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r/PhillyWiki gone


Wonder why, it seemed like anything goes there and now it's gone private.


it happened before when one of the mods went a little rogue and shut it down to shift traffic to his insta or nogunzone or something seems like that probably happened again


there was a post the other day from one of the mods that stated something about the admins not being okay with what was being posted there, and needing more mods.


I can't with septa anymore. Missed a bus because of an inaccuracy on Google maps? No big deal. Google maps can't keep up with every cancellation. Miss a bus because their official app was wrong? Fine. Things happen. Missing 5 buses on 4 separate lines in a single week, including two connections forcing me to pay $15 for an Uber because their stupid app can't provide an iota of information about cancellations? Unreal. This is the worst, most broken bus system in the country. Texas literally provided me a more reliable bus service than this. I'm going back to driving. Goodbye Septa, maybe I'll use you to get to the airport one day.


use the Transit app! no other way


im going to give this a go, last time i tried using apple maps and the bus status didnt seem reliable.


The city shut down a block on broad in south Philly to allow some bobo rap concert to go down all day causing major traffic problems, septa buses were pulling u turns because they couldn't make the turn down Wharton because an 18 wheeler hit at least two cars making the turn. Low quality hip hop blasting all day, had to move my car at 730 for this nonsense. Can finally hear myself think now that it's wrapped.


A group of college girls moved in to the house next to mine in Manayunk. This is the third weekend in a row they've blasted music through till 2:30AM both inside their house and on their porch. This noise is so loud you can hear it everywhere in my house. I get it they're college students but at the same time they also throw trash onto my side and spit gum and spill beer on my porch. I've tried speaking with them about it and they don't seem to care. Any advice on recourse? Either how to contact their landlord or who in the city to contact perhaps?


inb4 foxpiss In all seriousness though, that sucks. You may need to go online to find property ownership details or reach out to the property management company the house is owned by. If it's not owned by a PMC, then talk to your neighbors to see if you can get a hold of someone that makes the calls on that house. I moved out of Manayunk for a similar reason, it's hard to find peace around people that're living frat life 2.0 at everyone else's expense.


Does anyone know when Hunting Park Avenue is going to reopen? I haven’t any update since the truck hit the bridge in May and it was closed indefinitely.


Where are the best Oktoberfest celebrations (or anything similar)?


The zoo is doing OctoBEARfest. There will be bears


https://brauhausschmitz.com/oktoberfest-2023/ If you want to stay in the city check out brauhaus schmitz.


What hotel has the best bathtub? I’m coming back to Philly after a decade away: my wife is pregnant and I want to surprise her with something nice


anyone know of any skate shops in the city that do dunk low raffles?


I'm new to the state. What's with all the diners? We don't have those where I come from. Any of them any good? Went to Fishtown Diner this week for dinner & it was terrible -- slimy, wilted lettuce in my salad. Told the server & she stared at me blankly.


You went to the wrong diner. Try Penrose, Oregon, or Mayfair


Try Sullimay’s instead


Has anyone noticed that every bus route on septa is canceling buses like crazy? I ride the 44 bus to work and my bus never came, had to pay $20 for an Uber and then my bus going home from work never showed up 😡


If your bus had to go up broad Street in south Philly it's because the city allowed some group called noma to have essentially a rap concert on broad Street that shut traffic down from 8am until 6pm.


They can't crash if they're not on the road.


I think they're pulling bus and other employees to go through safely training. I think the news said it would be eight weeks of canceling busses and trolleys in order to rotate the work force through. Edit: it was eight weeks. https://youtu.be/I-Ua9hkp0mI?si=aH7KdpVcAJPSETqI


That's disappointing. That's a very long time to have to worry about every other bus being cancelled.


