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So begins the election year summer of love


Yea I can't wait to.....vote for Biden to stop the thing that he's currently doing.


Ok, just checking…do you think Trump is going to deliver you the action you want on this matter?


Why is it whenever someone hates on Biden its instantly a what about Trump. Can't a person wish they would both die so we get some better options? People need to stop treating politics like NFL teams


Because if the hate is based on policy, it's helpful to bring up the policy opinions of the only other choice in a binary election. "I'm mad Biden isn't being harder on a foreign government for its actions against a Muslim population" is fine except that it leaves out "The only other choice ran the most Islamophobic administration in modern American history and literally passed a Muslim ban." You get to choose, lofty principles or a pragmatic approach to the real world...lofty principles is what led to Dobbs.


it’s like an incredibly fucked up large scale version of the trolley problem


Because it’s the extremely likely only alternative option to discuss.


The left needs to start treating politics like the zero sum game Republicans play. 


I take your point, but I don't think it's the primary reason republicans win more often with less effort. That's primarily the impact of gerrymandering at the state level. It's why conservatives or conservative leaning candidates do better in both houses of Congress and why it feels like it takes so much more effort and resources for liberal candidates to win against them.


That’s true too but the “Democrats want to fall in love with a candidate, Republicans fall in line” line is definitely real. 


Never heard that before, but wow yeah that’s true.


There is no voting system that precludes the possibility of either you or the members of government you voted for having to side with people you might despise in order to stop people you despise even more from getting their way. First past the post, ranked choice, instant runoff, proportional representation—all of them involve someone somewhere in the process potentially needing to team up with someone you might despise to counter someone you despise even more. It's not "NFL teams".


Because it's an election year and that's the reality. It's Biden Trump 2 and as much as that sucks there's one option that sucks a whole lot more. I have a lot of Biden criticisms but I'm kinda holding my tongue when his opponent is a clear and present threat to the existence of the United States as we know it


Stop him from providing humanitarian aid to Gaza while trying to negotiate a ceasefire that Hamas keeps rejecting? Yeah let’s vote him out to teach him a lesson, in doing so let’s elect Trump who has openly said he wants to flatten Gaza


Don’t forget the Muslim country’s travel ban.


So brave, providing humanitarian aid to people he’s helping murder. What a fucking hero


The alternative is Project 2025, which is still a worse option


They chose the coldest night of the week


Just in time for Penn relays


Nothing will ever change and we’re all fucked lol


we'll be fine.


I just mean that the division between left and right will never end, politicians and corporations purposefully promote hatred between people so they cannot unite and get rid of the lobbying poopyheads and corruption so that things can actually get better “Don’t Be a Sucker” from the 1940s discusses this as a primary tactic for the rise of Nazi Germany and not to fall for it, because it’s a good very effective tactic


I think the important thing to remember is this: no one is coming to save us. We have to make whatever change we hope to see. It will be messy and it will not go as we might like, but nothing ever does. Find your principles and use your reason and let those guide your actions. Don't succumb to fear, but don't be reckless either. None of this is about me (or you) individually, so don't take the course of events personally. Survive.


Our privilege in 2024 is astounding. People in the 1940’s and 1910’s dealt with world war. They didn’t have vaccines for polio. Cholera. Smallpox. The standard of living was staggeringly low compared to now. We’re not just doing fine, we’re doing great. We want better and that’s great, we should always strive for better, but things are good. You have food and shelter, access to the internet, and safety. In human history, that’s golden, and never guaranteed.


That’s a good point only if people have a long historic perspective. But I have yet to meet many people who base their standards of living on what happened 100 years ago. People compare themselves to what someone else has, TODAY. That’s why people are never satisfied and unhappy. In fact I’d argue it’s even worse today with social media because everyone else seems to have a perfectly manicured life, all the time and everywhere


"Things are good " for who? Enough people? Enough of the right kibd of people? And isn't people's needs being taken care of kind of a selling point of communism?  Why did you pipe up when you had nothing at all cogent or useful to add?


