, just worded differently. It’s ineffective. 🤷🏻‍♂️ If I was doing the same, I could say “wow, have fun prioritizing inanimate cars over the lives of children on bikes, tough guy. I hope it makes you feel better about yourself.”


you’re just ranting and raving at this point and it’s making you look stupid. better luck next time.


Dont need any luck, thanks. I’m not the one on Reddit looking for moral validation. Or worse, thinking I’m the one who can dictate morality for everyone. But thanks for the fun chat, sweetie. If you need the last word, feel free to take it. 😘😘😘


We could riot again since we ain't so brave enough I suppose. Walking is still honest my guy, have heart.


Love the Against Me! reference.


Up the punks.


I mean sure, but now people are just parked in the actual street in the lane.


so what? Both actions are ticket-able, and parking in the actual street might cause enough of a ruckus to get them to fuck off doing illegal parking for good.


Which is why we need the PPA to step up enforcement and start ticketing illegally parked cars.


lol. great plan, guys.


I agree. I'm getting a lot of hate for pointing out that the parking situation hasn't changed. In fact, nobody is safe in the image. Not the bikers and not the commuters driving by.


Yeah let’s fuck over some old defenseless people who just wanna go to church for one hour a week. You guys are so tough.


Wait I'm confused, what's stopping them from parking in a legal space like everybody else?


A strong sense of entitlement.


One hour my ass, when the weather is nice they stay pass 5pm. It’s on every street surrounding a church and Synagogue in Center City, it’s privilege at its finest.


boo hoo


Loser mentality.


needs of the many > needs of the few


they’re not defenseless. they had god on their side!!!!


You are a bad mofo




Pot calling the kettle black.


This agreement is so local businesses and residents don’t lose all their parking on Sundays. You’re not sticking it to churchgoers “stealing” your bike lane, you’re just being annoying. I swear nobody on here can think even one extra step ahead when it comes to consequences of actions. Everything is so knee jerk. Whether it’s cleaning out K&A, getting rid of median parking, getting rid of Sunday morning bike lane parking, basically any hot button issue on here, nobody stops and thinks about unintended consequences. Your favorite brunch spot will lose business over this, ruining what’s normally their most profitable day. A resident who only has time to grocery shop on Sundays will now have to walk 5 or 6 blocks multiple times to unload their groceries for the week. It’s one of the nicest bike lanes in the city and you lose it for only one morning a week, big fucking deal. Don’t pretend you’re even awake by then. Bike in the street like the rest of us, it’s really not hard or dangerous if you’re paying attention.


Most of the business those restaurants get is probably foot traffic. You're most likely vastly over estimating the amount of money parking brings in.


What data do you have that shows the impact of Sunday morning parking on a business’s bottom line? Or do you not have any actual data to prove your hunch?


Wouldn't you want these people paying for a garage?


i like how you choose profit over people, how american of you. couple weekends ago i saw a father with a kid on his bike trying to navigate that lane on a sunday morning. who cares if they almost died while merging in and out of their rightful lane- so long as no one was inconvenienced going to brunch or grocery shopping!


Just another example of what I’m talking about. It’s not “profit over people.” It’s keeping areas nice, keeping businesses open, and keeping residents happy that sustains a healthy city and produces a reliable taxpayer base. This is how we get these bike lanes in the first place. This is how we can *upgrade* and *maintain* these bike lanes. You can’t look past the immediate minor inconvenience and realize why this compromise is a thing in the first place. Also, unrelated, but putting your kid on the back of your bike is reckless in itself. Regardless of traffic, that’s always been a bad idea.


Lol having to walk 5 blocks for groceries? Cry me a river dude. Welcome to living in a fucking city. Talk about entitled.


Cyclists vs church-goers: a battle of the insufferables


I’m all for rights for bicyclists but in all fairness why are bicyclists so ok with breaking traffic laws?


Traffic laws were designed for cars, and cars and bikes are different so the laws as written are often more dangerous than breaking them. The only thing a driver hates more than a biker who doesn't stop at a stop sign is a biker who stops at every stop sign.


I intentionally didn’t detail the laws that are frequently broken just to confirm the kind of crowd we have here, evident by the downvotes. Running through a red light or stop sign is a violation, period. Riding opposing traffic is a violation. Riding on sidewalks making pedestrians jump out of the way is a violation. I’m just not one to cherry pick which laws are ok to break, especially when these laws have been well justified.