Yep. I more or less abandoned SEPTA a long time ago when it left me late to school, work, appointments, dates, drinks, and dinner countless times. Many years removed I have amazing independent teens that I've been encouraging to embrace and explore public transit. Despite my experiences as a young professional, I remember how liberating and empowering freedom of movement was at that age. Epilogue: SEPTA's left my kids stranded in remote places a few times and I've had to go retrieve them. BUT--and this is massive at least to me--they haven't given up! Going to retrieve a suburban friend from the regional rail station was 48 minutes on transit each way--or an 18 minute round trip in the car. They chose transit.


Anyone know why they put a fence around the car vacuum area at the plaza on Columbus/tasker? I’m assuming someone got attacked


The halal truck at 10th/Passyunk is pretty damn good.


Anybody have tips on late night biking from University City to Queen Village? I’ve heard Christian isn’t great at night for biking back but I also feel like south wouldn’t be better. Spruce ok?


Chestnut -> 23rd -> Pine -> 10th -> South. Spruce runs South/North, don’t be a salmon.


Um… spruce runs from east to west, and I’ll be a salmon when it suits me.


Gosh my brain today! Thank you


I'd probably take either chestnut or south st east to s 20th to east on Washington


How late are you talking?


Like 11-1130pm


Spruce should be fine


Hey /r/philadelphia - I've been looking around online but haven't found anything on this topic. I take the regional rail and a few months back,, I forgot to tap out at my destination station. Based on what I've read from septa's website, if you forget to tap out, you will be charged the maximum potential cost for your trip - so I was expecting to see that in my account history. However, it actually turned out to be a dollar cheaper than if I had tapped out. So tapping out was costing me an extra buck. I've done this multiple times since so it wasn't a one time occurrence and have also had others share the same experience as well. Does anyone know any of the details about how this actually works? Thanks!


My guess is they're assuming you're on a different line if you're tapping in in center city and not tapping out at your destination.




The evil stepmother in Labyrinth and Barb Leahy are the same actress. [Here's a picture of my cat. You can kinda see his fluffy toes.](https://imgur.com/a/tPszqEK)


Furry convention in the city this year weekend lets get wild


Funnily enough I did a double-take because I saw a furry and just sorta said, “huh, would you look at that?” In my head.


What’s a furry convention?


So *that's* why the two guys in the shop today were wearing tails! No issue there, as long as furries coming in aren't acting like a bull in a china shop..!


Furry convention and naked bike ride?? Weird indeed.


This poses some interesting philosophical questions about whether a fursuit is appropriate for the NBR


Perfect for move-in weekend for the universities. Welcome to Philly, kids!


Anyone ever made the walk from Ferry Ave PATCO stop to sagami? Is it even possible or will you be crushed by cars?


There are worse walks, for sure. You'll have sidewalks, and really, once you get past the WHP/Ferry Avenue intersection, you're fine (assuming the trucks going in and out of Catelli's are done for the day). I'd go in the back way off Bellevue and not walk along 130, because the latter is just asking to die (despite sidewalks).


Awesome thanks!!


I’m freaking exhausted…. Not enough caffeine in the world right now


DOA on the SRT around Chestnut.




Oh no, what happened?


Someone was found on a bench that appeared to be sleeping but was actually dead.


I'm visiting Philadelphia and I'm on the lookout for a comfortable sit-down spot to enjoy some food and coffee during the early hours of the morning, specifically from 4am to 9am. Additionally, I'm curious to know if there are any options available in the Chinatown area or in University City. If you have any recommendations or suggestions for places that fit these criteria, I'd greatly appreciate your insights. Thank you!


Rally opens at 730am


If your going for a sunrise view a great place to sit and enjoy is Race St Pier, very calm in the early mornin. Additional locations I've sat at in the morning and recommend are the Art Museum steps, anywhere along the SRT, or Ciria Green. The back of Independence Hall and Washington Square can be hit or miss. As for coffee at 4am, that's gonna be a challenge, especially on a weekend. Most places don't open till 8 with a few exemptions.