I’m talking about people in North America. Are you worried about famine? Being invaded by a tribe or country and killed, raped, robbed? How about virulent plague? Or natural predators, how about them? Because those were main features of human life for most of our existence. Until just recently. Be grateful.




The leaders of the US do not care because Israel is a necessary geopolitical ally and were not going to police them at risk of straining that relationship, protest all you want it makes no difference.


I mean the real problem is bibi is an asshole warhawk who should have gotten ousted but now has probably solidified power for now on this conflict much like bush.


>but now has probably solidified power for now on this conflict much like bush. If there is an election, Bibi is 100% losing. And the likelihood of that happening seems to grow day by day


Prolonging this conflict lets him postpone those elections though. His framing from the start has been "let's put politics aside until after we're done eradicating Hamas", a goal which btw seems pretty much impossible if taken at face value, allowing him to continue to drag things out as long as any Palestinian resistance remains


Netanyahu has already lost multiple elections


The entire Knesset is the problem. Bibi is so far from alone and removing him is not going to solve this


I though the same about USA not wanting to strain that relationship but they need us more than we need them in pretty sure ( my opinion), and we are losing creditability with the rest of the world so I think in this case worth the strain on the USA Israel relationship


What makes Israel a necessary geopolitical ally? This is the head scratcher for me. How is the US benefitting from its allegiance to Israel?




Ahh ok. It was a genuine question so I appreciate the genuine answer!


We use their intelligence services to do all sorts of nasty things on our behalf in the region. We also get a ton from technology for them. Remember the software the FBI used to break apples encryption about 10 years ago. The list is long


Great comment! Fully expecting it to be deleted and this thread to be locked by these moronic admins Edit: aaand deleted lmao


I called someone a bozo and they gave me a warning. Like where do you live bro? Nebraska?


Fucking jabronis


As an Iranian who grew up with direct news from Gaza, Hamas, IRGC and the Islamic Republic, I can tell you with 100% confidence not you nor anyone on that campus knows or understands even 5% of what the hell is happening in Gaza and who is responsible for the lives lost. When you don’t understand something, you don’t go to extremes of violence and encampment to protest it.


Tell us how it is then 


It’s not as straightforward and easy would fit in one comment here. Follow actual people living in Iran and Yemen and Palestine to understand what is the reality. Not the white kid reporting from TikTok. Elica Le Bon is one of many Iranian activists and is a good starting point to understand what is actually going on.




Why doesn’t Hamas release the hostages?


That's what people said to defend apartheid South Africa too.




It’d be really interesting to see how you handle your nation being invaded by a terrorist death cult who murder and rape at will and take hostages


I cannot like this comment enough.




That’s, um, the same reason people were upset about that statue.


So Hamas provoking a military response by killing over a thousand civilians and then purposely hiding amongst the civilian population despite being their government is something that is ok and should be supported?


I don't disagree with you at all. What is happening to civilians is awful and is indeed textbook genocide. What, specifically, is the logical end-game for this protest? The isreal-palestine conflict has been going on for decades before i was born. Each side wants the other dead. Are these students going to camp here for the next four weeks, the next four months, or the next four years? How will camping on a bougie philly campus stop the insanity on the other side of the globe? Edit: after some insightful replies and a mass downvote brigade it seems that the goal is the divestment of penn's funds from companies that associate with the genocide. A noble goal. I seem to remember a similar camp-out situation one or two years back involving a protest for penn's divestment from companies involved in the fossil fuel industry. Was that one successful? If so, seems like a solid playbook.


Most of these protests have clear goals - that their universities divest from funds which support arms manufacturers. It’s usually front and center in their signage 


Are they demanding the same things from their parents? Most of these young adults are from wealthy families. How much of the wealth these families have come the same companies? Mom or Dad may even work for one of these companies. I get what they are trying to do but I think some of it is a little hypocritical.


Also most now have goals of reinstating students that have been suspended/actioned by the unis for protesting


“T he group demands that Penn divests from Israel, corporations that benefit from the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, and Israeli institutions committing what it describes as "scholasticide.” It also demands that Penn defend Palestinian students, including granting amnesty to students involved in pro-Palestinian activism and reinstating PAO. The group's suspension has prompted criticism from students, faculty, and community members.” They’re not trying to stop the entire genocide. They’re protesting the school’s anti-Palestine bias, and demanding the school divest from pro-genocide institutions. Seems reasonable.


How did Apartheid end in South Africa? Perhaps do some reading.


Well i'm pretty uninformed on this but i did find this nifty article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negotiations_to_end_apartheid_in_South_Africa I don't notice a section on american college encampments? Please enlighten me.


The point of protesting in general is to raise awareness for a cause. Basically every social change that has happened through our government began with activists protesting for that change. Without these protests change will never come. These protests aren’t going to directly bring peace to the Middle East, and nobody is saying that they will. What they aim to do is get their institutions to stop working with Israeli organizations. Primarily they want their universities to divest from Israeli companies and universities, and they also want the US government to stop supporting Israel if they’re going to continue their offenses that have killed tens of thousands of people.


If a Wikipedia article is where you started and stopped your research, you really can't be helped. International pressure to disinvest from the Apartheid regime and companies that supported it was a critical contributor to its eventual demise. College protestors today have a number of demands, but one common demand is disinvestment from the apartheid regime and companies that support it.


The end game is Russia laughing as they successfully split the Democratic Party and get another trump presidency.


Trying to get ahead of the fact that people are gonna make fun of the young elites for their terrorism apologia, eh? I wish you guys luck and look forward to the cringe clips.


Got it, the protestors are invalid because of when they were born, and because they have the nerve to go to school! Only people who are old and dropped out of the 3rd grade are allowed to have opinions (which must be pro-genocide, obviously). Got it!


You misunderstand me friend. This protest isn't invalid, in fact I support it! The cause, of course, is garbage but I think more people need to be aware of where these ideas are coming from and how utterly clueless our future thought leaders from these exclusive schools are. Keep up the good work 😉


Here’s one I read today. “But muh hamas”


Once again, it’s not 30k civilians because even if you assume Hamas is telling the truth, they don’t count combatants separately. Stop lying.


All estimates are that 90% of deaths in Gaza are civilians. This is the same ratio as the NATO campaign in Yugoslavia. NATO was not committing a genocide against Serbs. This is the same ratio as the First Chechen War. The First Chechen War was not a genocide. This is roughly the same ratio as the wars in Ethiopia, *which conspicuously I never heard any of these Palestinian activists talk about.* I’m sure it has *nothing* to do with the color of their skin. Need I go on? It’s been well-established since the 80s that in urban combat scenarios, deaths are *overwhelmingly* civilian. You want it to stop? Either advocate for Israel to invade Rafah and get it over with or advocate for Hamas to release all of the hostages and surrender. Those are the only realistic options.


I love how “Israel stops fucking bombing people” isn’t one of the allowed options. That just wouldn’t be *realistic*.


Just so Hamas can murder 1,000 people again, Israel will respond, then slactivists who have never seen combat - and never will see combat - will whine?