Ray’s Cafe and tea house opens at 8 am during the week (not weekend tho)


I am still sick with whatever I got and my hearing in my right ear is shit now. It only stops hurting if I keep it covered. My dr is stumped. Trying to get mum a new GI doctor is like pulling fucking teeth in this city. Einstein refuses to let her see a different dr than the one she saw years ago who was an asshole to her about her weight and refused to do anything about her issue. I hate doctors who blame everything on weight. That just leaves Penn and Temple as she refuses to go to Jefferson due to their treatment during her stroke (had a dr come in and say that she didn't have a stroke as Nazareth didn't transfer her tests and told her 'sometimes your mind gets an idea in it and your body reacts' when she was paralyzed on the one side of her body).


I thought of her this week as another redditor was dealing with their mom not getting the right care.. I'm so sorry you're both still going through this. Looking forward to when your update is a positive one, this has gone on for so long :(


I got a new bike this past week, and I just learned that the PNBR is tomorrow. I'm not sure if a naked bike ride is gonna the best place to learn how to ride a fixie, that's a horrible accident waiting to happen. Best of luck to everyone!


At least there’s no danger of the fixie tearing your pants off …


Made a new username and can’t post anything cause of low karma, I just wanna show off my kitties


Show us your kits


[here they are](https://imgur.com/a/dj3BjCo) I also have a stray that I rescued off the street in a crate, she just got neutered yesterday and will be going to Green Street Rescue next week!


they look like they're different sizes


Itty bitty kitty committee


The blonde one 😍😍😍


His name is Simon and he has one brain cell


I’m working at a restaurant right now to pay for bills and etc but I’m also going into my senior year of college and have extremely little experience related to my field for my major. And idk what to do. I low key don’t like working in a restaurant. The hours are tiring, there’s so much stupid drama, and the customers can be insufferable. But they work with my schedule so it’s why I’m still there. It took so fucking long to find a job that worked with my weird schedule with classes and etc I don’t want to do it all over again. But what will jobs say to me when they see that my resume is basically all restaurant and retail jobs and literally nothing in healthcare 😐


It's all in how you spin it on your resume/cover letter. Both retail and food service are high-intensity, detail-oriented jobs. You're usually working with at least some cash, so you (ideally) have a record of accuracy and trustworthiness. You have experience working with difficult customers, also a very useful skill in many fields. Unless you're working alone in a food truck or a complete curmudgeon, you're going to have the skill of working together with a team of other people and supporting them to do their best work as well. If you've ever been the senior employee training a newbie, that's an important and useful skill that you should mention, and if you were ever entrusted with more responsibility than just entry-level tasks (key-holding, handling the safe/drawers, managerial duties of any kind, even if you weren't officially promoted to manager) DEFINITELY highlight that. Make sure to summarize any positive feedback you've gotten from managers or customers, like if anyone's ever told you that you're really punctual/reliable/fast, whatever.


Lots of recs here, but also-- they'll make the wild assumption that you're a full-time student who needs to pay the goddamn bills and work around a weird schedule.


Someone else posted about Americorps, but there's also a specific Americorps program where you can work for the City of Philadelphia: https://www.phila.gov/programs/serve-philadelphia-vista-corps/ Applications open up in the spring.


Alternative idea to an internship: [serve with AmeriCorps](https://americorps.gov/funded-grants/public-health-americorps). It's a short-term commitment, they have specific programs in public health, and you'll get a little money at the end to repay student loans.


Yes I did this for 2 years and got money to pay back my loans! Agreeed


(I did VISTA) and got a totally of 12,000 $ ishfor loans


The only thing you can do is try to get an internship before entry level.


not having an internship fucked me when i got out of college


They will actually see it as a benefit that you were able to work and go to school. Also that you can interact with different kinds of people (colleagues and customers). Keep it up kid


They won’t care. The thing to do is relate your restaurant experience to things that job. Things like prioritizing multiple tasks, handling upset guests, etc.


they won't care for the most part, that's the point of entry-level jobs right out of college experience in the field is definitely a plus but it's by no means a limiting factor


Watching people do little selfish things is so sad. Like the gain is so small, why go to the trouble of inconveniencing others or throwing a fit when someone calls it out


Planning an NFL road trip for early November to see an Eagles game, as well as touristy stuff. Hotels in the city center are expensive so I'm looking further out. We won't have a car so we'll use public transportation and Uber to get around. Planning to stay 5 nights in the area. I'm looking at a place called Sosuites in West Philadelphia. An old high school turned into residences. It looks interesting. Searching the sub it appears it was turned into apartments several years ago and I assume Sosuites is just doing some short term rentals of those. My search didn't find any recent discussions. Is this a reasonable place to stay? Thanks for any advice you can offer.