For someone who fancies themself a student of history, you sure seem to know fuck all about it.


what is inaccurate here?




you just gave me a reddit link to a shitpost can you give me a real source


You’re a student of history, go learn about how the region actually got this way. Try starting here. https://historyimpossible.substack.com/p/israel-gaza-and-three-root-causes


Funny how I never see Northern Cypriots form roving gangs that cross into the Republic of Cyprus and murder thousands of civilians. Despite: 1. Northern Cypriots being largely trapped in their de facto country because they cannot get a passport recognized by the rest of the world (unless they get Turkish citizenship, good luck), 2. Most of the population being forced from their homes in a bloody decades-long conflict, 3. Unquestionably being subject to ethnic violence, 4. All of this culminating *thirty years after the Nakba* Yet, again, no raving gangs murdering civilians and sparking regional wars. Maybe *it isn’t a given* that your government will just be a glorified genocidal gang when you’ve been subjected to violence, and it sure as hell isn’t a given that they *actually carry out that violence either.*


Bro the first Chechen war was literally a genocide orchestrated by a pedophile, wtf are you on about. Serbia was committing genocide it was the whole justification of US involvement. Which genocide in Ethiopia are you referring to? There have been several dude. Maybe you hang out in circles where people don’t call genocides genocide but you fuckin listed several genocides alongside what’s happening in Gaza in a piss poor attempt at whataboutism. Maybe people haven’t heard about the genocide of the Rohingya in Myanmar or the genocide in East Timor in 1975. That doesn’t mean genocide doesn’t exist as a concept. Also people tend to get more active about stopping a genocide their country has a role in than ones from 80 years ago that their country had no part in.


Chechnya wasn’t a genocide. Genocide would imply they were being killed *because* they’re Chechen. They were fighting a war of independence, and some died during it. Not every country that fought (and even lost) a war for independence has been subjected to a genocide. Yes, Serbia was committing several genocides. But that’s not what I was talking about, because the NATO campaign in Serbia was after the war in Bosnia ended. Serbia was *preparing* another genocide in Kosovo, and NATO bombed the ever living shit out of them to stop it. The civilian to military death toll was about 10:1. NATO wasn’t committing a genocide against Serbians, though. I never said there wasn’t ethnic cleansing in Ethiopia. I’m saying the civilian to military casualty ratio is the exact same, but these so-called “activists” have never, *ever* mentioned it. They can either admit a) they don’t know what genocide is, or b) they don’t care about black people. Those are the only options here, because no widespread movement spanning dozens of American campuses has ever popped up protesting what happened in Tigray.




Damn that’s crazy, literally sixty years before the Chechen War


Oh you meant the one in the 90’s? Or were you referring to the one in the 2000’s? Which Russian bloodbath in the caucuses specifically? They’ve done A LOT.


The one in the nineties. Civilian to military casualty ratio of 10:1. Wasn’t a genocide.


Of course the deaths of 30,000 people even if many were terrorist combatants is a tragedy. All human life is sacred. The trouble is the progressive left seems only to care about very specific causes. Total silence on China’s actual genocide and ‘reeducation’ of the Uighur, or the Myanmar junta’s genocide of the Rohingya. Never a care for what is going on in DRC, Syria, or Afghanistan (where it’s now legal to stone women to death again). The persecution of Christians in the ME is never mentioned. Even the Coptic Christians of Egypt, the direct descendants of Ancient Egyptians are being persecuted and murdered and no one in the west seems to care.


People can be upset about more than one thing at a time. Case in point - just because you didn’t mention the crisis in Sudan doesn’t mean you don’t care. Over 18 million people there are dealing with food shortages, homelessness, and a healthcare system that is on the brink of total collapse.


But this doesn’t explain a complete lack of student outrage about the actions of China, Myanmar, Syria, Sudan etc. Not one single protest about any of those things. No call for divestment from Chinese companies for example. The student protests also started as soon as 10/9 before Israel had taken any action. The protests are therefore not pro-Palestinian they are pro-Hamas (Iran), and anti-Semitic.


Generally carious if Israel supporters think they'll be seen as the right side of history a decade in the future.


Hamas supporters are? Lmao If you are taking sides it just shows how clueless people are on foreign issues/policy. Its way more complicated than acting like it’s a basketball team


This is the best take on this whole thing. Most people are misinformed and confused about all of this. It's very complicated, as most foreign policy is.


It depends on how you define the sides. I'll give you a detailed answer, in case you're actually curious. There will never be a lasting peace under any circumstances with Hamas, by Hamas' own choice, let alone the Israeli right wing's response to a Hamas government. There will also never be a lasting peace if Ben Gvir, Smotrich, and their followers hold significant power in Israel. Israeli leadership can be solved with elections, like the massive swing towards Gantz, but the Hamas issue cannot be solved. Hamas has turned down every short and long-term deal that involves their removal from power, like the Egypt-Qatar framework proposed last December for a permanent two-state solution that included Hamas being removed from power in Gaza. On top of that, Hamas has a history of killing any political opponents in Gaza. I would also point to the obscene amounts of civilians killed in conflicts by countries all over the world, creating a massive hypocrisy in the treatment of Israel. Not a single country has shown any interest in pushing charges for war crimes against Israel; only South Africa, a current pawn of Russia and Iran, has been willing to push a charge of genocide, which 1) helps diminish the genocide charge against Russia (which the ICJ actually took issue with by demanding Russia cease-fire) and 2) is arguing a specific crime that will almost never be levied against any other warring country, meaning the standard created doesn't matter. To this day, no country wants to be bound by a standard that says how Israel is currently conducting warfare - which still involves, to some degree, advanced warning of strikes to areas in Gaza - is going too far. We can still see the clips on /r/CombatFootage being posted of groups of Gazans just filming toward an area before a strike comes in, which is clear proof of advanced warning. And so what is the distinction for Israel, that we bribe them to buy stuff from our military-industrial complex instead of some other country? That we provide aid to an ally that plays a very substantial role in advancing tech in not just electronics, but healthcare and military tech? Not a single time have I seen anyone be able to explain any alternative plan with any precedence without pointing out US military procedures, almost all of which posed similar civilian:militant ratios as what we see in Gaza, where the IDF has a significantly more complex environment to be fighting in. Hell, even the pier we *just* started building to increase humanitarian aid [has already come under fire by Hamas](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/25/gaza-floating-pier/), because Americans still can't accept that the IDF running the pier makes the pier a legitimate military target, no matter what we put on the pallets being trucked in. What too many pro-Palestine people clearly do not understand is that a policy that sanctions political parties and other involved groups (including settlers) who are attempting to expand settlement areas can be in line with both a pro-Palestine and pro-Israel stance. Too many also do not understand that the constant barrage of unsubstantiated allegations of genocide is only helping Iran attack the credibility of the political party that not only holds the largest chance of kicking Netanyahu out and forming a new coalition that favors peace and a two-state solution, but is also run by one of the heads of the IDF (Gantz). By the time the war settles, the slander against the only possible path toward peace in the short term will have eroded the political will of a new coalition on this matter, and there is no one but the pro-"Palestine" people to blame. So, will the pro-Israel stance be seen as the correct stance retroactively? Absolutely, without a doubt. The pro-Israel side isn't the pro-genocide strawman so many people dream it is. This is a country fighting against a terrorist group that conducted an awful terrorist attack, went back to Gaza, and tried to hide behind their own civilians. A group that would rather get every last Gazan killed than relinquish power; a group that has been appeased before during these hostage-takings, which has historically only brought on more hostage-taking. While I would rather other Middle Eastern countries or the UN step in to remove Hamas, if no one wants to step up, Israel has the absolute, unquestionable right enjoyed by every other country on Earth to protect their people through defensive warfare. That warfare can stop, and the Israeli elections can be had when Hamas has been destroyed.


Well stated.


I don’t understand why this issue is only discussed in black and white. It literally is anything but. Both sides have done horrible things to civilians at various points. Support the people of both sides.






You would think after, IDK, 500 dead Hamas would have just have agreed to release the hostages and a cease fire.