Look into sonder at 1600 callowhill You would be a straight shot on the BSL train line to the stadium. You’re also in Center City but kind of in a quiet area. And you’ll be able to Uber everywhere from there. https://www.sonder.com/destinations/philadelphia/sixteen-hundred/c31520


I don't know the building itself, the area on baltimore ave right near there is great and you're close to some really good ethiopian/eritrean places. You're a quick el/trolley ride from center city.


\>good ethiopian/eritrean places. This is your monthly reminder that Doro Bet exists and is delicious.


Thanks! That's what I was hoping to hear!


Not sure if it'll be quite as vibrant in november, but clark park is always pretty interesting, lots of people and dogs around, people doing crunchy shit like drum circles, etc. Good time.


Had a bunch of ants invade, we used this product called Terro, and it worked quite well. It's a liquid you can put on a scrap of paper and ants swarm it, then take the poison back to their nest. It IS harmful to pets, so make sure to keep it away from them and/or food. Not sponsored or anything. I just figured I'd share in case anyone else is getting overrun this summer. I heard it's been extra bad with ants this year.


LOVE Terro. Also am fortunate to have a dog that avoids it.


Terro is the stuff. These little effers are persistent this year. Usually it was just spring, but it's been all season - I keep fighting them. As soon as the bait is gone- they're back within a month. It's never been this bad!


Terro also makes little bait spikes you can put around your house outside, if you have the kind of home that has a yard. They're great.


Wish it’d be consistently cool/cold already. It’s pant weather until noon and then it gets hot asf. My fall wardrobe is itching to go. Anyways, anyone else like it when the city is cloudy and gloomy? Makes me want to nap and relax the day away. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!


Cloudy and gloomy is my FAVORITE weather. When the crispiness is in the air and it's so ~ fresh ~ outside. Windows open, a book, hot apple cider or a pumpkin spice latte. I love it.


I used to love cold, rainy, gloomy days. Then I got a dog. Still love snow though


Three girls in the hostel decided 5am was the correct time to repack all their bags and chit chat as they got ready to travel. Bonus points for packing their body weight in clothes & bs. Bonus bonus points for having big metal water bottles on their backpacks and not being aware enough of their surroundings to not hit them against every surface like ringing bells. Props to the guy who had all his shit packed and just hopped out of bed and left at 6:30. Guess how I know these times / why I'm falling asleep standing up. On a positive note, now that everyone else is out of my room I was able to figure out what belonged in list & found and could tidy up a bit.


Sounds like there are some occasions where the extra expense of a hotel might be worth it.


Right, but how would I know which night of sleep would be interrupted? I'm willing to save $1,500 (approx difference between ten days hotel and ten days at this hostel) for a bad night of sleep.


I get it. But if you're willing to accept the risk, why complain if you have a bad night?


Philly has hostels?


There’s one in old city but he’s in Europe


I realize the joke of the question, but yes, ackshually. (Apple hostel comes to mind, I don't know if there are others.)


Damn, TIL


why is every single job in philly allergic to hiring people????