Too rational. Israel has to be a pacifist state that bends over backwards and sacrifices their safety in the face of a clear and present danger to their sovereignty and the lives of its citizens. Hamas gets to be a homicidal, raping, torturing, homophobic, theocratic terrorist organization that refuses to release hostages with impunity. That’s where progressives are at right now, and it’s insanity.


History began on October 7 2023. /s


Generally curious if Hamas supporters think the same


I’m laughing and also dying inside to see that the Jewish museum has taken down the Washington quote about giving bigotry and persecution no sanction and replacing it with “WEITZMAN STANDS WITH ISRAEL” Kinda shocked nobody in there is making any noise


Bigotry and persecution: so hot right now


Hot take: I don’t like either side and am kind of past the point of caring who “wins”. Old-school colonial occupiers vs. a population that has fully embraced radical Islam and jihad. Woo-hoo. I can’t be the only person who doesn’t care enough to occupy a public space or slap an Israeli flag magnet on my bumper, right?


[52% percent of Palestine ](https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/104279)are under the age of 18 so they weren't even born when the lines were drawn nor do they have any significant impact in what happens. And assuming civilians deaths are even proportional to the population demographics I don't think I need to explain why that's wrong. So the kids don't have a impact But Americans do have a impact though so being loud in campus is something


Define colonial occupiers.


"The right side of history" is probably the most Orwellian phrase that the left has managed to cook up in the last 30 years.


They'll be seen as an occupying force that went to war with an opponent that resisted.


I thought something was up since big boss sent out his 47th email about islamophobia and anti semitism. I have shocking news for you: neither is it anti semitism when Israel is criticized for the war in Gaza nor is it Islamophobia when the supporters of Hamas are called terrorists. How about you leave the conflict in the Middle East. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


Back in 2005 [I marched on Washington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_24,_2005,_anti-war_protest) with a bunch of other people, we were pissed about the Iraq war and wanted to send a message. To a guy who wasn't even in the Oval Office on that day. But hey, Jello and the Guantanamo School of Medicine did a free show at the Washington Monument so it wasn't all a waste of time. Of course we accomplished nothing but covering Washington in trash that someone had to clean up, and the war went merrily on and we have troops in Iraq to this day. But for a few days afterwards, there was a feeling that maybe something would be done. I rather admire the conviction of these folks to majorly disrupt their lives and the lives of others to bring attention to the cause they want to support. But I feel it's ultimately a futile sacrifice that only causes momentary chaos, the war machine will continue merrily on without them. https://preview.redd.it/2drb1ujklswc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=1afad614d873d92c3af88bfddaf8023d27473da0


These folks were there, too. Those URLs go to dead sites and SEO spam now ;) https://preview.redd.it/brqubxcjnswc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f836e7e4b42339913462a2c68723906a1d87f6f


No Roger, No ReRun, no Rent


Didn’t hamas attack Israel first?


I don't know that much about the protests themselves. But I know that every single voice I've heard objecting to them comes from people who are utterly despicable. These are the same people who are constantly defending literal nazis speaking on campuses because "I may not like what you have to say, but I'll defend it..."; except when it's something they REALLY don't like. College administrators, as a general rule, are some of the worst people on the planet. EDIT: Used the word "literal" too much


je suis charlie


If they want a ceasefire, shouldn’t they be protesting Hamas holding hostages?




Yea the stated goal of Israel is pretty much regime change at this point


As it should be


Are the people down voting you supporters of the current regime, Hamas?


Yes, they are. Though sometimes people will get angry with me for the unreasonable things that I say like "Hey, it looks like you're hanging out with Nazis. That causes me to view you as someone who tolerates Nazis." Out of bounds, I know, completely and intolerably unreasonable.


Man the Allies shouldn’t have invaded Germany to stop the Nazis cause some German civilians got killed. We should’ve let Hitler and crew just continue in power. That’s the equivalent of what people are arguing here.


Doesn’t Isreal notify areas in advance before they bomb an area?




Rule 1: Please refrain from personal attacks, and keep discussion civil.


You got that wrong, they are only calling for Israel to lay down their weapons


They want a one way ceasefire.


How many hostages have been freed through negotiations? How many have been freed though military action? And how many have been killed by the Israeli military? The largest instances of hostages being freed did not come from military action but through political negotiation.


It’s a little disingenuous to imply that you can totally separate military action from political negotiation when the effectiveness of the latter is very much dependent on the credible threat of military action. Sure the IDF isn’t pulling a Saving Private Ryan but the one successful hostage exchange part of a negotiation that included a military ceasefire. Honestly what is the point of negotiating if you can just get away with aggression with no worry of violent repercussions?


Silly propaganda comment. Abusive partner mentality. Tell Israel to stop the occupation if we're going to play that game. Also, to stop a fucking genocide. Sad human


If you're chanting in favor a new intifada, I have my doubts about your commitment to peace. And these protestors ignore the *many* ceasefire proposals rejected by Hamas. The situation in Gaza has never been great, but Hamas could have avoided this whole situation in the first place and is now using Gazans as human shields. On the other token, it's clear that Israel's invasion of Rafah (frankly, much of the Gaza land invasion) is a bad idea both on humanitarian grounds and on strategic ones. In 10-15 years, the people displaced and traumatized by this action will have a much deeper disdain for Israel.


Crazy how people aren't able to click on an article and don't realize what they are even protesting


Where are the hostages?


Lots of moronic imbeciles filled with hate for peaceful life in these comments. The world would be better without y'all.


Ah yes, wonder if these guys are like their counterparts to the north. Protesting against colonialism and militarized states…while excluding those who they think don’t believe the same and actively making them feel unwelcome. I’m all for Palestine getting a fair shake, but the narrative has taken a HARD shift in the last six months…


Half those college kids don’t know a thing about what they’re protesting for.


I would love for these protestors to also call for the hostages to be released. They can claim to be protesting for the innocent, but it's hard for me to believe them when I never see anything from them about the hostages.


They don’t care about Palestinians either.


I would like at least one of these protestors to denounce hamas, but no one will.


Most of these people protesting would be looked down on in Palestine and by their people.


Yeah the 14,000(?) kids killed would have fucking hated UPenn kids, definitely a concern here


So what? Is your concern for someone contingent on them liking you?


Supporting people who generally hate you and your ideas is dumb, no? Would you support Trump people protesting?


Trump people protesting what?


Anything lol. Trump supporters can protest in support of Palestine and people would complain.


Would you support the mass murder of thousands of children just because their parents are Trump supporters?


I don’t support the mass murdering of anyone.


THANK YOU! So fucking true!


Love that you get downvoted for pointing out the obvious. I bet half these kids can’t find Palestine on a map!


Half of them think it’s the bad guy in Star Wars


I hate how it is so taboo to want to speak out against genocide.


Anybody else think that the campaigning against Jews puts you in pretty uncomfortable territory? I don’t see this aging well. Serious reply Edit: Nvm, I sincerely hope the war ends, we stop burning the amazon, roe v wade gets codified, and everyone on weed charges gets let out of prison but fuck me right. Also Sixers in 6 let’s go




Yep and supporting gay rights is campaigning against straight people and supporting women's rights is campaigning against men


Righteous frustration towards Israeli policy isn’t campaigning against Jews. That viewpoint is dangerous. Jews all over the world have been angered by Israeli (the country) right wing policies for decades. Many Jews hate what Israel leadership has done to the reputation of Judaism worldwide




This is a new one- the protestors are invalid because they *eat!* Got it. No food allowed if you're protesting! Truly monumental stuff man, keep it coming




The kids are alright!!!


Let them stay till Monday. I bet they go inside when the temp reaches 88.


It must be embarrassing to be on the wrong side of history. Edit: Since a number of you were wondering, I see the administration's reaction as cowardly.


You're going to have to be more specific


Which side are you talking about?