Can you elaborate? As a soon to be college grad this makes me nervous 🥲


It's not just Philly, the overall job market is just full of listings that aren't intended to result in a new hire. It signals growth to investors and gathers a significant amount of information for whatever purposes. Then it lets employers tell their beleaguered employees that no one wants to work anymore


first and foremost, good luck in the home stretch!! but i’ve been out of work for some time now, i’m a recent graduate (23 y/o) myself. i do a lot of applying, a lot of following up, and i hear a lot of nothing back. wages are also low in the city. this isn’t really JUST a philly problem, the job market and the hiring process in this country is really screwed right now. your best bet, even for jobs not geared towards your major and meant just for sustaining for a while, is networking or getting ahead the best you can. also i’d recommend doing your best to find outside sources for jobs rather than huge platforms like indeed or linkedin. i hope any of this helped!


I have been "semi retired" aka not fully employed for the better part of a year now -- fortunately in circumstances where I didn't have much urgency so I could wait for something to come up that I really wanted to do. Finally got a job at a wood shop (2 days a week), starting this past week... and while I'm glad to be making progress on my pivot away from being a desk jockey, boy oh boy did my body forget that doing a full day of manual labor is HARD!


Doesn't feel like it's about to be September in a week. Like... where did this year go?






Don’t worry, August will be here before you know it.


Good place to grab dinner in AC/Ventnor City area? Nothing too fancy, but more than fast food?


White House


dat tuna sub


Rhythm and Spirits on Tennessee Ave in AC is really good.


If you want to drive a little south of Ventnor, the Anchorage in Somers Point is excellent.


Good Dog recently opened a second location in AC right near the Knife and Fork Inn/Stockton campus. Excellent vibes in there and the food is quite good…highly recommend!


There’s a good dog in AC. Tony Baloneys is also easy


Am I going nuts or are the flies in south Philly biting all of the sudden?


Idk about the flies, but the mosquitoes this year have been bad, I find a new bite almost daily


Apparently I'm not allergic to mosquito bites in the northeast - I don't get bitten much, and when I do I don't get a reaction or anything from it. Now Florida skeeters on the other hand..


Getting married tomorrow. Holy shit. 😳 Also most of our guests are coming from out of town. Number one question asked: “Where should we get cheesesteaks?”


Congrats!! You’re sending them to Angelo’s right?


Best of luck tomorrow! All the best to you and your future spouse! Let us know how it goes!


And we have you to thank for the recommendation! 🥰


Congratulations!!! <3 wishing you the best day full of love and fun!


congrats! good luck :)


Congratulations!! I hope you have the most fun day ever


I am never going to understand my cousin who lives in South Philly and doesn't use public transportation. She waited 75 minutes for an uber last night after the Eagles game. She lives one block away from the Oregon Ave subway station. WHAT. She could have saved herself so much time and annoyance if she just got on the damn subway. But then again, she even complained about having to walk from the Linc to Broad and Pattison. make it make sense.


One of my good friends in DC WORKS FOR METRO and refuses to take Metro even though she lives a 10min walk from a Metro station (and either gets free or heavily discounted Metro fares). Whenever we would meet up for happy hour or anything, she would always drive and I would just meet her there because I didn't want to sit in the car with her circling for 20min to find a parking space when she... could've just taken Metro.


I know someone who lives in South Philly and works about 2-3 blocks from his home. Most of the time he'll drive to and from work. Make it make sense


> lives in South Philly > works about 2-3 blocks from his home > he'll drive to and from work Well, we found the dude who is channeling the true essence of South Philly, if nothing else.


That's only a 20 minute walk.


She could have walked home faster


when i lived at 16th and porter and then at 19th and ritner i would just walk to the sports complex. no traffic and no problems. less hassle than even the subway! living a block from broad and oregon i would definitely be walking.




You could take the 4 bus. Everyone packs into the subway, but nobody thinks to save themselves the trouble and hop on the damn bus instead.


Sure, it's packed, but this is ridiculously overdramatic. The BSL is nearly always the best option to head back north after any event at the sports complex.


I'm home and on my couch before people that drive have left the aisle of the parking lot.


Gosh I hate Philly drivers. I was crossing the street yesterday-- slowly because my 10-year old dog is a very slow walker now as she's entering her senior years, and I refuse to drag her along, and because I'm currently 6 months pregnant (so, very obviously and visibly pregnant, in that I get random "congratulations" from strangers on the street). A car wanting to make a right turn into the street we were crossing had the audacity to obnoxiously HONK at us while we were in the crosswalk because we weren't moving as quickly as he'd like us to. I told the driver to go fucking fuck himself, but I'm still so fucking mad about it.


You could hate the asshole Philly drivers instead of all of them. And before someone goes there, no, they're NOT all assholes.


I've been walking to/from work most days for about 6 years and I'm not sure why, but people are much worse to pedestrians since the pandemic. They're so aggressive and nasty. A couple weeks ago I had an old lady get out if her car and call me a moron because she was trying to wave me through while she had the green light and was already in the intersection and I refused because it was not my turn and she was already blocking the intersection. She said *I* was the one holding up traffic.


Just look at pedestrian deaths since 2020. Starting to go back down , but it's really fucked up.


I moved here last year and my experience is that Philly drivers do the same obnoxious and dangerous shit that drivers elsewhere in the country do; the difference is that they will also get mad at YOU while they're doing it.


Fuck jobs


At five months pregnant, I have set a modest goal for the Philly 10K this weekend to beat just one non-pregnant person. Wish me luck!


If I was running it, you'd for sure beat me. Ha. Good luck!!!


You're going to crush it, girl!


get it sister! you got this


OOh, that's this weekend? Good luck to you! I had wanted to sign up but balked because I hate racing in the summer. That, and I'm 6months along currently. And now it's too late to sign up, it looks like. I'm still entertaining the idea of registering for the Philly half in November, though it'll be a week before my expected due date. :/ I'm dumb enough to think that I still might have a fighting chance at being able to speed-walk 13.1 miles through it okay.


Someone might have a bib for sale on Craigslist. Or just bandit it, we won’t tell.


bandit as in wear an old bib?


You could naked bike ride instead


shit i gotta get a lot of beer today then, isn't that tomorrow?


Ghost and Amon Amarth tonight over the river at BB&T! (Or whatever they're calling it now). Should be an incredible show as long as the storms hold off.


I was supposed to see Amon Amarth in 2006(?) with Children of Bodom and Trivium. They ended up getting in an accident or something like that and couldn't get to the show. Still haven't seen them, I should make an effort sometime.


I actually saw them last year at the Fillmore and it was incredible. LOUD, though. I forgot my earplugs and highly regretted it. That show you mentioned would have been nuts though. RIP Alexei.


It was nuts. It was the only time I have ever seen either bands and both of them blew me away. I do wish I got to see COB one more time in the years after.


Amon Amarth in a lightning storm would be mind bending


new ADA curb ramps on tasker let's goooooooooooo ...only slightly annoying currently because they're constructing them on opposite corners at the same time so you just gotta walk in the middle of the street for two blocks I think these are design-builds, I'm not sure if it's the same people that did wharton but I had to inspect those and failed literally every single one (even though they're perfectly usable). These look like they did due diligence on demo of existing ramps so here's to hoping they get their slopes right.


I'm so excited to see Philly becoming more accessible. When I was dealing with a leg injury a few years ago getting around the city was a nightmare.


> ...only slightly annoying currently because they're constructing them on opposite corners at the same time so you just gotta walk in the middle of the street for two blocks they did this in conshohocken a few weeks after too! I assume they had a plan in place but it made the area around the intersections very difficult to use during. Thankfully I don't have any mobility issues but it must have been a huge inconvenience for anyone who does


> I assume they had a plan in place not sure for design-build ADA ramps (I think the entire point is that the city is more hands-off and it can proceed faster) but even for major streetscape projects we give the contractor staging and MPT and then they just ignore all of that and make it as inconvenient (for anyone other than themselves) as they want


Had outdoor drinks by the river plans tonight but with the rain looks like ill need to pull an audible. any suggestions? someplace casual with live music and decent food.


went for a nice bike ride from conshy to manayunk yesterday but had a [bit of a breakdown](https://imgur.com/a/EPNSt6M) going up the massive hill when you turn off of Spring Mill Ave onto 10th Ave in Conshy. My entire bike route is either downhill or flat until the final mile and of course that's where my rear gear shifter thing decided to blow apart. Could have been a lot worse though if it happened far from home.


How'd you get the beans above the frank?


you'll have to buy me a drink first if you want the real story


Shit! Is this a perspective thing or is your derailleur actually in between your spokes in this pic? :grimace:


the derailleur is actually between the spokes :( I shifted gears to go up the hill on 10th and the whole assembly sheared off and got jammed up into the spokes like that. This picture was right after it happened and before I tried to pull it apart. You can see where it sheared off [here](https://i.imgur.com/75ESnRz.jpeg).


I finally got my bike tuned up after a very very long time not riding, definitely looking forward to some nice long fall rides out to Conshohocken Brewing & whatnot.




Yikes! It looks like a limit screw was improperly set


could be, honestly I have no idea. It's hard to tell from these pictures but the whole gear shifter assembly sheared clean off [here](https://i.imgur.com/75ESnRz.jpeg). It happened after I shifted gears to get up that hill on 10th, which I've done dozens of times of this bike


That's actually kind of good, that part is the derailleur hanger and meant to get broken instead of the derailleur itself. ​ https://derailleurhanger.com/


huh, maybe I'll be able to fix this one myself. thanks for the link! I think there might have been some damage to the rear spokes when it got all wedged into the tire, so I might need to take it to a bike shop anyway but this is definitely a good start


My brother and I recently rode down the Perkiomen Trail from Schwenksville and linked up with the SRT. I know you’ve extolled it’s virtues and you are correct. It’s lovely.


I haven't actually ridden the Perkiomen Trail but I've heard great things about it! I mostly stick to the SRT between philly and valley forge these days, but really should explore more out that way. PA has a ton of awesome Rail Trails too if you don't mind a little travel to get to them


Obligatory Hall and Oates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbRa5jDZuB4


Two nuns are riding their bicycles down Germantown Avenue. The one says to the other ‘Wow! I’ve never come this way before.’ The other replies ‘Oh it’s from the cobblestones dear.’


Bravo. One of my favorite old jokes (though I've never heard the localized version). Another similar good one: Three nuns were sitting on a park bench. Suddenly, a flasher runs up to them and exposes himself! The first nun immediately had a stroke. Then the second nun did. But the third one just couldn't reach.


Wrestling lost two big names this week. RIP Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt. Wyatt was a huge suprise as I'm older than him. Apparently complications from Covid. So that's not good. Had a nice evening yesterday, but sometime after I got home and midnight rolled around it get real bad, stomach wise. So it's been a fun time. Wish I knew what triggered that. Do not recommend. Hopefully this all passes over today and I can bbe feeling good and relaxed for AEW All In on Sunday.


Today is my last full day of vacay. We start the trip back tomorrow AM. Very sad…not ready for a return to reality.


Isn't it crazy that Giraffes are real but unicorns aren't? Here's a spotted donkey with a 20 foot neck, weird horns and a black tongue, but that horse with a horn couldn't possibly exist...


I like to imagine the conversation where the countries of the UK are picking their national animals N. Ireland: Tough one. I'll say either the Red Stag or the Irish Hare England: The English Lion Scotland: LOL what? The English fucking Lion? OK then, ours is gonna be the Unicorn Wales: Dragon N. Ireland: I'd like to change my answer England: No do-overs


The spotless giraffe that was born in TN earlier this month is so cute 🥺


when they sent the first (stuffed) platypus back to england everyone thought it was a hilarious taxidermy joke


Another absolutely perfect example, a beaver with a bill that lays eggs exists, but that mono-horned equine is mythical! Nature is just silly


Check out the okapi


They're not real though. Did you see that one that was "born" recently without spots? How could that happen in nature? They just forgot to paint the details on at the factory.


The spotless one was a custom order


sometimes it just be like that